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Fantasy the ravencrushers • job board

mother of sorrows

𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑚.

here you can pick up ic jobs for your characters !! there are two types - main jobs and side jobs ! main jobs are more long term and will have a serious impact on the world, depending on how your assassins will go about doing them, while side jobs are shorter and more for fun cx before we jump in, keep in mind ;
  • anybody can take up main jobs (even trainees and medical staff), but they have to do it with an assassin and medical staff won't do any actual direct killing
  • assassins can do jobs either solo or in a duo
  • please take just one job at a time !
  • to keep things interesting, i'll throw in an occasional twist and npc !
  • don't take the jobs at face value.... >:3c
and here are the jobs !
1. hell hath no fury
  • a woman has ordered the death of her noble lover, who she claims cheated on her multiple times
  • the target will be hosting a masquerade in two weeks time
  • some of the staff could offer information
  • the target is known to have a wandering gaze
2. family matters
  • the heir of a noble family has ordered the death of his father so he can inherit the title
  • the target is apparently senile and locks himself in his rooms all day
  • additional pay is offered if the will is found and given to the son
  • nobody knows where the will is
  • the son is offering information
1. stop disrespecting my thesis
  • alfred is offering pay for whoever kills his biology professor from university
  • yes, alfred is that mad
  • apparently his professor called his doctoral thesis 'trash' and alfy wants revenge
  • just ask him for additional info, he's right there
2. some cold revenge please !
  • a merchant has ordered the death of a man who is a well known gangster
  • the target often extorts store owners which makes business fall
  • he is apparently also connected with the dogheads
  • the merchant and an ex-lover are offering informating
Oooooo, might nab that second side job for Veronica. She's a bit tired of main jobs rn and I want to keep her true skills hidden for a little for dramatic impact. XD
these all sound good how does one decide ahh
if anyone wants to take greyson along for one of em hmu xD

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