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Fantasy The Rising of the Forces Chat

Haha that's what I was thinking but just on every post here and there I have a Log from Dr. Hagader. It would be in a little box of its own but it would give a bit of back story and all that jazz
Well actually it might work out well if he comes in after the last log then he would be your own character in a way. I'm so excited only a little bit longer and then I'll send you a message!!! I'm almost off work
Oh, btw, i was rereading what one of the cats said, the reason why all of the packs and prides are not gathering is because the weapon that was fired was a VSS Vintorez, It is a Sniper rifle with an effective range of 400 meters and the barrel has a build in silencer, so those shots are silenced. :)
And I think that one just had two groups of wolves with powers fighting....I can't remember though

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