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Fandom The Secret Circle: Westfall Creek (OPEN) - Lore


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Westfall Creek Lore

Westfall Creek began as a small town in the 14th century, in the great lakes region of the United States. European immigrants had many small battles for the land against Native Americans (unfortunately). When they occupied the land, they became known as a strict and religious Puritan town (much like Salem).

When rumors about the Wendigo soon emerged in the winters of the 17th century, the Puritans and ministers theorized that witches were the cause (that witches summoned these evil spirits) after three children were found dead with strange bite marks on their neck.

None of the witches in the area knew if the Wendigos were the result of demons or not (Wendigos are cannibalistic humans). There were about eight families at the time. Around the time of the witch trials, trials began for the hunt of witches in Westfall Creek. Two of the witch families in the region died (the witches that were left were thinking about revenge, but decided against it).

Over the centuries, the remaining six witch families (our characters family's) remained in the town.

Every generation had their group of witch hunters to deal with. Our characters parents tried to fight against them (some made it out; some didn't). The Circle split after that. The witch hunters left the town believing that they all died.

Now, the next generation of these 6 families are realizing that they have magic. They must decide if they want to bind their magic together as a full circle or keep their own individual power, but either way, enemies will come at any corner to hunt them down.

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