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Realistic or Modern The Role play - closed

"It did sound like she was lying to me," Nor replied back as he looked at his sister and he then looked over at Konrad as well. "And she told me nearly that exact same thing. Except she added that I would probably be the one to kill myself..." Then again, his mother had told him something like that as well..but oh well. Ash and Konrad both thought that the lady told only lies and so he would agree with them. Also, he wanted to stop talking about it because like with the wine from earlier, he did not want for this to ruin his day. So he also thanked his sister for what she had gotten him.
Astaroth was quite relieved to see that Konrad agreed that the woman was talking rubbish, and frowned when he admitted that she'd predicted exactly what Konrad had mentioned. Really, it wasn't very nice of these people to do this. Why couldn't they 'predict' happy things? Still, she beamed as her brother took the bag that held the treat, then offered one of the remaining two out to Konrad, "Here. Lets forget about crazy people in creepy tents, shall we?"
Konrad smiles as he takes the treat "Aye, lets" he says merrily as he goes to start eating his. "Well ill leave you to it" he says cleaning his hands of any debris from the treats"Thanks poppet" he says to Astaroth "And don't worry, ill be keeping an eye on you" he says winking at the two siblings. He looked at the tent for a moment, he wondered if the woman would say the same thing to him, that he would die in the near future, "well everyone dies" he thought, so she wouldn't be that far off. But he avoided the tent none the less
Nor also ate the sweet that his sister had gotten him and he very much approved of it. Because, it did taste very good indeed. He had sweets at the castle all of the time...but there was just something special about eating sweets that came from the town during a festival. They tasted...different than they would have at the castle. And he very much enjoyed it. "What do you want to do now?" He asked his sister as he looked over at her. "It seems that we still have some time to spend here at the festival..." At least, until their mother got over her headache and needed them again.
Having nibbled happily at her own sweet, she smiled slightly as Nor asked her what she wanted to do now. She had no idea. Despite her love of adventuring, she wasn't often allowed out this far. Of course, if she had the choice she'd roam wherever she wished to, but she'd been warned numerous times that there were dangers out here. And since it worried her mother so much, she obeyed that at least, and stayed safe in the gardens of their home. She shrugged, "I don't know. Lets go have a look, shall we?" She asked him, taking his hand again and almost hopping on the spot.
Konrad had worked his way back out of sight, but he still had his eyes on the children. He was looking at a stall that sold hunting supplies, bows and arrows, skinning knives and such, he hadn't been hunting in a long time, maybe one day he would take Nor and possibly Astaroth with him but he knew Astaroth most likely wanted to know how to fight and maybe one day he would show her. He watched the siblings continue to wander around the festival, keeping his back to a wall, harder for an assassin to stab you in the back then.
Nor let his sister lead him along to a few more different tents and stalls that were there at the festival. There were so many people and a lot of things to do. And people would greet them as they walked along, everybody wanting to see them and also not insult them in anyway. Nor had them stop when he saw something interesting. "...hm. You never wear hats in the castle," he stated as he looked at his sister. "Probably because you often have to wear your crown...but you should get a hat. One from here. They have such a...different style here in the villages than they do in the castle. It's not as nice. But it is interesting."
Astaroth trailed around with her brother, showing him some of the stalls she hoped he'd like. There were so many interesting people, and things, here. She greeted people politely, as her mother had always told her to do. She couldn't be seen as anything other than the proper princess. She smiled as her brother led her to a hat stall, and shook her head to him, "Hats interfere with my hair." She pointed out. And tangling her hair up hurt to untangle it. Besides, whenever she went wandering she very much liked to keep her hood up instead, "But maybe you'd suit one."
Konrad was shadowing Astaroth and Nor and could overhear their conversation about hats which brought his mind to the Karnovan hat he wore on his head, it had been in his possession for many years and was given to him by a Karnovan noble after he protected on of his caravans from bandits, "I wonder of it means something when the man who wears a crown wants to wear a hat instead?" he thought to himself. Not many people would greet Konrad, maybe because he was foreign or maybe people didn't notice him.
"Perhaps. But we both know that I fall over so much that I would ruin any hat that I might get. At least the crown can survive such falls because it's durable," he replied back as he looked at the hats and then he turned back a bit to look at their body guard. He then looked back at the hats once again. "Maybe we should get one for Konrad instead?" He asked as he looked over the various hats that were available. "He always wears that same one and it doesn't even look like it's from here. We should get him a nice hat." That sounded really good to him.
Astaroth smiled slightly at her brothers mention of his falls, and nodded slightly. A hat less durable than his crown wouldn't survive on Nor's head. She too glanced at Konrad when her brother suggested that, and nodded slightly, "That seems like a good idea. Which one though? Maybe... This one?" She asked, giggling as she gestured to a flowery hat. It was basically the opposite of what would suit Konrad, and she kinda wanted to see him wear it for amusement.
Konrad was standing far enough away from them to be unable to hear what they were saying but he did see Astaroth pointing to a flowery hat "I would kill to see Nor wear that" Konrad thought,of course a prince such as Nor would never put on anything as ridiculous as that. But he did think he should at least get closer to them, he just thought that they were too far away from him and that he wouldn't be able to protect them at his current distance.
"I think that he would be wonderful in that one," he replied back as he gave a nod of his head and then Nor went ahead and bought the hat. He very much wanted to see if they could get Konrad to wear the hat and if they were able to do that, he wanted to see just how he would look in it. So once he had purchased it, he turned around and could see that Konrad was actually closer to them than he had been before. Nor smiled as he held the hat out to his body guard. "Here you are, Konrad. A gift."
Astaroth laughed as her brother actually went ahead and purchased the flowery hat for Konrad. She really, really wanted the bodyguard to wear it. Even if it was just for a minute so she could appreciate how silly he looked. She moved after her brother, and her eyes lit up when she saw Konrad standing nearby. She hopped slightly on her feet, wondering what he'd say about the flowery hat.
Konrad chuckled as he moved towards the two and looked at the flowery hat "Fine, ill try it on" he said with a smile. Konrad removed his own hat and shook his long hair a bit, he then proceeded to put on the flowery hat "By the starts don't i look threatening?" he said laughing to himself and struck a slightly jaunty and exaggerated pose with a hand on his waist and his other outstretched. "You know i reckon this suits me" he said once again having to stop himself from laughing. Konrad wondered if the prince would make him wear it for the rest of the festival, that thought frightened him.
Nor couldn't help but to laugh when he saw just how Konrad looked wearing that hat. He had never seen him wear anything like that at all and he found himself thrilled at the image that it made. And Konrad was making it seem as if he himself thought that he really did look good with the hat on. "I reckon it does," Nor replied back as he then looked over to his sister. "What do you think, Ash? Do you think that our esteemed body guard looks good like that?"
Astaroth's smile widened and she didn't bother to try and hide the laughter that followed. Konrad looked kinda the opposite of threatening really. Not that Astaroth ever found him too threatening to begin with. After all, he was her friend. She nodded in agreement with her brother, "Makes him look very... civilised." She returned, holding back her laughter. He looked utterly ridiculous to her, and she was glad for it. Konrad always looked too strict. The flowery hat was a change.
Konrad raised an eyebrow "Makes me look civilized does it?, haha! am i just some rough barbarian?". It had been a long time since Konrad has felt this...care free, being a bodyguard wasn't exactly the most interesting job. Konrad raised his arms out while still wearing the flowery hat "I am Konrad the bloody, scourge of the hills, are you not terrified?" he continued to laugh. However something caught Konrads attention, it was a stall selling weapons "Fancy a new sword, Ash? i can imagine you charging into battle with some great, two handed sword!" he said gesturing to the stall. "You know what, ill keep the hat on for now" he said smiling.
"Yeah, you should keep it on," Nor agreed with a nod of his head. "Because I did buy it, after all...and it would be rude to refuse a gift from the prince." He then also looked over to the stall that was selling weapons. "Yeah, Ash has been wanting a new sword for awhile but you know that if she were to ask the blacksmith who works at the castle to make her one, then mother would probably lock her in her chambers and not allow her to leave until she manages to find a husband for herself." And Nor didn't think that he was exaggerating at all because their mother did tend to worry like that...even before this war started. Then again, he supposed that it was normal for a mother to worry about her children.
Astaroth laughed at Konrads remarks about how terrifying he was. Said terrifying manner was offset by the very-much-not-terrifying hat, but it made it all the more hilarious to her. She wondered what her mother would say if she saw the bodyguard wearing it. Her laughter died off when Konrad mentioned getting a new sword. As Nor mentioned, she'd wanted a new one for a while now. She'd only been allowed to use a sword Konrad had found for her to practice, and she knew Nor was right. Their mother would definitely lock her up and force her to marry if she found out. So, she smiled brightly, "Lets go find one then!" She chirped, then looked at Nor, "You won't tell mother, right? We both know I'd escape."
Konrad walked with the pair up to the weapons stall "Lots of choice" he said looking at the selection of swords, maces, axes, daggers and greatswords. Astaroth was pretty good with a sword, she definitely had the fire for it. "Don't worry poppet, my lips are sealed, i wont tell her majesty" he said giving Astaroth another wink "Perhaps ill give you some training later" he knew that Astaroth could be a formidable duelist but he thought she wouldn't last in a battlefield.
"I won't tell her either," Nor assured his sister as he followed them over to where the weapons were being sold. He would never tell on his sister like that because he knew that she really did love training with a sword. He actually wished that she could do it as much as she wanted to without their mother yelling at her or freaking out and locking her in her chambers until she could find her a husband. "Although you'll have to hide whatever weapon you get carefully so she doesn't end up finding it."
Astaroth trailed happily after Konrad, nodding to her brother, "I'll hide it. Push comes to shove, I'll say it's Konrads and that he left it somewhere." She shrugged. Looking over the swords, her eyes brightened again. There were so many choices, and she picked up a few to see how much they weighed. After all, she couldn't use it if she couldn't swing it. Not that she was actually swinging it here. She smiled when she found one, and looked to Konrad for advice on it.
Konrad examined the sword that Astaroth had chosen "A good blade, sturdy handle" he balances the sword on the side of his hand "Good balance as well" he moved to an open space and swung the sword a bit, you could hear it as it swung through the air. "Aye, a good choice Ash" he said , "Nothing compared to my saber here but its a good start" he said smirking. "what do you think Nor? you reckon she'll fight well with this?"
"I don't know," Nor admitted as he looked at Ash and then he looked at Konrad and gave a small shrug of his shoulders. "I don't even understand how a sword works.." Because he had never actually held one himself. But it couldn't actually be too complicated. "But Ash is always good at everything, so I'm sure that she could fight well with it." Nor really could be sweet when he wanted to be and when he wasn't tripping over his own feet or forgetting important parts of his own life.

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