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Fantasy The School For Elemental Beings

Zane smiled widely as he grabbed his bowl and turned back with Winter,"What does that mean? Tainted, as in like light to darkness or like uh... food coloring in water...the hell..... your words confuse me," Zane said as he sat across from her. He smiled as he took several mushrooms and started throwing spices on them.
Her own smile just as wide, "I'm meant to confuse." She giggles, spearing some of the chicken covered salad onto her fork, placing it in her mouth, and chewing.
((Heh... Sawwy about that... Had internet problems))


Edmund laughed a little. "Should I?"


Avanelle's vision blurred more. She sat down. "It's nothing, I am okay, and no, I am not lying."


(sorry for burring you guys >..<

Winter giggles again, "Are you sure? I have to be able to one up someone in some ways... this is the only way" She winks taking another bite of her salad she smiles.
Zane stopped for a second and said,"I am the best at riddles! Ok, Two walls me and you they both fall true true they fall into each other but still they stand tall. What does this mean?" Zane smiled at his play on words.

(Has to do with them and love, pm for answer if needed)
Winter paused, "To put it simply, to depict the answer of any certain statement the way of speech is to be held as a source of communication. Only varying due to the differences of the possible respondents. The possibility's are endless, be it emotion, noun, or thing. To bluntly answer a statement with a half-assed truth, or better spoken opinion, it is more likely to be seen as incorrect. Depending on the person their answer may very, and in situations like riddles: the only answer is that of what the speaker has thought. Therefore no matter what I have to say, I will have a 78% chance of being wrong. Though I answer Love." Nodding to herself satisfied with her explanation.
Zane looked at her jaw dropped he asked,"Where did you get that brain of yours my dear?" He finished his bowl of mushrooms and looked confused.
Tapping her head with her fork she smiled, "This is all from my mom and dad. Thanks guys." She smiled at a charm on a large bracelet that hung loosely around her dainty wrist. Looking back up at him she smiled, eating another few bites from her salad before pushing it away. "I'm full..." She explained sheepishly.
Walking over to the counter that they ordered at, Winter moved a heavy lid from the counter top; revealing 2 slots."The one on the right is disposal.. The left is for the dishes." she pointed to there the dishes were stacked.
"Ok," Zane gently placed the dishes down and looked at Winter smiling.

"Where off to now, oh wait can we watch movies," Zane asked exitedly.
Nodding Winter begins to walk through the maze yet again, "I'm not sure if we have a theater around here... But I have a variety of movies in my room. Everything from action, to history."
"Oohhhhohoohohoh," Zane says as he grasps Winter's hand,"Lets watch something in your room, if that's uhh........ okay of course," Zane said awkwardly.
Winter smiled, "My permanent obsessions are, harry potter, lord of the rings, the hobbit, and star wars."
"You know my favorite movie of all time is V for Vendetta, reminds me a lot...." Zane mumbled as he sat on the bed playing with his thumbs.
Nodding Winter continued to her book shelf of movies, "Well... I have everything that anyone wants to watch here.. so.."
"Lets watch uhh.............. well um..... I dunno maybe...... well um lets watch what ever you wanna watch," Zane says smiling at her as he crumples up the blankets on Winter's bed and rolls around in them," Weeeee."

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