[The Road Goes Ever On] 24 Descending Air: The Gate and Beyond.

To Mok

Kejak's staring out the window, Ayesha throws him a sympathetic look before answering you, "Just...a little big, yes." She smiles and leans over to pat your knee. "Heaven can make you into something completely different than you are now once you learn what even the initiates of the Bureaus know. I believe that isn't what you want, but we shall see what the Future brings."

Wits + Awareness, please.
Sun Mok

Smiling gratefully for the sympathy, feigned or otherwise, Mok's attention is distracted for a moment...

Results for 4 dice: 3 successes [ 9 4 7 9 ] (TN: 7)
To Mok

It's just a flicker of light in the sky. Teal, almost like a strobe from a lighthouse. Pulsing not far from where Saturn's star burns bright for her lead in the Games.

And you notice the barest movement along the very edge of the skies behind you. Your mind flickers with an image. A wheel? No, a source of light with spokes encompassing all the heavenly bodies...

Sun Mok

Mok shakes his head. <"No, not that. The flicker, there... see it? The light. It's faint...">
To Mok

It fades as Ayesha and Kejak lean over to look out. "I can't say I see a thing, Mok. Perhaps you're simply tired?" Ayesha gives you a wink. "Perhaps you can relax at the baths yourself when we arrive."

Kejak taps the floor of the rickshaw with his staff twice, having the world speed by just a bit more.
Irukandji Darktide

Darktide's face freezes when he sees Selakkis and Silk inflagrante delecto. His jovial mood of seconds ago is gone, and a slow anger starts to build. There is a moment when he wonders if he should really do what he's about to do. Fuck it. I can't leave it be.

The Eclipse stands up and walks over to where the two are engaged. "I know I sort of kicked this whole thing off, but the two of you have some fucking nerve. If you fuck up the chemistry of my crew, Silk, you're off the ship. Simple as that. Sun Mok's got it bad for you and now you're boning Selakkis? And Selakkis - what the fuck are you thinking? Of all the possible partners here, you choose her? You two make me sick."

With that, Darktide turns and leaves the bath, hoping Sun Mok stays away a while longer.
And soon enough, outside the Baths in a small park, an aerial rickshaw lands and three Sidereals exit, entering the Baths to check upon their friends...

End Chapter

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