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Fandom The Second Rebellion (Skyrim) - Characters


"Scotland Forever"
WelcomeHello, and welcome to the character page for The Second Rebellion. Past and present characters will be located here, but a list of the active ones may be found below.
CharactersJekkel the Strange - Male, Imperial, Unaligned (Jake)
Kumiko Arkia Tora - Male, Khajiit, Rebel (by occupation) - Individually unaligned, but stands with the Stormcloaks because, as a Thane of Riften, it is expected of him. Confused in general. (Nat)
Maroluna 'Moonface' Shalnact - Female, Khajiit, Unaligned (Kitten)
Pysmia Larethor IV - Female, Altmer, Thalmor - A Loyal Member of the Thalmor, A Supporter of the Rebellion (Lock)
Saorat - Female, Khajiit, Rebel - An unlikely member of the former Stormcloak rebellion, but a proud and loyal one nonetheless. Personally devoted to Ulfric, and currently seeking him out to rejoin him. (Alba)
Yvondir Direnni - Male, Altmer, Thalmor (Twyll)

Adding Your CharacterThere’s not a formal CS format here, so feel free to include whatever you think is most important. However, besides the basics, please do make sure you include your character’s goals and their involvement/stance on the rebellion. Unaligned characters are allowed, but they should interact with at least one side before long, maybe even both. Also, please remember to keep things within the bounds of reason regarding your characters skills and equipment. While there will likely be combat at points in the roleplay, the focus is mostly on the characters’ beliefs and how they interact with others, not on how good they are in a fight or what sort of awesome armor they have. Factors such as age, wealth, and experience/training should be considered when giving your character their skills. Feel free to message one of us if you have questions. In general, I will be looking at rebel-aligned characters, Twyll will consider Thalmor-aligned characters, and Nat will look at unaligned or neutral characters.

You can make your post nice and organized with BBCode if you wish, but you don’t have to. A basic skeleton of the format I used for this post is below if you’d like to use it.

[bg=#426998][border=3px solid #314C6A]
[h][font=MedievalSharp][SIZE=7][COLOR=#2D3A4E]Header One[/COLOR][/SIZE][/font][/h]
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The format I used is below if you would like to use it. Feel free to add/subtract as you wish. If you wish to include unusual skills or gear not found in-game, you are required to detail what it is, its strengths/weaknesses, and how your character obtained them. Again, this is at the discretion of the person reviewing your character.

Strengths: (Three character or personality strengths)
Weaknesses: (Three)
Major Skills: (Three from the Skill Tree)
Minor Skills: (Three)
Appearance: (An image or description)
Items: (a few supplies or tools they usually have on their person)
Weapons: (preferred weapon type, fighting style, strengths/weaknesses, etc.)

Once your character has been accepted, they will be added here and you may enter the roleplay! If you become inactive, your character will be removed from this list, but their information will still be available on this thread.
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Kumiko Arkia ToraBasic InformationRace: Khajiit. Has Vampire Lord blood alongside this. Don't tell anyone.
Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual. Current object of affection: Farkas
Strengths: Avenging, Orienteering, Climbing.
Weaknesses: Decision-making, remembering things, getting stuck in difficult locations.
Major Skills: Sneak, One-Handed, Archery
Minor Skills: Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting
Occupation: Thane of Riften
Personality: Kumiko sometimes falls into that category of 'annoying friend'. He's one of those people who, when he does something wrong, he playfully blames someone else for it. This can get annoying quite fast. If he's in combat he's much more focussed, depending on the situation. A difficult fight he'll put all his energy to. A relatively easy one and he'll be prodding a corpse or something. Even though he has a Ring of Namira and subsequently eats people, he maintains that he's NOT, in fact, a cannibal because he has never eaten a Khajiit. Kumiko can go from Sneaky to Reckless, but it's unlikely there's any in-between. It's either sneak and not be seen or rush in all guns blazing and probably get injured. He also falls off bridges a lot. And he swears all mudcrabs are out to get him for some reason. His relationships with important people would probably make anyone think he has a death wish - he constantly challenges Maven Black-Briar to "come and get him", kicks things off the Jarl of Whiterun's tables, and tries to sit on the Jarl of Morthal's face (he managed it once when he was drunk). He also tried to put the moves on the Jarl Law-Giver in Riften and, as a result, brawled with the Jarl's youngest son.

View media item 25309His fur colour changes depending on what stage of vampirism he's at. Stage 1 and 2 do not change his appearance. However, at stages 3 and 4, his fur is white, and his eyes are orange.

Bits 'n' BobsItems: Enchanted scimitar (fire damage), a necklace to neutralise fire damage, a Ring of Namira, a couple of phials of blood, the Cliff Racer drink, skooma to add to the Cliff Racer (tsk tsk), a bow of some description, some sort of dagger (enchanted with Soul Trap), some sort of heavy armour, Vermina robes (for casual occasions).
Weapons and Armour: Kumiko is pretty proficient at everything because he's very indecisive. He goes through phases. Sometimes he uses a one-handed weapon and a shield, sometimes he goes for a bow, sometimes it's all sneaking around with a dagger, sometimes he runs around with a greatsword or a battleaxe... right now he likes using his scimitar... purely because he loves the fact it's a scimitar. He'd often conjour a fire atronach or cast flame cloak (depending on his level). Mainly at the moment he uses a dagger or his scimitar, alongside a heavy-armour shield (go big or go home right?) He wears heavy armour though is good at sneaking. Its weight gives him a disadvantage there, but if he can sneak in heavy armour he can sneak in anything, even nude.
Outlook on the Rebellion: Personally, Kumiko was very on-the-fence about the first rebellion, as he couldn't help but see the cons of both sides. However, since becoming Thane, the decision has been taken out of his paws - he is a Thane of Riften, so must side with whatever Jarl Law-Giver does. In this case, it's the Stormcloaks.
History: His time in Skyrim had its ups and downs. Some ups were when he met Farkas and subsequently wanted to marry him. However, he always thought Vilkas wouldn't let him. Another up was when he began to go on adventures with Erik the Slayer, Erik becoming Kumi's BFF. Some downs, however, was having to share his Riften house with the housecarl, Iona. He rectified this situation by sacrificing her to Boethiah. He mainly wasted his time running around from mudcrabs and finding his way back onto the path from bridges he'd taken a nosedive off, and getting stuck on roofs/in boxes/in caves/his armour. Honestly it's a miracle he's not dead yet.

Personal Goal: To become a Daedra somehow. He's got it all planned out. Kumiko Arkia Tora, Daedra of Procrastination and Distraction. Also to marry Farkas.

"Wheesht yer noise! Do the thing!"


At a Glance
Name: Saorat
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Strengths: Loyalty, speed, dedication
Weaknesses: Timid, hot-headed, distrustful
Major Skills:Archery, Sneak, Speech
Minor Skills: Light Armor, Lockpicking, Restoration
Items: Set of Stormcloak armor or leather armor (for when going undercover), fine bow and steel arrows, a set of civilian clothing (a long brown dress trimmed with fur), a traveling pouch containing a few supplies
Occupation: Originally a traveler, then a soldier in the Stormcloak army. Now, she is part of the resistance.
Preferred Weapon: Bow See "Other Notes” below
Goals:To keep herself and her family (the surviving Stormcloaks) alive as long as possible, to find and rejoin Ulfric, and to keep fighting until the Thalmor are gone.

Growing up in Skyrim and living closely beside Nords for the last five years, Saorat shares some of the beliefs of her neighbors, but differs in other respects. She holds honor and courage in high regard, but does not consider sneak attacks, ambushes, or guerilla warfare to be dishonorable, though agrees that harming civilians is. She has no qualms about running from a fight if the need arises, but remains defiant until that point. She strives to be true to her word, but will bend the truth or outright lie if necessary to protect the lives of her friends.

While she has little love for the Imperials, she does not hate them or have any wish to destroy them, only drive them out. For this reason, she will usually accept surrender, though she has been known to lose her temper, which bothers her greatly. Regarding the Thalmor, however, she has far less mercy. This is especially true after their claim to have executed Ulfric, who she loved as a king and father. To her shame, this has led to a deep distrust of elves in general and Altmer in particular, although she always said she would never judge based on race. She still is willing to associate with Bosmer and Dunmer if the need arises and will welcome them as a friend if they prove to be one, but they have to go a bit further than they once did to earn her trust. Excepting extraordinary circumstances, she wants nothing to do with Altmer because, while she knows that not every one of them is an enemy, she fears that any one of them could be.

She does not follow Talos herself, but respects him as any other and is sympathetic to those affected by his banning. After hearing about him from the other soldiers, this respect has grown. She is deeply troubled by the thought of dying away from her new family and secretly hopes that the Nord deities would accept an outsider into their halls, though she has never said so outright for fear of ridicule.

She is distrustful and could be described as paranoid or anxious, but is deeply loyal to those she loves. She has a hot temper, especially about touchy subjects, that she fights hard to keep under control. Most of the time it only manifests itself in a furious glare and clipped words, but it has broken out into a fight in the past.This temper and a stubborn defiant streak was the source of much difficulty when she first entered the army because of a resistance to authority and a tendency to question orders or ignore them if she felt the need. Her time in the army has taught her discipline, but it does reappear from time to time.

Her education is very limited, mostly just basic math and survival skills, and can neither read nor write. However, she is insatiably curious and a quick learner, and is always eager to add to her skillset. Because of her background, she is extremely frugal and good at making the most of whatever resources she has available. Even if she does happen to come into a bit of coin, she is loath to waste it, though she is generous in giving to others. She is also a talented sneak and persuader, though she is reluctant to use them for ill-means unless absolutely necessary.
Saorat was born in Skyrim to a pair of travelling merchants, Amkher and Adaisi, who decided to settle down in the area. Mostly, it was her father’s idea, for he had developed a love for the mountains and wilderness during his travels. The pair settled in Riften,mostly because it was the only city that would have them, and they struggled to make a living through his hunting and selling meats and furs and her alchemy and healing skills. Saorat’s father taught her the value of hard work and encouraged her to make an honorable life for herself.

Growing up in Riften, crime was definitely a problem, but the young cub was entirely oblivious of it.To her, it was a paradise full of exciting places to explore with her best friend, Dubha. When they were a bit older, Dubha brought Saorat into the Ratway to meet her “family”, the Thieves’ Guild, and begged Saorat to take the initiation with her. Saorat was initially reluctant, but finally agreed for the sake of her bond-sister. The two worked together on every job and were very good, but Saorat quickly developed a distaste for the shady lifestyle and the suspicious glares she got from the shopkeepers. She also found it harder and harder to hide her involvement from her parents and felt that she was shaming them and their hard work.

One day, Amkher came home very sick from an illness he contracted in the wilds and, despite Adaisi’s healing abilities, he soon died. Both surviving members were stricken with grief and Adaisi decided she no longer wanted to live in their now-lacking home. Without warning, she packed up their few possessions, woke her sleeping daughter, and the pair headed out for Elsewyr. It was morning before Saorat realized that she forgot to say anything to Dubha. Once there, however, she found that she missed the mountains and snow, the proud people, and the rich songs of Skyrim. While Elsewyr was filled with people like her, she felt strange and out-of-place, and longed for the place she considered home. She lived there with her mother for two years, but eventually saved enough to be able to return.

After weeks of walking, she finally had Bruma to her back and could see into Skyrim. Excitement overtook her exhaustion and she began to run toward the welcoming border. However, things had changed since she left and she never thought to watch for soldiers in the trees. She found herself in a confusing jumble of leather and steel, rusty red and blue-green. She fought frantically against the nearest soldier to her, not concerned that his armor was red, in a desperate attempt to get away but was overpowered and bound in a trice. Her nondescript hide armor didn’t show one side or the other but the soldier she fought insisted that she must be one of the enemy, despite her wails to the contrary and the confusion of the men.

As she sat in the snow and struggling to understand what was going on, she heard about the war. She had heard rumors of it in her travels and felt somewhat sympathetic, but never imagined that she would find herself in the middle of it. She didn’t have much time to think about it, however, because the escaped soldiers from the earlier skirmish had returned with reinforcements to rescue their brethren. The remaining patrol routed and the rescuers cut the cords around the prisoners’ wrists, including, to her surprise, Saorat’s. They immediately took to the trees with a bewildered Khajiit in their wake.

She followed them back to their camp seeking to satisfy her curiosity and for some measure of security. One of them, the soldier who cut her loose, noticed her and invited her to warm her paws. She considered running away then, but was surprised to find that the soldiers, though they regarded her with obvious confusion and surprise, didn’t openly treat her as a criminal. After hearing how she walked all the way from Elsewyr to return home, the man, whose name was Ruadh, remarked that she must dearly love Skyrim and invited her to join them in their fight to liberate it. At first, she was uninterested, as she regarded the conflict as a war between men, but decided it was a better alternative than returning back to the squalor of Riften. If nothing else, it could be an opportunity to earn a name for herself beyond the shadows and to find a family to belong to.

When she was brought to Windhelm, she found the same suspicion she met in Riften and was almost forbidden from entering the Jarl’s court. They were finally granted an audience with Ulfric and she had the opportunity to see the man she heard so much about. He was an imposing and powerful figure and listened with open surprise as the escort explained why they had come. When he insisted that she speak for herself, she told him that Skyrim was her home, though she left out her desire for glory and adventure. He allowed her to take the Oath, which was more than she expected, and simply said “Make me proud.” She thought little of this first order, but eventually came to realize that he expected the same from her as the others. No more, no less, just like she was one of them. This would sink deep into her heart and grow into a strong devotion to the Jarl and a determination to honor his choice in allowing her to stay.

However, that was not yet to come. Shortly after she returned to the camp as a Stormcloak in name, but a mercenary in motive, they had their first battle. She had never seen war before or ever harmed another person and became terribly sick immediately afterward. Fear and horror haunted her until she wanted to desert. Ruadh reminded her of her oath and her duty to uphold it and though she vehemently spat that she didn’t need Nord honor, inside she knew he was right, She remained in the army, but still felt unhappy and hollow. She listened to the other soldiers speak of generations-old farms, spouses and children back home, their love for their land and their homes, and found herself wishing that she had something like that to fight for. After a time, however, she began to realize that she did. Though she wouldn't have imagined it before, she felt a comradeship with the others and fought for them in the same way they fought for families back home. She still shrank from killing and hated to see the death of friend or foe, but was determined to protect her friends and the values they cherish.

She spent three years in the Stormcloak army and grew more and more dedicated as time went on. She began closer friends with Ruadh and his sister Fira, as well as with several other soldiers in the company. They were near Whiterun when they received news of Ulfric’s death, to the horror and fury of all present, and the three vowed that they wouldn’t leave each other or stop fighting until their king’s murder was avenged and their duty to free Skyrim completed. Some time later, they heard a rumor that Ulfric had actually escaped and was gathering men to him to fight the Thalmor. As soon as they heard this, the group immediately began to seek him out. Ruadh and Fira stayed in Whiterun while Saorat headed to Riften. After a run-in with the Thalmor there, she and a former general headed to Windhelm.
Just the Basics: Saorat lived in Riften until she and her mother moved to Elswyr in her mid-teens. However, she felt alien and out-of-place in the strange land and grew very homesick for Skyrim. A few years later, she set out for the north once again. She finally reached Skyrim, but found herself caught in the middle of an ambush by Imperial soldiers, who mistook her for one of the rebels, to everyone’s confusion. However, when they were rescued by their comrades, one of the rebels freed her as well and invited her to join them. Deciding that it was a good way to make a living and earn a name for herself, she agreed, though she didn’t really care about the cause. Over time, though, she grew to truly believe in it and became personally devoted to Ulfric. Although he and all his men are now considered criminals by the Thalmor, she still believes his claim to be King and is determined to help restore that title to him.
Other Notes
Weapons: Saorat fights almost exclusively with a bow, and is deadly accurate. She prefers to sneak to a good place and shoot from behind objects until she is discovered. Once this happens, she stands and just keeps firing, running and jumping as needed. Obviously, this can sometimes have bad consequences, and she has more than once had to turn tail and run from a conflict until she gained a chance to recover and sneak in again. In a pinch, she has a handful of novice spells at her disposal but is completely untrained with any sort of blade. In her hands, a sword just flails wildly and a shield is only a burden. If trapped with no bow or magic, she'd be better off just to fight with fists and claws.

Quirks/Mannerisms: She is terrified of water after her encounter with Dubha over the canal. She is able to swim well enough to manage in a pinch, but she hates it and can easily be set into a panic at the thought of it.
She despises undead, daedra, or any who associate with them. It’s not really known what triggered this strong hatred, but it is there all the same. Worst of all is when one of these will trick others into helping them by posing as someone in need, which Saorat will very often fall for.

Something that sometimes causes some discomfort when dealing with strangers is her tendency to avoid eye contact. This sometimes makes her appear shifty or untrustworthy, though she does it both for her personal comfort and as a gesture of respect.
______*She considers it to be a gesture of trust and familiarity (like calling someone by their first name without a title) which would be inappropriate for one who wasn’t a close friend. On a similar note, she is extremely reluctant to touch anyone she doesn’t know very well. To make others more comfortable, she usually focuses her attention on the bridge of their nose when speaking to them, which avoids breaching that space without making it obvious that she is avoiding their gaze, or will only glance at their eyes for short intervals. Someone else staring at her for a long time likewise makes her very uncomfortable.
______ *Her habits are a little bit different when speaking to one she considers her superior, usually officers or one in a high position. Because she sees looking someone in the eye as a token of familiarity, like saying “You and I are equal.”, she would consider it in this context to be disrespectful or defiant. As such, she does not look them in the face at all, usually focusing her eyes on something behind them or keeping them averted entirely. Occasionally, a hard glance into a commander’s eyes may indicate a flash of anger or insubordination.

When under stress, especially if she is nervous or upset, her ears and tail tend to twitch. She doesn’t realize that she does this, but she does notice when her paws fidget, which embarrasses her. She may also scratch at an ear when uncomfortable, especially if embarrassed.
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Jekkel The StrangeBasic InfoRace: Imperial
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Strengths: Jekkel is rather nimble if that means in combat or his speech skills. He is not perfect and will slip up from time to time or perhaps take a bad step. Jekkel is often very loyal as long as you don’t stab him in the back metaphorically or literally. Jekkel can be sly at time's deceiving the enemy.

Weaknesses: Jekkel can be careless at times, He is not a warrior at heart. He does have some experience in combat but it's limited. Jekkel can be lazy at times especially after a good adventure. Jekkel can often get panicky at times. Again like a cat, I swear I did not do this on purpose.

Major Skills: (Speech, Enchanting, Sneak)

Minor Skills: (Illusion, One-Handed, Light armor)

Appearance: Ignore the Thieves guild armor and that mighty fine looking bow.


  • The guild armor that Jekkel is wearing is equal to scale. (I just really like the look of the armor)
    • Lucky Dagger (Dwarven Dagger-25% critical hit)
    • Dwarven Sword of Fiery soul trap. (If target dies in 9 seconds or less fills a soul gem.)
    • Guild Armor (-15% Light armor)
    • Guild Gauntlets (Increase One Handed Damage by 15%)
    • Guild Boots (Fortify sneak 15%)
    • Guild Hood (Fortify Speech/Barter 15%)
    • Black Star
    • 3 Minor Health potions.
    • Gold Ring. (Fortify illusion 15%
Occupation: Caravanner/Adventurer - These jobs actually go together quite fittingly.

Weapons: Jekkel is no warrior, he prefers to use his honeyed words to get out of sticky situations. If he ever does have to fight he will either A: Run away. B: Stab you in the back. C: If he really wants to fight he will use his sword.

    • Dwarven Sword of fiery soul trap. (If target dies in 15 seconds or less fills a soul gem.)

    • Lucky Dwarven Dagger (25% critical damage.)
Personality: Jekkel is an interesting fellow if anything. He has no problem with anyone unless he is given a reason to. He is often a very distracted adventure, this could simply mean a few extra septums or a ditch that he has to dig himself out of, long story short Jekkel is a lollygagger. When it comes to prices or any sort of deal Jekkel will plant his roots and become a tree or a bull, whichever you prefer. Jekkel is not the most serious person in the world he is rather laid back. The young caravanner can sometimes be thought of as a milk drinker from his ability to talk his way out of situations but hey he is still alive so that counts as something right?

History: Jekkel was fleeing Cyrodiil after his parents died. He was only a boy when this happened. There were many reasons why he fleed but the main one was the orphanage. It was after a week of traveling he passed out of hunger and exhaustion. When he awoke he found himself on a straw night roll. It would appear someone watched over him as he slept. His savior was a cat no, it was a cat person a Khajiit. Jekkel has only heard of these creatures, his mother used to tell him stories of this race. Jekkel did not say a word. “I see that you have awakened,” said The Khajiit in his weird accent “Yes” Jekkel replied awkwardly. After a couple of days Jekkel spent a lot of time with the Khajiit’s learning their ways, they were Caravaners they traveled place to place selling goods. They basically adopted Jekkel and he spent his life with them. After he got old enough he started selling some goods and he became an excellent merchant. He learned many things from the Khajiit like determining good from band deals along with the occasional scam.

Goals: Jekkel does not have many goals. Number One on his list would be to get rich and have some fun and adventure doing so. That's about it.
Jekkel's Caravan: If you want to know what the caravan looks like and its features just click on the video bellow.

(If any problems just notify me and I will change immediately)

A khajiit In
mans clothing
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Maroluna 'Moonface' ShalnactA Mere Glance
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female

Age: 25
Strengths: Speed, Wit, Agility

Weaknesses: Smartmouth, Reckless, Kleptomaniac
Major Skills: Sneak, Alchemy, Pickpocketing

Minor Skills: Lockpicking, One-Handed Combat, Light Armor

Detailed Appearance:

Maroluna is a bit on the small side. She stands at about 5'4" when she's standing straight up. Not to mention that she doesn't exactly have too much in the way of fat or muscle, so she is pretty well dwarfed by most other Khajiit her age. In fact most people mistake her for a child, which she really hates, but often uses it to her advantage. Being tiny helps you squeeze through cracks and holes.
Stature aside, her fur is a very dark brown, helping her blend into the night. She does however have a strange patch of creamy white fur that takes up a good portion of the left of her face. The Khajiit caravans often likened it to the glowing moon in the night sky. She otherwise looks just like the average Skyrim Khajiit. Her eyes are a yellow-green color. She has several gold ring earrings in her right ear, and a feather earring in her left ear, and the hair she has growing is often kept in a braid to keep it out of the way.

Items: She has a satchel full of alchemy ingredients, several phials of her choice poisons, and is normally wearing thick leather armor and a hood when she's doing her thieving thing. Plus she has some civilian clothes (dark red long dress with a furred bottom edge, cuff and collar). She wears an amulet emblazened with the symbol of Nocturnal, the patron deity of thieves and Lady Luck.

Occupation: "Thief for hire, at your service! And if you so wish I miiiight be willing to part with one of my specialty poisons. You know, 'Khajiit has wares, if you have coin' hmmm?"

Weapons: She prefers to dip her claws in one of her specially designed poisons and go at it that way, but when pressed she will pull an elven dagger she stole from a dead Thalmor agent and go crazy. She also had this dagger enchanted to do Shock Damage.

A Bit More Personal


Maroluna is typically a goofball, reportedly taking nothing seriously, especially when it comes to jobs, but she always gets the job done. Whether its quietly or if she gets chased to the wall of Whiterun only to have her jump off the wall Assassins Creed style, that's up to her.
I'll tell you when she does get serious- Payment. You better pay her, otherwise it'll be hell to pay. You trick her, you refuse to pay her after a job, something will be lost. Your coin purse, any valuables in your pockets, a couple fingers- Do not doubt it for a second. She will collect her payment.
Several people also claim that she is insane, due to the fact that she daringly jumps off buildings, taunts guards in the Holds, and very frequently is seen talking to herself. However if you were to ask her, she will insist that she is NOT insane and explain that talking out what she is doing with herself helps her think. She says that she can a bit scatterbrained while on jobs and can get easily distracted. If she is talking out her next course of action, it is kind of hard to forget where you're going next when you are literally telling yourself where to go.


Her first memory is the cold.

She's not sure how she ended up tossed in the street, but there she was. Nothing but a scrap of fur wearing a burlap sack, wandering the streets of Windhelm. Begging for food from people who either didn't care to give her food or couldn't afford to give her any, for they too were starving.

Her luck changed on one fateful night. She had just plopped to the cold street in exhaustion, and as the Stormcloaks and other Nords of the city kicked snow in her face as they passed, and the snow falling from the sky formed a thick blanket of white over her, she distinctly remembers thinking to herself, "at least I will die beautifully, made beautiful by the pretty sky cold." It was then she picked up the sound of footsteps, and before she knew it, someone had brushed the snow off of her, scooped her up into their arms, and walked away wih her.

She was picked up by a Dunmer woman named Brindyll. This young mer had just lost her newborn child to death, and had been grieving for days. She been considering, in the crushing indifference of the Nords around her, that she should end it all when she stumbled across the bundle of fur under a pile of snow in the Gray Quarter. She couldn't ignore the scrap, and chose to see it as a sign from Azura that she should not give up. It took some convincing, but she did eventually get her husband on board with raising this child. So there she was. A Khajiit being raised by Dunmer.

Did this couple of Dark Elves know anything about raising a Khajiiti kit? Oh hell no. They barely knew what to name her much less how to raise her. But they got some advice from the Khajiit caravans outside the city, and they tried their very best to do a good job. They gave her a big stick to chew on when she started teething, thick leather work gloves when her claws started to grow in. And above all, Brindyll taught her new cat daughter alchemy. Maroluna took exceptional interest in smelling all the ingredients that her adoptive mother used in her potion making.

But it was well into her teen years when she discovered her true favorite pass time- Thievery. She loved the thrill that came with 'relieving' someone of heir valuables. Picking locks, diving into pockets to swipe some gold or a ring, anything. She loved it. But it was this that got her in trouble. She was returning from a particularly heist when she discovered her family home had been set ablaze by, who else- a bunch of drunk Nords. They were screaming slurs at the blazing residence and Luna couldn't back the scream of pain as she realized the only family she'd ever known was probably in there burning alive right now. But this scream only attracted the attention of the drinkers Nord men. They began to throw insults at her, reaching out to grab her and throw her into the fire too. So she did the only thing she thought would be right. She dropped her bag of stolen goods and ran. Out of Windhelm, past the Khajiit caravans and off into the blizzard that often surrounded Windhelm. She mourned for days, her hatred for Nords and the Stormcloaks growing in her heart like a rot. She spent the next week grieving staying in an empty cave that been previously cleared of bears (or saber cats she wasn't sure). She spent her time trying to distract herself by playing around with the many mushrooms in the cave, and ended up creating on pretty deadly poison by the time she was done grieving. Once done, she started her career in professional thievery. Stealing whatever people wanted to steal(and taking a little more for herself) and getting paid. Over time she earned a name for herself, even managed to craft a professional name- Her thief title, Moonface. She accrued enough to buy a bedroll for herself, to at least sleep more comfortably in the cave. She did deals with both sides during the war begrudgingly, and spitefully when it came to the Stormcloaks, but she did it for the money. After the rebellion was crushed, she found that she didn't particularly like the Thalmor, but they weren't as bad as Stormcloaks. Yeah, they kill everybody equally.
Goals: She doesn't really have much in the way of goals, She just wants to survive.
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Pysmia Larethor IV


Gender: Female

Race: Altmer

Title/Role/Occupation: Thalmor Agent (Spy)

Age: 273

Birthsign: Atronach (Born 20th of Sun's Dusk)

Attributes: Intelligence, Willpower

Primary Skills: Destruction, Conjuration, Alteration

Secondary Skills: Restoration, Illusion, One-Handed

Faction: Thalmor, Aldmeri Dominion, PSJJJJ (former)

Religion: Auri-El, Magnus, Xarxes, Syrabane, Trinimac, Phynaster, Y'ffre, Mara, Stendarr, Lorkhan (Hates)

7'3", Slim Build, When she uses magic her eyes turn a vibrant and glowing blue

Weight: 254 lbs

Weapons: (None), She prefers the swift and precise nature of daggers and will often call upon them with her Conjuration.

Items: Larethor Amulet (Allows her to regenerate magicka)


2,000 septims

and often a few magicka and health potions for good measure.

Armour: Mage Robes

Sexual Preference: Bisexual (Mer)

Strengths: Intelligence, Loyalty, and Humility

Weaknesses: Temper, Loyalty, and Absolutism

Likes: Mer, Khajiit, Magic, Intelligence, Wit, Knowledge, Perfection, Studying, Ambition, Attention to Detail, Manners, Culture, Family, Honor, Skill, Old Ways

Dislikes: Argonians, Sload, Igma, Men, Peryite, Tiber Septim/Talos Stormcrown, The Empire of Men, Vice, Slobs, Lorkhan, Sloth, Ignorance, Daedra, Stupidity

Personality: She is very rigid and often follows strict social codes, she can become blinded by rage, she has a fuming temper which is hard for her to control.

Bio/Backstory: Pysmia Larethor IV was the youngest daughter of Kelkimeriil Larethor III, a master wizard and most honoured member of the Noble House of Larethor in Alinor, she was born on the 20th of Sun's Dusk in the city of Alinor, capitol of Summer Set and the Third Aldmeri Dominion. She Like her mother and Father was born under the Atronach and was extremely gifted in Magical abilities by the age of 8 she was able to accomplish feats her other 29 siblings could hardly do at her age. Being the youngest and most magically inclined had it's benefits as her parents taught her from a young age. but when she hit the age of 10 the order of PSJJJJ had taken notice of her and had taken her away, though it was not met with the smoothest of transitions for anyone. She studied for years in their university growing he magical might for around half a century until it happened: The Oblivion Crisis. Her Mother was taken with the collapse of the Crystal-Like-Law. When she got word of this she attempted to leave but was forbade, leaving anyways she severed her ties with the PSJJJJ and left just before Arteaum could vanish again. When she made it back home she found her elderly father, older looking than she could ever imagine deteriorating before her eyes ageing so rapidly it was as if he were doing it on purpose, and he was, before his death he spoke to her and her siblings: "The plane of our Fathers and theirs is guided by the most worthy, to seek us is to seek yourself halfheartedly, but to lead us is to divine into yourself and those to come, I lead now, this plane of ancestry so that we might all be together when the time comes". When he had finally died Pysmia looked for someone to blame for her misfortune, so she blamed those who she had known had ripped her family and people apart in the past: Men.

Soon she joined the Aldmeri Dominion rising through the ranks as a prominent mage, serving for over a hundred years and being a prominent general within the Dominion she was apart of the great war and the siege of the White-Gold tower, she was given the opportunity of fame and more fortune (her family is a rich and prominent one) , she declined to have her name on the White-Gold Concordat despite advocating for it, she had not wanted for people who did not know her to think they did, she knew of her accomplishments and that was what mattered. Though declining the offer her name had been spread through the Dominion's Military as an example of Humility and Honour. Pysmia though was not done, she had been offered a spot within the Thalmor so that she may guide the Dominion and Destroy it's opponents, she retired form the military and took on this more political and personal role, she found great pleasure in killing the races of Man (Regaurds, Nords, and Imperials) but hated killing the race of Mer as she was wanting for their unification. during her first mission for the Thalmor she was paired with Yvondir Direnni whom she thought was a bit too easy on the likes of man but for the most part liked, when she had learned of his treachery afterwards she sought to kill him as well. Recently she was sent by the Thalmor to go into skyrim and hush up these re-emerging thoughts of rebellion. She is sent as a spy in order to infiltrate a group of rebels.

Goals: The Unification of Mer, Find and Kill The Hound, and the End to the Tyranny of Men



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