• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Road Trip Around the World| Reality TV Show: CS



From Dusk till Dawn


Character Sheet​

Age: 18-22
Appearance: Realistic
Likes: 3+
Dislikes: 3+
Secrets: at least 2
Personality: 5 Postive, 5 Negative
Bio: 1 paragraph min.
Extra: whatever you would like to add
Writing Sample: Please put it in a spoiler


Roles: These are their job descriptions or what they want to become in life. P.S The trust fund child can be whatever they would like to be a doctor, a lawyer doesn’t matter up to you.

High Classes
~The Trust Fund Child{Person who made the trip happen F/M}
~The Athlete{M/F}
~The Actor{M/F}
Middle Classes
~The Blogger{M/F}
~The Youtube Star{M/F}: Taken by Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah
~The Instagram Model{M/F}
Lower Classes
~The Music Artist{M/F}
~The Musically Star{M/F}
~The Engineer{M/F}

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rework from a dead rp-

name: Mickey Prince
gender: male(it/he/him/his)
sexual orientation: omnisexual
romantic orientation: biromantic
age: 22
dob: march 13
pob: San Francisco, CA
role: trust funder

favorite color: lilac
favorite movie: Ocean's 11...12...13...and 8
favorite genre: Mid 2000's Hip Hop and Pop
likes: Justin Timberlake, Nelly, Ludacris, Amy Winehouse, Queen Bey
dislikes: Micheal Bolton, Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, Nickelback
one sentence description: "Saint or a sinner, a loser can be a winner with a plan."
what's in their bag: gum, a pair of headphones attached to a Zune, a rubik's cube that opens up when you solve it, pot inside the cube, purple gel pens and sharpies, composition notebooks with lyrics and doodles scribbled throughout them, his Surface tablet, and a toothbrush
hobbies: mixing sounds

Turns out, being a Musician is a lot harder than most people think. It's not all nice, effortless looking pictures and sex appeal. If you wanna make a mark, be remembered, you have to be out of the box. And Mickey wanted to do just that, he wanted his own identity and he wanted it to start a new wave of sound. The problem with all of this is that Mickey's father, Deckard Prince of Prince & Knight Law, absolutely loathes the idea of his son stooping so low when he has so many other options. "You're putting a 162 IQ in a tire fire with that on, Son," was the usual response to any mention of Mickey's plans. If he was feeling really colorful, he'd use other destinations such as 'a shitter' or 'da ghetto' as so inappropriately as possible. So, if anyone asks, Mick isn't lying about changing his majors and not telling his father. Also, don't ask about it.
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top: 5px; left: 170px [/class] [class=wordscontainer]height: 25px; width: 100%; padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px; border-bottom: 1px solid white; font-weight: 400; font-size: 11px; line-height:17px; font-family:'Comfortaa', display; [/class] [class=nameword]display: inline-block; font-size:12px; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=text]height: 195px; width: 230px; padding: 5px; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 48px; left: 0px [/class] [class=overfloow]height: 100%; width: 105%; padding-right: 40px; overflow: auto [/class] [class=box]height:15px;padding:1px 5px 2px 5px;display:inline-block;color:black;background: #eaeaea;font-weight: 700 [/class] [div class=tcontain] [div class=timagecontain] [div class=timage][div class=timage2]
[/div][/div] [div class=miniwords]jackie_sparks [div class=miniwords2]who needs a mans when you have pizza and ice cream[/div][/div][/div] [div class=tabcontainer][div class=tabs][div class="first" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordi]posts[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="second" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordii]requisite[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="third" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiii]persona[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=tabs][div class="fourth" style="height:20px;font-size:18px;transition:1s"][div class=hoverwordiiii]biography[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"] [div class=div style="overflow:hidden"][div class=overflow] [div class=posttitle][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]jackie_sparks[/div] [div class=date]june 18th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/736x/13/5a/bd/135abd601039199af7af73a6d9f537b0--photo-and-video-makeup.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]jackie_sparks[/div] [div class=quote]another video is out check on channel @JackieSparkles [/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:280px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]jackie_sparks[/div] [div class=date]june 20th[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/97/43/f5/9743f5673eb167d6f927dfcd4a01bf42.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]jackie_sparks[/div] [div class=quote]time to party all night[/div][/div][/div]
[div class=posttitle style="top:555px"][div class=postimg][/div] [div class=username]jackie_sparks[/div] [div class=date]july 1[/div] [div class=post style="background-image:url(https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/91/61/159161ff8a5275ac60f4d92e224bd895.jpg);background-size:110%"] [div class=uppersquare][div class=lowersquare][/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=username]jackie_sparks[/div] [div class=quote]beach time on the first day of july[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Jacqueline Ramos[/div]
the requisite[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]name[/div] jacqueline adriana ramos

[div class=box]nickname[/div] jackie, sparkles, shortie

[div class=box]age[/div] twenty

[div class=box]gender[/div] female

[div class=box]orientation[/div] bisexual

[div class=box]height[/div] 4'11

[div class=box]role[/div] the youtuber

[div class=box]zodic sign[/div] leo

[div class=box]nationality[/div] mexican/dominican [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(http://thevandallist.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/STYLE-ICON-Naressa-Valdez-the-vandallist-14.jpg);background-size:180%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Jacqueline Ramos[/div]
the persona[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]likes[/div] the beach|make-up|soccer|watching funny videos|puppies|food|adventure|trying new things|traveling|weed

[div class=box]dislikes[/div] annoying people, dishonestly, dirt, cheaters, spiders

[div class=box]secerts[/div]
plans on moving out of Linwood and move back home to mexico after the trip| Dropped out of college to go to mexico for the year due to her pregency of her 1 year old daughter, lied to people about why she dropped out by saying "her grandma was sick and needs her attention.

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display: none"] [div class=div] [div class=image style="background-image:url(http://www.sweatthestyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/SweatTheStyle_NaressaValdez_11.jpg);background-size:180%;background-position:100% 0%"][/div] [div class=smalldiv][div class=wordscontainer][div class=nameword]Jacqueline Ramos[/div]
the biography[/div] [div class=text][div class=overfloow] [div class=box]personality[/div] +Kind,Caring,Understanding,Loving,Adventureous -Over Protective,Flirtous,Aggrestive,Competitive

[div class=box]bio[/div] warning if your sensitive about rape or abuse don't read the bio up to when you see(**) and continue read after the (^^)
Jacqueline was born in Cancun,Mexico by the parents Julio and Augestina.

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=credit]height: 25px; width:500px; margin: auto; position: relative; top: 10px; font-size: 9px; color: grey [/class] [div class=credit]code by @diaphanous[/div] btw: hidden scrolls in all tabs, small picture in corner has effect
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Name: Emma Beaumont
Nicknames: Beau, Ems
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: The actress
coded by: lorde

Height: 1.70 m
Weight: 56 kg
FC: Cindy Kimberly





- Recognition
- Glamour
- Sweets
- Working
- Musicals
- Dancing
- Singing
- Procrastinating
- Sports
- Heights
- Running
- Public speaking
- Bugs
- Dirt

- She's still in the closet, and has been dating men in order to avoid suspicion of her sexuality.
- Cheated her way to the top

+Ambitious, +hard-working, +Charismatic, +Funny, +Cunning, +Passionate
-Liar, -self-centered, - arrogant, -irritable, - Two-faced, -selfish
in depth—

Bio: Emma's story is one of success and hard work. Born into a working class family, Emma was always taught to only dream within the ream of reality in order to avoid getting hurt. Her dreams of becoming an actress were never supported by her parents, as they thought those silly fantasies would keep her from getting a real job that would support her in the future. When she was a teenager, she began sneaking out to join a community theatre group. Her pay was low, but she did it because she was passionate, and acting was the one thing she loved more than anything else. It gave her an escape from her daily life, especially from the hardships of living in a conservative family while hiding her homosexuality.

When rumours of a Hollywood agent looking for new talent reached her small theatre group, Emma began working harder than ever to be in the spotlight, even going so far as to sabotage the other members of her group to get the bigger roles. Talent of course played a part in it, but she probably wouldn't have managed without cheating every now and again. Eventually, she managed to land an audition for a Hollywood movie and, unfortunately, the critics liked her well enough to gain more roles. After a few years, Emma became known as one of the best new actresses in Hollywood, landing hit after hit (with a few flops here and there).
She felt her palms start to sweat as she entered the backstage. The eery and dark part of the theatre reserved for ropes, props, and lighting equipment seemed particularly threatening today. Emma felt as if she was being observed, judged by the walls and criticised for what she was about to do. It was opening night, and the small community theatre group Emma was part of would be unveiling their production of "Macbeth" for the first time. Emma had only managed to land a role as a replacement for Lady Macbeth, in case something bad were to happen to the lead actress. It wasn't fair. Emma was a talented actress, but her parents had kept her working for some extra money as of late and she hadn't been able to attend to some of the rehearsals. That was the only reason she hadn't been given a role, she was sure of it.
It was especially tragic, considering the rumours of a Hollywood producer in the audience, looking for young actors for a new film. What Emma wouldn't do to be casted, to be noticed for once, to escape from her current life filled with money problems and hardships. She knew she was destined for something better, something grand only a few people would manage to do. And she knew there was only way to fulfil her ambition.

There was a scene in which Lady Macbeth was supported by ropes as her husband monologued, an addition to the original play by their director who claimed it would look "artistic" and show Lady Macbeth's power over her husband, the king. Emma could cut the ropes, or untie them a bit, so the actress would fall during that morning's rehearsal before the play and she would be given the role instead. That was her plan coming into the backstage room. Yet, the guilt assaulted her like a lion to its prey. What she was doing was dirty and despicable, but she knew it was the only way to get noticed. And so, with her heart feeling like it was going to rip out of her chest at any moment, Emma cut the rope, and sneaked out of the backstage once more. Rehearsing her lines under her breath as she walked towards the rest of her group and waited for rehearsal to start.

Cameron Oakes

Name: Cameron Oakes
Nickname: Cam
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs
Role: The Engineer
no slide

Likes: His Truck, Tractors, Pizza, Swimming, Parties, Working, His Garage, Ice Tea

Dislikes: Snow, Going to sleep late, Soda, Drama, Feeling Lazy, Fighting, Sandals, Alcohol

Secrets: 1) He is terrified of spiders 2) Has gotten into legal trouble

Positive Traits:
+ Caring
+ Hard Working
+ Reliable
+ Intelligent
+ Fun Loving

Negative Traits:
- Stubborn
- Emotional
- Reckless
- Aggressive
- Competitive


Bio: Cameron grew up on his families large farm, right from the start he had an interest in tractors and other equipment used on the farm. His father was an engineer and taught Cam all he knew and soon enough Cam was basically as good as if not better than his dad. Cameron grew up with a lot of responsibilities, taking care of the land, the animals and watching after his siblings. Cameron worked hard to get his first truck and keeps up with the maintenance that comes with it. In high school, he did well and took more of an interest in the tech or agricultural classes and programs, and even when looking into colleges he wanted to go for engineering so he could work on the things he loves.
Camerons personal life is basically non-existent, only because he really doesn't have a lot of time, the friends that he has shared the same interest so they work on things together. His family liked traveling around and going on trips to various farm shows, so he was never afraid of leaving home. Now that he has completed his associates in agricultural engineering and is going to move on to his bachelors, he spends a good amount of his time at work, fixing other peoples farm equipment. Cameron sees his life as right on track, but he is excited to spice it up with an adventure around the world.


His Truck

Kenzie was walking around the beach house getting everything set up, she had arrived on the island a few days ago. Her parents knew that the house needed a few repairs so they asked her to go down their early so the repairs could be done before her friends were to get there. Her mother grew up in Oahu, and she knew a lot of people, and those people were the ones who were gracious enough to give all of the teens a summer job.

She was a touch bit nervous to see how this trip was going to go, in all reality some of the people that were coming weren't her best friends, she had been close to all of them at one point but she wanted to get back to that place if it was possible. The house was actually quite large, with 5 bedrooms and 3 and a half baths, so obviously people would have to share rooms, she figured everyone would just pick a room to stay in it really made no sense for her to assign rooms.

She continued to clean up the house, she knew that their flights would be arriving around the same time, so she would just take the van and pick everyone up at once instead of making them take a taxi. They were scheduled to start work tomorrow, most of them had signed up to be lifeguards, one or two applied for retail and bartending. She couldn't wait, once she was finished cleaning she grabbed the van keys and headed over to the store quickly to grab a few more groceries then to the airport.


Instagram Model​

Noah Osiris Dubois

Name |Noah O. Dubios|
Age |Twenty|
Gender |Male|
Sexuality |Heterosexual?|

Specialty |Good Lighting|
Ethnicity |African American/Puerto-Rican/Italian|
Languages |English, Spanish, French|

Height |5'11|
Weight |136 lbs|
Hair color |Black|
Eye color |Brown|



code by pasta
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V e r n o n " V e r i " M o s s w e l l
"Hey, if the odds aren't in my favor- what's the point in telling myself they are?"


Male | 21 | Musician

O v e r v i e w


Height: 5'10 1/2
Weight: 170-ish

A certain wanderlust fills the heart of Vernon. It's the little things in life that please him. The sun on his cheeks and the breeze blowing at his hair. He's a simple, humble, laid-back fellow that likes to laugh, loves peace, and wants to see the world. He's not necessarily a daydreamer, but his goals in life are simply to be happy. He's a people person. Independent... yet dependent, loving his freedom and hating feeling confined by a particular place- or a particular person. But he needs someone always at his side. And in this way he could be considered as clingy. He hates being alone, and it scares him when he is- as he's more a follower than a leader, preferring to have a current to flow to than become his own. However, he's not a yes-man. If the rapids get too tough, he'll most definitely get out of the water. And he'll likely deny it, but his reaction to most crises are to, indeed, walk or run away. Whichever he feels is most suitable.

Vernon's most fatal flaw is that he will not allow himself to be vulnerable. Because he thinks its his greatest weakness to have emotions. He even hates using the word, "feel," when talking about himself. And when he is vulnerable, he'd rather lock himself away than show other people his emotions. He certainly also exhibits a cynical streak to him. One that he's built up for years. And because of this, he can be extremely unforgiving... sometimes not letting even the tiny things go and holding grudges. However, conversely, his greatest virtues would be that he is genuinely compassionate, caring, and that most importantly- he exhibits a certain loyalty like no other. All who he loves he considers his family. And they will be top priority in any situation. And with this, his loyalty can make him incredibly brave where he would otherwise not be.


When he was 14 years old, Vernon was adopted by a younger couple. Those who knew him throughout high school would know that for his freshman year- he was a quiet, awkward new kid. Had little friends. Always listened to music when he wasn't being talked to. Kept to himself. Was, for the most part, alone with headphones. By sophomore year, he'd opened himself up. Made a good handful of friends. Had his own little group. Would band together and play instruments at each other's houses. He was somewhat known for his musical talent. But likely those outside of the band kids wouldn't have given him a second glance. But by Junior year, he became a pretty popular guy. Played his guitar outside in the breezeway during free period. Sang sometimes. Learned to play decent-good piano. Killed on the sax. Tried to pick up on violin. Mastered the triangle. Became an official member of the band kids, but remained mostly inactive in their fiascoes and their petty band drama. By then, he didn't belong to any group. Drifted around. Hung out with whoever was down to hang out. Just about everyone knew his name in some way or another. Had a lot of friends. Had a lot of fun. Went to a lot of parties. Played at a lot of parties- as best as a drunken 17 year old could. Alcohol and drugs actually became an important part of his life around this time. For reasons only the 1% of his 100 friends would know.

After he graduated, he moved straight out of home and roomed with his high school best friend and two other buds. About half a year later, his other roommates went off to live on-campus of their choice-colleges. Him and his best friend chose to stay in Linwood and commute to the next town over for their own choice-college. Fast-forward a couple years later- and Vernon is taking a break from school. Been so for a while now. Wanted to focus on his passion: Music and the arts. And with a couple buds he met in college, he's formed himself a little band that specializes in experimental instrumentals that has grown to amass a small cult following. Name: Sound Advice. And these days, he's picked up another roommate. The three of them now are just livin' day to day. Sunrise to sunset. "Grind doesn't stop," he says.
Maybe it can for about two months. If he's lucky.

M i s c .


1. He's bisexual. And deathly afraid of people knowing. Especially any same-sex person of particular interest.
2. His early childhood. His best friend being the only person who he's talked about this with.
3. Has a mild cocaine problem. Again, only his high school best friend would know. Along with his current roommate.
4. This one's more on the broader spectrum- but his more... somber moments he tends to hide with great care.


Born May 13th. Taurus sun sign. Sagittarius moon sign. Aquarius ascendant. Sagittarius Venus sign. Taurus Mars sign.


Nature. Instruments. Dogs. Compassionate people. The sun and warm weather.

Animals. Humor. Sight-seeing. Savory foods. Mornings. Drinking and narcotics. The color green.

Puzzles. Having to make important decisions. Flighty people. Salty foods. Rain and snow.

Feeling vulnerable. Feeling confined. Clingy people. Irrational people. Stuck-up individuals.


Cameron Oakes - Close friend. "Oh, him? Yeah, I can't remember how many times I've crashed at his place."
Kaine Nelson - On 'n off friend. "There's just... Two sides of him... And honestly I only like that one side of him."


W r i t i n g S a m p l e

Veridius & Dez

(Very long post with these guys, So I highlighted all dialogue for you guys's convenience.)

"Guys...were you gaming all night?"
Veridius heard Kyerah's voice- his reaction to close his eyes, and draw his brows upwards.
He turned to give her a joking response. "The fuck? No?" He said, furrowing his brows, giving her a teasing glare, "We were makin' out-"
"Woah- oh my god-" Dez chimed, taking a step away from him with his palms up. His expression mirroring an exaggeration of surprise.
Veridius winked at him, flashing him an open smile before tilting his head back for another drink.
"Fuckin' hell..." His friend said. He pulled a chair out from below the breakfast bar and took a seat, looking back at Veridius. "Make me some breakfast."
"Yes, honey, I'll make some for all of us." he replied, setting his drink down onto the counter closest the fridge.
His friend curled the edge of his lip up in an exaggerated look of disgust.
In that moment, Juniper walked in, giving everyone in the room a brief greeting.
"Morning-" Dez repeated back, putting an elbow on the table to rest his chin on his hand.
Veridius looked at her, smiled with squinted eyes. Said with a softer, gentler tone to his voice, "Hey, June. Good morning." After his greeting, he moved towards the oven, where pans in as many colors as the rainbow hung from a rack overhead. He reached up, grabbed one of the bigger pans, set it on the bigger burner, and turned the dial on the front to 10.
Then Frankie stepped into the kitchen, bringing her own liveliness with her. Throwing it in with the rest of the energy, her own vibes standing out of the mixture.
"Morning my dudes. And dudettes."
She gave Dez 3 playful taps on his upper back, and in response he smirked, unwavering in posture, but playfully rolling his eyes as hers met his.
"Frankie- Aaaaayyy," Veridius said, turning away from the burner to meet her. And then stepping away to follow her to the fridge, passing both Juniper and Micah on his way.
“Alcohol can actually be really good for you ya know. It reduces the chance of heart disease… dementia… diabetes… all that nasty stuff.”
"Really?" Both Veridius and Dez said. Dez from slumped over in his chair, and Veridius from standing beside her as she opened the fridge and reached inside. "Well then that's exactly why I'm having one. That- and the obvious," Veridius added.
She poked her head out from behind the door, taking a family-sized jug out. He put his hand on the fridge door, holding it in place.
"But- I prefer lemonade,” she continued.
"To each their own," Veridius smiled.
As she moved away to grab a cup, Veridius shifted himself in her place.
He looked up, scanning the faces of everyone in the kitchen. "You guys gonna eat?" he asked before turning to reach into the fridge, pulling a carton of eggs out of the coldness and setting it down on the counter holding his drink. He then grabbed half of a red onion and a half- empty can of diced tomatoes. Set them all on the same counter. Then opened the bottom compartment to get to the freezer. He pulled out a bag of frozen chopped spinach. Set it down, then moved over to the spice rack right beside the fridge. grabbed the little container of garlic powder on the middle shelf. And the black pepper on the top. Then the shaker of salt.
"Dez, can you chop the onion?"
He let out a moan- Causing Veridius to shoot him a glare- but he agreed to nonetheless- signaled by him getting up and moving towards the sink to pull out a blue plastic cutting board from a rack of dishes set out to dry the night before. Then he pulled a knife from the standing set and sheathe. Veridius handed him the red onion before walking back over to the stove and Dez went to dicing. Slow and cautiously.
"We need some tunes," Veridius said. "Does someone wanna play their weird music?"
"What do you wanna listen to?" Dez said.
"I don't know- but I wanna be... surprised." He said the last word squinting towards Dez as he hovered his hand over the pan, feeling the heat pushing against him. Then he reached into the cupboards to his left, pulling out a can of spray-on oil and with his other hand, turning the dial on the stove to 3.

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social's code boii
Poppy Mohn



social's code

by irixion 6 hours ago
Q: What's your name?
A: It's Poppy Anne Mohn. Kind of weird right?

by xelleybaby 10 hours ago
Q: How old are you?
A: I am twenty-one years old

by 1centia 18 hours ago
Q: When's your birthday?
A: May 18th. I'm a spring baby haha

by ashley.choi 1 day ago
Q: Are you dating anyone? Or would you date a girl?
A: I'm not dating anyone no. Umm I don't think anything is wrong with dating someone that isn't of the opposite sex. Love is love.

by saymyname 1 day ago
Q: Where are you from? You have a cute accent!
A: I was born and raised in Sigdal, Norway before I moved here during my last few years of high school

by lovejin_ 1 day ago
Q: Are you working?
A: Mmm I've started working as a tutor since I'm still job hunting. I'm still kind of new to the area, I blog a whole bunch though

by __poppy_ 6 hours ago
Q: How tall am I?
A: 5'7"

by __poppy_ 10 hours ago
Q: How much do I weigh?
A: I fluctuate from 53 kg to 55 kg.

by __poppy_ 18 hours ago
Q: What color is my hair and eyes?
A: I've got platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes

by __poppy_ 1 day ago
Q: What's my style like?
A: Here's some examples if you'd like to see my style for yourself: xo xo xo xo

by __poppy_ 1 day ago
Q: Any body modifications?
A: I have a few ear piercings but that's it. However I have freckles and I have a large-ish birthmark on my left shoulder-blade.

by __poppy_ 1 day ago
Q: What are some of my likes?
A: Dogs, the guitar, reading, cafes, red lipstick, fashion, going on walks, feminists, sweets, healthy foods, cooking, hiking, snowboarding, adventuring/traveling

__poppy_ 2 days ago
Q: Dislikes?
A: Cliches, drama, sexism, over sexualizing women, sour foods, super hot cocoa, peas, rainy days, the cold, feeling anxious, clowns, rude people, bullies

by __poppy_ 2 days ago
Q: What are my hobbies?
A: Cooking, writing, journaling, collecting stationary, collecting postcards from around the world, and painting

by __poppy_ 2 days ago
Q: Am I scared of anything?
A: Hmmm, needles, drawing blood, violence (irl, movies are fine), cockroaches, mimes (don't judge me)

by __poppy_ 3 hours ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at turpis nulla. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer id auctor orci. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam vestibulum suscipit lorem, a auctor odio congue ut. Phasellus sapien purus, dapibus ut nunc eget, tempus tempus lectus. Aliquam fringilla tellus lorem, id tincidunt tortor consectetur sit amet. Vivamus ac sem dui. Curabitur cursus elit eu lacus porta, interdum pellentesque magna tristique. Vivamus vitae tellus a enim volutpat ullamcorper. Nulla sit amet enim eget mauris consectetur gravida vitae dapibus ligula. Nunc id mi accumsan, gravida justo eu, venenatis nisl. Etiam ac lobortis nibh. Quisque a ornare ante. Praesent eleifend, nisl sit amet rutrum posuere, nibh orci ultricies nisl, suscipit elementum erat urna et velit.

Maecenas in diam non ante cursus malesuada. Mauris sit amet est sit amet arcu pharetra blandit. Praesent dapibus magna vitae vulputate porttitor. Nulla et velit nunc. Phasellus tellus tortor, tempus nec ultrices eget, blandit a diam. Quisque ac nibh magna. Fusce vel tortor vitae libero consequat auctor.

Nulla consectetur aliquet justo, vestibulum ultrices ipsum placerat vitae. Praesent dapibus enim eget sem consectetur, quis porta purus aliquet. Nullam mollis, nisl sit amet maximus mollis, nisi nisi posuere mi, pellentesque ultricies augue libero quis erat. Maecenas sagittis molestie magna, nec semper metus pulvinar non. Suspendisse lacus justo, efficitur ut finibus eget, egestas non ipsum. Duis nec neque at augue sollicitudin semper nec id lectus. Nullam rhoncus nisi ac nisl ullamcorper, eu volutpat leo consectetur. Phasellus vel aliquam felis. Aenean a est in ante maximus fringilla vel ac neque. Fusce rutrum urna ut tortor eleifend laoreet. Nulla volutpat vulputate nisl ac faucibus. Cras convallis porttitor tortor. Curabitur convallis enim tincidunt dapibus scelerisque. Morbi in pulvinar lacus.

Nulla facilisi. Quisque sed odio imperdiet, dapibus justo vitae, vehicula justo. Aliquam venenatis eros purus, sed pellentesque sapien placerat et. Duis fringilla malesuada nibh, in vulputate ex sollicitudin non. Aliquam a risus sem. Nam ipsum eros, interdum vitae dapibus sit amet, suscipit eget mi. Morbi laoreet vehicula urna, vestibulum feugiat arcu venenatis ac. Integer id nisl dolor. Vestibulum ornare vitae odio et dictum. Integer tristique odio justo, ac dapibus dolor pulvinar non. Ut purus libero, tincidunt a orci a, accumsan posuere orci. Vestibulum urna urna, dapibus a lobortis eget, laoreet cursus justo. Donec dignissim, velit sed scelerisque viverra, sapien ante cursus magna, nec ornare enim odio nec mauris. Sed sagittis massa sit amet tellus consectetur scelerisque.

Sed odio ante, tincidunt eu nisi eget, gravida vestibulum felis. Nam et erat vitae risus facilisis venenatis ac eget enim. Sed massa turpis, fringilla non diam in, ullamcorper sollicitudin risus. Duis laoreet lectus odio, pharetra sodales orci fermentum eget. Proin mollis elit sit amet varius accumsan. Curabitur convallis dolor ex. Donec accumsan tortor diam. Curabitur consectetur dolor elementum neque convallis, ut placerat tellus mollis. Duis quis pretium nunc, eu maximus urna. Mauris molestie et nulla ut molestie. Integer luctus libero mauris, quis porttitor ante lacinia a. Aliquam eleifend faucibus arcu, sit amet imperdiet felis porta at. Curabitur convallis mi mauris, nec euismod purus fringilla vel.

social's code



by __poppy_ 3 hours ago
Nulla facilisi. Quisque sed odio imperdiet, dapibus justo vitae, vehicula justo. Aliquam venenatis eros purus, sed pellentesque sapien placerat et. Duis fringilla malesuada nibh, in vulputate ex sollicitudin non. Aliquam a risus sem. Nam ipsum eros, interdum vitae dapibus sit amet, suscipit eget mi. Morbi laoreet vehicula urna, vestibulum feugiat arcu venenatis ac. Integer id nisl dolor. Vestibulum ornare vitae odio et dictum. Integer tristique odio justo, ac dapibus dolor pulvinar non. Ut purus libero, tincidunt a orci a, accumsan posuere orci. Vestibulum urna urna, dapibus a lobortis eget, laoreet cursus justo. Donec dignissim, velit sed scelerisque viverra, sapien ante cursus magna, nec ornare enim odio nec mauris. Sed sagittis massa sit amet tellus consectetur scelerisque.

Sed odio ante, tincidunt eu nisi eget, gravida vestibulum felis. Nam et erat vitae risus facilisis venenatis ac eget enim. Sed massa turpis, fringilla non diam in, ullamcorper sollicitudin risus. Duis laoreet lectus odio, pharetra sodales orci fermentum eget. Proin mollis elit sit amet varius accumsan. Curabitur convallis dolor ex. Donec accumsan tortor diam. Curabitur consectetur dolor elementum neque convallis, ut placerat tellus mollis. Duis quis pretium nunc, eu maximus urna. Mauris molestie et nulla ut molestie. Integer luctus libero mauris, quis porttitor ante lacinia a. Aliquam eleifend faucibus arcu, sit amet imperdiet felis porta at. Curabitur convallis mi mauris, nec euismod purus fringilla vel.

by __poppy_ 3 hours ago
She is often called the blonde Snow White
She's got a habit of making silly faces when she doesn't want to say something/is embarrassed/or trying not to laugh
Gossip Girl is the show that her best friend LOVES, but Poppy is still on the fence about it
She's a total dog person in all honesty, she wants to buy one when she gets a house
Has talent when it comes to baking, she is the type with the best chocolate chip cookies
Very talented when it comes to art


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(remember to scroll)

[class name=heading]background-color:#CED0CE; font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; color:#FFF; padding:1px; text-align:center; position:relative; left:90px;[/class] [class name=heading1]background-color:transparent; font-size:10px; color:#CED0CE; padding:1px; position:relative; top:-70px; left:90px;[/class] [class name=heading2]background-color:transparent; font-size:10px; color:#CED0CE; padding:1px;[/class]
ROLE: The Athlete


+ athletic (duh)
+ charismatic
+ promiscuous
+ observant
+ spontaneous

- compulsive
- superficial
- noncommittal/guarded
- arrogant
- dishonest/sneaky


designer clothing


being held down
country music
weed/controlled substances
lazy people


→ Kaine has cheated on every single female he has been in a relationship with. None of them know that, of course!

→ Kaine’s family isn’t as innocent as they look. They payed the media/news networks to keep their name clean and drama free.

BIOGRAPHY: The Nelson’s family legacy was the
epitome of excellence. Oddly enough, no matter where
the family travelled, success and money seemed to
trail behind. Hard work, dedication, and discipline was
what the family seemed to thrive off of— what some
would call foundation, even. Though, something did seem a little off. Why were they constantly in the media, over
everybody else? Every time their name was mentioned
in the news, they were receiving SOME kind of recognition. Whether that be for science, sports, fashion, or music.
They were defintely a force to be reckoned with.

If you thought things couldn’t get any better—it could. On Christmas Day, Kaine Princeton Nelson was brought
into the world. A healthy baby who was worth more
than three to four houses. Kaine grew up living a lavish
life: maids, butlers, toys, and nannies. Anything that
a toddler needed to do well, he had. It was like his
future was already chosen for him. There was
no choice; his parents wanted him to be the next big football star, so that’s what was going to happen.

Kaine was a rather handsome teenager,there was no getting past that. During the weekdays, he would spend his time training—no breaks, no complaining, just work. He had everything, yet he still felt empty. Sex made up
what football couldn’t. He used his hyper-sexuality to fill his internal pain, which, inevitably, would lead to his demise.

[div class="heading" style=width:130px;]kaine nelson
[div class="heading1"]AGE: twenty
GENDER: male
SEXUALITY: heterosexual
APPEARANCE: dark brown eyes, 6’6, 190 lbs,
ETHNICITY: african american, jamaican

There was one thing Dylan’s parents failed to suggest, before rushing her off to college: Never. Take. Morning. Classes. Ever. As overprotective and uptight as they were, they weren’t the brightest lightbulbs in the shed—at all. Even after chugging down three cups of instant coffee like a pro, she was still feeling a bit sluggish and worn down.

A fatigued sigh escaped past the young lady’s lips. To make matters worse, she decided that it would be best to work at the on campus coffee shop, just to have extra money in her pocket. The grind never stops. What could she do about it? Was there anything she was actually able to do to avoid, what was known as, the “adult” lifestyle? Nope.

Oh shit, she muttered to herself, I’m late. Dylan wished she actually cared about not being on time, but she didn’t. That was her nonchalant attitude in full gear. The college lifestyle hit her hard, even on day one, and it was easy to lose track of time.

The sprint from Dylan’s dorm room to the coffee shop was the longest she’s ever ran. She earned a couple of side eyes and weird faces, but no fucks were given. The visibly out of breath blonde rushed her way inside the shop.

“Sorry I’m late,” she apologized, before heading to the back to clock in and grab an apron. Dylan hoped she didn’t cause too much attention to herself, as she began to work.
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"You didn't see that coming?"


Jason Callaghan

Jace, Jay, JC




5' 11"

167 lbs


Musically Star

cars, basketball, technology, Star Wars, superheroes, martial arts, magic tricks, pranking, dancing, playing guitar, lip syncing, acting, filming, photography, video games, boardgames, arcades, steak, sushi, pasta, puzzles, noise-cancelling earphones, relaxing, surprising others, walking into a cold room after being exposed to high temperatures, learning, hacking, random acts of kindness, being productive

inconsiderate people, caramel candy, close-mindedness, slow walkers, slow drivers, slow wifi, slow anything, nagging, impractical accusations, bad scents, discrimination, seemingly illogical decisions, wasting time, filing taxes, abuse, boredom, scary movies, bullies, racists, lack of freedom

Jason is planning on dropping his Musically career.

He has a biological two-year-old child. Not many people know this especially since Jason's child calls him "Uncle Jay."

" . . It's not what you think"

Positive: Respectful, Sociable, Confident, Resourceful, Practical, Playful, Clever
Negative: Hot-headed, Impatient, Self-Critical, Oblivious, Workaholic, Sly

Jason Callaghan was born into a low-income Irish and Filipino household. He was raised for the most part in Los Angeles, California along with his older brother and younger sister. Ever since he could remember, Jason had deep anger toward his father after he abandoned the family. All three siblings as well as their then ill mother had to work together for survival in one of the busiest cities in the world.

Linwood, Indiana was never spectacular to Jace; however, it housed the university that he earned the most scholarships at. Thus, the guy relocated there and became a working student with two jobs that wrestled against academics for his time. It didn't take long for the rest of his family to relocate to Indiana as well especially since most of the regional financial costs were lower.

Jason always had tight connections with his siblings. Fortunately, Jackson was a great older brother for him to look up to. Bonding with his little sister was pretty fun too despite trying to stand in as some sort of father figure every once in a while. In fact, Jason had Emma to thank for his Musically career. All it took was one random appearance in his sister's video to start trending. After hearing about monetization though, Jason ended up creating his own account garnering a rather large following with his unique dancing, comedy, or magic trick Musically creations to help the family out.

Occupations: Student, Office Assistant, Preschool Photographer, Musically star
Allergies: Cashews and pistachios
Languages: English, Tagalog, elementary Spanish, and little to no Italian
Siblings: Jackson (25) and Emma (12)
Kid: ______ (2)

Writing Sample:
Just kidding. Ryan shifted the camera over to Tristan once he initiated his signature bag tricks. Chocolate chip cookies, bottled milk tea, and candies were only a few things Mom exposed to the outside world since Ryan flipped the camera back over to himself before the end of the gift giving. He exhibited his indifferent facial expression as he watched Tris continue to remove more stuff. It was usual for him and the others to observe the Mary Poppins trickery. When Tristan stated that everyone had gifts, Ryan raised a brow. "Wait, really? You don't have too," The guy replied on his behalf knowing that Mom would still pull through with all the gifts regardless. Hey, it was worth a shot. Ryan wasn't really used to people going out of their way to do something for him.

He paused the shot then resumed recording to help signal an edit, "We're about to board and do all that stuff so . . . see ya in a bit." With that, the cameraman flicked his gadget off and swung his backpack around his torso. Mentally, Ryan was taking note to film random clips for a quick transition montage. Just because he was vlogging the trip didn't mean that he had to capture every single moment of it. Besides, it was a tiring thing to do. He'd rather spend that time connecting with the group. The man moved a hand through his hair before routinely returning his camera safely into his backpack and crouching down to slightly open his luggage. As per usual, international flights only allowed one carry-on and a bag thing onto the passenger part of the plane. Ryan easily stuffed his drawstring bag into the luggage prior to standing up and slowly adjusting the backpack on his shoulders.



Talent, comedy, magic, and occasional sibling collabs
Just substitute him in for the two guys.
[class=base] background:white; width:90%; margin:10px auto; padding:10px; //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well (at least explain it in how I understand it to be don't know if its the Real explanation) // //These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //this is the white background// //or the base of the design// [/class] [class=hidden] display: none; //this allows all the content I don't want to be seen until clicked to be hidden, or not on display until I code otherwise// [/class] [class=Img] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; //the border around the Image// //pointer-evnets:none; is my favorite peice of// //code because it removes the "click for full size" tool tip// //on the image and I personally find that really annoying // //and distracting// [/class] [class=ImagButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; //The red buttons above the Images// [/class] [class name=ImagButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //what the Imagebutton looks like// // when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=ImagButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; color:white; //what the image button looks like when clicked on// [/class] [script class=ImagButton on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClick ImagButton addClass ImagButtonClick //above allows the user to toggle between a clicked and non-clicked colored button// set link (getText) //above sets the link to what ever text I put on the button within a div// if (eq "${link}" "Face") (show Head) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide Body) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide Form) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (show Body) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide Head) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide Form) //this says "if the class "ImageButton" is used and div says "Face" set that as a link,// //and when it's clicked show the class named "Head". The next line says to hide the other classes or in this case images// [/script] [class=CSButton] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:50px; padding:5px; Width:15%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; //The Buttons for the extra CS information// [/class] [class name=CSButton state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; //How the extra info looks when a cursor hovers over it// [/class] [class=CSButtonClick] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin10px Auto;margin-right:50px; padding:5px; Width:15%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; //How the extra info button looks when clicked// [/class] [class=MobileButton] cursor:pointer; background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:1px; float:left; Width:15%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:white; //The Button that switches between a mobile friendly design and desktop design// [/class] [class=MobileButtonClick] cursor:pointer; background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:1px; float:left; Width15%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:red; //The switching button when its clicked// [/class] [class name=MobileButton state=hover] Background-color:#48107E; color:red; border-radius:5px; margin:3px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:1px; float:left; Width:15%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; //the switch button when a cursor points over it// [/class] [script class=MobileButton on=click] removeClass MobileButtonClick MobileButton addClass MobileButtonClick //Above toggles the clicked and non-clicked coloring// set link (getText) //sets a link with the text inside the Divs using this class// if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (hide Desktop) if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (show MobileContent) if (eq "${link}" "Mobile Users") (hide MobileButtonOne) if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (hide MobileContent) if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (show Desktop) if (eq "${link}" "Desktop Users") (show MobileButtonOne) // "If the class is used on a div saying 'Mobile Users' Show the mobile design and hide the desktop design"// // The Difference between Mobile and Desktop designs are that the Buttons above the Third Column are IN the column and not in the First Row with the Image Buttons, this allows a phone to// //display it With the information and not at the Top of the design with the Image buttons, causing a user to scroll up and down continuously, also with my margins set how they are the buttons // //will look scattered on the page. // [/script] [script class=CSButton on=click] removeClass CSButtonClick CSButton addClass CSButtonClick set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "History") (show ContentHistory) if (eq "${link}" "History") (hide ContentPersonality) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (show ContentPersonality) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (hide ContentHistory) //The same as the other scripts but with the extra info buttons, half of coding, for me at least, is copy, paste, change one little thing, repeat.// [/script] [class=Notes] //So below is where I actually put together the design and one thing to keep in mind is that within the// //Divs you can name new classes inside it and that's what you use when using the show [new named class] // //or hide [new named class] or any script function with the class. // //Anything in the [div] [/div] tags with the button class are what the links are set to,// // so if you change the name here you have to go back to the scripts and change the name to match. // //^^^DO NOT STYLIZE THE LINK TEXT IN THE DIV WITH REGULAR BBC USE THE CLASS OR THE INSTRUCTIONS BELOW TO STYLIZEvvv// // You can style that Individual element with a: style="Regular div code" in a div tag after the class //EX [div class=Classname style="Background-color:#000000;"]// //style=" " adds to that specific Div and only with in that div // //(but it may affect other elements depending on what you add,// // like where I set a right margin pushes the other button as well)// // Remember that long urls are Images // //and # followed by letters and numbers are colors // //and the only color that is named is white within the classes above// [/class] [class=hiddenB] display: none; [/class] [class=ImgB] border:2px solid #000000; line-height:0px; margin-left:5px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=ImagButtonB] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; text-align:center; float:left; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; [/class] [class name=ImagButtonB state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; [/class] [class=ImagButtonClickB] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:10px Auto; margin-right:5px; padding:5px; float:left; Width:23%; color:white; [/class] [class=contentB] box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 15px; text-align: justify; [/class] [script class=ImagButtonB on=click] removeClass ImagButtonClickB ImagButtonB addClass ImagButtonClickB set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (show HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide BodyB) if (eq "${link}" "Face") (hide FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (show BodyB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Clothes") (hide FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Hair") (show FormB) if (eq "${link}" "Hair") (hide HeadB) if (eq "${link}" "Hair") (hide BodyB) [/script] [class=CSButtonB] background:#AA0101; border-radius:5px; margin:5px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; Width:35%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; [/class] [class name=CSButtonB state=hover] cursor:pointer; Background-color:#48107E; color:red; [/class] [class=CSButtonClickB] background:#330B5A; border-radius:5px; margin:5px Auto;margin-right:5px; padding:5px; Width:35%; float:right; font-family:Book Antiqua; color:White; text-align:center; [/class] [script class=CSButtonB on=click] removeClass CSButtonClickB CSButtonB addClass CSButtonClickB set link (getText) if (eq "${link}" "History") (show ContentHistoryB) if (eq "${link}" "History") (hide ContentPersonalityB) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (show ContentPersonalityB) if (eq "${link}" "Personality") (hide ContentHistoryB) [/script][div class=MobileButton]Desktop Users[/div]
[div class=base]
[div class=ImagButtonB style="Margin-left:30px;"]Face[/div][div class=ImagButtonB]Clothes[/div][div class=ImagButtonB]Hair[/div]

[div class="Img HeadB"]9E7BACA2-61DD-449C-97B7-C2BF8787EE13.jpeg[/div][div class="Img BodyB hidden"]4F3DCE94-5CAA-4197-8419-534AD77100F6.jpeg[/div][div class="Img FormB hidden"]9DCED7DD-8771-49FC-991E-E08F46517D1F.jpeg[/div]

Nickname: Rose/Rosy
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5’3
Weight: 137 lbs
Role: The Blogger

- She is a lot more innocent than she makes herself out to be online, and on top of that she’s a hopeless romantic. Not a great combo, and she doesn’t plan on telling anyone anytime soon that she’s a virgin.
- Almost everything she writes on her blog is either exaggerated or pretty much made up. She does so to gain more popularity online, even if it will come back to bite her.

[div class=CSButtonB style="margin-right:55px;"]History[/div][div class=CSButtonB]Personality[/div]
[div class="ContentPersonalityB"]

+ Forgiving
+ Creative
+ Peacemaker
+ Loyal
+ Dedicated

- Gossip
- Verbose
- Perfectionist
- Fanciful
- Subservient

Likes: Writing, Rom-com movies, action/adventure movies (Indiana Jones is a favorite), Classical/Instrumental music, really soft blankets

Dislikes: Horror movies, heat, dark chocolate, being left out, the color pink

[/div][div class="ContentHistoryB hidden"]

Bio: Born into a rather normal, middle-class family, Rose was content living with her parents and her two older brothers in Boston, Massachusetts. She didn’t get along great with her brothers, and in the end they always proved to be stronger, faster, and smarter than her. By the time she was ten, Rose learned to just go along with what they told her to do, and she was thankful that their requests became more reasonable over the years.

When she was fourteen, she started her own blog online, mostly to complain about her brothers as well as the misfortunes and insecurities of junior high. She called it “A Petal in the Wind”, combining a small pun about her name with the idea that she was simply drifting along wherever life took her. As her passion for writing grew, so did her online popularity. She still uploads a weekly entry into her blog, even now that she has left home to make her own way in life.

Oh how she loved rainy days. Sure, a thunderstorm meant that she couldn’t go out into town with a group of friends, but she couldn’t do that any other day. Besides, the rain was much needed. All the plants and crops needed rain to live, and when it was all over there were plenty of great puddles to splash around in.

With a sigh, Carrie turned away from the window. Thoughts like these made her seem childish. What self-respecting adult went out and jumped in mud puddles with the other children? She would be scorned and chided for not acting her age, and there was nothing she could do about it.

The brunette plopped herself down in an arm chair in the corner of her small living room, staring out the window once more. She’s could hear the gentle boom of rumbling thunder, and soon after that was a distant strike of lightning. She could tell now that the rain was lessening as soft rays of light broke through the clouds. Carrie waited a moment longer as she watched small children come outside of the home across from her, all decked out for splashing in all of the puddles.

Should she join them? She knew she would have to face the disapproving glares from the parents, and ultimately she decided it wasn’t worth it. She wanted to be seen as an adult, so she had better start acting like one. The brunette sat in silence, a small frown on her face as she watched the children have the time of their lives.
Code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Last edited:
Delce Deluka —
Delce is chill but he' loves being around and interacting with people. Especially people who he vibes with. He takes life one day at a time, just enjoying every second. He's been surfing since he was in primary school and loves the ocean. He would love to live right on the ocean one day so that he can walk out of his house and breathe in the salty sea water. When he isn't surfing on the water he's surfing through social media, doing some kind of puzzle, weather it be a physical one or a mind one. He'll go just about anywhere; He loves to journey to places and just fuck around.
He has two older sisters who he's pretty close to. Since they're all close in age they get along well and have a lot in common. When his sisters moved away from home he felt alone. Having his sisters there was like having built in friends. Going from always having his sisters around to never having them around was a big change. He took to posting on instagram to express himself. He found it to be a great outlet and a way for him to connect with other people. He made a lot of friends and would meet up with them and hang out. Most of his friend group is made up of all of the people he met on instagram.

i n f o;
Name: Delce Deluka
Nickname: DD or Del
Age: 20
Sexuality: Homosexual
Role: Instagram model
Likes: surfing, puzzles, outdoors, adventure
Dislikes: thunderstorms or bad weather in general,
Secrets: #1When he was 18 he was a cam boy.
#2 He cheated on his SAT and ACT

coded by @lorde
Hello everyone I'm starting to accept character sheets today and we will be starting later that night or tomorrow.

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