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Realistic or Modern The Role play - closed

Konrad was happy to see merriment in the kingdom even in such a cold day, of course his eyes naturally gravitated over to the servants passing wine around and managed to acquire a cup at impressive speed "Ah, drinking and killing , no man can best me in such things" he said proudly, "That wasn't a challenge Ash, by the way" he said smiling at Astaroth, he then took a swig of wine and resumed his position by the side of the Prince.
Nor looked over at the wine that Konrad had just had to drink and then he looked over at his sister and decided that he would go ahead and make a small deal with her. "If you don't tell mother that I had some to drink...then I won't tell her that you had some to drink," he suggested as he gave her a little smile. That sounded like a good deal to him. Because while he was not actually allowed to drink...Nor actually did very much want to have some. Wine was good...he knew from the times he had had some when his mother wasn't looking when they had important guests at the castle. And since everybody was having such a good time, he wanted to have some as well.
Astaroth stuck her tongue out at Konrad, in a very ladylike manner of course, and shook her head, "I believe that no man can best you Konrad. But I'm not a man." She smirked, proud of herself. She too was peering hopefully at the wine their friend was drinking, and looked at Nor in surprise. She wanted some and... well, their mother had told them to have fun, right? And Konrad was there. It wasn't like they'd drink too much. She nodded slightly to him, "Only a little though. Else you'll hurt yourself."
Konrad smirked, "So be it then" he chuckled, he poured each of them a cup of wine and bid them a toast "Here's to cheating, stealing, fighting, and drinking.If you cheat, may you cheat death.If you steal, may you steal someones heart.If you fight, may you fight for a brother.And if you drink, may you drink with me." it had been a long time since he got to use that toast. He was amused by their little agreement, at least it showed they somewhat trusted each other. "If i drink enough i might start singing" he said in an almost worried tone.
"If you start to sing...that may hurt me more than I ever could injure myself," Nor replied back as he looked down at the cup of wine that he had been given. Of course he had been planning on drinking...but it was so much different now that he was actually holding the cup. He wondered if he should just drink it all at once. He didn't see why not. He could do that. He didn't think that would be any worse for him than it would have been if he went ahead and was very slow while drinking. He assumed that it was fine either way. And so he just lifted the cup to his mouth after that teasing comment to Konrad and just went ahead and drank it down.
Astaroth smiled slightly at Konrad's toast and nodded slightly. Holding her cup carefully, she was glad she hadn't been drinking when Konrad brought up singing, and her brother replied. She laughed, amused by their antics, and then raised an eyebrow as Nor decided it was a good idea to just down the drink. Which probably wasn't the best idea. She glanced at Konrad, then at her brother, "Maybe you should slow down. It isn't going anywhere Nor." She teased, as she sipped at her own drink.
Konrad had just finished taking a sip of his wine when he noticed Nor downing his, at this point two ideas where in his head, either see what Nor is like drunk or be responsible and stop him, now Konrad was not the most responsible man but he still grabbed Nor's wrist to stop him downing the whole thing "I know it tastes good but bloody hell, slow it down a pinch" he said, then only realizing that Nor had drank more that half the cup by now. "Ah bugger" he said then taking anotehr sip of his own wine.
Nor wasn't too thrilled at the fact that both his sister and Konrad decided that he probably should slow it down a bit and not be drinking so fast. He wasn't pleased by this because he was the prince and he should be able to drink as much as he wanted to...at least, when his mother wasn't around. "You were the one who poured me the drink," Nor commented as he tried to tug his wrist from Konrad's hold. "And besides, it's almost all gone anyway...and I know that you let Astaroth drink as much as she wants all of the time..."
Astaroth frowned at her brother, "It's Ash, Nor." As if he'd forget that she preferred the nickname, "And I don't drink all the time. Only sometimes, like I know you do when mother isn't looking" She retorted. She sipped at her drink, really starting to think that their deal was a bad idea. In what world was the younger sibling meant to be the more mature one? Because Nor was currently sounding like he was three with his arguments.
"Just because i poured you the drink doesn't mean you should drink it all in one go, i could give you a sword and you could kill someone with it, doesn't mean you should" He said staring at Nor, his grip still around his wrist, he knew that Nor current mannerisms where the result of the wine but they say a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts. "Here Nor, give it a minute then finish it" he said in an oddly calm voice, he then leaned over to Astaroth "If he makes an arse of himself it wasn't my fault" he smirked at her.
"I cannot use a sword because of my bad back," he replied back as he gave his head a small shake. Didn't Konrad know that he couldn't use a sword? He couldn't do a lot of things because he'd hurt his back when he fell off of that horse when he had been very young. Apparently Kondrad was now the one who was forgetting things. And his sister really wasn't helping the situation much at all. "And why are you suddenly not being fun at all? You're the one who was drinking first..." Nor was not going to give up until he was able to chug down the rest of his drink.
Astaroth huffed her annoyance to her brother, but went quiet. She agreed with Konrad. If Nor was going to make a fool of himself, then it wouldn't be because of Konrad. Or Astaroth for that matter. Sure, she'd agreed to drink, and Konrad had poured them, but Nor hadn't had to down it. It wasn't water. The most interesting part would be getting him home after all of this, without bumping into anyone that could inform their mother.
Konrad didn't want the atmosphere getting to tense so he did the only thing that was logical for him to do, he finished his wine and then took the cup from Nor and downed the rest of his as well "There, you do realise that if something happens to you that it'll be my head on the pike?" He stopped and looked at both the kids "Now go and enjoy yourselves, please, this is one of the few times you can really be yourself" Konrad didn't normally give heartfelt messages so it was strange for him.
Nor was not happy that his drink was now...well, gone, because Konrad had decided to drink it. And he couldn't complain to his mother because then she would know that he had been drinking and he would get himself, his sister and his bodyguard into a lot of trouble. So Nor just frowned but nodded his head in agreement and gestured that his sister should follow him so that the two of them could find something fun to do. He only felt a bit...dizzy, but hadn't yet had enough to get drunk off of the wine.
Astaroth sipped at her drink slowly as she followed after her brother quietly, hoping that a little exploring around the festival would cheer him up. But really, if he'd have drunken it slowly then they wouldn't have argued over it and Konrad wouldn't have ended up drinking. And it wasn't like she couldn't follow him. She didn't want him to fall over again, especially after he'd just drunk half acup of wine in seconds.
Konrad noticed how lively the festival had become, people where singing, dancing and drinking, It was almost like there was no war going at all. Konrad had never seen anything like this in Karnova for his homeland was rather dull when it came to such things, he did miss his homeland and he wasn't sure how he would react if it was conquered. There where many faces at the festival, soldiers who were on leave, farmers, nobles even some beggars the whole kingdom really had come together.
It turned out that Nor was able to enjoy himself despite the fact that he had been quite upset that his drink had been consumed by somebody who wasn't himself. But he was still able to enjoy the festival with his sister because he had been bored lately and this was a nice way to spend a few hours. And he had his sister by his side and even though he would rarely admit it...well, he always had fun when he was with her. And Konrad was somewhere keeping an eye on them. Nor didn't even think about getting another drink. But he did find himself enamored with something else at some point. A fortune teller. Hm. He had never been to one of those before and people did say that they were very accurate.

Besides, his sister was busy looking at something else. The fortune tell her had her own tented off area and so he went ahead and headed in that direction. He wanted to get his fortune told.
Astaroth would admit that she was distracted by one of the stalls that sold, much to her delight, sweet treats. Having finished her wine, she was beaming as she bought three small cakes. One for each of the three. But when she turned around to find her brother, who she had thought was behind her, he was gone. Brilliant. Well, now she'd have to go finding him. Where could he even have gone to without her? Why wouldn't he drag her along?
Konrad was sitting in a bar stall with a group of soldiers, they had been having a good time singing the song "The Karnovan's Wife" of course he was still keeping an eye on the two children, he had seen Astaroth at the sweet treats stall and he had seen Nor go into the fortune tellers tent, and luckily he could see right into the tent thanks to the angle of the bar. He saw Astaroth and gave her a wave and pointed to the fortune tellers tent.
The fortune teller, an elderly woman, greeted him with kind words. Of course she did...he was a prince, after all. The prince of Geneva. So she greeted him and he accepted her greeting and then sat down so that she could get to work. And she wasted no time in asking to see the palms of his hands and Nor, as expected, was not at all wary of allowing her to do that. He didn't necessarily want her to touch him...but he did want to know what his fortune would be. And she touched his palms and started mumbling something to herself. This was taking longer than he thought it would.
Spotting Konrad was a relief to Astaroth, and she nodded when he pointed toward a tent, presumably where her brother had run off to. She nodded and smiled to the bodyguard, then made her way toward it. Deciding he was in no danger, except that of making a fool of himself, she waited outside. He probably wouldn't appreciate her walking in when he was having his fortune told or something. Not that she understood why he'd want his fortune told.
Konrad kept a watchful eye on the situation however he was still drinking and singing along with the soldiers, they where enjoying themselves and had just finished their song "Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,the Karnovan's taken my life,But what does it matter, for all men must die,and I've tasted the Karnovan's wife!" he wondered what the fortune teller would say to Nor, that he would continue to have people do everything for him and that he would never taste war? he hoped this wasn't one of those tellers that used the gods or a god as a source of power, he didn't believe in gods, in fact the subject would rile him up a bit.
And finally it seemed that she had something to tell him and proceeded to do so without any hesitation. What she had to say was...well, it could have been better. "I apologize, your highness...but you will die before you reach the age of 20. Most likely through a mistake of your own invention." Nor glared at her a bit. "Well that is a bit rude. I was expecting a much better prediction than that." And he had been. Maybe that he would stop being so forgetful or something like that. But apparently not. So he didn't say anything else to her and didn't even bother to pay her as he then exited the tent.
Astaroth smiled at him as he walked out. At least, until she saw the look on his face. Sighing, she realised that whatever the fortune teller had told him likely hadn't been what he'd wanted to hear. Probably some stupid prediction about death or whatever. She offered one of the three bags out to him as she moved to greet him, "I bought you something. It's just a little cake but... You look like you need cheering up. It's a whole load of lies what they tell you you know." She assured him, nodding toward the tent.
Konrad had walked down from the bar to greet them "So what kind of shite did she tell you? something about death or loss i would assume" Konrad could see that Nor was not happy with the outcome of the fortune telling "Don't worry lad, i had my fortune told when i was sixteen and she said i would die at twenty, sure showed her didn't i?" he said smiling. He then turned towards Astaroth, "Of course you would find the sweets first" he said with a chuckle.

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