The Red String - Out Of Character

Then excuse moi while I herd in those results.


Recap: Nyx rolled a 4, so she gained four relationships. They rolled up values for a Crush, Acquaintance, Crush, and Enemy.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Crush A Possibilities[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Acquaintance Possibilities[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Crush B Possibilities[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Enemy Possibilities[/SIZE]

  1. Player’s Choice
  2. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  3. NPC
  4. Briony Matthews - jinkx
  5. Raziel Kenn Devereux - Kore
  6. Seth Zylon Larsa - Shadow
  7. Blaine Alexander Denton - PaddieCake
  8. Julius Heath Milano - zeroinspo
  9. Dante Edward Floyd - PaddieCake
  10. Drake Dupont - spectro?
  11. Destin Vincent Lyon - Lumos

  1. Briony Matthews - jinkx
  2. Arabella Manriquez - TheCandyEmo
  3. Erin Garrett Ramirez - Wolf Wolf
  4. Delia Snow Brooks - Jennete
  5. Cooper Ross - Xero
  6. Seth Xylon Larsa - Shadow
  7. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  8. Blaine Alexander Denton - PaddieCake
  9. Eilise Cerise Ashton - Kore
  10. NPC
  11. Alice-May Johanson - PaddieCake
  12. Julius Heath Milano - zeroinspo
  13. Lucy Marie Kingsman - Dakup
  14. Player’s Choice
  15. Destin Vincent Lyon - Lumos
  16. Drake Dupont - spectro?
  17. Bailey Mila Norcross - Bowa
  18. Dante Edward Floyd - PaddieCake
  19. Edelmira Azure Almeda - Kore
  20. Raziel Kenn Devereux - Kore
  21. Sapphire Rose Blake - jinkx

  1. Destin Vincent Lyon - Lumos
  2. Dante Edward Floyd - PaddieCake
  3. Player’s Choice
  4. Drake Dupont - spectro?
  5. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  6. Seth Zylon Larsa - Shadow
  7. Blaine Alexander Denton - PaddieCake
  8. Julius Heath Milano - zeroinspo
  9. Briony Matthews - jinkx
  10. NPC
  11. Cooper Ross - Xero
  12. Raziel Kenn Devereux - Kore

  1. Delia Snow Brooks - Jennete
  2. Sapphire Rose Blake - jinkx
  3. Dante Edward Floyd - PaddieCake
  4. Erin Garrett Ramirez - Wolf Wolf
  5. Arabella Manriquez - TheCandyEmo
  6. Raziel Kenn Devereux - Kore
  7. Bailey Mila Norcross - Bowa
  8. NPC
  9. Edelmira Azure Almeda - Kore
  10. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  11. Drake Dupont - spectro?
  12. Blaine Alexander Denton - PaddieCake
  13. Julius Heath Milano - zeroinspo
  14. Lucy Marie Kingsman - Dakup
  15. Cooper Ross - Xero
  16. Destin Vincent Lyon - Lumos
  17. Briony Matthews - jinkx
  18. Player’s Choice

For Crush A, Nyx Revived and Rerolled for a 1. For Acquaintance, she rolled a 13. For Crush B, she rolled a 6. And for Enemy, she rolled a 8.

So Nyx has a Crush on Player's Choice Drake Dupont and Seth Larsa, is Acquaintances with Lucy Kingsman, and is Enemies with an NPC.

@spectro? - Drake has been chosen as a Crush.

@Shadow - Seth has been chosen as a Crush.

@Dakup - Lucy has been chosen as an Acquaintance.
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Is it possible to use a re roll on crush A and Enemy? Or is it better to do a restart? Or is that just for the first round? I'm still a bit foggy on the whole thing?  
@BoundByWords That's alright, the RRA can be confusing so I understand.

You have all of your lifelines left, each of which can be used to force a reroll, but in different ways.

A Restart will erase the whole thing and start from the beginning, which is great if there are just too many issues in the current roll to be able to fix, but not so great if you want to keep some of the results.

A Reroll can be used on Crush A, and then a Revive can be used to use another Reroll on Enemy.

Revive can also be used to bring back any lifeline you might choose, but you only have the one Revive so choose carefully.

If you would prefer to save your Revive however, you can Veto the character result for Crush A or Enemy, which would force me to use a free reroll for that category.

Alternatively, you can make a Rule (for example, no girls for enemies, or no blonde crushes), and so long as the rule can also be applied to the current result then it will both narrow down the list and force me to use a free reroll.

Last but not least, you could also disable NPCs. Disabling NPCs would not affect the Crush B or Enemy roll, but it would push the Crush A and Acquaintance roll down to the person below the current result.

You can use any combination of the above to achieve a reroll. If you feel like you would like to verify or clarify something first, I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
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Thank you for that, it takes me a while to fully understand things. I would like to use re-roll on Crush A and Veto the enemy. I just can't hate quiet people  :smile2:
@BoundByWords Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure you cast a magic spell or have a spirit friend. You're new result is in, and wow. XDXD

I am screaming inside I can't believe it.  Well would you look at that? Guess I have to dump my dreams of being a Psychic. I choose Drake Dupont as crush A because the faceclaim is Pietro and I love him
Aww, but then you could have kept Alice as an enemy! Romantic rivals x3

Speaking of, everyone who still needs to discuss relationships regarding my characters can be done tomorrow owo gotta go to bed x3
Thank you so much @BoundByWords <3  

Then it looks like we are on Raziel's turn with @Kore! So dear Ray ended up using his Restart, which brought him a 4. His four relationships rolled up values of 5, 2, 3, and 5. So Raziel has an Acquaintance, a Friend, and 2 Love.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Love A Possibilities[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Acquaintance Possibilities[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Friend Possibilities[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Love B Possibilities[/SIZE]

  1. Lucy Marie Kingsman - Dakup
  2. Nyx Abraxas Pyran - BoundByWord
  3. Player’s Choice
  4. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  5. Bailey Mila Norcross - Bowa
  6. Briony Matthews - jinkx
  7. Alice-May Johanson - PaddieCake
  8. Arabella Manriquez - TheCandyEmo
  9. Delia Snow Brooks - Jennete

  1. Destin Vincent Lyon - Lumos
  2. Sapphire Rose Blake - jinkx
  3. Erin Garrett Ramirez - Wolf Wolf
  4. Drake Dupont - spectro?
  5. Arabella Manriquez - TheCandyEmo
  6. Briony Matthews - jinkx
  7. Nyx Abraxas Pyran - BoundByWord
  8. Alexander Derrick Kingsman - Dakup
  9. Blaine Alexander Denton - PaddieCake
  10. Lucy Marie Kingsman - Dakup
  11. Player’s Choice
  12. Bailey Mila Norcross - Bowa
  13. Dante Edward Floyd - PaddieCake
  14. Alice-May Johanson - PaddieCake
  15. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  16. Cooper Ross - Xero
  17. Seth Xylon Larsa - Shadow

  1. Destin Vincent Lyon - Lumos
  2. Sapphire Rose Blake - jinkx
  3. Alice-May Johanson - PaddieCake
  4. Blaine Alexander Denton - PaddieCake
  5. Arabella Manriquez - TheCandyEmo
  6. Drake Dupont - spectro?
  7. Cooper Ross - Xero
  8. Player’s Choice
  9. Seth Xylon Larsa - Shadow
  10. Erin Garrett Ramirez - Wolf Wolf
  11. Bailey Mila Norcross - Bowa
  12. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  13. Lucy Marie Kingsman - Dakup
  14. Nyx Abraxas Pyran - BoundByWord

  1. Nejlika Sunna Middleton - The Succubi Queen
  2. Nyx Abraxas Pyran - BoundByWord
  3. Alice-May Johanson - PaddieCake
  4. Lucy Marie Kingsman - Dakup
  5. Player’s Choice

For Love A, he rolled a 9. For Acquaintance, he rolled an 8. For Friend, he Rerolled a 10. For Love B, he Revive-Rerolled a 5.

So Raziel has Love with Snow Brooks and Player's Choice, is Acquaintances with Alexander Kingsman, and Friends with Erin Ramirez.

If anyone would like for me to try to change any of these, feel free to let me know. Meanwhile, who should I choose??? X(

@Jennete - Snow has possibly been chosen as a potential Love, if acceptable.

@Dakup - Alexander has been chosen as an Acquaintance.

@Wolf Wolf - Erin has been chosen as a Friend.


As a love does that mean, he loves her or they love each other?? If it's like he loves her and she kind of loves him but doesn't ever act on it because of her background then totally fine with me!! She just wouldn't be so easily put in a relationship ya know?? But I read his history again, very similar to hers so bonding eh, eh??
@Jennete I think love implies that there was at some point a mutual romantic relationship between them. I could be wrong. 

Also, good morning, everybody!
@Jennete I think love implies that there was at some point a mutual romantic relationship between them. I could be wrong. 

Also, good morning, everybody!

I think @jinkx is right about the Love relationship thing but if you want to be sure just wait for @Kore to respond.

Good morning! If you could ship me a nice breakfast that would be appreciated. [SIZE= 8px]When you're too lazy and impatient to make one yourself.[/SIZE]
I'll ship you a traditional English breakfast, just don't expect it to be in one piece when it arrives. 
I could murder a sausage sandwich right now. Or some hash browns. Basically anything if it's free and I don't have to wait long for it. I would totally be down for a dishevelled traditional English breakfast, as long as you made me a tea and put some chocolate digestives with it.
[pouring tea, sausage, bacon, egg, toast, hashbrowns, and digestives into a package]

do you want ketchup or brown sauce with that?
Oh I feel so British. 

*adjusts monocle and tilts top hat*

I'll have ketchup with that please, you might as well throw in some crumpets and pancakes as well while you're at it. Maybe a scone or five too.
I'll have ketchup with that please, you might as well throw in some crumpets and pancakes as well while you're at it. Maybe a scone or five too.


THough I've been up for like 2 1/2 hours x3

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