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Fantasy The Prophecy - OOC


The Prochecy OOC chat.

Feel free to talk amongst yourselves here about the plot or anything you might like to add along with normal chatter.

RP Links
RPNation rules apply, most important of all!
1. I understand that some OC's will have strengths compared to other, but remember there is a difference between being strong and being OP. Keep this in mind when creating your character and Role playing.

2. Do not be rude OOC or bring IC happens to OOC. If you disagree with something please message me so we can sort it in the best way possible.

In account to rule 2, do not hate the Member, dislike the character they have. Remember that they are not the person they are Roleplaying as.)

3. My word is final. Should you disagree, I am fine with listening, taking all opinions and thoughts into consideration, yet I do have the right to make the final decision.

4. This is a role play that may include, fighting, romance, different sexual orientations etc. Anyone who says against this, please look for another Roleplay.

5. If you create more than one character, please make them in a different thread, not in the same as your first.
Along with this, please make your characters diverse, otherwise we may see the same personalities etc. (Does not count for history if they are related.)
OOC Links
Character Sheets
Lore/Interest sheet

K Kiowa I'll make my Cs look pretty later~ I'm too tired right now, soz. XD
Where would the best location for Rebecca to start be, since Aura, Caelus, and everybody else is out for her head?
Cosmos Cosmos Of-course, take your time with it!
Shagranoz Shagranoz Hm. Good question. Well, a she takes a neutral approach, you are welcome to start wherever you would like. I would either recommend Zoarus(possibly the outskirts of it) or within Gialea! I wouldn't say Auras+followers are out for her head, calico is out for everyone and hunters most likely too.

One thing I should have added was what the locations are and who is most likely to post where.

Zoarus - Neutrals/Aura followers
Ceyphus - Neutrals/Calico followers
Vosmas - Hunters/Neutals
Gialea - Everyone!

Ofcourse these are not dead-set. People could be captured, scout etc. This is just where people would most likely be.
Made my post... not the most fancy banner... but eh... bit sick and having some vision issues so wasn't able to find tune or tinker stuff too much so went more basic. ^^;;
Hanarei Hanarei Just mentioning here that Alecia bumped into Eris, just in case it wasn't clear enough in the post. "^w^ Eagerly awaiting your next post!!
When you're waiting for everyone to come back on because you live in a different timezone like- 0-0 So quiet~….
It's the middle of the day for me wtf.

How's it like with your giant spiders and stuff? I'd love to go there some day.
It's the middle of the day for me wtf.

How's it like with your giant spiders and stuff? I'd love to go there some day.
XD Lol, I actually really like spiders. Except for red backs and white backs….. They poisonous as heck. 0-0 It's great! I always laugh so hard when I watch you tubers from other countries freak out over these tiny little spiders and saying 'It's massive!' And I'm just like, I have at least four spiders in my room right now double that size~…. The weathers actually pretty decent right now at the end of summer though it's still pretty hot~
XD Lol, I actually really like spiders. Except for red backs and white backs….. They poisonous as heck. 0-0 It's great! I always laugh so hard when I watch you tubers from other countries freak out over these tiny little spiders and saying 'It's massive!' And I'm just like, I have at least four spiders in my room right now double that size~…. The weathers actually pretty decent right now at the end of summer though it's still pretty hot~

I never understood why people were so afraid of spiders. I have a few hanging out in my room, and they just chill and kill stinkbugs and stuff. Actually would like to get myself a snake if I ever go over there. Fucking love those things.

It's pretty terrible here in Illinois ('murica), one day it'll be sunny and another there will be actual snow. it sucks.
I never understood why people were so afraid of spiders. I have a few hanging out in my room, and they just chill and kill stinkbugs and stuff. Actually would like to get myself a snake if I ever go over there. Fucking love those things.

It's pretty terrible here in Illinois ('murica), one day it'll be sunny and another there will be actual snow. it sucks.
QwQ I've never seen snow~ Lucky!! XD Snakes are actually pretty uncommon in areas that I live in (City/suburbs) But just go inwards a bit or up to broom and the whole place is full o' em'~….
QwQ I've never seen snow~ Lucky!! XD Snakes are actually pretty uncommon in areas that I live in (City/suburbs) But just go inwards a bit or up to broom and the whole place is full o' em'~….

Never seen snow? You're missing out girl. Except when it turns into this shitty mud thing that just sucks.

Muy interesante. Suena divertido. What is 'up to broom'?
Who wants to do a roleplay based on a story im writing? Its horror/romance/action.

Hey, I see you're kinda new here, but this isn't exactly the place to do that. You'd want to go advertise your rp here. That forum is for finding people to join your RP. You just hit "Post new topic", and then write a brief description of your RP, and just wait for people to join. Just take example from a few other interest checks there, alright?
Never seen snow? You're missing out girl. Except when it turns into this shitty mud thing that just sucks.

Muy interesante. Suena divertido. What is 'up to broom'?
XD lol~

Broom is a place in Australia at the top of the country, it's way hotter up there and has really nice beaches. (Although if you try ad swim in there you'll ever get a greeting by a shark or jellyfish)

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