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The Princes of Darkness (DearestEnemy and Asteria)


New Recruit






"Why do we have to attend? I don't want to go!"Elysia watched her younger sister pace anxiously about their shared room. Aria was a beautiful girl and she feared for her. The Princes were known to select the most attractive of the women, and although Aria still had a year to go before she would be invited as an offering, it didn't make her feel any better about her attendance. Who was to say that the brothers would stick to such a rule if they took a liking to someone?"I know," Sia replied quietly, understanding the panic the younger girl felt. More so this year now that she knew she would be at risk next year. Elysia hated this just as much as her sister did but they were powerless to do anything. "You know what will happen if we don't attend." The young women who failed to make an appearance at the ball were always punished for it later. They were killed for their disobedience, more often than not. At least by attending, they had a chance of escaping with their lives. She just wished that their parents had not gone to such an effort with her attire. Their mother had made Sia's gown and it fit perfectly; hugging her torso before falling loosely from her waist to the floor. The material of her dress was a beautiful teal colour and it had been expensive. She knew that they would eat poorly for a week because of it. Her parents wouldn't dare send her looking anything less than perfect. They feared what punishment might await them if their daughter's appearance wasn't to the royal family's liking. Elysia's eyes flickered back to the mirror, and her own reflection. Her hair was pinned back, though some curls fell loose about her neck and shoulders. She wore no jewelry save for the ruby teardrop pendant that hung from her neck. Seeing it rest upon her collarbone now, she couldn't help but think of the likeness to a drop of blood. She was filled with a great desire to tear it from her neck, but she refrained. It had been her grandmothers and it was perhaps the most valuable item her family had. If she was selected tonight - the thought made her blood run cold - she would have to find some way to have it returned to them.

"What if they choose you," Aria whispered, her tears springing to her eyes. Sia's own filled and she pulled her little sister tight against her. "We will keep to ourselves and try to stay out of sight," Elysia assured her sister after a moment. She released her and squeezed Aria's arms gently. "There are so many attending. They won't choose me," she insisted, sounding more confident than she felt. She offered her a smile though it didn't quite touch her eyes, and it fell as soon as the sound of her mother knocking on the bedroom door, reached them. She opened it and gazed at the pair of them for a moment before clearing her throat and brushing at her eyes.

"The carriage is outside. We shouldn't delay," she encouraged. Sia nodded, taking Aria's hand and leading her from the room.


Elysia felt sick with dread the entirety of the journey. It was a quiet ride and over far too quickly. The castle loomed ahead; beautiful and grand and terrifying all at once. She wished she could admire it without fearing for her life. The beauty of the castle was spoiled by knowledge of what would happen later this evening. It tainted it. She imagined that it must be magical to attend an event like this without fear for yourself or your loved ones. She wondered if the vampires assumed that they enjoyed themselves here. She wondered if they realized that, instead, they felt sick to their stomach's with dread. Nothing could quell the anxiety that spiraled in Sia's stomach. She was glad of her family's presence. To come here and face this alone... she couldn't imagine it. Her eyes moved to Aria as she walked ahead with their father and Elysia's chest tightened at the mere thought of her attending as an offering. She prayed that the day would never come, but there was so little time left to keep her from it.Elysia craned her neck in search of her best friend as they stepped into the ballroom. It was beautifully decorated, as always. Everything was rich and luxurious, nothing like the young woman was used to. The scent of roses hung in the air and candles upon all of the tables and in the wall sconces gave a romantic glow to the room. Musicians played at the top of the room, near the thrones. There was a table with food pilled high and dressed up tables and chairs for families to sit at while they ate. Some of the people here were half starved and would be grateful of the food, but few truly ate very much with the knowledge of what might happen to them or their loved ones this evening. Elysia tried to keep a smile on her face so that Ariawould not see her fear."We should have something to eat. It's a shame to waste such an opportunity," she told her sister, watching her eyes drift longingly towards the food. They could never afford anything so luxurious. "The desserts are always lovely."


Azael's dark gaze flickered around the large ballroom as he entered, watching the staff hurry about to make everything just right before the guests began to arrive. Maximillian, one of the royal advisers, was bellowing at the servants about something and he grinned as he approached him, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"Come now, Max. Don't get so worked up. This is supposed to be enjoyable," the younger prince reminded his fellow vampire. Azael was certainly going to enjoy himself. This was his favourite event; when he would have the opportunity to select a new beautiful woman to play with. He would try to get longer out of this one. He hated having to wait. There were plenty of humans that provided them with blood, but that wasn't all he wanted. He liked having someone that belonged to only him. He liked seducing them into his bed and luxuriating in their blood whenever he desired. It was always a shame when it came time that they be executed in front of the others, but that was the way of things. The humans had to understand their power and their control. The last thing they needed was a revolt on their hands. Fear would keep the unwashed masses in line.

"Why must we go to so much trouble?" Azael sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as his eyes scanned the room. "Just have all of the woman line up and we will select who we want from them."

Maximillian sighed in aggravation. He had heard this argument a thousand times. "You are too impatient, Your Highness. The ball itself is one of the most important parts of these events. The humans need to understand your generosity if you wish for them to remain loyal and obedient. They must understand your wealth and power and how, without you, they would likely all starve. They need you."

Azael believed it was quite the opposite but he didn't say so. The vampires needed the humans to survive but he imagined the humans would be perfectly fine without them. They had been long before they came, after all.

The youngest prince watched as his mother entered the ballroom, and glided elegantly through the tables. She moved with such fluid grace that would make even a fellow vampire jealous. She was a powerful and intelligent woman and Azael admired her greatly; even if he did hate being told what to do and did she ever like to give him orders. He crossing his arms over his chest and sat on the edge of one of the tables as his mother complimented Max on getting everything organised. There was a young woman attempting to lay the cutlery upon the table and Azael turned his attention to her instead, watching her move about him and try her best to have things organised without disturbing him. He leaned close as she passed by and inhaled deeply. She squeaked, colour flooding to her cheeks as she hurried past him to another table; giving up on the one he rested on. He grinned."Azael," his mother scolded as she turned towards him. "There is enough to do without you distracting the staff. If you can't make yourselves useful, go get ready." He stood, pleased that he wouldn't have to help after all, and made his way towards the double doors.


Azael stood in front of the thrones that evening, watching as throngs of people entered the ballroom and took their seats. He was impatient now to begin. Food would be served for the humans and then dancing would be encouraged. It gave himself and his brother a chance to speak with some of the women before making their decisions on who they would choose. There were many beautiful women here tonight and Azael was eager to get closer and smell their blood. The air was thick with it, but he could not distinguish the individual scents at this distance. He should have drank this morning because his throat burned with thirst now and the wine in his hand was doing nothing to quench it."What takes them so long?" he complained to his brother, draining the glass and setting it aside. "Look at them, taking their time to sit down and get comfortable. I'm tired of waiting." His good mood from this morning had been tarnished some by his boredom. He was eager to begin. The humans were obviously all terrified. What was the sense in this charade of a party?

A hush fell over the room and Azael didn't need to turn around to know that his father had entered the room. He crossed it leisurely and youngest vampire moved to take a seat on the thrones so that he was out of his father's way. The King stepped forward and held up his hands, drawing complete silence from the room. Azael admired his power. They were outnumbered a hundred to one and yet his father still commanded their attention and respect."Welcome," he spoke, his voice ringing out clearly in the large room. "Tonight we come together to feast and to celebrate the peace between our species. A peace made possible through trust and compromise. Raise your glasses now in a toast to many more years of coexistence," he encouraged and the humans all lifted the small glasses of wine they had been provided. He raised his own glass and drank deeply from it before speaking once more."Soon two young women will have the honor of joining my sons within the castle walls. Dance and rejoice with us, but first; eat your fill. Think not of hunger on this night." He lifted a hand again and the wait staff came forward with plates of food. The King made it sound as though this was a great kindness he had bestowed upon them. Azael supposed that in some ways, it was. Many of them lived in squalor. This was likely the best they had eaten in a very long time. He imagined some of them hardly ate at all. There were many among the crowd whose bones jutted out and whose faces were gaunt and drawn.
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Kaleen didn’t wait for this night, nor wished for it to come. But against her wishes, the night would still come and she would have to join the women that would be displayed for the eyes of only two men - two blood thirsty men. Two beasts. How else could she call them after she had seen her friends die at the hands of the two? Her mother seemed not to care of what would come upon them again and again as she brushed through her hair, leaving it rest on her back. No emotions were shown through her features, the pallor of her skin being the only sign that could show her thoughts on the matter - fear even. Because she feared and no woman could rest knowing what would come. Kaleen never seemed to hold luck on her side for too long. “Who knows what could happen tonight,” her mother’s voice was soft and soothing but Kaleen could sense the greediness. Her mother always wanted more and more and even now, in this mud she thought that her daughter was made for greater things. That she could swim through blood and death and survive. “What you have to know, Kaleen, is that you have to know to play in this game. They will use you… but you could use them,” the older woman continued but Kaleen wanted to puff.

“Do you think no other young women played the games you are talking about? I am no fool mother,” she didn’t consider herself above the others. Her features - the brown hair chocolate hair and the brown eyes - were simple. Common, no blonde woman with piercing blue eyes. But she held a piercing gaze of her own, a gleam in her eyes that showed such a flame in which her mother believed. In the pale skin with no visible blemishes.

“No woman that didn’t believe in herself succeeded in this world.” The words were added as the woman moved the curls around her daughter’s face, shaping it. The dress wasn’t something they couldn't easily get their hands on, considering her father was a tailor. They would have an easier life than the others, especially with the given payments before the ball, enough to have them live for another year. She didn’t want to leave her family’s household. Didn’t want to end up on their hands. What if she wouldn’t go? It would’ve meant imminent death either way.

I don’t want to go, Kaleen would’ve wanted to tell her mother but the door opened of the room opened lightly with a crack, revealing the face of her tired father. Even if her mother seemed secure, her father’s heart was not at ease knowing where he was taking his daughter. “Look at my girls,” said so simply but so full of love. “We shall go.” Don’t get unwanted attention on themselves by being late. Kaleen felt her heart drop, feeling her blood turn cold.


From the moment Kaleen entered the ballroom at the side of her family till the moment she was placed at the table, her heart seemed to want to escape her ribcage. She wanted to be out of the wine red dress that exposed her shoulders and tempting neck. The top of it and the sleeves left the lines of the body’s curve be seen while the long and flowy skirt beautifully moved around her figure. Kaleen wanted for anything but attention but the red color drawn it, could hardly say the difference between the wine color and red color - almost seemed an invitation, a temptation. Her mother and father closely paid attention to the words of the King but Kaleen couldn't bear to look at his face, picking to stare at the displayed goods. The words of the King were followed by a round of applause, even if fear and desperation was seen on everyone’s face but they soon forgot of it, throwing themselves at the food. The image was unpleasant even, for Kaleen, hungry dogs that got some food to be kept quiet.

Her eyes found Elysia’s and a small smile was brought on her lips. The woman would understand her. Her fear. But she didn’t allow herself to raise as her mother placed a gentle touch on her arm, giving a knowing look. And so the woman had to wait for the moment the food started to be gone from the plates and figures raising from their seats before the girl dared to raise. “Don’t remain far away,” the worried voice of her father and Kaleen consented with a nod.

The moment she arrived close to the two known girls, Kaleen didn't move to sit on the free seat next to Aria, patting the younger girl lightly on her shoulders. “Aria,” acknowledged her with a warm smile. “Elysia, you look beautiful,” she loved the color, the dress. “Only if you had any other chance to display it.” Not as an offering. Kaleen didn’t even know what to say in such a tensioned moment. Didn’t want to ask how she felt - she knew how she felt, her eyes said everything. Her sister was no exception.

Kaleen’s eyes moved to the thrones then, for a split moment, wondering when the two men would raise. She knew it wouldn’t be for long. Though as she felt that her eyes lingered too long, she moved them back to her friend. “They won’t pick us.” As it these words were the only one she had on her mind. Confidence. Confidence till the last moment and she wanted to bathe her heart in it.


Seth himself never seemed to give the ball a grand attention. It bore him greatly, more than the preparations themselves. Being the older brother, he always seemed the stern one, with the cold piercing eyes as if he would directly into your soul, from up, never from the same level. He held such a pride in his way of carrying himself. He wasn’t as playful as his younger brother, even if held a play of his own on her lips but not as Azael’s smirk. Seth himself was more of a gentleman, one that seemed to create more good, creating a contrast between the given name, his destiny and his way of being. Did he look forward to the ball? Truth be told, no. It was hard to catch his interest and when it was caught, Seth always seemed to keep the distance, eyes carefully watching from a corner instead of approaching. Did he ever held such an interest for someone? The answer was again negative. All the women he picked wasn’t for how they looked, how they acted, about their gentle faces but more about their blood. He wasn’t looking for company, but for blood.

His eyes seemed to gleam with amusement as he watched the interactions between his brother and the ones around him as he his arm was in contact with the wall, arms crossed over his chest. The never dying playful Azael and his numerous ways of making a woman blush with a simple breath of air. Seth maintained himself, with just an easy smile pulling at his lips.

Their mother always knew how to make an entrance, by the way she carried herself from her appearance. Seth still looked unarranged, with the buttons of his shirt opened and the messy hair still not brushed through. With the scolding Azael got, their mother’s eyes were back on Seth. “And you?”

“I’ve done nothing,” raised his hands in defense. “You know how Azael is, he was alone for too long.”

“Weren’t you alone for too long either? Always patient,” her mother sighed as she moved closer to her boy, fixed the collar of his shirt and moved to button the shirt up. Seth had little care for that but truth be told, he missed having his own blood. Even if it was no more than that - pleasant touches or craved attention.

“You know I hold little care for that.” He was at peace with his solitude.

“I know. You should go get dressed too,” his mother added and Seth nodded, removing the thoughts from his mind.


Even if his brother seemed to be impatient and complain about the length of the preparations, Seth seemed to look at the mass of humans, as if he was searching for something. His eyebrows were knit together, contemplating almost. He could sense the panic and light fear in the smell of blood, emotions that always seemed to make it bitter, not sweet. Blood was still blood though. “Have some patience, will you?” Seth returned to his brother, an eyebrow raising from the thinking face. “If you don’t have patience even with your next woman, no wonder you’ll complain about blood that doesn’t have the wanted taste,” that’s why, Seth after all, treated the women kindly… at times. For the sweet taste of blood.

His father made his appearance though and Seth allowed himself to drape in his own throne, letting the older man made the introductory speech as if he didn’t know he was talking to a crowd that feared for the well-being of their daughters and themselves at this time. If a woman was not liked or showed too much reluctance to the point of disobeying them, death could come for her family and everyone around her.

The humans didn’t seem to need another push as in the moment the King finished his speech, their threw themselves to the food. No surprise, hunger was flourishing among them and their father seemed to not bat an eye to the situation. As long as the men would hold no power, he would be secure he would keep his position. The castle walls always seemed to cold to bear, but now, with the warm bodies and light, it seemed to come to life. Seth enjoyed his own glass, eyes carefully looking through the mass of skirts and pretty faces, as if, for once, he expected to see something to catch his eye. Any smell.

It didn’t take long for the food to be devoured and so, one by one, most seemed to raise even if they were cautions. Women moved to women, men didn’t seem to dare to approach until they wouldn’t see the two males showing their interests. Seth left the glass slip from his grip and he raised, with a nod from his mother. “Let’s see what we’ll find, brother,” words that would enchant the younger one. Walk along the tables, the groups, see what will catch their nostrils’ and eyes’ attention. He moved then, studied, stared even to the pale faces.

The smells were usual, nothing enchanting. Pretty faces, revealing dresses even. Only a teal colour among the bloody redness of another skirt seemed to attract him and not generally because the woman, as he could only noticed the back, but because the light color. Enchanting smell even, bitter-sweet. He left his stare gently remain on the back of the woman, hoping for a glimpse before he would move his look, to another.

Elysia pushed her food around the plate in front of her, her appetite replaced by anxiety. She already felt ill and it was better that she didn't have anything in her stomach. Still, it was a waste and it made her heart heavy to know that all of this would simply be thrown away at the end of the evening. Her family would feast like royalty tonight and tomorrow they would return to having barely enough. It would be harder on them than ever if she was chosen tonight. She and her father were hunters, and they ate what they didn't sell. One less person to hunt meant less kills and more empty bellies.Elysia watched Aria eat and didn't miss the guilt glances that were sent her way. She didn't want her sister to feel guilty for enjoying the food she'd been given. It wasn't often they went to bed with a full stomach and she didn't want to deprive her sister of it. She forced a mouthful and then poked Aria's ribs gently while she chewed."It's delicious, isn't it? Eat up. Don't let it get cold," she insisted, pleased to see that it eased some of the little girl's worry to know her older sister wouldn't blame her for taking what she could. Aria smiled and returned more enthusiastically to her meal. Elysia returned the smile with a soft one of her own before looking away.Too soon plates were being cleared from the tables and she knew there would be no more delaying. She glanced up as Kaleen approached and smiled softly at her, finding comfort in her presence, even as she feared for her friend. "You look beautiful, as well," she told her, sadly. Too beautiful for the princes to pass by. Elysia was more fearful than ever, seeing how truly radiant her friend was. The music grew louder, and people stood and moved forward to dance. Some of the women stood awaiting the princes' attention but she remained seated and would stay that way until they were brought forth to be inspected.

"I hope you're right."

No matter how much they attempted to keep out of sight tonight, the inevitable would come and they would be lined up for the princes' inspection. Then there would be no hiding. Sometimes they spotted someone they wanted right away; someone who's beauty caught their attention at once or whose blood called out to them like no one else's in the room. Elysia was ashamed of the relief she had felt in those instances; when she had been spared their searching gazes


"Patience is a virtue, Seth, and you know I have little of that," Azael replied to his brother's cautionary words. "In any case, I'll win her over. She'll taste just sweet enough in the end. They always give in." He flashed him a conspirator's smirk and then nodded eagerly when Seth suggested they take to the floor.

The vampire rose to his feet and made his way down the steps alongside his brother, his eyes travelling across the beautiful young woman before him. His gaze settled on a pretty blonde thing. He didn't know her name or if she'd been here before, but she looked very eye catching in that red dress. It hugged her body so perfectly that he had to wonder if she wore anything beneath it. His lips spread into a slow smile and he moved towards her, pulling her away from her family to dance with him.Her blood was weak. He didn't have to taste it to know, he could smell it. Or rather, he couldn't. The scent barely affected him at all and though she looked wonderful, he grew tired of her before the song had reached it's climax. He released her abruptly and moved away in search of someone new.Not all of the women had stood from their seats. He didn't blame them. He knew why they remained hidden in the shadows of the ballroom, but he couldn't have that. He needed to look upon each of them so that he could make his decision. He approached one of the tables near the back and came to a stop next to a young girl, too young to be one of the offerings, but he had no interest in a child. No, there was someone else at this table that smelled utterly mouthwatering and he could only hope that it was one of the women.Azael's hands came to settle on the child's shoulders and he grinned at the others over her head. "We're supposed to be celebrating. No more hiding away," he chastised goodnaturedly. The young woman next to the girl, perhaps her sister considering the resemblance, had risen to her feet the moment he'd come close to the young one. He could see the fear in her eyes and the tension in her muscles even as she asked him; "Would you like to dance, my Prince?"Azael released the child and watched her almost dissolve in relief. He took her hand and grinned as he pulled her against him. "I would," he confirmed. She was pretty with large blue eyes but he looked away from her and back to the table. The father had wasted no time in drawing the child into his lap and away from the prince's grasp. His dark gaze moved to the other young women at the table. One remained seated while the other, a beautiful woman in a red gown, stood."You two. Up. Join us," he insisted, pulling the blue eyed girl with him. Once they'd reached the other dancing couples, he pressed her against him and they glided across the floor together. She was quick on her feet and graceful for a human but as he leaned closer to inhale at her throat, he realized that hers had not been the blood that had caught his attention. He learned her name but little else. She kept her head down and her eyes away from his. He lifted his own to seek out the other young woman that had been with her and spun Elysia with him until they'd reached her."I think I'd like a new partner," he told the girl, studying her pretty brown eyes. He released Elysia's waist but she clung tightly to his suit."No!" she objected with wide, worried eyes. She cleared her throat and softened her voice. "Won't you dance with me a little longer?" Azael smiled in amusement. He was no fool. He understood her sudden change in demeanor and he did not chalk it up to his presence, as irresistible as he might be. Humans were interesting creatures; ruled by emotions and relationships. It fascinated him to see the lengths they would go for one another."While I enjoy your enthusiasm, it wouldn't be fair to monopolize my time. I have to get to know everyone," he insisted, easily removing her hands from his clothes and forcing her back a step. She looked on helplessly as he took the other girl by the waist and pulled her to him. Her scent washed over him in a wave and his eyes darkened. Yes, she was the one that had called out to him. His canines threatened to elongate; itching to pierce her skin and drink the rich, crimson liquid from her throat. Instead, he smiled pleasantly at her and took her hand in his free one; leading her into the first steps of the next dance."Tell me your name, beautiful creature," he urged, pressing her closer against him. Her warmth was irresistible. He could feel the heat of her even through the material of her dress and the suit he wore. He couldn't help but imagine what she must feel like when she was free of the material. She was very beautiful, especially so for a human. Her eyes were rich and dark and the dress she wore bared her delicate neck and shoulders to him; making her all the more tempting.

Most hoped. Others seemed to look ahead to the death sentence and some of the girls were bold enough to show gentle smiles and burning eyes. The luck were on their side for a moment, as one of them decided to go for a blonde with his brother still cautiously inspected the figures of the displayed women. Kaleen only hoped that this luck was permanent, just as it was the last times they were between these walls. It wasn’t for long though, not to anyone’s surprise, as the younger prince left the woman he first picked. He approached their table and Kaleen tried not to face him, maintaining her eyes on Aria, the poor girl having to deal with the attention of the male. Hiding is not that bad when you want to live, Kaleen would’ve wanted to return to him but her look seemed almost scolding once Elysia raised and went on to offer a dance to him. The girl almost wanted to pull her away from him but she knew it wouldn’t be the smartest choice, not in front of everyone.

The other one remained though, but not interested in her seemingly and soon he vanished from her eyesight. Kaleen’s hands moved to the shoulders of Elysia’s father and her eyes tried to soothe Aria and the older man. But to no use. If the prince would pick her and get her eyes on her, these looks would not be soothing. Her head turned slightly then, to watch over her shoulder the scene, the way the prince held her friend so close and how the shy Elysia couldn't face him.

That didn’t last long either and before she could prepare herself for the next move, the prince’s eyes were on her and approached, seemingly looking for another gentle stag to torment. Elysia seemed to try to get between them, keep him occupied but it was to no use and Kaleen didn’t want her friend to be seen in such a posture for her own well-being. Even with the objections, the male moved for her and Kaleen felt a lump form in her throat at the contact. Noticed the way his gaze darkened.

It wasn’t a good sign but her eyes moved to Elysia, giving a light nod - letting her know she will be alright.

As she was in front of the male and he held her so close, so tight, Kaleen still maintained her look on him instead of averting it. Her heart was beating too fast but she kept her composure. Unlike her, he was cold. If he was anyone else, Kaleen would’ve considered him handsome even. “Shouldn’t someone’s words be placed as a question when one wants to know something about the other?” It was an inquiry, but her sweet smile wanted to vanish any sign of boldness in her voice, no disrespect. She had to play if she wanted to win in any circumstance. “Kaleen, my prince.” Simply answered as her dark orbs looked into his. Kaleen would’ve wanted to create more distance between the two, easier to speak so but she knew that any movement would be to no use in his grip.

“Might I be allowed some distance? Two should stir a conversation during a dance and I am afraid that speaking… in these circumstances would be hard.” Had to seem confident on her place as her hand moved from his shoulder to his chest lightly, as to pull back. Not interrupting the eye contact. Her heart was in her neck at this point and her knees were weak. There was still fear but fear would be no to use now. Always wondered if the ones like him felt something more than lust and want. If they were capable of anything else.


Seth only slightly smirked to his brother’s words. Confident as always. Secure on himself as always. He didn’t know what he will do with his younger brother - Seth had a confidence on his own but he kept it hidden under his pomposity, his luxurious way of being. Always looked down to the others, as if he were on the top of the world. And he was - after all. The women around him didn’t stir something inside of him, not yet. As much as the smiles seemed to be welcoming enough, he knew they were lies. Pretty lies. They were full of fear and a woman had to be mad enough to wish to get into their lives.

Only the teal colour from before seemed to have awaken something inside of him. And so deeply he would’ve wished that his brother didn’t approach her table with that dubious boldness of his, making the ones around him stop in their movements, awaiting for something to happen. That something that formed inside of Seth would’ve wanted to squeeze his shoulder and make him create distance but instead, he left his eyes trail on the young woman as she rose from her seat, giving Seth a chance to see the beauty. The way her strands of hair fell along her the base of her neck and how her blue eyes, just as oceans, seemed to show worry for the grip that was placed on the younger one.

Unwanting or not, the woman herself picked to offer herself for a dance and Seth didn’t want to create a scene - not yet. The other woman that was close to her didn’t seem to offer him any attention, eyes carefully setting on the one that left. Seth’s eyes were still there, lingering but instead of remaining on the spot as a lost pup, he kept moving.

Another girl, no older than eighteen seemed to come forward to him, mostly pushed by her parents than on her will. The smell was bitter even, thing that made Seth not at all intrigued, even with the pretty hazel of the young girl or the pouty lips. His gaze was still to the dancing pairs, as if he awaited for any chance to break away from the girl. Indeed, that chance came once his brother moved his attention to someone else. And Seth knew by his look that he wasn’t interested and that he got his eyes on someone else. Her friend seemingly. Without further notice, Seth moved from the girl that was at his side and towards the formed circle and even with the pleading look of the woman with blue eyes, his brother didn’t give in, bringing the other close.

As she was pushed slightly back and away from Azael’s suit, Seth left his arm moved around her waist lightly, preventing her from moving any other step backwards.Once he would assure himself of that, his hand would just lightly touch the small of her back, warming. “I must apologize for my brother, he leaves himself ruled by his senses sometimes,” which meant he had little care for what happen as long as he got what he wanted. “No harm came, I hope,” his voice still held that usual roughness but seemed worried almost as his hand moved from her back to her chin, cupping it lightly, raising the pretty face up to him. It was too beautiful, with the piercing blue eyes, plump lips and such a gentle look. The smell of her blood seemed to invade his lungs, being more sweet than the one he sensed before. What could he do with her now?

He couldn't allow himself to get lost too much in the tempting eyes and smell, had to return to the place of the charming prince. “May I get your name?” Unlike his brother, Seth was the gentleman that swept women from their feet. That didn’t mean his intentions weren’t clear in his eyes, the want and need, the burning feeling that invaded him. Too beautiful and tempting in the dress that hugged her body.
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