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Realistic or Modern The Secret Life Of Teenagers...(OPEN)

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]"I know I am, but this is an important job for me if I want to really be a part of the entertainment industry one day. I have dreams, yknow? I don't want to neglect my friends. It totally sucks when I do, but...I really can't do anything about it. I'm sorry."

She shook hwr head. "I... Understand..." She mumbled. "Anyways. Dinner, right?"
Rei placed a hand on her shoulder, and squeezed gently. "Definitely. Nothing could stop me from meeting you for dinner." He finished, smiling at her.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Rei placed a hand on her shoulder, and squeezed gently. "Definitely. Nothing could stop me from meeting you for dinner." He finished, smiling at her.

She blushed, laughing lightly. "Good. You better not forgot about me." She said happily, before smiling. "Im so excited to go to the concert!" She said with glee. "He's absolutely my idol, honestly. What i wouldnt do to meet him."
NightCasterZ said:
Lila followed carefully, sneaking into the room.
Karie looked at Lila as her eyes opened, the bracelet had once again loosened but her body felt weak, she gave her sister a small smile, having forgotten most of what just occurred "Hey.... Lila." she said slowly. @NightCasterZ
TheHappyPikachu said:
Karie looked at Lila as her eyes opened, the bracelet had once again loosened but her body felt weak, she gave her sister a small smile, having forgotten most of what just occurred "Hey.... Lila." she said slowly. @NightCasterZ
((Hey where is everyone? :3
NightCasterZ said:
Lila beamed a smile. hugging her tightly. "I wove you Kawie...." She whispered softly as she fought aback tears.
Karie accepted the hug "Yeah... I love you too... and that's why I'm gonna keep trying to be the best sister ever!" she said smiling, sitting up on the bed and picking up Lila, placing her on the side of it before resting a hand on her stomach. @NightCasterZ @GoldenCharizard4
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]((Hey where is everyone? :3

(Hospital. xD )
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]((Whereas im at the park ;-;

(lol. xD )
[QUOTE="Amanda Rose]((Maybe i'll invite karie to the concert, who knows xD

(*shrugs* maybe?... xD )
NightCasterZ said:
"Mummy!" She exclaimed, hugging Karie.
Karie laughed "yes." she said smiling and sighing "..I wonder how Peach is gonna react." she thought aloud aimlessly. @NightCasterZ @GoldenCHarizard
Roza was walking around with her bags trying to find a place to stay as she touch her stomach" you'll be okay baby we will find a place to stay" she say talking to herslf looking around @anyone
Peach had vanished without karie knowing. she sighed as she sat at a table "we shall resurrect Karie Hitore De's mother." "we shall get on it mrs. 10. and the lady shall be like her old self, her body will be moved to the hospital and when she wakes, she will belive she fell into a deep coma." some guy, standing in the shadows said as some people in lab coats stood and walked out of a room as 12 went up to peach "so 10... I can see your not just getting fat." he looked at her sighing "who did this...?" he asks as peach gives him a glare. "cheak your watch..." she mutters and walks out of the room.

She stood by karie's hospital door and sighed. "when the hell can I go in?" she asks a doctor, irritation in her voice.
Dee-Dee don't like leaving the house unless it was important and food was very important he heard the girl saying she need a place to say without thinking he says 'you know if you want you can hang at my place tell you found one'

Roza looked at the boy up and down" sure i'm Roza i'm from russia" she say" i'm kinda pregneat" she say to him looking at the boy
He blushes 'Its fine I leave by myself my parents are always away on business that's cool never met anyone from Russia love the acent I'm Dee-Dee or you can call me Dee'

Roza looks at him" yeah nice to meet you" she say smiling" my kid is a girl found out before i ran away from my ex" she say looking at him
'That sounds pretty bad do you want to get out of here it looks like its going to rain' he looks at the sky the clouds are getting dark he gestures at the two door car that looks fairly new

ROza nodded as she smiled" whoa nice car" she say sitting in the car as she smiled she hasn't seen a nice car like this before

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