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Fantasy The Quest - Main

Olen was out searching for a rare herb, specifically a healing herb that was to heal the empress of her illness. Win alert ears the bunny boy paid attention to the surroundings. The trees rustled gently and the clouds were thick in the sky. It was going to rain soon. The dirt was cold beneath his paws, and all was silent. That wasn’t a good sign. He slowly crept further into the forest until he found the edge of a clearing. The clearing was large, and a perfect circle. There was a thick thicket surrounding it, and runes that were glowing and slowly crumbling. There was a small round mound in the center, and on top a statue. An angel statue stood with legs spread, elbows resting on hips, palms open and facing the sky. The angle appears to be laughing and her hair floating around her, she has three sets of wings that are slightly folded. But the statue had cracks going up it, and they only grew as the man in front of it spoke, reciting a chant. Olen narrowed his eyes while watching the cloaked figure, whoever they were they looked to be a talented wizard.

* * *

Faer hummed to himself, he had gathered quite a few healing herbs already, and was planning to return underground once more. The tall elven man watched the sky, he had only experienced rain once before in his life, and it had made him uncomfortable. Maroon eyes darted from the sky to the trees as he watched the leaves curl up to catch the rain to come. His eyes were covered with his special blindfold but he could see just fine. His careful ears heard a noise, no soft murmurs. He was certain why, but he followed the noise. Soon, he too, was standing at the edge of this clearing, watching the man chant this ritual. Magic was foreign to him, and watching this man do... whatever it was, was quite unsettling, but something was keeping him there. He wasn’t aware there were others watching too.​
Amie hopped along at speed , enjoying the feeling of the wind in her fur and hair for the moment. That it was going to rain didn't much bother her even though wet fur was a pain to get dry...but that was Amie for you: focus on the good now and worry about the bad later. A cracking sound made her stop in her tracks though, freezing in place and looking around with wide eyes at her surroundings.

She carefully crept closer to where the cracking sound came from, hearing the murmurs long before she was able to see them. So there she was at the edge of the clearing too. If she had been paying attention her keen nose and ears would have betrayed the presence of the others to her but her attention was drawn by...this odd ritual.


Malek stared at the sky like it was personally insulting him by even thinking of trying to rain on him. He was already in a bad mood, having found little work to do here other than picking herbs for the local doctor, and he did not need to be rained on too. The payout from this wasn't going to cover both a night at the inn and food so he was going to have to rely on what he could gather out here before the weather turned bad. He was pretty sure it wouldn't hold for long enough. That was Malek for you: pessimist to the end.

He didn't hear the murmurs until he was quite close. Drawn by an impulsive curiosity he crept closer, a feat not that easy thanks to his damned elven heritage making him well over six feet. Thankfully it also offered him a light step and, once he had found a tree to hide himself in, he too could watch what was happening. He had a bad feeling about this...
Looking up towards the sky Ryurik frowned before reaching down with one hand to pull the hood over his companion's head. Brianna looked up from where she had been kneeling down, amusing herself with a conversation with a small group of voles. Her solidly dark green eyes emitted a soft glow as she looked curiously at Ryurik, who gave her a small smile in response.

"What was that for?" Brianna asked, adjusting the oversized hood of her cloak.

"There's a storm brewing," Ryurik remarked. "The dark clouds are growing even thicker."

"Wow! Leave it to Ryurik to notice something like that!" Brianna said cheerfully.

"Oh hush," Ryurik said. "It's bad for you to get wet isn't it?"

"I'll scare the storm away with my bright smile~" Brianna teases, pausing as she notices Ryurik become distracted by something not far off.

Ryurik's eyes focused on the faint glow through the trees, placing a hand on Brianna's shoulder to keep her from rushing forward towards the curious activity as she was so often prone to doing. Once satisfied she was going to stay put, he unsheathed his crossbow, carefully pulling back the string and loading a bolt, trying to remain as quiet as possible just in case. The last thing he needed was to involve himself in what his instincts told him was something particularly ominous. He would have to come up with some excuse to Brianna to head in the opposite direction for a bit. Good paying work was found in sketchy taverns, not in the middle of the woods.

"Br-" Ryurik began, looking back to find that Brianna had already tiptoed past and begun heading towards the curiosity. He sighed, having known this would happen all along, hefting his crossbow into position and keeping watch as he followed close behind the fairy, ready to have a go at the next thing that came at her as they reached the thick brush surrounding the clearing.
May ran for her life into the deep woods as the shadow chased her. She didn't dare look back as the thing chased her through the twisted thickets. As she tried to escape from her assaulter, she heard labored breaths almost right behind her. She was almost out of breath, and if she didn't think of something soon....she couldn't even bear to entertain that thought. Instead, she did what she always did best: brewery.
She was in the forest, so that meant...wolfsbane, nightingale, and mandrake. She ran through her options, until a wild almost hysterical idea popped up on her head. May reached for the lump of clay, her dagger, and a pack of matches from her satchel, while simultaneously ripping apart a branch from a tree. She struck a match and burned the branch until ash started to form on her palm. Now all she needed was mandrake. She reached downwards once more, reaching for the last ingredient. Mandrake's root. Perfect, she hazily thought as her pursuer was now at her heels. In a single moment, she sliced her wrist with the dagger and dripped the blood onto the lump of clay, along with all the other ingredients. May took a deep breath, hoping beyond hope that the concoction would work, and threw it behind her, before stumbling behind the clearing.


Kim ran for the woman with all the strength he could muster. His stamina was quite alright, but if the accursed girl wasn't going to stop, he might be damned himself. As he gave chase towards her though, she started to extract a bunch of otherworldy items from her satchel, weaving and tearing apart each one as swiftly as the wind. Only until he realized he was realized he was mezmerized did he shake his head and quicken his pace. Though, it didn't matter anyway as all it took was a few moments for her to craft it. A clay doll the size of his palm landed squarely on his chest, with a heart that pulsated with all the ingredients for a homuculus.
Immediately, it started to expand, until he was forced to stop and look at the monstrous doll of earth. It roared then, its maximum height clearly reached, and swung its fist at him. He ducked down, before receiving a kick to the gut sent him flying towards the nearby tree. "Okay, won't make the same mistake again.." he muttered to himself as he heard splintering, though he wasn't really sure whether it was the oaken tree or his spine.
The golem lumbered forward, its body and skin now hardened, and as it raised a fist again his instinct was to duck but instead dashed sidewards. His brain told him he was right as the tree behind him broke in half, the golem's hand now stuck. He considered his options of letting the giant loose on his homeland or pursuing the trespasser. It was clear by then that the witch held power. He decided that such power shouldn't be allowed on their territory. And so he chose to pursue the strange woman, but not before stabbing the homunculus' heart. He watched for a moment, as the golem shrinked and rapidly diminished in size until all that remained was a lump of clay, before sprinting toward the witch.
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Olen watched, his nose twitching and his ears fully alert as he heard quite a few things really. A roar in the distance which seemed to not bother the man at work. The slow crack of the stone figure, and the murmur of words. These words were of no language he had ever heard, and yet, they felt oddly familiar to him. With curious eyes he watched, and part of him wanted to leave his hiding spot. But soon, a loud ghastly noise akin to that of an inhuman cry of terror ripped through the forest. The statue shattering and the chunks of stone flying in every direction, burrowing themselves into the trees like shrapnel to the flesh. Most of the larger chunks landed in the centers of each rune stone and caused them to crack, and their magic fizzled. The horror-filled shrieks continued however as a dark shadowy figure rose from the hole beneath the statue, it possessed many hands and moved unlike anything the heffling had ever seen. Olen had to cover his ears and pin them back to try and drown out the noise, and hopefully keep his hearing. And just as quickly as it appeared it dove into the dead soil around the mound and vanished.

The sight was unnerving, and with bristled fur Olen readied his staff and leaped over the thicket, charging forward only to watch the cloaked figure vanish into thin air. Olen wasn't even sure the man had seen him, let alone cared that he had witnessed all of this happen. "Wh-" He started then looked around at the damage. "What?" He was so confused, his brain hurt. He looked to the mound, where a deep hole lay in the center, it would have been covered by the statue had it not been destroyed. The rabbit boy then decided to investigate, leaning slowly over the hole and blinking. "What... just happened?" He whispered to himself as if the wind had the answer to his outlandish question. He needed to report this to his grandfather immediately. He was certain the old rabbit would know exactly what had happened here. Right? If anyone it would be the old coot, the grand high wizard of the central tower. He has to know! Just as he stopped leaning over the hole he heard something move and he readied his staff, pointing it at a taller man as he emerged.

* * *

Faer watched the odd magic at play. It all felt wrong. Magic, in general, felt wrong to him but this somehow felt worse. This felt beyond wrong. This was beyond comprehension and yet his stomach twisted in knots that told him to flee, but his feet wouldn't listen to his stomach, oh no. His mind told him, no it showed him, all the red flags. This was a dark magic, it was evil, it was bound to be no good. Who could he possibly tell this to? Would any of his own kin even listen to this wild tale? He dropped to his knees and held his head, covering his ears at the loud screaming. It hurt. It burrowed into his ear canal and stabbed at his brain after destroying his eardrums. The blood-curdling pain he was feeling from such a scream. This was beyond measure. Why would something make such a noise? That was the final straw. That drew the line and crossed it all at the same time. This couldn't be ordinary magic. This had to be something far more sinister.

As the elf stood slowly he witnessed a new figure jump to action, ready to fight, and the cloaked man vanish like Smoak. Where he had gone was beyond him. As the rabbit man looked around and began investigating, Faer watched. He was interested, but this was no place for a moon elf. No place for a healer. And yet, his feet began to move. He was not moving away, not heading for home. No. He was pushing his way through the thicket, yanking at his satin cloak as it snagged on the thorns, and soon the staff of the rabbit was pointing to him. Hard blue eyes watching him with anger. Faer held his hands up cautiously. "I am friendly, I wish you no harm." He stated calmly, and relaxed as the man lowered his staff slowly, looking Faer up and down before seeming to decide he spoke the truth. How welcoming to know that the first person to talk to about whatever just happened, also wielded magic. "If introductions ease you any, I am Faervel. Who are you?"
Amie stared at what was going on before her, every instinct telling her to hop away as fast as her legs could carry her but before she could move she realised that there was something behind her too. She crouched down as low as she could and then...the shrieking started. It was so loud that Amie just dropped to the ground, curling up and pinning her ears flat against her head, terrified whimpers lost amidst the ghastly noise.

It was too much. There was something horrible happening in front of her. There was fighting behind her. She could smell the people around now that her eyes were squeezed shut...too many of them, of many different races. Around her, behind her, before her, even ABOVE her. She continued to lie there and whimper even as the noise suddenly stopped.

She would very much like to go home now please and thank you. She wished her sister were here...


Malek nearly fell out of the tree when the terrified screams started. He gritted his teeth and tolerated it, squinting out over the clearing. Keeping a firm grip on the trunk of the tree so he didn't fall out of it, he tried to make sense of what was happening. Something...was coming out of the statue. Something that didn't seem to WANT to come out of the statue but was being pulled out anyway? Were those screams from the creature or...?

It vanished before he could get a good look at it. All he could make out was that it possessed far too many hands for his liking. The figure in the centre vanished and another rushed out to where it had been...a heffling. Rabbit or hare by the looks of him, more likely the former than the latter. Then a moon elf, that was unmistakable...but odd to see above ground. He had no inclination to join them for now, especially as the little one seemed twitchy and too keen to point a staff. He would watch and see what happened.
May hurtled toward the ground just as she heard a booming sound, the branches of the trees punishing her for the ruckus with boughs of leafy wrath. "Huh", was the one thing her brain managed to say as she made a slient oof upon impact on the hard dirt.
Sitting on the mellow grass beside the clearing, the moonlight touching her pale skin. A roar boomed in the distance in which she thought was her homunculus' victory cry, though she dared not hope. She heard a rustle beside her then and froze, thinking it was the end of the line for her. She silently told her parents in her mind that she loved them before she heard a cry, though not of the shade that was chasing her. Instead, a deep, melodic voice said in two careful phrases, "I am friendly, I mean you no harm.", though it was not directed at her. Rather, as she peeked up slowly from behind the bush, she spotted a dark-skinnned man speaking as calmly as possible to a fearsome...rabbit? All thoughts of the man vanished as quickly as it came. Her curiosity got the better of her as she stooped up to check out the rabbit, only to hiss as a wound on her elbow scratched against a branch. She must have gotten it during her fall
May ducked behind the tree in the nick of time just as the two perked up at the noise. She hoped quietly for them to not notice her and silently snuck out a pair of towels and some alchohol. Breathing deeply, she bit on one towel while dipping the wound in alcohol. She prayed that the mysterious men hither on the barren clearing wouldn't notice the squeak that escaped her. Finally, with tears pricking her eyes, she wrapped her elbow in a towel just as something large fell in front of her.


Kim sniffed the wind, searching for anything besides the smell of leaves and bark. It looked to be nightfall now, with the stars littering the sky as if it had every right to be there. He was hazily reminded of the humans who parked themselves at his village's territory, a line of extravagant and dazzling caravan making its climb at the tip of the lofty mountains. The head chieftain had strictly given orders to observe and to be back by dawn. The chieftain also mentioned to never engage, though his beer-addled brain didn't seem to understand it.
He was supposed to report back by the setting of the sun, but something about the girl gnawed at him, like a niggle at the back of his mind. Her magic was unlike every other type he had encountered so far. He had seen some real craftmanship so far, summoning that creature in just a few seconds. Still, as amazing as she was, she was a danger to the tribe, and a force to be reckoned with. He had to be ready for her as he hunted.
Though, one can only imagine the string of fates that were to unravel as he fell headfirst into a circle of bushes, right at the witch's mercy.

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