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Realistic or Modern The Runaways OOC

That sounds good! Would the first wife be lane’ s mom or was there someone before her mom
That brings up another question, Did the dad cheat on Lane's mom or did she die when Lane was like 1 because the other half slinging is like 1 yer younger than her
Can I come up with the name for the dad beucase im trying to figure it out n my head and since the dad and lane's mom were married Lane would share the dad's lost name?
and im assuming out of all the half slbilings that lane's mom was the only one married to him or did he yet remarried to another mother
Crimson Rose Crimson Rose

I'm realizing that I don't have the time to be joining a new RP right now, so I'm going to have to drop out... I hope someone wonderful fills the youngest boy role!

So sorry for the inconvenience~

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