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Realistic or Modern The Quick & The Dead: Fight for Silver Springs CS


The Silent Z

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Character Sheet for The Quick & The Dead: Fight for Silver Springs; wildkittyatheart wildkittyatheart sophocles sophocles CorralDust CorralDust


Eye Color-

Personal Info:
Motivations- (Such as reasons for coming to silver springs, joining tournament if applicable, etc)
Relationships- (If applicable, family, significant other, etc)
PersonalityDoesn’t need to be too detailed like paragraphs, simple traits will suffice too)

Extra Details:
Horse/Animal- (If they have one, etc)
Main Weapon-
Secondary Weapon-
Other- (Bonus section for optional information and quirks, etc)
NPC- Lester ‘Blackjack’ Hayes

Lester Hayes
Cattle Barron
Town Authority/Mayor

Eye Color-

Personal Info:
Personal fortune, Power, Control and Security
Family: None known
Allies: Various hired hands and gunslingers
Greedy, Ruthless, Intelligent, Underhanded
Born in 1814 to a poor farmer and his bride, Lester Hayes grew up with a idealistic mindset and love for the finer things in life. Things he’d likely never have for himself but despite a dislike for the rich and entitled and love for finer things. Lester originally worked on his family’s farm and learning how to use guns, becoming a U.S marshal until righteous justice turned into cold hard greed, seeking riches and a more luxurious lifestyle he turned to scheming, conning people out of lands by force or cheating in card games or other means then becoming a cattle Barron who instead of partaking in the civil war, used the chaos to build a small band of thieves and gun hands then slowly began taking over towns like silver springs with his small army of criminals to build a small tyrannical empire on a small southern Montana town.

Extra Details:
Horse/Animal- Black mustang (Dusty)
Main Weapon- 1876 Winchester model Rifle
Secondary Weapon- 1851 Navy Gun
Whiskey & Wine enthusiast
Former U.S Marshal turned Cattle Barron
J.P Blakewood
Former sgt (Union army)

Eye Color-
Rather tall for the times, medium muscular build, grey collared shirt with a small scarf and tie worn neatly with a brown vest overtop, a tan overcoat worn over top it all, grey pants with brown boots. Brown growing hair that reaches near his shoulders now, a bowler hat atop his head and tired hazel eyes, flat slightly arching brows, a medium thick mustache with a patch centered below his bottom lip with a disconnected goatee, all kept well trimmed and neat.

Personal Info:
Truly coincidental in timing as he passes through town, stopping by for rest, a game or two of cards and plenty to drink
None to speak of these days
Quiet, struggles with memories from the war often changing his mood from one day to the next, acts playful and showman like in public, plays off his illness as nothing. Relatively shy and indecisive.
Born Jacob Pierce Blakewood from San Francisco, California to Sarah and Lee Blakewood, a pair of shopkeepers. J.P sometimes called Jake as a kid, or Jacob Pierce Blakewood the Third when in trouble with his late mother. J.P lived a relatively quiet life that saw an education through finishing his schoolin’ and some time spent at university all through the grace of god and will of his mother, while learning the trade of his parents and how to play cards and the like from his friend who helped around the family’s shop. It was all rather common and quiet really, oh, he had his troubles growing up... discovering a seemingly mild illness that explained his fatigue and at times persistent cough that bothers him still.

But overall he got by and lived a nice enough life. Eventually he took an interest in learning how to shoot leading to much practice, growing capability with a rifle and colts then eventually a decision to leave university or a time and join the war. He signed up with the north, rather agreeing with their side more then the south. It wasn’t a popular decision with his parents but respected. Over the years, seeing so much blood and death was unsettling at first, even still to Thai day it wasn’t a pleasant sight. J.P earned the rank of sgt and some notable achievements during his time fighting for the north in the country’s civil war, but nightmares still haunt him ever since. Once the war was over, J.P decided to return home only to discover his parents died explaining why they stopped writing to him. Their shop was taken over by some family friends. However that brought about a choice to make.... what’s next?

Not wanting the life of a gunslinger and constantly looking over his shoulder for some upstart looking to prove themselves or gaining a reputation that might attract such attention and make traveling a near waste of time. Not wanting to always be looking over his shoulder or making the decision to live with being called a yellow belly or be responsible for taking a mans life, J.P moved away from such a living but kept his guns on hand just in case he ever needed them. Instead he chose to play cards, travel a bit, dwell in his troubles and live a little rather then finishing up university before hand. If god was fair and kind enough maybe lady wouldn’t be just luck, but also a welcomed sight to a shy and playful sort that could keep him company from time to time in the different places he might see.

Extra Details:
Main Weapon-
2, Colt Single Action Army Revolvers
Secondary Weapon-
1874 Sharps maple rifle
Potentially mild Illness with symptoms such as cough and fatigue
PTSD (stemming from the war)
Acts quiet and playful but may be more shy and troubled then let’s on.
Charles Goller & David Goller are brothers. Dave is the one I intend to have enter the competition

Name: David "Bones" Goller
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Occupation: Pardoned Outlaw, Bounty Hunter

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Light Brown
Appearance: Skinny & tall, "Bones" has a tendency to remind folks of a walking skeleton. He looks younger than he is too, often mistaken for barely older than a teenager. He grows long mutton chops in an effort to make himself look older.


Personal Info:
Motivations: Times have tough lately and the Goller Brothers could use the money. Plus, Bones has always been a good and a quick shot. He's (over)confident in his abilities to win this thing.
Relationships: Charles Goller - brother, who is 30. The pair look a lot alike, though Charlie is not as thin and does not sport the mutton chops.


Personality: Dave is cocky. Fancies himself a ladies man. Sensitive to comments about him looking like a 'kid'. Prone to "crazy" ideas. Charlie is the more level headed of the pair. Despite his age, he's more passive, which often allows Dave to get them into trouble.
Biography: The two joined the Baker Gang back in '68 and participated in a train robbery in Texas. But when they felt slighted by Robert Baker, they cut a deal with law enforcement: Turn on Baker in exchange for a pardon. They led the gang right into an ambush where Robert Baker and his right hand man where killed. After that, the pair took up bounty hunting. They often straddle the line (or outright cross) the line between lawmen and outlaws.

Extra Details:
Horse/Animal: Each brother has a relatively nondescript brown horse. They are good, sturdy, and level-headed Quarter Horse geldings. But are not exceptional in looks or speed.
Main Weapon: Dave has a 1873 Colt Cavalry. Charlie carries his trusty 1860 Colt Army
Secondary Weapon: Each brother has a concealed Sharps Pepperbox

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