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The Reaper Corps (Dapper-Crispy)

Waiting for Richard was a tall figure wrapped in a black cloak carrying a scythe. Rather than a face, the figure just had a skull that could be seen from under its black hood. "Richard M., date of birth: May 4, 1992. Date of death: tonight," said the figure in a rough voice.
"Please, don't mistake me for one of your idiot friends. You're set to die tonight of a heart attack in your sleep, but I think you could serve me better."
@Dapper Charmer

"Since you couldn't get it through your thick skull, I'm the grim reaper. I don't usually personally show up to deaths, but I've had my eye on you." When they came out of the portal, they were in a large cavern that was lit by torches, although people bustled around as if it were a modern office.
@Dapper Charmer

"There's no such thing." When the Grim Reaper let go of Richard, there was tattoo of a scythe on the back of his hand. "But, you're not dying. I brought you here to work for me."
@Dapper Charmer

"Every human being on this planet has a soul. When someone dies, their soul goes to the afterlife. Quite often, souls need assistance with crossing over, and that's where we come in. This... is the Reaper Corps. We escort souls to other side."
@Dapper Charmer

"You're actually already dead. Your body will be found in your house, and you'll be dead to the world. You were set to die tonight anyways, so consider yourself lucky that I decided to give you an extension of your time on this world."
@Dapper Charmer

"See, this job is usually an easy one. Most souls can get to the other side without help. But, sometimes it gets more complicated, and thus dangerous. That's why I have a special unit- The Death Echo Squad. You're going to be a pet of it."
@Dapper Charmer

The Grim Reaper led Richard into a smaller cave with people bustling around. Waiting for them was a man in a trench coat and fedora who looked like he belonged in a noir detective movie. "Grimm, is this the new guy?"

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