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The Princess and Her Pup

Jess Buck

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Princess Jessica of the Scela kingdom sat in her room and waited for her father to come and get her. He told her the night before that he had a special surprise for her and that he was very confident that she would love it. Jessica was only five but she knew that if her father said she would like something, there was a 50% chance that it was something that she had to have (and or do) because she was a princess. She didn't mind though; being a princess and growing up with the responsibility of a nation was just something she was used to, especially being that she was the first born to her family. She waited patiently and played with her long dark hair. It was curly like her mother's and Jessica enjoyed pretending that she was a Queen like her mother. Jessica stood up from her seat on her bed and started walking around her room with her head held high, mimicking a "regal" posture. "You Sir Knight!" She called out, pointing to a doll sitting on her bed. "I require thee to fetch the royal chef and have him make me a giant cake. I wish to have it in the gardens with my friend Princess Gretchen." She gestured to another doll sitting on a chair in the corner of her room, dubbing this doll Princess Gretchen. She giggled to herself and continued to walk around, barking orders at various toys in her room.
As Kind Caddmus entered the room, he smiled at the sight of his daughter, still pointing at one of her playthings, her mouth forming an O, he had caught her by surprise. "Ah, commanding the rabble I see," He scooped her up and set her on his knee "And how your subjects fairing under your fine rule my Bonnie Lass? well and prosperous I trust?" He said, emphasizing his statement with a soft pinch on her cheek.
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Jessica giggled and nodded

"You betcha papa!" She said with a happy smile. "Princess Gretchen and I had a big ole' cake all to ourselves but we couldn't finish it because it was so big so we gave the left overs to all of the people in the village and there was a big party and we all danced and laughed and ate lots of cake and other yummy things!" Jessica jumped off of her lap and bounced on her toes excitedly. "What's the surprise you have for me papa?" She asked eagerly.
Caddmus chuckled deep in his chest. Placing his hands on either side of her tiny face, he kissed Jessica on the brow. "Do your father a favor and never change little one." He said tenderly. Standing up suddenly he clapped his hands, and through the door came the most frighteningly beautiful thing Jessica had ever seen. Standing upright, the beast was still head and shoulders taller than her father, and Jessica had never seen anyone taller than father. His walk was confident, as if nothing in this world, or any world for that matter, would move it from its path. He, as Jessica assumed it was a he, had a broad chest and thick arms, with a narrow waist. The beast wore no clothes, and even though He was covered in shaggy, glossy black fur, Every muscle in his body was sharply defined. He looked to be chiseled from the black obsidian of the mountain. And on his broad shoulders sat a massive head, the head of a wolf, surrounded by a glorious black mane that any lion would envy. One of his pointed ears had three piercings in it, and she could make out scars crisscrossing his abdomen, and one across his blood red eye...
Jessica stared up at the large, dark, looming figure that stood before her. She noticed his scared eye and tilted her head to the side curiously. She blinked a couple times before reaching her hand up and pointing at it. "What happened to your eye Mr?" She asked.
The beast stopped and looked at the king. "Jessica, this is Koba." Said Caddmus "He is going to be watching over you from now on while I am away." The king looked at Koba, and a moment of silence passed. Koba nodded and dropped to all fours. "He has been a good friend to me my dear," Said the King as he picked up Jessica again and kissed her on the cheek. "He will never leave your side, as for his scars, well ill let you two get to know each other. I must make haste for the front lines, more forest goblins have been attacking our farms." He kissed Jessica once more and set her down. As he moved to depart Koba stood again, a low growl escaping his chest. Caddmus stopped and placed a hand on Koba's massive arm, "No, the duty I have charged you with if of far more importance my friend," He glanced back at Jessica and whispered almost inaudibly, "Protect my heart with your life." And with that he departed, leaving tiny Jessica alone with Koba. He stalked forward a few paces and looked down on the tiny human standing at his feet, then dropped to all fours and proceeded to sniff her. After his inspection was complete, Koba lay down, so their eyes were level, and stared intensely at her.
Jessica watched her father leave and then watched Koba as he inspected her. As he stared at her, she stared back. Her wide eyes blinked at him with curiosity. Once he seemed to be finished, Jessica smiled at him. "Nice to meet you Koba! I'm Jessica." She went over to her bed and grabbed a raggedy old teddy bear. She brought it over to Koba and held it out for him to see. "This is Samantha Bear. She's is my absolute favoritest teddy bear ever. She's been my best friend since I was real little." Jessica smiled and hugged the bear tightly. There was a silence over the room and Jessica set her bear back on her bed. "Koba......." She started, "Do you like to run in the gardens?" She asked.
Koba continues to stare at the tiny princess, as if thinking. then sharply nods his head.
Jessica smiled brightly and grabbed Koda's hand. "Then lets go play!" She said excitedly and dragged him toward the gardens.
Koba had never seen anything like the small human, he was still seething over the fact that Caddmus had left him behind to play wet nurse while he went off to battle. He followed the princess out of a sense of duty to his master, but he planned on having a serious word with the King when he returned. How long could he possibly want his fiercest warrior in the castle babysitting a child. Koba shook his head as they entered the gardens, the ways of men never ceased to baffle him.
Jessica giggled as she ran through the rose bushes, and other flowers. She smiled at Koba and tagged his arm.

"Tag! You're it!" She said, and ran off in the other direction, away from Koba. She looked over her shoulder to see how far behind he was from her.
Koba inspected the spot on his arm where the tiny one had touched him, he looked up at Jessica running away and began walking behind her. She soon stopped running, breathing heavily. Koba laid down and yawned, rolling on his side.
Jessica pouted at Koba. "You're supposed to run after and try to tag me back." She scolded. "That's how the game works." She stood and dusted off her dress. She headed off in the direction of the maze. It had been a while since she ventured in there but she thought she'd be able to make her way through it.
As Jessica entered the maze Koba plopped down at its entrance. the sun was shining brightly today and if he was going to stay here and babysit he might as well enjoy himself. His eyelids drooped halfway closed as he began to doze, the sound of the breeze setting him into a drowsy trance.

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