The rper who never replied


God of wisdom
One of the biggest personal nuisances on RPnation is where the rper joins & signs into an RP only to have them rarely respond. They are offline for much of the day and when they post on other rps, they completely forget about mine & will only make one or two posts on my RP in a single day. I've had this happen twice with two of my rps & it's annoying as fuck every time.
I unfortunately do this a lot, but it's because my interests and ideas for role plays are very short-lived and rapidly change. I don't have ADHD or anything of the sort, I'm just easily disinterested if a role play takes too long or doesn't have a new or interesting feel to it. Zombie and apocalypse role plays tend to hold my interest well, depending on how detailed the posts are required to be. Generally, the more I'm required to write, the less interested I'll be. Fandoms also can hold my interest, but only for as long as I'm interested in the specific fandom, anywhere from a few weeks to a month or so at most. Generally slower role plays, or role plays I can't seem to get invested into I lose interest in and drop within hours. I even do this with my own role play, perhaps much to the annoyance of others in the role play. Unfortunately, being a GM doesn't give me enough sense of responsibility to keep a role play up and running. If I'm not interested, I'm not going to role play, plain and simple. 
That's also happened to me a few times. It definitely is annoying, but understandable. Usually it's got to do with person losing or already has lost interest in the rp. I just wish people would be more open about it if they were no longer interested in an rp instead of just disappearing and hoping you'd get it.  ¬¬

Or maybe the person's just terribly busy. Still interested in your rp, but there's one they're more interested in. Understandable, but still annoying too.  :smile4:
Due to personal reasons, I did quit for a bit. University is tough so I had to give this gig up. I'll try to apologize more to people though. Although I understand where people like this are coming from.
This should be turned into a horror movie. Already got the title. 

Oh and I guess I should add that I'm one of those who dissappear forever. When I feel like coming back, I create a new account. 
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I secretly really want it happening.

I'm already imaging a plot. Normal school girl Abby Anderson secretly role plays on an online forum. When a mysterious person messages her, wanting to RP.  At first they really got along, until replies started coming less and less frequently, and shorter and shorter. And more cryptic. And then the last message she ever reads is I M C O M I N G F O R Y O U

She never heard from that person again. A year later she is killed by Cthlulhu. 
This should be turned into a horror movie. Already got the title. 

Oh and I guess I should add that I'm one of those who dissappear forever. When I feel like coming back, I create a new account. 

I think about this whenever I think about mysteriously quitting and coming back but its too hard getting 250 posts.
My personal favorite is when someone PMs you out of the blue for roleplay, you accept, and this happens anyways. I'd be more upset if I didn't almost always find this amusing for some reason. 
I feel your pain, it has happened to me over the years of roleplay. I think what really lights the fuse with me is when I create a good opener, lengthy, yet my partner doesn't reply to it.
I admit, this site is the worst site Ive been on thats had this problem. Lol XD But its to be expected, people just do this.
This is the absolute worst to me, to be honest. It's so annoying, because you get all excited about an RP, and then the person kind of just . . . disappears into the aether. In my book, nothing about that is okay. I do almost entirely one on ones these days, and when you're waiting for a partner to get back to you and they never do, it sucks. 

I don't know what's so complicated about just telling someone your interest is waning. Nobody's asking anyone to role play if they don't want to. I, personally, think not leaving people hanging is a matter of simple courtesy. 

The worst part is, I've yet to find a way to keep this from happening. You can't control what others choose to do or not do, say or not say, so you kind of have to take the risk and be disappointed if a partner drops off the face of the earth with no warning (or rather, the face of your role play, since they're usually still around somewhere). 

Communication is so important, especially in one on ones where there are only the two of you. If you're not interested, just say so. I would love to know why some people have such a hard time saying: "Hey, I don't want to partake in this anymore, thanks for your time." Seriously. If anyone has an explanation, all ears. 

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