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Fantasy The Queen's Madness Characters

Allan Sevill

  • dfa86dab9adcdecb81406ee3f5bf1866.jpg
    Name: Allan Sevill

    Age: 28 ish

    Gender: Male

    Side: Rebel

    Race: Human?

    Occupation: Tavern Keeper

    Appearance: Small for a man, he stands at 5'4, with a deceptively lean and small frame. Much stronger than he appears and willing to prove it if needed. His hair is dark brown, and is cut too short to pull back, but long enough that he's constantly brushing it out of his sharp face. Bright green eyes sit above a nose that's just slightly crooked from having been broken a couple times, and his skin has the slightest hint of a tan. He typically dresses well, better than one would expect of a tavern keeper. His right ear is pierced, usually sporting a gold hoop.

    Personable - There's always been something about him that put people at ease. He's disarming and charismatic, and can talk to anyone about anything. It's very rare for him to come across someone who dislikes him, and when he does he generally finds the situation amusing.

    Intelligent - He is a complete sponge when it comes to information and knowledge. New concepts come easily to him, and is always gracious when proven wrong about something. As such, he's found he can hold his own against people in much higher stations, with more formal education.

    Gifted fighter - His father was a former guard, and thought it important to teach him at least the basics of fighting. He took to it incredibly well, and spent a good deal of time training with his father, as well as other guards. He wasn't shy about learning from the various people who drifted through their tavern either. While he doesn't have many opportunities to learn from new people any more, he does spend a good deal of his free time training and practicing.

    Sadistic - Not so much an emotional sadist, as he's too good with his personable persona, he finds that he very much enjoys the physical pain of others. He's unsure where this comes from, but he does keep it under control.

    Emotionless - While very good at appearing 'human', inside he's rather cold and analytical. People are either useful to him or they aren't. The only person he's ever loved is his sister. Not even his parents held a place in his heart.

    Disloyal - His loyalty extends to only three things: himself, his sister, and his goals. All others are simply pawns. As long as someone is useful to what he wants, he will remain as loyal to them as he is to his sister. But once they're no longer useful, he could sell them out without any sort of effect on his conscience... as long as he has something to gain from it.

    Personality: Despite his outward charm, Allan is a very cold man. Almost everything about his persona is carefully crafted to put people at ease around him. As such, he is the person everyone comes to to spill their woes, frequently along side of their secrets. He is a collector of knowledge, of all knowledge, and he unashamedly uses it to his advantage. While he considers all knowledge to be important, no matter how trivial, he does not extend that to people. Everyone is replaceable, once they've worn out their use, but he's always very careful not to let others see that. Because though he gives his loyalty to no one, he easily commands the loyalty of others, often without too much effort.

    Background: Allan's very first memory is of meeting his sister's unseeing eyes. He was around four years old at the time, living on the streets by himself, and has no memory of anything prior to that instance. Her parents, being kind, loving people, brought him home and raised him as their own. He began to notice he wasn't quite like other children around age eight, that he didn't experience the same highs and lows of emotion that they did, and it made it very hard for him to make friends.

    His sister was always his one exception. He was fiercely loyal and protective of her, helping her to do the things she couldn't because of her blindness, to manage her mercurial emotions, talking her down when she was struck with a vision. Part of the reason he trained so hard while learning to fight was to ensure that he'd always be able to protect her.

    When he was around twelve, their parents changed the name of their tavern to Seer and Sword, in honor of their daughter and her faithful warrior.

    At around twenty two, his mother became very sick, very fast. She passed away within two weeks, and their father died maybe a month later, said to be of a broken heart. Having been heavily involved in how the tavern was run since he was small, Allan took over alongside his sister. And while the place was popular before, it thrived under his hands.

    Emmony Sevill

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    Name: Emmony Sevill

    Age: 30

    Gender: Female

    Side: Rebel

    Race: Seer

    Occupation: Tavern Keeper / Occasional Prophetess

    Appearance: Stands at about 5'10, with a long willowy figure and hourglass curves. Her wavy copper hair falls to about mid back, and is typically kept braided, with long bangs framing a heart shaped face. Her nose curves up slightly at the end, and her lower lip is slightly fuller than her upper. Her eyes are pale blue, which makes her lack of pupils highly noticeable. As this tends to discomfort people, she typically keeps a black scarf tied around them. Her choice in clothing has been the topic of many drunken men in the tavern, as the curvy woman favors tight leather pants, usually paired with a looser blouse of varying quality, depending on the day.

    Empathetic - Emmony keenly feels the emotions of others, both highs and lows. And while she personally does not have much experience with the world, she's seen so much of the past, experienced so much of it, all of it feeling as real to her as the people involved, that she can relate to almost any trouble another person has been through.

    Friendly - Like her brother, she is incredibly outgoing. There's no coldness to her however. She genuinely wants to befriend all those who come through their tavern, and she welcomes everyone with open arms.

    Generous - Forever taking in the lost and lonely, much of the tavern's staff over the years have been people down on their luck that she's help to their feet. The first to offer help to a stranger, lending not only her resources, but also her time and a listening ear when needed.

    Emotional - She is at all times ruled by her emotions, both positive and negative. And while wonderful to be around while sweet and friendly and happy and excitable, she has a very sharp tongue when annoyed. Though thankfully, despite how mercurial her moods are, she doesn't have a short temper. Just quick to annoyance.

    Forgetful - If she could see, she'd be the type to leave herself notes everywhere, and then promptly lose them. She's good about remembering the layout of various places, which is important for getting around, as well as most things about the tavern. Everything else however can be gone the moment her attention is turned to something else.

    Controlling - In part probably because of her blindness, Emmony needs all things to run exactly as she says. Everything has to be in its proper place, everything done just so. She has to know what is happening with everything at all times.

    Personality: Emmony is, above all things, an emotional woman. She feels all things keenly and drastically, often to extremes. Almost everyone who comes through their tavern earns her honest friendship, and she falls in and out of love with ease. Of all the emotions she struggles with, jealousy is not one. And because she's constantly putting her full self forward, as honest and true as possible, she never truly feels regret either. She has a voracious thirst for knowledge, much like her brother, though hers is for the stories of travelers. Unable to leave her city, she lives through the tales of others.

    Background: Emmony was a spirited child, always ready for an adventure, or some daring stunt or another. She caused her parents a lot of grief, ever worried as they were for their blind little girl. She never considered her blindness a hindrance however, accepting it as simply a part of the world. The one thing that truly negatively affected her life was the visions. As with all Seer children, she had very little control over what she saw and when. She had all of these normal issues. Sometimes she would touch an object and suddenly be thrown back in time against her will. Other times she'd shake someone's hand and know what they were going to do five minutes in the future.

    On top of that, she was afflicted with what Seers call Prophecies, things that were almost likely to come to pass, even despite how murky the future was. They could strike her out of nowhere, with no anchor, and would hold her hostage until they passed.

    Things became easier when they adopted Allan. He became her anchor, her rock. He took care of her as she suffered through visions, talking her down afterwards, always seeming to know what she needed before even she did. As she entered her teens, she had almost full control over her visions, able to take a step back when they struck, to observe them without having to experience them.

    As she and her brother took over the tavern, she began to offer her services, reading people past and future for a price, making a name for herself in the lower city.

    Other: Completely blind.

  • Name: Merli

    Age: 421

    Gender: Female

    Side: Neutral, officially on the queens side

    Race: High Elf

    Occupation: Royal Archmage

    8mh412po9ct51.pngMerli is a high elven woman, who, as per usual for her race, looks no day older than 25, despite her being way beyond that age. Her white hair flows long, reaching down towards her waist. She can usually be found wearing yellow/golden robes mixed with white. A few arcane sigils are over her face, their meaning unclear to even prodigys of the arcane arts.


    Knowledge - Merli as lived and studied the world and the arcane for an incredibly long time and with a keen mind as hers, while not everything stays, most things she can at least somewhat recall.

    Arcanist - Merli's magical prowess is something to be beheld. While she seems to have her largest interest in the school of transmutation, one must never underestimate te potential of an archmage.

    Calm - Merli is generally very hard to agitate or frustrate. She keeps a clear head in most situations and is quite easy going to be around.


    Dainty - While her mind and magic is in competition for the strongest, her body certainly is in competition for the opposite. She has low stamina, is not exactly dextrous nor strong. Thats what a life among mostly books does to you.

    Quirky - Merli has some habits, behaviours and views that may seem a bit odd to most people, making interactions with her unique, to say the least. She means well, but seems to struggle getting her point across every here and there.

    Obsessed - The thing most dear to Merli is her library. It is what she will priotize, beyond any loyalty or promise. Over centuries has she accumulated this shrine of knowledge and will do anything to preserve or even grow it.

    Personality: Merli is a peculiar woman. Often found between her books, she is generally upbeat and kind, however seems to have trouble reading certain social cues and the emotions of others. Still, she generally means well. When seen outside of her library, she will be openly approaching others, engaging in conversation as best as she can. If you make the questionable choice of getting her started on a topic she is interested in, especially towards history, nature or the arcane, she will be overjoyed to tell you all and every single bit of information she might have about it.
    Despite this generally kind personality, Merli can be quite scary, if she is forced to be.

    Background: A lot about the origins of the mage that is known as Merli is nothing but rumors at this point. It has been generations since Merli has taken the position as royal archmage, having served along many members of the royal family. There are many stories of great magical feats that Merli is said to have performed, one less believable than the next. One thing that is generally agreed on is that the woman deserves the position she is in.
    Centuries now, Merli has lived in a tower near the castle. The entire castle is a large library, full with knowledge of all varieties, collected and protected by the archmage. Few people have ever had the honor of entering the tower and it is well known how protective Merli is of her life's work.

    Merli has a familiar called Shimmer, who she can shift into various forms with her transmutative magic. Shimmer generally appears as an owl.
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    Juliette Besseta

  • Name: Juliette Besseta, "The Ashen Lady"

    Age: 42

    Gender: Female

    Side: Currently neutral, may be swayed towards the rebels

    Race: Cursed Human

    Occupation: None, previous royal guard captain


    Juliette is a taller than average female human with a slender, yet muscular build. Her hair is of a dirty blonde and her eyes of a deep blue. Her skin is fair, though beneath the clothes, there are various scars scattered around her body. However, the most distinguishing of those scars seems to start on her right cheek and reaches down her neck beneath the clothes. Its a rather big burn scar, that has somewhat healed by now. Oftenly, the Ashen Lady is found wearing a tattered armor, with its cloth partly burned and seemingly always covered in glowing embers. Noticably, the armor lacks a helmet. Further, the woman has a sword and shield on her. The sheath of said sword, along with its handle, seem severly damaged by fire, just as the right side of the shield is almost charred. However, their function seems to not be impaired despite that.

    Warrior - Juliette has been trained to fight and protect for almost her entire life. It has been her purpose and occupation for the longest time. Due to that, not only his her skill as a warrior herself, but as a leader and warchief quite trained. She might not have the brilliant mind of a tactician, but she does have the realistic view of a commander that has seen the wages of war.

    Strong Footing - It is quite hard to sway the Ashen Lady's mind, once she has made it up. Due to that, she is quite resistant to attempts of persuasion or deception that would lead her to do what you want her to. Instead, she decides for herself, if she wants to do something, if it seems like the right thing to do.

    Strength - Juliette's physique might not lead it on, however, she is quite strong, even for a knight. Laying waste to her opponents with devestating swings, the woman has shown to be quite menacing when it comes to her bodily strength.


    Resignated - As strong as she is in mind and body, she is afflicted with something arguably worse than even her curse. Resignation. As the once dedicated woman finds herself without a real goal in life, she has been feeling little drive, or strife.

    Fire Damage - Though it might not be apparent at the very first, a lot of Juliettes fine motoring skills have left her due to the extensive fire damage to the right side of her body. Due to that, the previously right handed woman now even wields her sword in the left hand, using the right to hold her shield, as it requires less dextrous movements.

    Extensive Reach - While it might seem like a boon to have a fighting style that covers a large area with wide, devestating swings, which she developed due to her loss in precise, dextrous movement. However, one will quickly learn its flaws, when thinking about fights in tight spaces. Or with allies close by your side. Juliette has little choice as to what exactly she hits, more so fighting a general area and whatever resides within it.

    Curse of the Flame - Juliette's curse manifests quite simple, as it has her suffer the pain of her burned skin on an every day basis. While one does get used to it, that does not make it disappear, more so drowns out the pain to a subconcious stimulus.

    The originally proud, confident and inspiring woman that was Juliette Besseta is but a hollow of her former self. Resignated, cynical and without a goal. She seems to have grown sour, at herself as much as at the world itself. The Ashen Lady is a hard to read person, her intentions unclear to many, however, often, just as much to herself.

    Before Juliette became the Ashen Lady, her life had been quite successful. She was born as the daughter of a noble knight in a family, who had served in the royal guard for generations. It was no wonder that he wanted his daugther to continue that tradition. With martial training, education and etiquette, she was raised to a fine example of a knight, soon even surpassing her own father. While she was not dumb, the topics of politics and diplomacy however oftenly evaded her grasp. Her direct and blunt approach to things made her a fine warrior, but a poor politician. What she excelled at was combat and leading.

    When she was 18, to nobodies surprise, she joined the royal army, climbing through the ranks at an incredible pace. With just 25, she had managed to join the royal guard, which she server for another 10 years, before being promoted to its captain with 35. Known as a fierce warrior, her skill with the blade unmatched due to her precision and technique, as well as an inspiring leader, it was no wonder she was being looked up to by many of the younger and even older knights.

    However, it was a mere three years ago, when disaster struck. The rumors are many, with little being factually known. The only common term in the rumor is that a vicious demon had been ravaging the towns, leading to the royal guard being dispatched to support local forces, hoping to minimize the losses. But while the demon was seemingly successfuly defeated, only three of the ten knights returned. Their captain had not made it back. Two days later, she was found entering the capital, her flesh, gear and armor burned. She had an ungodly glow to her, seemingly burning from the inside constantly. No doctor seemed able to treat her wounds. Her ability to move properly was severly limited, making her previous, precise, almost dance like fighting style impossible to perform.

    Due to her accursed state, loss in fighting prowess and her supposed failure to save her mens life, she was dismissed as the royal guards captain. Ever since, she has been wandering the capital, frequenting many taverns, with "The Queens Madness" being one of them. She took work as a mercenary, however never requesting payment, instead helping only those she deemed in dire need. She had developed a new fighting style, slugish, brutal, heavy. She was still a vicious foe to face, however, it was different. A lot was.

    Juliette is able to harness the curse that has befallen her. While doing so, the burned flash will start to glow in embers and her right eye will light ablaze. Further, her sword and shield will light on fire, giving her a devestating fiery area effect to all her movements. However, each moment she harnesses her curse like that sends her through agony, as though her flesh was searing off her bones with no end to come. The time she can withstand such torment is limited and it will likely make her faint after a minute, or less even.
    After she has harnessed her curse, the area covered in her cursed scars further seems to extend, strengthening the constant pain she feels through her curse. She does not exactly want to find out what happens when the burns cover her entire body, either.
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  • Name: Salara

    Nickname: Sal (used interchangeably with her full name)



    Officially on the Queen's side

    Race: Human mage

    Occupation: Royal Archmage's apprentice

    At 5'2", 110 pounds, and just plain human-looking, Sal doesn't seem like much to scoff at. Those who don't know her often assume she's one of the Queen's handmaidens rather than the Archmage's prodigy. She has rather wide blue eyes and a straight-faced, content expression, which is framed by her long, wavy blonde hair. Sal has a surprisingly fresh-faced, disarming youthful aura about her.


    Magic: She didn't achieve the apprentice position by accident; Sal is the most talented Mage to come through the castle in a long time- save for Merli, of course. She especially excels in healing magic and spell crafting.

    Quick Learner:
    This quality often infuriates her classmates. They take out their jealousy on her in underhanded slights and leaving her out of group gatherings.

    Disarmingly so. When Sal's trying to use it to her advantage, Merli's the only person who's ever been able to see through it.


    Sheltered: All Sal knows are the castle walls and Merli's tower; her and her classmates are under strict orders not to leave the castle grounds unsupervised, especially as of late.

    Physically Weak:
    A strong wind could knock this child over. Seriously. It's probably happened before, actually.

    She will touch open flames just because it feels 'hotter than normal fire'. Do not test her on this.

    Personality: Sal is the definition of curiosity killed the cat. She will investigate anything that draws her attention, whether it's a good idea or not (and especially if it's a bad idea). She has a powerful aura about her that's a bit disconcerting considering she's so young- do not get on her bad side unless you want to discover why that's so - and she's surprisingly quick for someone who seems to lack a fair bit of common sense. She's mostly just a young, sheltered, too-powerful-for-her-own-good kid.

    Background: Salara grew up in the Queen's castle alongside the other Royal Mages (think jedi younglings living together as bunkmates). She doesn't remember her parents; she was told they were approached shortly after her birth and informed that she possessed power beyond what they could comprehend. Her parents, having bared witness to a young Sal telepathically throwing her toys around the house on the daily, gladly handed her over. Since then, her life has been studying, studying and more studying- whether she likes it or not. She was apprenticed to the Archmage, Merli (a position coveted and extremely rare to obtain), at the age of twelve.
    Gunk Tarlung
  • His crossbow GobCrossey.jpg
    Name: Gunk Tarlung
    Age: 23
    Clan: The Steam Boys
    Occupation: Tinker
    Gender: Male
    Race: Goblin
    Appearance: Gunk is 4'4 which is tall for his kind. He has a deep moss green skin color though it may be hard to tell under the grease stains. His most unique feature is his eyes as the left is crimson and his right a dark purple. He wears many layers of clothes to help shield him from the sun, all of which are stained to various degrees and covered in pockets, pouches, and loops to store both tools and gubbins(material's he can tinker with.) He has a large back pack that he carries around as well. He always has a smile on his face, unfortunately this comes of as creepy do to his many black needle like teeth. He also has a mechanised crossbow that is always strapped to his side.
    Side: Neutral
    Strengths: Goblin- He is a goblin meaning he has all the strengths that come with it such as being very fast and agil. Jumping incredible hightst. Climbing nearly sheer surfaces. Eating almost anything without getting sick. Hightened sense of smell, great dark vision, and great hearing. And the ability to 'fire' stomach acid that ca disolve stone.
    Smart-Gunk is very intelligent even for a tinker. He is great at both problem solving and out of the box thinking.
    Dumbster Diver- He can find uses for things most people would think usless.
    Photographic memory- He doesn't forget anything or anyone. He can remember even the slightest details even after years.
    Flaws- Goblin- He is a goblin meaning he gets all there flaws too. He's physically frail meaning if he gets hit even if it's a glancing blow it will hurt. Hes also very sensitive to bright light, sudden flashes easily stun and temp blind him.
    Off looking- He looks creepy to most surface dwellers and so most don't trust him.
    Pyromania- He loves explosions and fire and tries to find ways to use thej as much as possible even when it would be better to be unseen.
    Magpie- He loves shiny things and will try his best to get as many as he can no matter if he has to steal or con. The shinneys are his, his precious shinneys.
    Personality: Gunk is an interesting fellow if you get to know him. He is friendly peopleas long as there friendlyto him and if your not well let's just say never forgets a face. He has a soft spot for kids as they seem not as weary of him as adults and he enjoys the looks on there faces when he makes them wind up or clockwork toys. He is always on the look out for any interesting or shiny gubbins he can eith buy or swipe. He has a fear of cats as the resemble a creature he had a near fatal enounter with as a youngling.

    Backstory: He is a tinker from The Clankers tribe of the Steam Boys clan. He has come to the Surface looking for adventure and knowledge(and anything pretty he can get his claws on. He has been top side for a few weeks now and is finally getting used to the city and its, quite large, citizens. He has had a few bad interactions with some of the people here, after he stole someones silver dagger, but after talking it out with them, knocking the out with a flask of sleeping vapors and the running as fast as he could, they came to an understanding, that guy is still looking for him.
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    Lorne Vellac
  • voin-muzhchina-art-boroda-volosy-perchatka-kurtka.jpg

    Lorne Vellac







    Ogrillon [Ogre-Kin]

    Lorne is an Ogrillon but not a true half-ogre as that was his father. But the blood of the ogre is incredibly potent within his veins, far more then it was in his siblings, and this shows itself in his physique. He is incredibly large in both height and physical mass, his body is a series of thick muscled cords that give him immense strength, greater then what most others could ever hope to achieve. But this size does have some disadvantages, like ogres, his sheer muscle mass does not make him a man with the greatest finesse nor the quickest of wit. Being an Ogrillon does have some other benefits as he is more resistant to sickness and toxins then humans, possesses a mild regeneration and blows that would be lethal to others, laying them low, can be pushed through and endured but Ogrillons don't tend to live long as while he is 31, he looks like he is in his 40s and he, like most Ogrilion, are unlikely to see sixty.

    Mercenary, Monster Hunter


    Lorne is
    big. Seems simple, but it is what it is. Lorne is a mountain of a man, he stands nearly seven feet tall and comes in at over four hundred pounds. He is very broad of chest and shoulder, his body is large with thick, corded muscles that run beneath his leathery skin, tanned from the constant exposure to the sun and elements. The tanned flesh is only broken by numerous pale scars cover his body, especially around his arms and chest down to his very coarse hands gained from a lifetime of hard work. Lorne has long, dark hair that comes down to his shoulders but is often tied up to keep it from his face, his hair is rather jagged and uneven as when it gets too irksome, the man cuts it himself with his dagger. A dark beard stretches across his jaw and both it, and his hair, speak to a man who doesn't bother much with proper grooming or pays much thought to his appearance. His face is hard, angular and strong, like something carved from stone with his piercing emerald green eyes blazing out from its rough surface. Lorne has a prominent, sharp nose over full lips often parsed into a thin line that gives the imposing man a rather dour and daunting visage.

    Herculean - To call Lorne 'strong' is to call a Dragon a 'big lizard'. It vastly undersells the enormity of the thing. Lorne has never met a person stronger then he, or anyone that has come close. He is a man that lives in a world of paper, if he is not careful with his movements, he can easily crush and damage things on accident and is able to accomplish feats of strength that boggle the mind and seem impossible.

    Hunter - Lorne is very adept at tracking things down, to find their trails where it is almost impossible to see and follow the path they unknowingly leave until he finds them. As part of that, he is also fairly observant of the world, even if he doesn't always understand what he is observing, and is a very hard man to sneak up on [Not that he is hard to find in the first place as he tends to stick out].

    Enduring - Lorne simply endures. Regardless of what life throws at him, regardless of the pain he is forced to bear or the distance he must cross, Lorne will keep moving. He will keep walking. Keep pursuing his goals and objectives with a single minded determination that is admirable, sad and terrifying all at once. As his younger brother used to say, he was too stupid to do anything besides go forward.

    A Bit Dense - Lorne has never been the sharpest tool in the shed. While he is entirely capable of connecting the dots, those dots tend to take a bit longer for him to connect then other people and, sometimes, the dots connect but don't 'quite' make the correct picture. It takes him longer to figure things out and, often, he will simply accept the state of things or people rather then dwell on them to get the truth beneath the surface. He also lacks any formal education and can be fairly superstitious.

    Gullible - He isn't good at the whole 'people' thing. It is difficult for him to tell truth from lie and so he tends to believe people, even strangers, and take them at their word. At least, for their first time. Lorne has been tricked, outsmarted and maneuvered into awful situations, doing the wrong things for the wrong people or stolen from many times since his arrival in the more 'civilized' southlands and that is unlikely to ever change.

    Social Bull - While some are socially butterflies, floating from conversation to conversation, captivating and beautiful in their endeavor, Lorne is more akin to a bull. He lacks the grace and skill of wordplay, more likely to respond in short, curt phrases or even simple grunts and should a situation appear where another would try and talk themselves out of it? Lorne is going to lower his head and charge until either he, or the situation, is gone with little concern of the collateral damage [both physically and mentally of everyone involved].

    Diligent | Honest | Decisive | Stoic
    Stubborn | Gullible | Judgmental | Abrasive

    Lorne is a diligent man, he is not one to shy away from his duties or task, to balk at the path he must walk or look for an easy way out. Once he decided on a course of action, no force in the world can dislodge him. He works hard and throws every fiber of his being into whatever comes before him and will do so every moment of every day without complaint or reprieve until his body gives out. An naturally honest man, Lorne does not lie and has little time for liars in turn. The truth is what it is, people can deal with it or they can not, but he will never pretend it is anything but what it is even if the truth holds far more pain then one can imagine. Lorne is not one to muse and ponder his options, dawdle on what to do, try and think steps ahead of his foe, no, Lorne is a hunter. He may observe, he may wait, but the second he decides to act, he acts. He does not hesitate, he does not ponder and second guess himself, once it has been decided, all that is left is action and result, and even if such thoughts ever did cross his mind, no one would ever see them because Lorne is, above all, a stoic. he does not show his pain or his discomfort for such things are his burden and his alone. He was raised to be strong, to be resilient, to be the one his fellow villagers and family could rely on... How could they rely on someone who could not hold themselves up?

    Stubborn as a mule is a polite way to describe Lorne for while he will walk his path until he can walk no longer, he is also incredibly stubborn to change or alter his mind or opinion on something. If he has decided he must, he will lower his head and ram into a stone wall over and over again until either he, or the wall, gives in rather then seek another, more efficient, means. He is very slow to change or accept changes to his ways as if they have worked so far, why bother to alter it? If the world, or even the gods, came down and told Lorne to move when he did not want to? He would dig in his heels and whisper, no. For the majority of his life, Lorne has dealt with his fellows in Rolgar, a small village beyond the border of Lathien, and his exposure to great amounts of people is still new as such he still takes people at face value. If they say they will do something, he believes they will until proven otherwise. If they swear to him, he expects them to keep their oath as any person from the Grey Hollow would and because of this, Lorne has been cheated, lied to, stolen from and a myriad of other such things since his foray into the greater world, but a person can only trick Lorne once. Once he makes a judgement on an action or person, his judgement is final. Should someone lie to him, they will be liar to the end of their days. A coward is a coward even until they draw their last whimper. A bird cannot change its feathers, just as a man cannot change who they are and once Lorne has seen them for what they are, there is no going back and while he can tolerate such people to do what must be done, they will never climb higher in his esteem. Lorne has never been a great conversationalist, even back in his home, he was withdrawn, rough and curt. His brother, Aldire, was the one gifted with wit and charm, Lorne.. Lorne merely with muscle. As such, Lorne tends to speak bluntly and true, he calls the world as he sees it and does not think about how those words or observations may effect others, for better or ill.


    Lorne is the oldest of six children, born in village of Rolgar located within the Grey Hollows. The Grey Hollows is a horrid, wretched place located on the junction of the Great Ashen Plains and the Weeping Bog far to the north, beyond the borders of the Kingdom of Lathien, it is a land that demands much from those that dwell within it and gives very little. The village survived off of rice and grain crops grown along the edge of the bog as well as from hunting the great beast that roam the Hollows, selling their pieces to what merchants survived the journey to the village. While merchants who managed to make it to Rolgar and back to civilization would make a killing selling off the exotic ingredients and pieces to wealthy collectors, craftsmen and nobles, the people of Rolgar saw little coin being the end of a rather large money trail. In fact, the village of Rolgar was rather poor and its people barely enough to keep it going. Its numbers kept up only be stragglers and outcast that found themselves in its confines, unable and unwilling to leave, buts its numbers could never quite peak as a single bad day, a single wrong step and their life could be snuffed out as what happened with Lorne's father, Iskander, who was devoured by a great Korva while trying to survey the Hollows for some professor back in Draede when Lorne was just a boy. With the death of his father, Lorne had to step up and help his family. He helped his mother take care of his siblings, leaving his childhood behind to become the figure they could turn to, he took odd jobs in the village to help his mother keep them fed and clothed, and when he was old enough, he became a hunter.

    Few in the village were educated, the art of reading wasn't so important in the Hollows where everything from the animals, to the plants to the land, itself, wanted to devour them. His family was poor and did not have access to what few safely farmable land existed where the plains met the bog, his ungainly size and lack of finesse meant the path of the craftsmen was lost... All that was left was hunting, as Lorne wasn't good for much else besides hitting something hard and repeatedly until it stopped moving. Lorne became a great hunter, the best in the village even as a teenager because he threw himself at it with a single minded determination but he was not the most liked person. Lorne was.. respected, he was a 'great man', a 'great hunter', but he was always on the outskirts during festivals, was unmarried while everyone his age were quickly settling down especially considering people didn't have the luxury of time in the Hollows. Lorne was.. Lorne. He wasn't good with people, wasn't good at talking, he was good at taking care of things, providing for people, hunting, killing, listening... but he wasn't his siblings. His mother used to say he had too much ogre in his blood, and at times, Lorne couldn't help but wonder if he had more in common with the beast he slew then the people around him. Still, Lorne loved his village, his home, his family, he enjoyed taking care of them, watching them grow, butting heads with Aldire as only a 'father' could with his rebellious 'son'. But it all changed on the hunt.

    Like most cultures and places, Rolgar had a certain rite of passage the young took to prove to the village they were adults and ready to be recognized as equals.. They hunted. The new adults would accompany a veteran hunter and they would bring back a slain beast proving they could contribute through valor, cunning or preservice. It was risky, but not a great one as they would hunt something small, something weak.. something that they could handle and, worst came to worst, the elder would take care of it and for the last few years, that safety net had been none other then Lorne. This year was somewhat special as it had two, unique, youths seeking their rite of passage: Aldire, his rebellious brother, the rake of the town, who had young girl swooning and married women leaving their windows unlatched and Zhenya, the daughter of Sigrid, the town sage, one of the few in the town that could read and a recluse, like her mother. A pact of wargs were prowling the plains, far too close for comfort and making the livestock worried, compared to the other best, wargs were a pest, not a threat, but they were a pest that needed to be exterminated and so were suitable for the task. Little did they know, another denizen of the Hollows had the same prey in its sight. The hunt went well, the wargs were being tracked... until they found them. Their bodies torn to shreds, blood and viscera staining the ground and then it came. Barodon, a great predator of the Hollows, akin to a wingless dragon but with twice the attitude. It didn't see them as prey, no, they were intruders upon its feast and Barodon do not tolerate rivals. It attacked Aldire, its great maw coming to close over his body but before it could clamp down, he was shoved out of the way.. by Zhenya. It happened so fast that Lorne barely registered the flash of white hair, the shout to move and then the horrible cracking of bone.

    The Barodon was eventually brought down by Lorne, his brother stunned, covered in the blood of the woman who saved him and Zhenya... She died in Lorne's arms. He tried to stem the bleeding, but the second he saw her, he knew it was too late, but he couldn't help but try.. but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop the blood from flowing around his hands and pooling around him, staining him with his failure, her eyes that looked at him with such fear, the tears that leaked out, how her mouth moved as she tried to speak, tried to say something but the words were unable to slip through the blood that had filled her lungs... Lorne still has nightmares, at times, of what she was trying to say. Help me? Save me? Where had he been? Why hadn't he been there? Why? Lorne carried her body back to the village, she was so small, like she hardly weighed anything at all and she had saved Aldire... She should never had needed to. Aldire tried to speak a few times on the walk back, but his voice stopped each time, save for once when he tried to say something that Lorne did not agree with and was wise enough to stop when he noticed the glare from his older brother.

    Lorne carried her to the small hut her mother, Sigrid, lived at. He never forgot that moment. Of when she opened that door, the emotion that passed over her face. Something had changed that day, Lorne just didn't know what. Over the next year, people started to disappear as monster attacks on the village increased, everyone assumed they were being carried off into the night and with each passing week, the village grew closer to doom. The attacks were getting bolder, larger, and they weren't able to stop them all as more and more people disappeared. Finally, Sigrid appeared with a plan. She would carve a grand warding sigil into the very earth around the village and with it, the beast of the Hollows would be turned away. It was outlandish, no one understood what she meant, but Sigrid had always done right by them even after the loss of her daughter, and with no other options, they agreed. Lorne, Aldrie and three other hunters pushed out to halt the tide of beast until the warding was complete... And once the sun had set and the night rose, it happened. A flash of light, a pillar of blinding energy that pierced the sky and what should have been a moment of glory felt like a stone that had dropped in his stomach. Bile rose to his throat as the air felt electric as even where he was, leagues away, he saw it. A figure within the pillar, a darkness that swallowed the light around it.. it reached down and spoke. The words forever etched in Lorne's soul and then it was over and the world was still.

    The hunters returned to their village to find a ghost town. Everything was where it had been left, as if someone had painted the village and then erased the people. There was no hint or sign of them, it was as if the gods had plucked them right up. His mother, his siblings, gone. Lorne knew Sigrid was the cause, the spell had gone wrong, it had to be.. but that wasn't true as Lorne would later find out in his journeys. The spell, whatever it was, had gone off correctly. No warding spell could cover something so vast, it had been dark magic... A ritual of grand design and scale and the people of Rolgar had been the ingredients. Sigrid, the Dark Sage of Rolgar... His failure had taken everything from the woman, and so she had taken everything from them, but why? Why had she done what she did? What was the purpose of the ritual? What was that thing he saw? He did not know, but Sigrid did. He would find her. He would get his answers, and then, he would throttle the life out of her. To that end, he has traveled the land earning pay for petty work, monster hunting or as a mercenary as he tracked down clues and leads for her. His brother, Aldire, doing the same, sending him messengers when he uncovered something new to help point him in the right direction. Lorne has done... terrible things in his pursuit and he will continue to. There is no place on this or any other realm where he will not follow.

    Has a younger brother named Aldire.
    Lorne cannot read nor do complex mathematics.
    Lorne has an extreme distrust of magic and its users.
    Garfield Halovich
  • 735e2acc7138c6d8b9b679d8dd611a93.jpg
    Name: Garfield Halovich

    Age: He assumes himself to be thirty-two; however, prior to his teen years, his memories are murky at best.

    Gender: Male [depends on his mood for the time]

    Side: Neutral

    Race: Changeling

    Occupation: Publicly, a merchant [Halovich Wares]; Actual occupation, anything and everything under the sun

    Appearance: Garfield takes on many forms and many names. However, in this form, he stands at a decent height of 5'11 and has light blonde hair. He isn't so much intimidating due to his body but rather due to how he holds himself. Dignified in posture and in expressions, Garfield's poise outwardly makes him appear as if he was from a noble lineage. He dresses himself accordingly too. Most of the clothing he wears while he assumes this form is often expensive and, sometimes, even pompous. Other forms, however, are jarringly different from the dignified appearance that Garfield has — this does allow him to get away with being a changeling due to how no one can make the connection.

    Thief - Garfield has all the skills of a thief and more. He's nimble, fast on his feet, has sticky fingers and can plan accordingly to make sure he doesn't get caught. He's an excellent observer and can pick up on patterns quickly.

    Acting - As a changeling, Garfield can switch personalities in the snap of a finger. He can lie with no indications and can shift his expressions and body language to fit his narrative. He's been known to use it to get out of trouble as well as to gain sympathy from others.

    Connections - All of Garfield's forms have someone they know. He's helped people, gained the hate of others, and everything in between. Nevertheless, this means that he can pull a few strings to get what he wants. And if it's information he can't get from others, he'll get it himself by any means necessary.

    Reckless - While he makes sure that he isn't going to get arrested or killed from his actions, he still puts himself in danger just for the sake of having fun. He will mess with others that he shouldn't mess with if it meant it would bring a little more joy in his life.

    Unpredictable - As Garfield only cares about himself and his whims, this also means that there is no pattern in his choices. He can side with you in one second and then join the other side in the other. While no one is aware that it's the same person doing it, efforts in the rebellion as well as within the Queen's army have been sabotaged multiple times out of Garfield's whim.

    Unwavering Rules - To prevent himself from spiraling into the insanity that has befallen his fellow brethren, Garfield has a set of rules that he would never break. One of them is to never kill someone. He can cause people discomfort and annoyance, but he can never outright kill them. He also cannot bring harm to children due to his own past. He's lost his childhood. He does not want anyone else to lose their own because of him. Lastly, he is bound by contracts. Once he signs a contract, he is obligated to follow it through no matter what unless it clashes with his previous two rules.

    Personality: Garfield, the persona, holds himself as a noble would. Confident, polite and rarely straightforward, he is known in the capital as a well-off man. He has a shop open and affordable to many people. He dabbles in jewelry-making and has a couple of people under his employ to handle the store. He also sells a couple of travel essentials. However, to those who can catch him in the shop every now and again, they can get their hands on some... special items. In the underground criminal network, he is known to be the person to go to when you want to hire someone to do your dirty work for you.

    However, Garfield as himself just likes to mess with people. He likes to have fun even at the expense of others — sometimes, you can even say, at the risk of his own safety. There is no fun in comfort after all. Boredom is his number one enemy. If he isn't doing anything, he finds it like it's a waste and goes out. Doing "something" can mean a variety of things. There is a possibility that he would go out of his way to help someone, sabotage a group, buy a drink or go shopping. In the end, it's all about what he's in the mood for.

    Background: Garfield didn't always go by the name of "Garfield Halovich". No, Garfield was a person who seemingly came out of nowhere and settled in the city of Draede. No, the young changeling first came to consciousness in a forest not too far from the capital. Due to his unstable nature back then, he shifted from one form to another. And yet, the person who took him in and who he deemed as his 'father' still took him and took great care of him. His father was the one who managed to ground him enough that he didn't go insane. He gave him the name "Daniel".

    His father was a mere woodcutter in the woods. He was not rich by any means but it was enough to support an identity-challenged changeling. For years, he had kept Daniel a secret from the others. He took Daniel with him when he went to the forest to cut some wood. Once he had stabilized, his father began taking him to the town and introduced him as his son. For a long time, Daniel was content with this life.

    Until he wasn't.

    When his father passed due to some illness, Daniel quickly packed up and left the town. He had fallen into a group of thieves and it gave him the exhilaration that he was looking for his entire life. Due to his changeling nature, he was able to slip in and out of security as long as he had enough information on who is and isn't allowed inside an area. Soon enough, however, he left the group of thieves and started going solo. He had garnered enough money that when he moved to Draede, he was able to buy and construct a house for himself.

    This was when he took the public name and form of Garfield Halovich. The story goes that he was a traveling merchant that decided to set up a shop in Draede. He easily became an influential person in the upper social circles and had been invited to many parties before. Under the surface, however, Gabriel has a presence in crime circles. Though he's never been directly involved in any of jobs that he takes, Garfield holds a very precarious situation. However, what he also holds is power over those who seek his aid. A contract is signed to make sure their identities never get revealed. And this is how Garfield maintains his upper status in Draede even after the Queen's descent into madness.

    In this tumultuous time, Garfield thrives. And so, he will continue to do so.

    Other: Garfield has multiple known personas, a few include:

    • Rizel Treant - A young thief; has collaborated with the rebels before; sarcastic, charming and rebellious
    • Samuel Frisk - Part of the Queen's infiltration unit and had come from the royal guard; loyal, efficient, trustworthy; has been seen to roam the castle grounds
    • Yves Landor - A mercenary that can be seen roaming around and showing children some fighting moves when they want to, isn't particularly well-known among the community; kind-hearted, selfless, crass
    Kavat “Kav” Ostina

  • 2wOCryinA9m78kYz5metOV5DOij3oWZhuLJHl9WENgBGnzu-tTFQxVtRPozyliAHcFQBK5dpKIfSJ0_oxMoaZ2ffUfJqiJWfRho-U9cVMRNviIVQ1tpJBkqk-rRUn8ivpK8ENm6z

    Name: Kavat “Kav” Ostina

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Side: Neutral

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Traveling Herbalist

    Kav is rather big for a human, standing at 6'6 and weighing in at about 230lbs. His figure is fairly muscular, with wide shoulders and heavy chest; however, he isn't at a level that would be considered particularly extraordinary. His body is hidden under a large, green cloak and clothes that are stained and ripped in odd places. His shaggy, brown hair is often pulled back into a loose braid that reaches the bottom of his shoulder blades. A long scar creeps up from the bottom of his right ear to his mossy green eye on the same side. Always with him is a sizable knapsack that has several smaller bags and pouches tied, sewed, or attached to it in some way.​

    Extensive Knowledge of Plants:
    Kav has been around and working with various plants for the majority of his life, and as a result he’s collected a vast mental library of knowledge about them. He instinctively knows which herbs do what, how they act when combined with other things, and what it takes to grow and care for them. It’s the one subject which he’d consider himself an expert in and he is very passionate about it.​
    When not in a town, most of his time is spent on the road, cutting through the untamed wilderness. He is quite experienced at surviving in a multitude of biomes and weather conditions. You could drop him in almost any part of the world and he’d find a way to get through it.​

    Alchemical Magic:
    Kav has the special ability to enchant salves and edibles to enhance or diminish their attributes. His practices, like him, are from another land, which makes them more effective in some aspects. Herbalism is another subject he is very passionate about, but whenever he tries to talk about it, he’s met with blank stares and confused looks. Unfortunately, he is unable to cast spells directly, however, his enchanted wares are hard to beat.​

    Although he may not speak much, Kav is excellent at conflict resolution. With his unwavering positive energy and willingness to understand all parties, he strives to keep the peace in any situation.​

    When given an order or going through a list of tasks, Kav likes to make quick work of them by figuring out the fastest and easiest way to do it. Though he may not seem the most organized to some, there is a method to his madness. He doesn’t know how to explain it and most disregard him as chaotic, but at the end of the day, he gets the job done.​

    Terrible Combatant:
    Most see his bigger build and rugged appearance and take him to be some sort of fighter or sword for hire. In reality, Kav’s only experience with combat is being on the losing end of them. Perhaps the only form of self-defense that he has, is throwing a potion on the ground and running away.​

    Not Bright:
    While he may have lots of insight when it comes to plants and herbalism, his knowledge on other topics is lacking to say the least. Kav only truly understands things that have to do with his line of work, everything else is made up of stuff people have told him over the years.​

    No one can really decipher where exactly Kav is from, but it is rather obvious that he has travelled a long way. His grasp of the kingdom's social norms and language is loose at best, and at worst, has gotten him chased out of town or arrested.​

    There isn’t much of a thought process behind most of his decisions unless it’s work related. He’s the type to strategically plan the most effective herb-gathering route, but not think twice when a salesman with something shiny and too many promises comes along.​

    Task Oriented:
    His motto might as well be “by any means necessary”, because that’s how Kav gets things done. When he is given something to do, the ends justify any and all means, his moral compass and wellbeing be damned.​

    There is very little a person could do to make Kav feel anything other than content happiness. He isn’t angered easily nor is he prone to sadness. Every situation he faces is met with his usual cheery self, which makes many feel at ease by his presence. When it comes to work, he's very organized and focused, but the same can't be said for any other aspect of life. Kav doesn't think about what he's gonna do or what the effects of his decision will be until he's already done it. This is mainly due to his natural curiosity and fascination with anything that's even remotely interesting. He'll poke and prod at things he shouldn't with no regard for personal space or others' belongings. His moral philosophy is also rather skewed. He very much has his own brand of justice, but even that gets thrown out when his work conflicts with it.​

    Kav doesn’t talk about his actual past much, but there are some facts one can gather from his short and oddly phrased anecdotes. Up in the harsh mountains of some distant land, a small Kav was born to a single mother. Sometimes he says she got sick and died, sometimes she was slain by bandits, sometimes she just left him, no matter how he tells the story, he was found by his adoptive father. His father was a nomad and brought Kav with him, teaching him about alchemy and the basics of survival along the way. Eventually, Kav was deemed old enough to be alone, so he got dropped off at some town and set about his way. From then on, his tales get more whimsical. Stories about how he got his scar running from an angry unicorn, how his height came from drinking a witch’s potion, how his snake, Kirimu, hatched from a sea serpent’s egg. Stories he tells in broken speech, most likely drunk, in a tavern full of other drunks or around a campfire with whatever traveler happens to come across him.​

    He’s got a white, pet snake named Kirimu, who’s a little less than the length of his arm and can fit into his hands when coiled.​

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  • cae.png

    Name: Caelyn

    Age: Unsure, though they believe themselves to be in their late thirties, older than most Changelings live to.

    Gender: N/A

    Side: Rebel

    Race: Changeling

    Occupation: Messenger; Barmaid

    Appearance: Above: two of their most frequent forms. Due to the mercurial nature of their species, Caelyn has no true appearance, none that they consider theirs. They do tend to choose younger forms, generally between the ages of twelve and sixteen. While rarer, they have become a child as well. All forms tend to have a delicate, non threatening appearance. They no longer take on adult forms, under any circumstances. No matter how they change their form, however, they always have a brand on their right shoulder, what appears to be a family crest.

    Skilled in combat - There are very few weapons Caelyn is unable to wield with near perfect precision. They spent many, many years training and practicing and learning, and many more keeping in shape, so to speak.

    Musical - As with weapons, there are few that they cannot play. Unlike fighting however, which they had to work at, music came to them more naturally. It helped that they have a lovely singing voice, and an ear for music that cannot be learned.

    Protective - Due to their past, servants or slaves who've been injured in any sort of 'punishment' ignite a ferocity in them, so much so that they easily overcome any and all current fear.

    Easily frightened - The slightest thing can set them off. Grown men, weapons, conflict. This makes them somewhat cowardly, and they will not hesitate to leave somebody who may be gravely injured if they're scared enough.

    Haunted - They are often plagued by horrendous nightmares about the things they've been forced to do, and having been prized for so long for their voice, they has trouble speaking as well.

    Insanity - While stronger than most of their kind, they have recently been struggling with the madness they all face. It creeps across their vision, slowly blackens their mind. They've been able to stave it off so far, partly out of sheer force of will, and partly with the help of Emmony.

    Personality: Caelyn's personality has greatly changed throughout their life. As with most changelings, it has become slightly unstable. The few things that linger almost always are their timidity, how easily terrified they are, and their unwavering loyalty to Emmony and Allan. As for the rest, they're rather unpredictable from one day to the next. Sometimes they have a temper, sometimes a sense of humor, sometimes a strong sarcastic streak.

    Background: Due to the fact that their mother was one of the few changelings who was comfortable maintaining one form, Caelyn's childhood was more stable than most of their kind. The changeling who fathered them lost themselves to insanity not long after their birth, so it was only the two of them. They lived in a small village in a fairly secluded area, somewhere that they didn't draw a lot of attention with Caelyn's unpredictable 'changing'.

    Around ten years old, they finally caught the attention of the lord of the area. Changelings were highly sought after, as they were beings who could be what you needed when you needed. As such, many were captured to be used as either a spy or in the bedroom. The lord had always been fascinated by changelings, and as such had the pair captured. Their mother became his permanent bed warmer, willing to be and do anything to protect their child.

    Until their late teens, Caelyn was kept mostly for entertainments sake. They was given as a gift to the lord's son, who was around Caelyn's age. Their uncontrollable changing made them useless for most tasks, but was highly amusing. When it was discovered that they had an impressively beautiful voice, they soon took on the task of entertaining him and his guests in that way too.

    Somewhere in their teens, when their changing was beginning to become more controllable, their mother finally lost themself to the insanity, killing the lord, only to be put down by a guard. As the lord had been a cruel man, their deaths went almost unnoticed by his son, who now had a more stable Caelyn to play with.

    Caelyn had something inside of them that their mother had not however. Something strong and almost hard. As such, though they still spent a lot of time in his bed chamber, they were used for other things as well. Spying, assassinations, assisting in torture frequently. They were also willful, which led to frequent lashings, some which cut deep and should have left horrendous scars. However, while changing forms did nothing to heal wounds, they could make scars and imperfections disappear, so no matter how many times they were injured, their skin remained smooth and perfect.

    As they got older, this became wearing on them. They became less willful, more timid, quiet and almost numb. The more they withdrew on themselves, the more cruel the lord became with his punishments, both with lashings and in his bed, as if trying to force them to fight back again. It only succeeded in turning them into an easily frightened being however, jumping at their own shadow and frequently close to tears. One of the servants, who'd always been kind and almost motherly to them, finally broke down and helped them to escape.

    They spent the next couple months constantly looking over their shoulder, waiting for the lord's men to find them and haul them back to him. There were a couple of close calls, the last one forcing them to escape into the city of Draede, where they found they could meld fairly easily with the crowds. They passed out in the stable of a tavern and woke in a bed, being fussed over by a blind woman.

    Emmony offered them a job and a place to stay, which they took up quickly, though they were fairly useless in the tavern at first. Not a month after their first meeting however, a group of the lord's guards came looking for Caelyn, only to be turned forcefully away by the siblings. From that moment on, they were fiercely loyal to the pair.

    Other: The brand on their shoulder is the family crest of the lord who'd owned them, and is magical in nature, remaining no matter which form they takes.