• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Roadtrip: Characters

Ms. Sparrow

Queen of SHIIIPS







Hair Color:

Eye Color:


Sexual Orientation:

Crush (Optional):

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional):

Best Friend(1-3, optional):





Type of Phone:

Pet (optional):

Short Bio (1 paragraph minimum):


OOC Chat: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-roadtrip-ooc.315669/

In Character Roleplay:

Rules (Must read to be approved):

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"Love can can change this world in a moment."
-Ed Sheeran

Mark Anthony Gordon







Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Piercing blue

Has a Tattoos covering his back and chest and two covering both sides of his right and left forearm



Left Forearm (front-back):

Right forearm (front-back):

Fist and foremost, Mark is a musician and an artist. When he is bored, he always likes to sit down and write a song, draw a detailed picture, or sculpt a masterpiece. he did this so much that his parents even bought him a studio. and you can bet that if hes not at school or hanging out with friends, he was in his studio. Mark is also a fashion geek, always making himself look hip, sharp, and stylish. but above all this, he is a lover. he treats everyone he meets with the highest respect and has the manors of a gentlemen. he puts other peoples needs above his own and will sacrifice almost anything for his friends and family.

Sexual Orientation:

Crush (Optional):
Clover Wentworth Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional):
None. Just broke up recently

Best Friend(1-3, optional):
Sophie Nivelle, Clover Wentworth, Marly Hawthorn

-Playing Music (Guitar, Piano, Cello, Violin)
-Creating Art (Drawing, Painting, Sculpting)
-Loving People
-Being Praised
-People that understand him

-Rude People
-Horror movies

-Unnaturally large things
-Being alone
-Not being excepted

-Plays with hair
-Cracks joints
-Rubs his neck when nervous
-Talks to himself
-Always is concerned about his
Type of Phone:
Mark uses a Jet Black iPhone 7 plus

Pet (optional):
Mark owns a Black German Shepard named "Yūjin"

Short Bio (1 paragraph minimum):
Ever since Birth, Mark has shown the immense gift to create. even when he was a baby, he would draw and paint with the art supplies that his parents bought for him. And as he grew up, his skills got better and better. so good in fact, that his parents sent him to an art school. there he skills got even better, always getting top of of his classes, but there was a problem. he never really socialized with anyone in or outside of school and his parents saw this as an issue. so they pulled him out and had him privately tutored instead. this was for the better, since when they put him back into regular school he mad friends.

When he finally made his way to high school, thats when the social stuff really started. discovering that he had an ear for music in his junior year, his parents had him privately tutored in Guitar, piano, Cello, Violin, on top of his art lessons. sure it was alot of money for them, but Mark was an only child and his family was very rich. they wanted him to be the best he could be. He became the star of all the talent shows and even joined a band. things were going his way

This life continued all throughout high school, him being the star of musical talent and being the top student in all of his art classes, not to mention making it to the honors list every year. but even with all this commotion, Mark needed a break. with senior year ending, he got a scholarship to the best art university in the country, but he needed time to think. after a long time of thinking and asking his parents for some money, he decided to host a road trip with his friends so that he could get some fun and lost lasting memories before he went off to university.​
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Name: Sophie Nivelle


Gender: Female

Nationality: French/American


Height: 5ft9in

Hair Color: Hazel
actually a wig, recently added so unknown to the friends

Eye Color: Dark brown

Personality: Once a sweet, clever energetic girl always known for her humorous and fun nature and able to keep calm and collected. She never used to show anger or irritation but had a wit and fiery manner which insured she was never messed with. However once the friends are reunited the will notice a change, she is quiter and mild mannered, some of her humor and sweetness there but loss was her energy and sharpness. She is forgetful and has moments of confusion. At times she may snap at a person at the slightest thing and seem a little distant.

Sexual Orientation: bisexual

Crush (Optional):wip

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional):wip pm me

Best Friend(1-3, optional):Mark wip

  • Singing
  • Singing while Mark plays Eldarkon Eldarkon
  • Cooking
  • Dance
  • Just relaxing with friends

  • Fast food
  • Talking about herself
  • Appearing stupid
  • Asking for help
  • Tight spaces,
  • someone learnings her secret,
  • losing herself

  • Humming or singing when things are quite
  • Dancing when cooking

Type of Phone: Samsung a5

Pet (optional):Fifi

Short Bio (1 paragraph minimum): One of the latter addition to the group, Sophie came to America at the age of 12 with her father from France. Her mother passing two years earlier. At first she spoke only a little English and was difficult for her to make friends, however the others of the group helped her learn becoming one of the characters of the group. She was known as a capable singer and an excellent cook once dreaming of going to culinary school back in France after high school. However a month or two into her first year she dropped out, disappearing from contact without warning to the others. She only reappeared a month before the trip after one of the friends tracked her down. She never truly explained her absence citing trouble at home.
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Marly Hawthorne
Mars, Lee etc.

age: 18
gender: female
nationality: irish-american
sexual orientation: bisexual

crush: Sophie
boyfriend / girlfriend: none
best friends: Sophie, Mark, PM me

phone: gold iPhone 6S


faceclaim: daria sidorchuk
height: 5ft4
hair colour: light brown
eye colour: brown
piercings: has a nose ring but doesn't always wear it
tattoos: has a tattoo reading 'meraki' on her ribcage


- art
- weed
- the sea
- secret gardens
- protests

- fake people
- meat
- society
- Donald Trump
- narcissistic people
- being forgotten
- love
- claustrophobic (a road trip sounds like a great idea lol)
- death
- doctors

- hums when nervous
- often plays with her hair
- licks her lips when she's lying
- hates silence
- drums her fingers a lot

Lee has always been quite clever, but she refuses to work at virtually anything, preferring instead to just 'float' her way through school. Thought of as one of the most laid back in the group Lee is usually in a world of her own, however, since not getting in to the school she wanted she's been a lot more stressed out, and pairing that with her claustrophobia means that this road trip will likely be made interesting. Lee isn't one for relationships particularly, although she loves her friends. She lacks emotion and this causes her to seem distant, often meaning she's a little bit of an outsider to the group. Despite usually lingering in the background if Marly has enough energy, or really wants to do something she can be a riot, not to mention what she's like when drunk...


Marly Cassiopeia Hawthorne was born on the 6th May 1998 and miraculously suffered no complications from her mother's smoking during her pregnancy. With both her parents still stuck in their teenage years Mars grew up quite independently with her main father figure being her elder brother Jackson, rather than her dad. Not that Mars had a bad childhood, tending to be more of a tomboy Mars' grew up with the majority of her friends being male, she loved sports when she was younger, but as she hit puberty and the boys began to beat her more and more she turned more to art and less to sport. Lee excels at art and saved up a lot of her share of the money for this trip with the profit she made from selling her paintings. As Lee reached high school she fell in with a laid back group of friends, preferring getting high in someone's garage to going to busy parties and preferring photography to studying. As a result of this Lee was never one of the most popular people in high school, but she was well respected, her peaceful aura and well-meaning attitude made sure of that. Generally Lee stayed out of people's way in high school, however by the end of her four years she had amassed a close group of friends who she spent many fun days - and nights with. Mars didn't get a good enough grade to get a scholarship to the art school she really wanted to go to and as a result she has no clue as to what she's going to do next. She figures that this summer could be exactly what she needs to work it out.


nothing at the moment

no slide

excuse the dodgy coding, only been learning bbcode for a day still very much a newbie x
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Name: Poppy Lee

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Nationality: Japanese-American/Aussie



Height: 5'1"

Hair Color: Dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Personality: Poppy can be described as colorful and energetic most of the time. She has a spunk to her, a kind of persona that can be seen as playful and innocent. It's hard to take her mood down, but when it's down, it is very, very down. That happens as a result that Poppy absolutely refuses to tell anyone when she's actually in pain, worried or upset. She prefers brushing her own, personal troubles under the rug and hoping it never resurfaces. That being said, her cheerfulness isn't fake most of the time. Most of the time, she can turn a pessimistic mood into something optimistic or lighten the mood with some quirky, random anecdote that's on her mind. Her friends are some of the most important people in her life and she is vastly loyal, sometimes too trusting to the point of naivety. She likes to always try and find the good in things, the silver lining, but rarely takes that advice for her own issues.

She can be a little much at times, always wanting to do something, try something, always pushing people to do their best even if they're being pushed a little too far. And with that, she can be an idealist and a hopeless romantic, something that's gotten her into trouble with before.

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual

Crush: Lukas

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: -

Best Friend: Lukas

Likes: Bubble tea, all kinds of tea, actually, breakfast foods anytime of the day, butchering people's favorite songs, ice skating, hedgehogs, surfing, nature documentaries, bomber jackets, sushi, collecting pins, dressing up in general.

Dislikes: Cooking, loud car engines, wasting time, diets, mathematics, pushy people, coffee, beans, sour candy, when a sock goes missing in the laundry, being late, debbie downers, loud, verbal arguing, blood.

Fears: Being alone, confined spaces and the dark

Habits: She can literally fall asleep anywhere, with any volume of noise going on.

Type of Phone: IPhone 6s

Pet: Arnold the Hedgehog

Bio: Her mother was a Japanese American, her father straight from Australia. They met when her mother moved to study abroad in Sydney, fell in love almost immediately and went on to live in Melbourne and have twins, Poppy and Pearson. They were a happy family, a lot of Poppy's fondest memories come from her early years spent there with them. When she was just shy of ten, they were involved in a car accident and the only survivor turned out to be Poppy.

Her only living relatives were on her mother's side, back in America. She was sent to live with her grandmother who was severely strict on her and made her join a plethora of activities. Among the language schools, math tutoring, fencing, track and soccer, Poppy really only loved and thrived on ice skating lessons. She begged her grandmother to let her focus on ice skating alone. It took nearly an entire year of confrontation and stubbornness for her grandmother to finally let her do what she wanted.

Since then, her relationship with her grandmother has significantly improved, but only because she's learned to stand up to her. They do still tend to butt heads quite a bit. Even now as Poppy has just graduated, her grandmother would rather have her go to college for something medical or in sciences. Poppy would rather follow her ice skating career as far as it can go while also teaching kids how to.

However, due to her grandmother suddenly falling ill and hospitalized, Poppy is torn between making her proud (as she is incessantly telling her she's shameful for never doing what she says) and living her life and also worries about fending for herself now that she has no existing family to help her out. She's banking on this trip (which her grandma so lividly protested she go on) to clear her mind and get rid of all the pressure, at least for a while.
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Clover Wentworth





Hair Color:
Ginger Red

Eye Color:
Vivid, Ocean blue

Clover is a bright, clever, young girl, stubborn and fiery, she isn't afraid to speak her mind, often coming off as blunt and pessimistic, even if she's having a good time. She's playful and mischievous, often seen with a wry smirk plastered on her face, she isn't afraid to get into trouble, tease others, or have a good time, though she is quick to temper, you'll hardly see her cry, she's sharp and humorous, cares for her friends, and is protective over them, and definitely isn't afraid to get physical with her fiery attitude.

Sexual Orientation:
Heteromantic/ Heterosexual

Crush (Optional):
Mark Anthony Gordon
Eldarkon Eldarkon

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional):
None, recently broke up with her boyfriend.

Best Friend(1-3, optional):
Mark Anthony Gordon, Sophie Nivelle, WIP

• Spicy Food
• Ballet (Yes, she dances)
• Music
• Cooking
• Driving at night
• Swimming
• Coffee (But not too much)
• Camping
• Taking pictures of beautiful imagery
• Video Games
• Teasing Others
• Animals

• Bugs
• Hunting
• Small spaces
• New people/Strangers
• Physical Contact
• Snobs
• Racism
• Being alone in the dark
• Not being able to help her friends

• Clowns
• Spiders
• Abuse
• Being loved
• Her secret being shared

• Doesn't make eye contact when she's guilty, or lying, or refusing to acknowledge something.
• Twirls a strand of her red hair when anxious or nervous
• Often stares off into space, lost in thought.
• Presses her lips together when she's pissed off or agitated.

Type of Phone:
IPhone 6s Gold

Pet (optional):
A teacup black and white Persian cat she calls "Cloud":

Short Bio (1 paragraph minimum):

Clover was born July 13th, 1998 in Paris, France. She was the second eldest of what later became ten younger siblings. With eleven children total, money was scarce in the household, both parents working two jobs at once. Eventually, life in Paris became to stressful, and Clover, along with her siblings were torn away from their home, moving into North America at only age twelve.

Both her mother and father were able to get great paying jobs, and life became easy for the newly happy family. Clover struggled to fit in into her new life, but after getting along with a few people, Clover was merged into a group of friends which would later turn into a friendship that lasted a lifetime. Life was good, she had everything she wanted. Following after her older sister, Clover became interested in the art of dancing, Ballet. When she was fourteen, her mother enlisted her into ballet practice, which she learned to move and and turn about gracefully. Clover loved it, and she was incredible at ballet, even surprising her ballet teacher, and outranking her sister. Clover didn't walk. She glided. Her dancing continued into her teens as well.

At the beginning of Senior year, at the traditional party thrown before school started, Clover's life was flipped upside down when she was assulted and violated at the party. Too prideful and ashamed, Clover didn't tell a single soul, isolating herself for more then a couple months, pretending everything was fine at home, and with her friends, not wanting neither her family, or friends to pity her, or get angry with her. Left with no choice but to move on, Clover went back to how she always was, not showing a trace of what was really inside.

Clover couldn't have been more excited as the trip neared, wanted nothing more then to leave the past behind and never confront it, pushing the incident to the back of her mind, and looking towards the next months with her friends, even though she won't confront it, the night of the party still haunts her. Her biggest fear yet may be confronting it, but trapped in a small space with her friends, Clover may be forced to reveal her secrets.
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Lukas Alexander Smith

"The worst things in life come free to us."
-Ed Sheeran

  • Nicknames :


    Gender :


    Age :

    Eighteen (18)

    Sexuality :


    Crush :
    (Message me if interested!)

    Girlfriend :
    (Message me if interested!)

    Best Friend (s) :
    Poppy Lee

    Nationality :


  • Personality:
    Luke is a chill guy. As a result of that he tends to do things before giving them much thought, that in itself has gotten him into some serious situations. However, his intentions are usually not ill-intended. He wouldn't outright admit it, but he is constantly writing poems and sometimes a song or two to play on the piano.

    He was raised to treat women with respect, no matter the circumstance. He is kindhearted. But he is also very lighthearted and it is usually very hard for him to open up his heart to anyone.

    He has a slight problem with spending money, but he's trying to work on it. Kind of.

    He is left handed.

    Likes :

    Luke enjoys skate boarding, surfing, sports, poetry, texting, & junk food.

    Dislikes :
    Luke hates sitting indoors, reading, the music genre country, cats, soccer, & rudeness.

    Fears :
    Fears? Pff, Luke doesn't fear anything. Except for feeling like he's not good enough.

    Skills :
    With it only being Luke and his mother all his life he has learned to do small household repairs and things of the like. He's pretty good with a piano.

    Habits :
    Taps a lot. This includes, feet, fingers, and a pen if he's holding one. Luke also hums to himself quite often, usually without realizing it.
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"I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink,
But now I'm insecure and I care what people think."

Twenty One Pilots


Anderson Bloom

Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Dark Brown

Bright and sorta bubbly, leading most to believe he's an airhead. Most of the time, he's hiding how he really feels about everything. He'd only tell his closest buddies what's on his mind and heart. Speaking of heart, he's a hopeless romantic. Andy just wants to be a part of a love story that you see on tv, even though he knows it's unlikely. A boy can dream, right?

Sexual Orientation:
Crush (Optional):
Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional):
Best Friend(1-3, optional):
wip, message me.
His Cello(Named Martha)
Comic Books
Ripped Clothes
Other People's pets
Combing his Hair
Dirty Dishes
Crushing on Straight Guys

He fears that his decision will hurt more than helping his situation.


Practicing his Cello around 6 pm every night.
Brushing his teeth 4 times a day.

Type of Phone:
LG V20
Pet (optional):

Short Bio :
Raised by his brother, Andy wasn't too aware that he and Joey were pretty much living in squalor. Thier dad died a little while after the she-beast known as their mother bailed. The two sailed on their dad's life insurance policy and Joey's endless shifts as either a bartender or a construction worker. And all of this was to fund Andy's dream. See, the young mutt from the ghetto wanted to play the Cello and after years of practicing, on his own, he became one of the best in his school's orchestra band. So good that he has a scholarship that will get him places. But, should he leave his brother behind in the mess that neither of them made? The roadtrip is more of a break from having to make one of the toughest decisions of Andy's life.

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Name: Lorenzo 'Enzo' Ford

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Nationality: Italian


Height: 6'2

Hair Color: Bronze

Eye Color: Blue

Personality: Lorenzo is a by the book teen who has a very warm and brotherly but dense nature. He's gentle and caring with good manners that has won over many of his teachers and is known for his peacemaking nature and dislike of flights. His dislike of fighting makes him avert fights and leaves problems unresolved or more commonly, causes him to give way completely as a result. He tends to get pushed around a lot because of his willingness to give way to others to avoid conflict and rarely fights for what he wants. As the eldest of four siblings, Lorenzo had to be a responsible role model for them from a young age and often takes it upon himself to do the tasks nobody wants. The high expectations of his parents and admiration of his siblings has made him fearful of disappointing them, leading to further compromise on his part as he conceals anything he feels they will frown upon. Raised to be an absolute gentleman by his parents, mild mannered Lorenzo does not know how to say no and often finds himself in troubling positions because he doesn't want to hurt others. Secretly homosexual, Lorenzo is tortured by his sexuality because he knows his parents will disapprove but he cannot do anything to change it despite his desperate attempts. Because he has always been obeying his parents from young, Lorenzo has difficulty expressing himself and his own desires at times and often struggles with what he wants and defying his parents wishes. Underneath his calm and gentle exterior lies an insecure, indecisive teen with many worries and difficulties.

Sexual Orientation: Closeted Homosexual

Crush (Optional): tbd

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional): nil

Best Friend(1-3, optional):

Likes: Dogs, Cooking, Drawing, Running

Dislikes: Arguments, Violence, Bugs, Mess

Fears: Water, Disappointing others

Habits: Doesn't look people in the eye when lying, runs hand through hair when stressed or uncertain

Type of Phone: Samsung S7

Pet (optional): Toy Poodle called Teacup, Jack Russell called Rufus and Labrador called Zef

Short Bio (1 paragraph minimum): The oldest of four children, Lorenzo comes from a loving, tight knit family. His parents raised him to be well behaved and marveled at their success, feeling immense pride over how obedient Lorenzo was and the jealousy of other parents that their child was not like him. Lorenzo loved his younger siblings from the moment they came into his life and he enjoyed taking care of them and spending time with them after spending the first 5 years of his life an only child. Having had difficulty getting their younger children to be as obedient as their first, Lorenzo's parents quickly recognised how attached his younger siblings were to him and started using Lorenzo as a role model for them. The stress slowly mounted as the naturally gentle Lorenzo entered school and earned the favour of his teachers who developed high expectations for him. Having rarely said no in his life, Lorenzo never said no to his teachers either when they made requests of him or assigned him a position he didn't desire. Decisions, as such, were made for him by others both at home and at school, leading Lorenzo to suppress himself. During a school trip, he had a traumatic experience when he nearly drowned in a lake and developed an intense fear of any large bodies of water since. The incident was also the first time he disappointed his parents and teachers since it had been caused by his breaking the rules after being swayed by the other boys on the trip. Having experienced their disappointment and seeing how much that one incident threatened to change, Lorenzo also became fearful of disappointing his parents and strove to become what they desired him to be. In high school however, he started to realise he could not be the son his parents desired as he slowly realised he was homosexual starting with an incident where he felt absolutely nothing when an attractive girl kissed him on a dare but felt a longing to be even closer to a guy friend. Lorenzo went into a period of denial, trying to convince himself he was normal like other boys and liked girls. Even now he continues to battle with his sexuality and is frustrated by his inner struggle to be the son his parents desire as he has always been or be who he wants to be. Using the trip as a respite to get away from the pressure of all the expectations, Lorenzo hopes to resolve his issues before he gets back home.
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Близнецы // The Twins


  • 585d47a80a600d443abf2aa9a57e326a.jpg


    Name: Svetlana "Lana" Morozov

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female

    Nationality: American

    "Закрой глаза скорее"


    Height: 5'2"

    Hair Color: Blonde

    Eye Color: Blue

    "Кто-то ходит за окном"

    Personality: Lana is a bit more on the quiet side, she usually doesn't say anything unless she really feels the need to...and the only time she ever feels as though she really needs to speak is when she's pissed. When rubbed the wrong way Lana becomes a ticking time bomb that will softly and smoothly curse out someone in at least 2 different languages. But when Lana is perfectly at peace her facial expressions are all that she really needs to get her point across. Lana isn't a morning person so when she's awoken from her hibernation she'll glare at everyone and everything in sight...that is...until her piping hot cup of coffee is in her hand at its bitter aroma is dancing up her nostrils. Lana likes to be alone more often than not but because of her twin brother; she's often dragged along for parties, shopping, and of course trips.

    When people get to know a bit more past her icy brick barrier, they'll grow to learn that Lana is a complete clutz with a tendency of getting lost in her own world of daydreams. They'll also learn that Lana is quite the writer in her spare time and when she's actually paying attention to her surroundings she has an observant eye. Lana can be caring in her own way to those both close and not so close to her, but she can be easily misunderstood.

    Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual

    Crush (Optional): Pm me if interested

    Boyfriend/Girlfriend (optional): pm me if interested

    Best Friend(1-3, optional): pm me if interested

    Likes: music, writing, cities, noise, animals, being alone, warmth, coffee, sleeping, going for a run or walk, learning new languages,etc.

    Dislikes: Know-it-alls, pushovers, cold weather, talking, complete silence, bugs (specifically roaches and spiders), waking up early, having her picture taken, most people, etc.

    Fears: being hurt by those who get close to her, losing her brother, spiders and roaches, etc.

    Habits: Staring off into space, biting her lip, shaking her leg, humming a lullaby her mother use to sing before going to bed, etc.

    "И стучится в двери"

    Type of Phone: IPhone 7


    Pet (optional):


    The Morozov's puppy Blu Jay Morovov

    Short Bio (1 paragraph minimum): WIP

    Other: The words that are in each of the accordion tabs for Lana are the first 4 lines of the Russian lullaby Tilli Tilli Bom.

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Name ♣ Lucifer Vergunst
Nickname ♣ Luce
Age ♣ Eighteen - 18
Nationality ♣ English | American
Sexual Orientation ♣ Bisexual
Crush ♣ None Currently
Boyfriend / Girlfriend ♣ None Currently
Best Friend ♣ None Currently

Luce has bright green eyes unlike the rest of his brown eyed family, with deeper green as you get nearer to the pupil. He sports sandy brown hair that is often seen unkempt and tangled as it refuses to cooperate, taking on a natural curl. He is rather tall, standing at six feet and two inches, though he lacks in weight what he does in height. He's rather thin and lanky, with little muscle on his frail limbs. His mother once laughed about this because apparently his sisters are more muscular than he is. He has a pale complexion, though he does spend much time outdoors,and a dimple on both cheeks when he smiles. He has a pet goat named Butterbean and a simple Samsung Galaxy Note as his phone, though he finds it way too complicated for a mere phone and highkey doesn't know how to work it. He has a tattoo of the alien emoji on his arm, near his elbow and a nose piercing that he rarely wears.

Luce is often described as the mom friend of the group - the worry wart. While some of the others are daredevils and outgoing, he's the one who's going to make sure nobody ends up dead, rather than actually joining in their fun. And, because of this, he's also often called the buzzkill, boring, the party pooper. He could care less though, really, his friends are the world to him and he'd do everything to make sure they aren't getting themselves in trouble - even if it means he has to be the buzzkill. He's very worrisome and spektical of many people - assumes that nearly every situation people end up will end negatively. A pessimest at heart though he does try his best to be a little optimistic. Luce is as stubborn as a mule, though a very loyal friend. He's rather sensitive, not afraid to tell people what he feels about them - being very blunt about his feelings, as a matter of fact.

Likes ♣ He likes taking walks outdoors, gardening with his mother, fruits, swimming, classical music, his guilty pleasure, Dr. Phil, and more.

Dislikes ♣ People who manipulate others, sarcasm, people who complain about everything - despite being quite the complainer himself - people who brag about immortal things, and he can't stand chocolate.

Fears ♣ Though he will never really admit it, he has a fear of the dark and cannot sleep without some source of light in his room. He usually fears for his friends, especially when they put themselves in rather dangerous situations.

Skills ♣ Luce has quite the greenthumb, spending much of his childhood with his mother gardening in their greenhouse and gardens. He can also cook, as much of the food they grew would be cooked after. He doesn't see himself skillful in much else, however.

Habits ♣ When nervous, and he often is, he tends to rock back and forth, or tap his collar bone when standing. This is usually a sign letting people know not to bother him because he's not exactly in a pleasant mood.
Luce was born to a teenager, a single woman who didn't want nor expect a child but was forced to go through the birth simply because she didn't have the heart to abort. He was given up for adoption soon after his birth, however he was adopted quickly as infants usually are. He was adopted by a Spanish woman and a white man, a happily married couple who had been unfortunate enough to be unable to produce. He was a happy child and loved helping his mother out in her gardens from the moment he could walk, and he loved playing outside with his papa. He did well in school, got decent grades and passed easily, never had trouble with bullies, though he didn't have many friends. The family adopted another child, though she was older than Luce had been, near the age in which elder children are removed from the orphanage. It didn't take long for him to bond with her and she soon became more of a friend than a sister. Nothing too extraordinaire has happened in his life, until later in which his papa was diagnosed with a cancer with a low survival rate. He still lives to this day though he isn't doing well, Luce and his sister make sure to spend as much time as they can with him - and Luce still visits his mother every other day to help her out in her garden. He lives in his own apartment with nobody but Butterbean, his darling goat. ' - ' It's eh, forgive me.

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