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Futuristic The Re-Taking of Earth


I am an Eternal Spring flowing under dirt.
Have fun and talk about yourselves here.

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Thanks, I'm still trying to make my character and I'm waiting for the other people who took interest to do the same.
I have a question, is it okay if my character isn't human?

Originally she's a smart weapon, more specifically a sword. Which means she needs a master/owner but they don't need to use the sword just own it.

So she has a humanoid form and her weapon form, I'd like to know if that's okay

If not I can modify her to be completely human!
I'm afraid there are only humans in this RP, I mean, we couldn't weaponize lasers so I don't think we'd have transformers, much less with an AI, sorry.
I forgot to ask! Syreni originally has blue dyed hair! Is that okay or would you rather a more natural looking color?
Well I would assume that they would have been introduced several days prior, they'll get to know each other more during the mission.
Ok, everyone, sorry for not responding for two days, I have been taking a hiatus from RPnation and I thank you for your patience. If you have lost interest, I understand, it kind of snuck up on me and I apologize for the wait.

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