• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom The Queen's Guard Dogs [Sign-Ups; OPEN]


What even is a deadline
Roleplay Type(s)
You may post your CSs here to sign up. All characters must be approved before you start posting in the RP thread.
A simple CS will be provided below, but you are free to use your own. They will be added to the below list of characters, just to have a simple data base of all characters in one place.
Yes, this will be minimum BBC edited because my skills with it are similar to those of a dehydrated noodle.

1. Only the images are pre-set (and species). You may choose your own name, personality, etc...
2. Ghouls having two kagune is not currently desired, with the exception of whoever gets the position Second in command (for plot reasons). Everything else will develop as the story goes along. If you'd like a kakuja, please only start with a half one. Also keep the kakuhous to a minimum, if possible.
3. Feel free to find specific masks/weapons for your Ghouls and CCG invests. I'm curious to see what you'll come up with : D
4. Important starting positions will be determined via RNG. They can, however, change as the story goes on. You never know.
5. Characters are allowed to date, have children, fight, be killed etc. as long as you don't break RPN's rules and have the other player's permission.
6. Please do not control other people's characters in fights or any other situations. No one likes that. Be a good noodle, please.
7. You are free to have more than one character *cough cough* we always need more CCG *cough cough* .
8. Try to keep interactions organised, and if you aren't sure or just joined, try asking someone in the OOC chat if their character is open to interact with.

FrostFire FrostFire MagicNewt MagicNewt Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam Innue Innue @TheComicWriter Giant Rubber Ducky Giant Rubber Ducky

  • Me - for plot reasons.

CCG Investigator Characters
Characters with (R) by their name have already been reserved!

  • Me, for plot reasons.

Terms are linked to their Wiki page.


A Ghoul's weapon. They are divided into 4 types, with the one located directly below is stronger than the one above. A nice chard, with arrows pointing towards the type that's the weakest against a certain kagune:


An organ that stores the Rc cells that build the Kagune and is located on the same place as the Kagune type (see chart above). They are sued to create quinques.


CCG Investigator weapons, made out of Kakuhou.


A special type of Kagune. It can be grown full or just half and is obtained through cannibalism. It works as a weapon or armor.

RP Thread
OOC Thread
Sign-Ups Thread
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Simple Character Sheet
You are in no way obliged to use this CS, or even fill it out completely if you do. Please do provide some information so that other people can get a basic sense of your character.
There's a code below, if someone finds it useful...

Character Name

Appearance: Please copy the pre-set image from the character list. Thank you.



Kagune/CCG weapon: If any.



[Fieldset=Character Name]

Appearance: Please copy the pre-set image from the character list. Thank you.



Kagune/CCG weapon: If any.


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  1. Name: ayame kuroba


    Personality:kind and caring to those she sees as friends and family, but is cold to anyone she doesn't know or trust

    Background: ayame is from a family of assassin and demons due to her father being an assassin he trained her as his heir to take over his company and his family business which is to kill anyone the queen sends him after. Her mother is a crow demon who she herself adores spiders and has several as pets one of which hides in ayame hair due to her mother having it follow her and ayame enjoying it's company and companionship.
  2. Soon when she had gone to visit her grandmother she came back to her home being up in flames and her parents inside dead having been killed before the house was set ablaze so now she is trying to rebuild her home and get her father's Company running again
    Kagune/CCG weapon: chain scythe, daggers

    Likes/Dislikes: likes: spiders, games, blood, sharp weapons, pain dislikes: lizards, bordem, dull things, bright colors

raven flame raven flame

Your character sign up's going to need a few tweaks before I approve it;

-Your character is a Ghoul, so while she can have weapons, please include a description of her Kagune (or that she doesn't have it if that's the case)
-The people in this AU are either human (normal/CCG investigators) or Ghouls. Demons and such do not exist here.
-Not necessary, but I just wanted to mention that you can change her name if you'd like~
Sato Kazuo
Sato Kazuo

Alias :
"The Shrike" (A Shrike is a bird known to impale its prey on thorns or branches before taking its flesh to store and eat)

Guard Dog


Sato often displays himself as a cool-headed, though lazy and bored individual. He is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things, yet little interest in activities that he does enjoy, or even his own future. Furthermore, Sato has shown that he is a pessimist, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, he believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power. He is quite intelligent, being able to solve complex mathematical problems within moments, simply by knowing the equation.

Sato can often be far more twisted then he leads others to believe. He is cruel, bloodthirsty, and occasionally sadistic. During battle, Sato often sports a wide grin and a tendency to laugh giddily about a dangerous event. He also displays more evident signs of arrogance and superiority towards his opponents. Fushimi often boasts about his strength and speaks to his opponents in a more mocking tone. Nevertheless, Sato retains a somewhat carefree attitude during battle.

Born in the 1st ward to a stay at home mother and a father that works as a doctor. He had a pretty good life though there was always the stress of CCG investigators or other ghouls in general. He found this life mundane though and took for granted that no doves have yet found his family yet. At a young age he joined a small gang of ghouls that just went around causing trouble. Usually pranks and things in that nature. But on occasion, they do go out hunting together. On one night, his group just finished a hunting session and was heading home when he bumped into some CCG investigators. They started to question him on his reason for being out so late when, thankfully, his uncle came out of his shop he ran and explain to them that he was simply helping him close up. He was scolded by his uncle but he never told his parents what happened. His uncle told him that being in a gang is no good and to do something more productive.

He dropped out of being in the gang but not before his first act of cannibalism where he ate the other members of the gang. After leaving the gang Sato finally decided to get down to some real hunting but what he hunted wasn't humans no it was ghouls. After years of living in Ward 1 he finally found one good thing about the violent area, ghouls were around every corner ready to be hunted.

After hunting nearly none stop for seven years he finally met a ghoul he couldn't beat easily this other ghoul was strong. The fight went on and whether it was out of sheer desperation or just because the amount of ghouls he had consumed was enough he reached almost the Kakuja level instead it was half-Kakuja. The fight from that point was one-sided sided as Sato's opponent couldn't fight back as he had to invest full power into his defensive skills. The fight ended and Sato was the victor. He picked up the alias "the shrike" when a member of CCG said one of his victims looked like how a shrike would kill as he was impaled by Sato's thorns and had his flesh torn into smaller, more conveniently-sized fragments so from then on Sato was known as "the shrike" as all of his victims were killed in a similar fashion.

Kagune/CCG weapon:
Kagune: He has a Ukaku Kagune that has the appearance of four wings over his shoulders in two sets one above the other with thorns surrounding the outside of the wings. His projectiles have a small thorn type appearance. While his projectile isn't all that powerful the all out speed and amount he can fire is what makes him a force to be reckoned with.

Half-Kakuja: His Half-Kakuja is rather simple it adds another two wings however this is not all it does. Sato's first two wings located at the very top of his back grow larger in size almost doubling the now other two sets. While the two sets that don't change have the same effect of what his original Kagune had the larger wings shoot much larger projectiles at a slower speed, these projectiles look more like large feathers.



+Food (well you get what he means by food right...)


+The color red

+Strong people




-Unintelligent people

-Food that tries to cling onto its last few seconds of life.

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Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam

Considering Eto and Yoshimura, who were both very powerful ghouls, only had 6-8 kakuhou, it'd be preferred if the number of kakuhou was kept to a minimum. Just fix something about this and you're good to go.
Yoshiaki Yanagisawa
柳澤喜輝 (やなぎさわ よしあき)


Height: 172cm
Weight: 61kg

Yoshiaki Yanagisawa is of the belief that it is ultimately the strength of CCG's policies, and not the fighting prowess of its investigators, that is the most instrumental in the push to eliminate ghouls. His personal motto is: "Language triumphs over violence". (言葉は暴力に勝る)

When admin or planning jobs fall to him, Yoshiaki will meticulously plan and review, right down to the last detail. He holds himself to the highest standards in his planning, and expects that those who follow in execution do the same.

On the occasion that he is on the ground rather than in the planning room, a situation he isn't particular fond of (more out of frustration due to the division of labour than out of fear of battle), Yoshiaki will, nonetheless, take orders from superiors and give orders to juniors somewhat begrudgingly, seeing it as a failure of the higher-ups to understand how best to allocate human resources.

In his free time, he enjoys reading. He also rears tropical fish, which he keeps in a tank in his office.

Yoshiaki Yanagisawa was born to a family of mid-level municipal government administrators, and from young, harboured a rather bipolar relationship with the world of the bureaucrat, simultaneously allured by the charm of holding power behind the curtains and repulsed by the murkiness and corruption of governance.

His father, Haruka Yanagisawa, died when Yoshiaki was 14. The exact cause of his death was a sudden heart attack, but considering the 46-year-old had never had any history of hypertension, angina, or any such disease, both Yoshiaki and his mother harboured suspicions that there was a malicious hand involved in Haruka's death. Sadly for them, the truth was never uncovered.

At the age of 19, upon leaving school, Yoshiaki Yanagisawa entered the Commission of Counter Ghoul, attending its academy, from which he graduated six months later, becoming a Ghoul Investigator, a job he has held to this day. His motivations for joining the CCG were numerous, but among them was a desire to slowly (or quickly) climb the ladder of bureaucracy.

CCG Weapon
"Chōchō" / 「蝶々」
Type: Kōkaku
Rating: A

A kōkaku-type quinque shaped like a pair of butterfly wings, Chōchō functions both like a shield that surrounds the user's front like a riot shield as well as a pair of grappling claws that can, with sufficient experience wielding the weapon, be used to crush opponents. It was taken from a 55-year-old ghoul known as Mitsutoshi Takashima (高島 光俊) two years ago.

- Cats
- Cointreau
- Poetry
- Administrative positions

- Having to do grunt work
- Ghouls
- Colluders
- Dogs
- Seafood
- Beer

Extra: -
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Name: Lady Masquerade


Personality: Very sociable; however, she's ironically hesitant to trust those who bend to her will too easily. She tends to stay cool when she thinks she's in control of a situation - but becomes less rational and more emotional when she knows she's the one being taken advantage of.

Background: Born to an upper class, secretly ghoul, family, she was taught by her family that ghouls shouldn't kill people whenever they want a snack. Instead, they got their food from a "secret source" (The same method used by the ghouls behind Anteiku). For the longest time, she pretended to believe this, and lived like any human family would. However, when she was only 19, she decided the passiveness of her family was all too boring, and a growing group dubbed the "Guard Dogs" by the media would suit her far more nicely. She made it her goal to join, and did so with ease. With old relations left behind and a new family to look forward to, she was ready to start behaving like a proper ghoul.

Kagune/CCG weapon: Bikaku kagune; roughly as long as Lady Masquerade can spread her arms. Naturally leans to her left. Koukaku kagune; rides along her right arm (more like a sleeve, rather than Tsukiyama's, which wraps around his arm), and "replaces" her hand with either a blunt weapon, or a blade, depending on the situation at hand.

Likes: Reading anything she can get her hands on, parties, fighting with the CCG
Dislikes: Obnoxiousness, unnecessary arguments, stubbornness

Extra: I haven't given her a "real" name, for the sake of keeping to the masquerade-style theme.
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Name: Lady Masquerade


Personality: Very sociable; however, she's ironically hesitant to trust those who bend to her will too easily. She tends to stay cool when she thinks she's in control of a situation - but becomes less rational and more emotional when she knows she's the one being taken advantage of.

Background: Born to an upper class, secretly ghoul, family, she was taught by her family that ghouls shouldn't kill people whenever they want a snack. Instead, they got their food from a "secret source" (The same method used by the ghouls behind Anteiku). For the longest time, she pretended to believe this, and lived like any human family would. However, when she was only 19, she decided the passiveness of her family was all too boring, and a growing group dubbed the "Guard Dogs" by the media would suit her far more nicely. She made it her goal to join, and did so with ease. With old relations left behind and a new family to look forward to, she was ready to start behaving like a proper ghoul.

Kagune/CCG weapon: Bikaku kagune; roughly as long as Lady Masquerade can spread her arms. Naturally leans to her left. Koukaku kagune; rides along her right arm (more like a sleeve, rather than Tsukiyama's, which wraps around his arm), and "replaces" her hand with either a blunt weapon, or a blade, depending on the situation at hand.

Likes: Reading anything she can get her hands on, parties, fighting with the CCG
Dislikes: Obnoxiousness, unnecessary arguments, stubbornness

Extra: I haven't given her a "real" name, for the sake of keeping to the masquerade-style theme.

Ayami Ineoka
伊根岡綾実 (いねおか あやみ)


Height: 168cm
Weight: 55kg

Being a former woman of the military, Ayami Ineoka possesses a level of discipline that far surpasses many of her fellow investigators, doing everything with great precision and always looking to minimise unnecessary motion or waste. Her personal motto is: "Waste generates want". (浪費は欠乏のもと)

Ever the efficiency freak both in planning and in execution, Ayami perpetually makes efforts to streamline operations, which results in much time and resources being saved, but also places more than a little stress on her colleagues.

Ayami Ineoka was born to an aristocratic family of businessmen with numerous connections to the underworld and to politicians. She had always disliked the dainty and restrained manner in which she was expected to act, and as such, harboured a desire to do something much more manly.

As such, upon finishing her final high school year, she defied her father's wishes for her to become an emissary of the family, opting instead to become a military woman. She joined the military, where she spent a two year tenure as sergeant after graduating from NCO academy.

Eventually, however, Ayami Ineoka left the military after a dispute with one of her superiors, subsequently joining the CCG and undergoing a conversion course at the CCG Academy.

CCG weapon
"Kotorihataraku" / 「小鳥働く」
Type: Bikaku
Rating: S

The rather clunky-named Kotorihataraku is a whip-like bikaku quinque taken from an S-rated ghoul by the name of Reiji Kotori (小鳥礼二). It is segmented, like a centipede, and its length can be adjusted. At the end of the quinque is a spiked head.

The hilt of the quinque is a two-metre pole, and as such, the weapon can either be wielded as a flail or as a club.

- Order
- Writing proposals
- Discipline
- Tea
- Swimming

- Disorganised situations
- Coffee
- Smoke
- Noise

Extra: -
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Name: Misao Kato
Nickname/ Alias: The Black Fox, Missy
Rank: Guard Dog
Age: 20
Appearances can be deceiving... And Misao takes this to the extreme. She may look cute, fragile and innocent - but the complete opposite is true. She is hardy and strong, and at times can even become sadistic, if her cold temper gets the better of her.
And she is exactly that - cold. Of course she feels just as any other would feel, but her brain is wired to be cold and calculating, her gaze is much like that of a venomous snake, and has the ability of making even the most steely of people uncomfortable. She also possesses a deadly intelligence, her intellect is far above most others, ghoul or not. Perhaps because of this, she has an uncanny sixth sense, that aids her in many things.
She is also very quiet, preferring to listen and observe, keeping her opinions, thoughts and ideas to herself most of the time.
A master of deception, her appearance is intended to be a perfect mask when it's needed, and her mannerisms etc will morph to fit this mask, her true personality perfectly covered as she becomes the cute, innocent and helpless girl her appearance would suggest she is.
She is also paranoid and un-trusting, but despite this, once someone has gained her trust - and properly proven themselves (which is no easy task, and almost impossible to achieve) - she's fiercely loyal (of course there are some limits to this), and has amazingly strong willpower.
She has her own unique humour, and despite her bad traits can be relatively pleasant.

She regards humans as nothing more but very intelligent animals, and her sadistic nature often shows itself when she hunts or fights against the CCG - and she does so with a cold ruthlessness, and enjoys it. Especially if she gets to chase them, or play with her food before she eats it.

Background/ History:
Misao was born into the wealthy Kato family, the wealth mostly came from her British-Japanese mother's side, who had strong links through both countries, but her father was also fairly well off, running his own medical practice in the 2nd ward, where Misao's family settled and had a large house. (Although they were a modest family, with no servants and not flaunting their wealth like others did, in comparison to Misao's mothers parents house, theirs is very modest.)
When Misao was 8, her mother was killed (but thankfully unidentifiable to the CCG, and a cover story was made to explain Misao's mothers death and disappearance - pneumonia), and her father shut down his medical practice soon after, wracked with grief. He became a recluse, only leaving his room to eat, and he ate as little as possible, avoiding his daughter as much as he could, because she reminded him too much of her mother.
So, Misao was left to her own devices, and was a very mature child with a very good education (this education continued until she turned 16) through private tutors. She began to dedicate more and more time to training herself and her kagune, and threw herself into it with gritty determination, to avenge her mother and fight against the CCG.

Her first alias was Missy, and she began to actively go out and hunt when she was 12, once she believed she was ready to face the world. Everyday, she would train and study as hard as she could, focusing all her energy on this - so she didn't go out much in the beginning. But once she began to feel the adrenaline of the chase, of being able to hunt and play with her food rather than receive it in neat little packages, once she got the taste for fresh meat, she realised why her mother had risked her life to hunt. She constantly pushed herself in her training, as she saw only one way for ghouls to survive - to eradicate the CCG.

Constantly pushing herself harder and harder, at 16 she created The Black Fox, and began her own little games leading less experienced CCG members in circles, playing mind games with the newbies and taking them out if she felt they were weak enough.
Around this time, she also began to use other items to make her more deadly, such as her crossbow.
Deciding she would do much better in a group, she finally joined one a month before her 17th birthday. She had partnered up with people before, but most are now dead.

~Bikaku Type Kagune
Misao's kagune is black and white - much like her hair - with splotches of bright blood red on the tail itself peeking through. She is able to split it into 3 separate tails, which are covered in deadly sharp shards, with a large spike or barb at the end, and approximately twice the size of her. The tail itself is extremely flexible, but the shards and barb at the end are very hard and solid (Think of a porcupine, or a snake if it had porcupine spikes and a scorpion barb at the end). She is able to detach the white matter of her kagune, and carries a crossbow which she designed to shoot the long shards with deadly speed and accuracy, and is also able to shoot it from her tail through moving it like a scorpion strikes - which also has incredible speed, but not so much accuracy, and is more of a spray of shards.
~Concept art (to visually give a bit of a better idea);
c990a55c35b2f05f8d68d89bcb312d0415b946c0_hq.jpg light_and_dark_by_neiru_kun-d9kx7mm.jpg
~ A rather notable feature of her kagune is that she can semi-control the order or volume of the colours. To protect each of her alias', they each have different properties. So one could put two and two together and assume that the two are related, perhaps even twins, but she hopes this way her two alias remain separate.
-Missy's kagune is black at the base, with a white middle and black barb/tip at the end - with a ratio of approximately half black half white.
-The Black Fox's kagune is a mish-mash of black and white (giving it a dark grey colour if viewed far away), apart from the black barb, the very tip of which is white - and looks similar to the tail of an actual Japanese black fox.

Mask/ Hunting attire:
Both of Misao's alias are heavily influenced by the fact that her hair is so striking, and therefore needs to be hidden.

~The Black Fox
(Her mask looks exactly like this, hood and all. The hood is fastened to her mask for extra security - meaning that neither the hood nor mask can be pulled off)
69d2ce12c7be26c71b9ff616cf80bda7.jpg(She wears tight but very flexible trousers like these, lightweight boots, and this coat - but with full length sleeves and a white hood, shown in her mask picture)
08d975a1bda429be5d6a2b66e2baf977--steampunk-suit-steampunk-fashion-women.jpg (Her top half looks similar to this)

Wears a white mask that covers her whole face, with black tears and lips, paired with a traditional Mofuku, the traditional funeral kimono, giving her a very creepy and traditional vibe. Her hair and neck is also covered by a pure white, silk hood.
60186098-black-background-and-a-white-mysterious-mask.jpg (Her mask is very similar to this)
a367e2f5186c4260345c2c6b8a8ce6b2--woodblock-print-japanese-art.jpg (Like this but white - and is fastened to her mask)

+ Coffee mixed with blood (a LOT of blood, preferably fresh)
+ The hunt, The chase, Playing with her food (like a cat)
+ Deceiving
+ Information, of any kind
+ Watching and listening to ghouls and people
+ Being underestimated

- Being forced to eat human food
- Being uncertain
- Failure

+- Dangerous situations
+- Her upbringing
+- Her father

~ She still trains herself, so is in excellent physical condition.
~ She is an excellent shot with her crossbow, and a good throw with knifes.
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Ayami Ineoka
伊根岡綾実 (いねおか あやみ)


Height: 168cm
Weight: 55kg

Being a former woman of the military, Ayami Ineoka possesses a level of discipline that far surpasses many of her fellow investigators, doing everything with great precision and always looking to minimise unnecessary motion or waste. Her personal motto is: "Waste generates want". (浪費は欠乏のもと)

Ever the efficiency freak both in planning and in execution, Ayami perpetually makes efforts to streamline operations, which results in much time and resources being saved, but also places more than a little stress on her colleagues.

Ayami Ineoka was born to an aristocratic family of businessmen with numerous connections to the underworld and to politicians. She had always disliked the dainty and restrained manner in which she was expected to act, and as such, harboured a desire to do something much more manly.

As such, upon finishing her final high school year, she defied her father's wishes for her to become an emissary of the family, opting instead to become a military woman. She joined the military, where she spent a two year tenure as sergeant after graduating from NCO academy.

Eventually, however, Ayami Ineoka left the military after a dispute with one of her superiors, subsequently joining the CCG and undergoing a conversion course at the CCG Academy.

CCG weapon
"Kotorihataraku" / 「小鳥働く」
Type: Bikaku
Rating: S

The rather clunky-named Kotorihataraku is a whip-like bikaku quinque taken from an S-rated ghoul by the name of Reiji Kotori (小鳥礼二). It is segmented, like a centipede, and its length can be adjusted. At the end of the quinque is a spiked head.

The hilt of the quinque is a two-metre pole, and as such, the weapon can either be wielded as a flail or as a club.

- Order
- Writing proposals
- Discipline
- Tea
- Swimming

- Disorganised situations
- Coffee
- Smoke
- Noise

Extra: -

Name: Misao Kato
Nickname/ Alias: The Black Fox, Missy
Rank: Guard Dog
View attachment 327434
Age: 20
Appearances can be deceiving... And Misao takes this to the extreme. She may look cute, fragile and innocent - but the complete opposite is true. She is hardy and strong, and at times can even become sadistic, if her cold temper gets the better of her.
And she is exactly that - cold. Of course she feels just as any other would feel, but her brain is wired to be cold and calculating, her gaze is much like that of a venomous snake, and has the ability of making even the most steely of people uncomfortable. She also possesses a deadly intelligence, her intellect is far above most others, ghoul or not. Perhaps because of this, she has an uncanny sixth sense, that aids her in many things.
She is also very quiet, preferring to listen and observe, keeping her opinions, thoughts and ideas to herself most of the time.
A master of deception, her appearance is intended to be a perfect mask when it's needed, and her mannerisms etc will morph to fit this mask, her true personality perfectly covered as she becomes the cute, innocent and helpless girl her appearance would suggest she is.
She is also paranoid and un-trusting, but despite this, once someone has gained her trust - and properly proven themselves (which is no easy task, and almost impossible to achieve) - she's fiercely loyal (of course there are some limits to this), and has amazingly strong willpower.
She has her own unique humour, and despite her bad traits can be relatively pleasant.

She regards humans as nothing more but very intelligent animals, and her sadistic nature often shows itself when she hunts or fights against the CCG - and she does so with a cold ruthlessness, and enjoys it. Especially if she gets to chase them, or play with her food before she eats it.

Background/ History:
Misao was born into the wealthy Kato family, the wealth mostly came from her British-Japanese mother's side, who had strong links through both countries, but her father was also fairly well off, running his own medical practice in the 2nd ward, where Misao's family settled and had a large house. (Although they were a modest family, with no servants and not flaunting their wealth like others did, in comparison to Misao's mothers parents house, theirs is very modest.)
When Misao was 8, her mother was killed (but thankfully unidentifiable to the CCG, and a cover story was made to explain Misao's mothers death and disappearance - pneumonia), and her father shut down his medical practice soon after, wracked with grief. He became a recluse, only leaving his room to eat, and he ate as little as possible, avoiding his daughter as much as he could, because she reminded him too much of her mother.
So, Misao was left to her own devices, and was a very mature child with a very good education (this education continued until she turned 16) through private tutors. She began to dedicate more and more time to training herself and her kagune, and threw herself into it with gritty determination, to avenge her mother and fight against the CCG.

Her first alias was Missy, and she began to actively go out and hunt when she was 12, once she believed she was ready to face the world. Everyday, she would train and study as hard as she could, focusing all her energy on this - so she didn't go out much in the beginning. But once she began to feel the adrenaline of the chase, of being able to hunt and play with her food rather than receive it in neat little packages, once she got the taste for fresh meat, she realised why her mother had risked her life to hunt. She constantly pushed herself in her training, as she saw only one way for ghouls to survive - to eradicate the CCG.

Constantly pushing herself harder and harder, at 16 she created The Black Fox, and began her own little games leading less experienced CCG members in circles, playing mind games with the newbies and taking them out if she felt they were weak enough.
Around this time, she also began to use other items to make her more deadly, such as her crossbow.
Deciding she would do much better in a group, she finally joined one a month before her 17th birthday.

~Bikaku Type Kagune
Misao's kagune is black and white - much like her hair - with splotches of bright blood red on the tail itself peeking through. She is able to split it into 7 separate tails, however she generally only uses 3. It is unusually quick (although this speed is still inferior to that of the ukaku), and is covered in deadly sharp shards, with a large spike at the end. The tail itself is extremely flexible, but the shards and barb at the end are very hard and solid (Think of a porcupine, or a snake if it had porcupine spikes and a scorpion barb at the end). She is able to detach the white matter of her kagune, and carries a crossbow which she designed to shoot the long shards with deadly speed and accuracy, and is also able to shoot it from her tail through moving it like a scorpion strikes - which also has incredible speed, but not so much accuracy, and is more of a spray of shards.
~Concept art (to visually give a bit of a better idea);
~ A rather notable feature of her kagune is that she can semi-control the order or volume of the colours. To protect each of her alias', they each have different properties. So one could put two and two together and assume that the two are related, perhaps even twins, but she hopes this way her two alias remain separate.
-Missy's kagune is black at the base, with a white middle and black barb/tip at the end - with a ratio of approximately half black half white.
-The Black Fox's kagune is a mish-mash of black and white (giving it a dark grey colour if viewed far away), apart from the black barb, the very tip of which is white - and looks similar to the tail of an actual Japanese black fox.

Mask/ Hunting attire:
Both of Misao's alias are heavily influenced by the fact that her hair is so striking, and therefore needs to be hidden.

~The Black Fox
View attachment 327478
(Her mask looks exactly like this, hood and all. The hood is fastened to her mask for extra security - meaning that neither the hood nor mask can be pulled off)
View attachment 327482(She wears tight but very flexible trousers like these, lightweight boots, and this coat - but with full length sleeves and a white hood, shown in her mask picture)
View attachment 327477 (Her top half looks similar to this)

Wears a white mask that covers her whole face, with black tears and lips, paired with a traditional Mofuku, the traditional funeral kimono, giving her a very creepy and traditional vibe. Her hair and neck is also covered by a pure white, silk hood.
View attachment 327481 (Her mask is very similar to this)
View attachment 327493
View attachment 327498 (Like this but white - and is fastened to her mask)

+ Coffee mixed with blood (a LOT of blood, preferably fresh)
+ The hunt, The chase, Playing with her food (like a cat)
+ Deceiving
+ Information, of any kind
+ Watching and listening to ghouls and people
+ Being underestimated

- Being forced to eat human food
- Being uncertain
- Failure

+- Dangerous situations
+- Her upbringing
+- Her father

~ She is unusually fast for a bikaku type.
~ She still trains herself, so is in excellent physical condition.
~ She is an excellent shot with her crossbow, and a good throw with knifes.

((I may change some things, but it's basically finished... It's really late (nearly 4am) and I need to sleep... ^^" ))
Please do some rewriting for her kagune - if she is a bikaku, then her speed is appropriate to her kagune, and if she uses 3 of the split pieces, then please keep it down to 3 instead of 7.
(I know I sound naggy, but I'm trying to keep a level of balance and realism, especially with Ghouls, where it's easy to get carried away. Again, sorry, hope it isn't too much >.<)

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