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Fandom The Secret Circle: Westfall Creek (OPEN)


Avid Reader


Age: (15-18)

Sexuality: (optional)

Appearance: (picture, real person)


Bio: (optional)

Occupation: (optional)

Other: (optional)

Mother: (40's if alive)

Father: (40's if alive)

(only 1 can be from the previous circle. You can also play a parent/elder when necessary)

Family information: ( OPTIONAL did one/both of the parents die? Does this family have any type of special magical ability?)


Female: @Shaul

Female: open

Female: open

Male: open

Male: @JaliscoFae

Male: open

(please look at all of the tabs before creating your character).​
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Alexandria (Alex) Crawford








Alex is a rebel without a cause, to put it lightly. She can usually be seen spray-painting abandoned buildings, stealing a couple packs of gum from the gas station nearby or tapping her pencil endlessly to one of her favorite songs instead of doing her school work. She believes that being normal is overrated, and that it's just a way for adults and other superiors to control what the people around them are doing. Alex is the type of person who will take risks in order to have a good time because "your life can end at any moment, so it's best to enjoy while it while you still can". She is a very straightforward person and can think for herself. She calls things out for what they really are, and doesn't care if people dislike her for it. She won't change herself to fit into a certain mold EVER. That is literally the opposite of what she stands for. Alex can also be a very passionate person, but she has a difficult time in trusting those around her. She also rarely waits around for people, given that she is such an independent person, so if she gives you the chance to get to know her, you should probably take it (because she may not offer herself up again). She can also be very self-centered, and will usually only do something if it benefits her.


Alex is really into music - she mainly listens to alternative music. When she was 4, she started taking piano lessons, but she quitted less than a year after. Alex secretly likes to spend her time reading, and mainly enjoys classical books (Little Woman), Horror (Stephen King) and Epic Fantasy (Mistborn). She also really likes animals, and has a house-cat named Angel.


Sara Crawford


(Circle Member; deceased)

James Crawford

Family Information

The Crawford family descends from a long line of powerful witches in the northwest. Around the time that the first settlers arrived into the Americas, the Crawford family settled in the northwest. A common myth in the northwest was known as the Wendigo. Many people thought that witches were the cause of such creations. A few family's went on trial and were hanged (these weren't nearly as popular as the Salem witch trials). What witches in this area were really trying to do was hunt down and kill these Wendigos (believed to be demons that possessed men and resorted to cannibalism). Centuries later, the Crawford family lives close to the region in Westfall Creek.

When James Crawford joined the circle, witch hunters quickly found him. The witch hunters killed James Crawford a few months after Alexandria was born (therefore, she hardly remembers him or mourns him).

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This looks fun. Can I join? I only saw a little of the show but it seemed quite nice.
So... is there anything you wouldn't want my character to have before i start working on him?
Just make sure only one of your parents was part of the previous circle and you should be fine. I might add that all of the families from the circle are descended from the witches near the great lakes (it's mentioned in the lore). Also, make sure your character is a photo image and not an animated one. Other than that, you should be fine. @JaliscoFae


Caden Demetrius Veil








Caden is a sweetheart. Though his kindness can sometimes be trumped by his bluntness, it's not his fault that some people cant handle the truth! So he normally keeps to himself, only showing his fun geeky side to those he trust which is not that many. He's also quite cautious and analytical, though sometimes his curiosity gets the better of him. Caden is someone who would give you his shoulder to cry on if needed to, though deep down he wishes someone would lend theirs.


Caden's got quite the artistic side also, doodling or writing in his note book whenever he's alone or bored. ( If you'll let me i would like his drawings and writing to foretell a possible future, though he's not aware of this power and simply shrugs it off as a weird dream that he remembers vividly.)


(circle member)

Cassandra Veil


Kerim Veil​
JaliscoFae said:


Caden Demetrius Veil








Caden is a sweetheart. Though his kindness can sometimes be trumped by his bluntness, it's not his fault that some people cant handle the truth! So he normally keeps to himself, only showing his fun geeky side to those he trust which is not that many. He's also quite cautious and analytical, though sometimes his curiosity gets the better of him. Caden is someone who would give you his shoulder to cry on if needed to, though deep down he wishes someone would lend theirs.


Caden's got quite the artistic side also, doodling or writing in his note book whenever he's alone or bored. ( If you'll let me i would like his drawings and writing to foretell a possible future, though he's not aware of this power and simply shrugs it off as a weird dream that he remembers vividly.)


(circle member)

Cassandra Veil


Kerim Veil​
Accepted/In! Yeah, that artistic ability sounds cool! I'll message you when we get a few more people.

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