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Fantasy The Promised King{Character Sheets}


Just Me
{Character Sheet}






Position in Rp-

A bit about them(Personality/History Etc)-

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The wealth of the world is divided by a large margin, if you are not born into wealth by happenstance it is unlikely that you will ever achieve it. You are either born an urchin or a sovereign and Ryker was born as the former. Ryker's mother was a women of the night and Ryker was conceived as one of the nights many spawn. His father was a sovereign -- the man did not share his name with Ryker's mother, but the way he presented himself and his infliction in his voice gave her this divination. Ryker's birth was quite the surprise to his mother, the young boy was born prematurely and without much warning. His mother was already a larger women and she had attributed her weight gain to the larger rations offered by her duke. The women felt a sharp pain and soon thereafter, Ryker was born.

Naturally he did not befall upon the most morally inclined ways when it came to accumulating wealth. Instead he resorted to a certain thing called thievery. He started off by just grabbing fruits from stands and running away as far as he possibly could, although he slowly began to evolve. Shortly thereafter, he learned that he could steal expensive things, then sell them to buy other things. This was a tidbit of knowledge that he took a great advantage of. It started with the simple sleight of hand, that included things like pick-pocketing and scamming. That was one of his favorite games when he was growing up. It pleased him to see someone more important over them get fooled by someone as irrelevant as himself.

Soon, that young boy had become a young man, and he had fell in to a crowd with a few people similar to himself. They were thieves yes, and many were more than that. Murderers, illegal slavers and many people who would not be found leniently obeying the laws. This is where he garnished his very first title, the enigma. Trinkets, gold, and the rarest treasures were all taken and hoarded by him. The enigma was faceless, quick and very cunning. There was very little knowledge surrounding his identity. He was only a teenager then; Ryker was young and confident of his abilities. It was his confidence that had inevitably sabotaged him. A house was set up as bait and the instant that he stepped in he was cornered. That is how he received a piece of hot iron to his chest. The young man was marked and then detained for his crimes.

After he served his time the first person he had sought after was his mother. Ryder's time in jail had made him a lot more docile, he was not the fire-filled youth that tormented the city any longer. He had become placid, taking up a simple job whilst simultaneously caring for his mother. There came a time where he grew curious about his roots, and where he had come from. It was then when he had spoken with his mother, which in turn had told him of her theory regarding his father. Ryder's mother believed that the duke of their city was the one responsible for his birth. That knowledge had only served to re-ignite his anger towards the world. The man could afford to care for hundreds of people! Yet he had left him and his mother here at the brink of poverty.

The anger he felt at that moment ascended any other emotion he had ever felt. He was never an alcoholic prior to this, but the damage that the knowledge had brought on had made him one. The actions of his father did not sit right with him at all, so he formed a plan and decided to take action during the night... he did not intend to harm anyone but his father. He convinced himself to commit one of the worse sins one could commit, patricide. The Butcher of Lords is what they call him nowadays. Not the most honorable title, but it is a title nevertheless. Infiltration was something that was second nature to him from the time he spent as the enigma; sneaking in to the dukes house undetected took little effort on his part. Unlocking the door of his bedroom was a process that was even simpler. Sliding a piece of iron in to his throat was a simple as things could get.

There was an investigation and his identity was deciphered-- his mother was subsequently murdered. Ryder had managed to escape from the city guards by only a hair. Of course, he escaped that city, but his past still haunts him. Both literally and figuratively as the bounty hunters never grow tired of perusing him. He never even found out whether the duke was even his real father or not. The proof was not substantial and his mothers recollection of the night was hazy to say the least. Still, he journeys onward, living as best as he is able.

Misc. Information

Name - Ryder
Age- 26
Nicknames- The Enigma, Butcher of Lords
Gender- Male
Sexuality- Bisexual
Height- 5'11"
Weigh- 175 lb
Position- The Promised King


A crude and undignified person, Ryder is a brash individual with more than a few rough edges. If it works it works, is one of his many philosophies towards life. He is not the sort of person to care much for aesthetics, efficiency is more so his game. Whatever shelter he has would look like a disorganized mess to most, but he knows where every single little thing is hidden. He is an absolute mess when dealing with people that he views as attractive, often making nervous chatter and awkward romantic advances. That being said he is quite an accepting person, not really caring much where people are from or how they look, he'll always meet respect with respect. Even if he is ultimately planning to rob you.

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Chris van Alder

Position in this Rp:

Chris(tine) van Alder
Female, but is thought to be male
Lost princess
Chris stands at 5 feet and eight inches with broad shoulders and an athletic build. Due to her body build and the way she keeps her long hair hidden, Chris can easily pass as a male as well. Chris was a pretty neat looking woman, when she still looked like one, with her blue hair and eyes. Her voice might as well pass as the one of a man with high voice. With the mask, she hides her eyes, which are the most distinguishing feature for her gender, which is why she is almost never seen without.


Personal Dossier

  • Chris is a very proud person. She would never admit needing help or liking a person. She is further very stubborn. Chris however does not only have that side to her. Chris can be a very caring and loving person, if you manage to get past the shell. She is also very loyal and would die for those she sees as her friends or even more. However, she would never tell a friend that they are a friend.


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"It's hard to train a wild beast, but not impossible."

Lilith Kara Zelophehead





The power forgotten by men

Lilith's first memories are of waking up in a plush bed with a new brand on her wrist, marking her as a whore no better than a slave. Any memories before that are just darkness and nothing, the only thing marking her is the symbols across her chest. Lilith was eleven when she was brought in by the highest end brothel in town. Only the richest and top of society could afford to go there. Lilith was trained in many ways of persuasion, the art of seduction, and how to spy on the people around her. She was thirteen when she met Ryder a thief on the way to the top of that food chain, possibly even more capable than the king of thieves. Lilith became fast friends with the strange boy, finding she hated to not be by his side. When Ryder went to jail things grew hard on Lilith, until she snapped one day. She had found a lord from a neighboring land abusing one of the younger girls, one not yet trained. That is all she remembers, the next moment she is surrounded by his blood no weapon to be found. Lilith had to flee, and she did. Before they knew what was going on she was gone, hiding out among Ryder's old colleagues until she could figure out the next steps to her life. She didn't have to though, her future found her instead. An assassin for hire had heard her story and came looking, recruiting her to join up with him. So she did, thus leaving behind the first city she remembered and her best friend. It wouldn't be until Ryder had fled the city himself that the two of them would meet up again, both changed from their younger selves.

  • 175cec44ed977ee3744eaab836f20eba.jpg

    Jason Maven
    "The Immortal Warrior"

    The Phantom Swordsman


All credit to @pulse

NAME - Elean Aeris Ithren
AGE - 26
GENDER - Female
SEXUALITY - Heterosexual
HEIGHT & WEIGHT - 5'5" & 125 lbs

She isn't as foppish as she seems. Everything she does, everything she says, every look she gives, she does so with a breed of intensity totally and entirely characteristic of herself. She has the most uncommon presence. It's in the uncanny way she “invades” people's personal spaces without coming off as perverse. She's perceptive and acutely aware of her environment, even if she's slow to understand exactly what she's contemplating. She enjoys picking out the details in other people – the flutter of eyelashes, the clipped conjunction of lip movements, the fluctuating calibre of pupils, changing invariably – and trying to filter out their thoughts without vocalizing her self. Comparably to any youngster, Elean tends to take life as it comes, because she knows she'll come out alright; all in one piece, at the very least. She's fairly laid-back about worries unless they involve her friends. Because of her intense, often insatiable, curiosity, she's more likely than not to ask an inappropriate question in any given situation should it constantly nag at the back of her mind.

Following this, when she feels an intense desire to know something, Elean will continue at it until she finds an answer she's satisfied with. While some may find her curiosity endearing, others reciprocate with scowls. If they end up getting upset about her incessant questioning, she'll will lay off for a bit, but she won't forget and will come back to it in due time. It's a constant voice whispering through her eardrums, so softly, so apparently there, that she finds it hard to let go of it altogether. Some people reprimand her for such things, but she doesn't tend to care. She doesn't feel it's inappropriate to ask questions, even if she's called nosey. She just wants to know – everything, all things, right now. A huffing hound who won't stop sticking her snout into your hands, even when you've already swatted her in the ears. Lessons are learned excruciatingly slow.

Unlike the majority of stuffy-nosed men and women, Elean doesn't mind following directions from higher authorities, chosen leaders, or anyone who walks purposefully. She adapts quickly to new situations and generally acts like a leaf on a breeze, allowing whatever winds to guide her in the appropriate direction without fussing. Without kicking and screaming and resisting. It isn't in her nature. She's not very attached to most ofher own views or opinions, in the same way she is not possessive or territorial. If asked, Elean will share her views with others, but if they do not like them she's unlikely to defend her stance. By nature, she's conflict-avoidant: she can easily move on or forgive something like invaded privacy, broken possessions, or heated arguments. She's not one to hold any grudges. It's tiring, exhausting, fatiguing.

Too much trouble to bother with for very long – she'd rather offer handshakes and consolatory hugs. She's really not an aggressive person: not filled with snarls and growls. If she's faced with a possible argument, she would much rather back away and remove herself silently from the situation and just hope that everyone will calm down. To avoid conflict is to make herself "invisible;" that is, she will try to become silent, stiffen up, hide, and simply hope that the conflict will pass her by. The towels already been thrown in before you could open your mouth. You might say that she doesn't have a backbone, which is where you'd only be half wrong – she finds it easy to be brave for others, but fails horribly when it comes to telling her friends “no.”

Enthusiastic and passionate and overly cheery. There's nothing more prevalent in her veins. She's about as social as they come. People energize and comfort her and she struggles being alone for long. She's uncomfortably friendly and outgoing and gets very bored, restless, and depressed when she doesn't have the chance to interact with others. she'll be yours, completely. she'll dedicate herself to pleasing you, making you smile, tickling your fancies, if only you'll stick around for a little while longer. Some might call her gregarious because of the wide variety of friends she collects, like small beautiful buttons kept in a wooden box underneath her pillow, but she actually forms surprisingly strong ties to the people she's closest to. Unwittingly loyal bonds are formed, unbreakable and lasting. Once you've gotten yourself stuck with her , there's nothing much you can do. Her heart isn't just pinned to her sleeve. It might've been there in the first place, naturally grown through the weaves of her lapel, so that everyone can clearly, undoubtedly, see how much she cares about them. She's an expressive soul. She's an emotional time-bomb waiting for that one upsetting comment that'll cause quibbling lips and misty there's-just-dirt-in-my-eyes. It's hard for her to "see the obvious." she takes in the world differently than most.

The woman could hardly be called such, she was merely a child. Yet, well versed in the ways of feminine charm. Caution was never her strong suit, getting knocked up was against the rules, but before she knew it she was too far along for any herbs to have effect. The child growing within her womb was very much alive and she could feel its soul coexist with her own. The brothel matrons pushed her to for a more. . . forceful termination, but she resisted. Promises of offing herself stopped those suggestions.

The scent of afterbirth still prevalent in her nostrils, but it no longer stained her flesh. Lethargy plagued her, and her legs were on the verge of giving out. The heavy cloak shielded her youthful face as she gazed down at the babe whose wails were dwarfed by the rain. She wearily smiled at the swaddled infant in her arms and her heart swelled with adoration and regret.

She banged frantically at the heavy door and the whisper of "I love you" quelled the cries of her child.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The doctor, Illyas Ithren, loved the orphan as his own. He spoiled her and would have given her anything she could have wished for. Often he was left disappointed because Elean was really a very low-maintenance child.

Aside from playing with the neighborhood children and making easy conversation with almost everyone she came across, Elean was often content with looking at the pictures and reading his handwritten books on medicines and herbs. Her's was a face that all of his patients grew accustomed to seeing. When she was young she would often peek in the room while he was working and Illyas would be hardpressed to shoo her off lest she make a childish and unintentionally rude comment. Though as she aged, she made herself a fixture in his work. Elean became his self-appointed apprentice.

Illyas had been the most popular doctor in the town of Hayer. Due to its rightfully earned infamous reputation there were very few doctors, and Illyas was known to charge the least for his services. In her late teens, Elean was noted to be on par with him and the other doctors of their town. Being the only female doctor many girls flocked to her for care.

Hayer, due to being the town closest to Wisteria's eastern border, has witness to many skirmishes and battles over the years. Violence is nothing new to its citizens, but it was rare for the Wisterian army to not have the upper hand. A change in luck. A fluke of the Gods. The soldiers fled the frontlines as they were overtaken by the opposition. The people of Hayden were abandoned and usurped.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~​
"Be silent. Speak only when spoken to. Keep your head down. Don't try to fight, they will kill you." Even the criminals feared them. Elean did what her father told. The two of them were in a dangerous position. They were often around the soldiers tending to their wounds and sickness.

Even as she did her best to remain inconspicuous, she caught the attention of a general. Smitten, he attempted to woo Elean gently, almost gentlemanly, at first. When she continuously rejected his advances, he took her by force. Still, hope was brewing in the people's homes. Rumour had it that Wisterian troops were on their way to reclaim their town in a few days time. Elean assured Illyas that she could handle herself until then, yet, she screamed for her father until dawn broke.

Illyas could not wait for their rescue and took matters into his own hands. One bag he packed. One knife he pocketed. One vial he emptied into the general's cup.

As the degenerate spasmed and hit the ground, chaos ensued. The kiss on Elean's forehead was only a moment. She fumbled with the heavy pack thrust into her hands and she hasn't stopped running.

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Nickname: "Goss or Sam; sometimes Sammy. It all works."

Age: "22 years of age."

Gender: "Female, obviously."

Sexuality: "Heterosexual. I haven't met a decent man yet, and I doubt I will."

Position: "A gypsy dancer by trade."

Character Summary: Gossamer is an exotic beauty who dances in the streets and in taverns for her supper. The illegitimate daughter of a prostitute from a brothel in Hayer, her father an unknown nobleman from Lucer, Goss had nothing handed to her in life except her looks. IMG_8554.JPG She chose a slightly more honorable profession than her mother, despite the pressure to follow in her footsteps. Goss set out to travel the kingdom at a young age to escape the trouble of her life with her mother, taking nothing with her but a goat, bread, and her few personal belongings. Her mother died a short time later from an unknown disease. Since then, she has been wandering, making a little coin as she goes, just getting by.

Personality wise, she's a spitfire. She knows she's a sight to behold, and uses it to her advantage. While she can be kind and vulnerable, she won't let you believe it. She was created to be as lovely as one can, with more rage and wit than one could contain. She often gets into trouble for being a bit sassier than a lady should, and perhaps using a few 'choice words' here and there, but once you can get past the hot-headed, reckless exterior, she is a gem.

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"My faith shall never perish."

Mason Liam Jacskon





Priest who hears the voices of the gods

Mason has always heard the gods voices, even before he knew what language was. They whispered to him that he had an amazing future ahead of him as long as he listened to their voices. And so he did. He joined the priesthood of the nine great gods, marking his servitude to all of them not just one. It did not take him long to rise amongst the ranks of the church, his hands forever guided by the gods that whisper to him.

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