The Plague of Alberon


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Alberon is an awful land. Once ruled by a powerful and benevolent king and glistened by the miraculous light of the sun, it is now a shadow of what it once was thousands of years ago. Only a handful of outer kingdoms exist outside the despair of the decayed kingdom of Sol.

Often adventurers find themselves in Sol seeking lost treasures, or scholars find themselves seeking just what brought the downfall of this once beloved kingdom. Men that once greeted their neighbors with freshly baked bread, now seek only to sink their blades and teeth into unwary prey... the men here have become demonic. Bullets, and blades do not work as they normally would here. Now few sane remnants exist. Scrambling to survive day to day the last of the kingdom have set traps at every turn to catch the hostile denizens of this city. You may ask yourself why they don't simply escape... They would if they could. A spell entraps all who enter Sol. Most people know this and only the brave and greedy are willing to venture inward.View attachment 57831

Sol was once a powerful and rich city, with buildings plated in solid gold, and lined in silver. There is even legend of the people there creating an elixir of life. Many riches tempt men and women of greed. The faithful wish to save the ancient city from it's cursed fate yet none have returned. The power hungry of course seek the powerful spells and sciences used. Every person has their reasons for making the trek, yet none have ever succeeded in their quest.

The most enchanting music plays from within the city, it echoes of miles and miles haunting the outlaying villages and kingdoms. Who, or what is performing this music is not known, but when the music plays letters arrive spontaneously in a small abandoned house in the village of Witherfield just outside the cursed city, many of these letters are from what some believe to be survivors, or normal people seeking help from the outside world, but some believe it is a trap conceived by the city itself, luring people in and consuming their very souls... The sun does not shine over Alberon like it once it did... no... it's a very dark land now, filled with death and sickness.

The genre is odd. It's a bit of a Victorian horror theme with fantasy elements involved. It isn't your usual usual horror either. Think lovecraft, but with out the losing of sanity at everything that may be horrifying. Most characters are used to the atrocities in this world and a lot of people know that bad things happen. The plague in the title is somewhat of a clue to the plot, but it isn't what you might think. People who enter the city essentially disappear from existence. Yet time still goes on inside of it's walls.

You will take the role of a character you create that ends up in this very city from some personal reason... The entire challenge will be staying alive, but not in the way you would think, there are a lot of mysteries in this city that I shouldn't spoil but your goal is to escape with possibility of completing your goal.

In this world there are still knights and kings, and so on yet gun-powder weapons have been created. It's primarily due to the increasing use of spells. Magic is forbidden in this world but if one wants they can gain access to spells of great power. Magic is somewhat of science in this world though. Using ingredients and mathematical equations the intelligent can forge spells from scratch. It's like a fusion of alchemy and witch-craft, and the one needed ingredient is blood. Which is why it is forbidden, the most powerful spells can be created with human blood which requires murder, and in the world outside of Sol it is a crime to murder one another. So most scientists are watched with wary eyes.

The races are as follows.

  • The Arie - A race shrouded in mystery, not many of them exist but they are a curious sort. They are made of the blood of half of the ancient humans and modern humans. What makes them so bizarre is their strange decrepit look. They are often taller, and thinner in bone structure with long fingers and wide eyes. They tend to keep to themselves as they are treated badly by most humans for their odd appearance. A large mystery surrounds their origins. They age at an extremely slow rate as well, and most Arie can live to be up to 300 years old... Though human in every other way they are a mystery to everyone.
  • The Badan - A race of goat men. Once a war burst forth in the kingdom of Gravi and the result was a spell that turned it's men into a Capra-like form... They still have human hands and minds, though their faces now resemble a goats, and where their feet should be are now hooves. They are known for their very battle hardened warriors, and very powerful scientists. Though generally feared human children are taught that they are demons that would eat them if given the chance, though if one were to befriend one they would learn that a kinship with a Badan is one of the strongest in the world.
  • The Espers - Though they can be very powerful a spell is often used to dampen their powers and because of this they come from wealthier families. Out of fear that they may be ostracized from society Espers are typically entirely and permanently muted in ability with powerful spells that can cost a fortune. Espers generally retain their heightened sense of smell, hearing and taste and can be overwhelmed easily by large groups or other Espers. Some do retain their powers or grow out of the spells used during infancy and become quite powerful able to strike things a distances with their mind, or set things aflame out of rage.
  • The Humans - A human is mostly welcome from anywhere they hail. Bandits may take them for prey, but for the most part people know humans, they're familiar and easier to trust over the bad reputations behind the other races. Humans are usually afflicted however and lose their minds over time. There isn't much to be done about this, but the cursed are treated normally enough with empathy - unlike the others who are feared and hated...

These are the races that inhabit the world of Alberon. They are human themselves in some way but effected by some defect. The Badan have been hideously transformed into satyr like creatures, the Arie are decedents of ancient humans, and Espers are humans born with psychic powers. Humans are more priveleged in this world, often treated more normally due to the fact that they are easily understood, however the humans are often afflicted by the plague, and lose their minds over time. The minorities are more resistant to the the plague a sickness that drives humans mad.

Most all humans are afflicted with the plague, and eventually lose their mind and become quite dangerous. There is no cure for it either, though there is an interesting phenomena that occurs when the sickness emerges in a human... a mark... on the back of the hand. A symbol that looks like a burn scar begins to emerge, and it stings when danger is nearby. It's about the only plus side to having the plague if you'd call it that all.

The plague works differently on everyone though. Some are quickly overcome by it, while others live out most of their life quite sane until they are very old.

Before people create mages, or wizards let me issue the following lore. - and please use this lore to create your character if you are a magic using type...

Spells, and magic are created using a science. The science is similar to chemistry or alchemy, so you need a lab generally to make anything super useful. Scientists or witches are generally very intelligent and can reduce compounds into a spell with the right environment. Most scientists are employed by a kingdom, or military for healing, and defensive research. Magic is mostly forbidden as it requires a life essence (DNA or genetic code) to create. Murder can be committed to create very powerful, and dangerous spells... So it's a ethical tight rope. Inside of Sol there are no such laws of magic though.

Alberon is situated on a set of lonely isle's and is mostly isolated from the rest of the world. The east is unknown to most people of Sol and the type of culture is European in nature. I'll upload a map later.

As far as rules here we go.

  1. Be nice! - I mean this in kind of a general way here. The world I created is harsh, and it's grueling, so working together is generally a must. (What I mean is if you're going to directly talk another player out of character don't call names, insult, or start arguing with them)
  2. God Modding isn't really ABSOLUTELY prohibited, but it isn't encouraged. Don't do it basically if you do we may have a talk but you won't be booted or killed in the story.
  3. No one liners, or quick responses. Try to respond in a well thought out or eloquent manner.
  4. You may skip scenes if you'd like, but please let the players and me know if you're going to do this.
  5. In general it's a harsh world for all involved, the minorities are generally treated badly, while the humans themselves are afflicted with the plague. Bad things often happen but I am a lenient and cool guy so just PM me if you aren't down for whatever happens.
  6. NEW RULE!! You must try to write in the 3rd person, past tense when not "speaking"... this keeps the games setting consistent. I realize that some may not be used to it, but let's try to do this.

EXAMPLE: Loran looked down to find a metal relic laying at her feet, she looked curiously as she picked up the enchanting object. "Is this the relic of the legendary 3rd person writer!?" She said aloud as it came into clearer view. The object was a pen. The most powerful weapon told through out history. "I will conquer all!" She whispered as an evil grin crept upon her face.

Here's how the scenes will go down!

  • The dice role mechanic on the forum (Its at the bottom right hand of a post, in the "more options" button.) will be used at times to determine the outcome of drastic situations. If a character plans to make a very large, very deadly jump we should have a system in place to see if they make it. Death isn't necessarily going to be the consequence but you may not make it as clearly as you would have liked to.
  • If you have questions and require more detailed descriptions of what you see feel free to ask in parentheses. (Like this) under you're characters reaction, or you can go over to the OOC thread to ask more detailed and complex questions.
  • Please don't post only a mere sentence as a reaction. I require at least a paragraph response.


Here you stand. The ground is soggy from a heavy rain, and grey from the death that covers the surrounding walls of Sol. You smell an ashy scent in the air, as if some one had been burning wood. Towering armored statues holding spears pointed skyward loom over you in an ominous greeting. You could swear one of the statues even moved its head to look at you...

It's well known among many that Sol only has one entrance. A lone towering gate that opens upon touch. Most folks leave long before touching the gate and attempting to enter, however you are all quite intent on your quest. There is one oddity that you each take note of however.

When you each chose to embark on this venture, you assumed it would just be you. You were more than willing to risk what you had left to enter the city and gain something. However here before stands a group. Could this just be another illusion created by the city? No...

The people standing before you are all to real. Why though you may ask yourself, why would each of these people choose to enter this hellish place? Each has their reasons, yet most sane individuals wouldn't dare take on this hopeless burden. You are not alone as you once thought you would be.
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As i stood in front of the gate, watching the people gathered in front of me, i think of maybe lending some of them a hand. For a price of course. But, why would an old woman and a Badan be doing here? Maybe their reasons were the same as his? Or was it something else that motivated them. I quickly shook the thought from my head and asked alou "Would anyone wish to hire my services as an expert bodyguard?"
Why are there people here? I guess I should have expected something like this. With so many tales about this place its really no wonder at all. In fact, I suppose there should be many treasure hunters looking to loot what they can and find some way out. A Badan, I'll just try to stay out of his way. What is an old lady doing here? Ah, a sell-sword... He must be looking for a lot more than gold if he's in a place like this. If she's going in there she should probably hire him. I'm sure he isn't cheap, and I don't think she has much money. "Um, excuse me ma'am."
"My goodness. Don't tell me you all intend to go in there? Especially you, sword-for-hire." Mathilda motioned at Johnny, "You're much too young and healthy to waste your life in this place. Whatever it is you think you're going to find in there, it's not worth it. Go find someone to love and live your life."

Mathilda patted a few stray raindrops from her face and squinted at Roland. "You look quite well-off yourself. What could you possibly want with this forsaken place?"
I quietly chuckled to myself. Healthy? With esper powers? Even if didn't have the powers i am already infected. But they didn't need to know that. "Sorry ma'am. But all my loved ones are dead or dying. I am here to get as much treasure as possible and distribute it among the only 'Healthy' Contarinis alive. Not only that, i need to get inside Alberon to search for someone." A perfect lie if i do say so myself.
Robotoboy20 updated The Plague of Alberon with a new update entry:


NEW RULE!! You must try to write in the 3rd person, past tense when not "speaking"... this keeps the games setting consistent. I realize that some may not be used to it, but let's try to do this.
EXAMPLE: Loran looked down to find a metal relic laying at her feet, she looked curiously as she picked up the enchanting object. "Is this the relic of the legendary 3rd person writer!?" She said aloud as it came into clearer view. The object was a pen. The most powerful weapon told...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Roland was caught off guard by the lady's question. He started thinking to himself quite seriously about how he could even find what he was looking for, if it even existed. He nervously began, "I came her to find something very important. Something that might actually end this plague." He almost felt like a fool saying it aloud. Trying to sound confident he continued, "No one is safe as long as this plague remains, and I hope to do something about it."
"OI! No harm meant, but ye ask 'dem what they're doin 'ere, but don't pay notice to poor ol' me? Must be cause I'm a Badan. Do I smell?" Simon lifted an arm to check, before lowering it down. "Not that bad. It's been worse. What'r you doin 'ere? You're old n frail! You won't last a night. Unless you can cook. Then I'm on your side." Looking at the two men, whom he assumed to be sell swords, Cobb said "You two ought to join me crew! You look strong enough, if not a bit daft. We could elp each other in 'ere. What say ye?"
Roland blinked and froze, trying not to make eye contact with the Badan. He didn't know what to do. He had always been told that Badans were bloodthirsty demon-men that would kill and eat men whenever they pleased. Having been lied to most of his life, he pondered if this too was just another lie. He hoped for his sake it was. "Aye!?!" he cracked, trying to maintain his composure. Alone he had little to no hope, but with allies he might just stand a chance in the city.
"I guess i'll accept, for now. Better than being alone i guess. How much do ya have on ya, pirate?" he asked the Badan. True, it was better than letting himself that take all the hits. And although he was an accomplished fighter, who knows what kind dangers they face inside? And even if he was self-sufficient, he couldn't actually cook or even heal his wounds. And the old lady looks as if she knows about some medicinal herbs and such. So all in all, it was better for him than it was for them.
Mathilda nodded her head. She knew it wasn't likely some strangers met by dusk would take an old codger's warning. "I want to find my grandson. If he's still alive, he's all I have left. My errand is no more foolish than yours. Take me with you, then, and we'll look after each other. You can call me Grandma."
Since all four of you agree to travel together you decide to touch the door. As your hands meet the old rotted wood your skin crawls and a chill wind bursting from the expanding crack waves over you as it begins to reveal it's dark contents. The door slowly swings open and you are met by what looks like an old city market. The alley is lined with old decrepit shops and a very small and narrow, rain slick brick road laid out before your feet.

As you step inside a fog fills the open area between the city and you, your old homes now lost to you. Trapped, you are all made certain that the city indeed only allows visitors, and that no one escapes once inside.

You all begin to walk down the dark alley but towards the end of the market notice a very tall man somewhere around 8'6 leaning against a wall of a building fiddling with a trinket, his long fingers twiddling it as if he were bored. You hear him chuckling to himself right before he pounces at you in startling yet playful fashion - though it may seem an attack he is clearly just eccentric.

"Hello..." He utters with a very large grin on his face. The figure that stands before you is obviously of Arie descent. It's a man who looks to be in his early twenties yet most know that Arie live much longer than that. He sports a waist long black silk raincoat, and underneath a nice clean looking white shirt. His large eyes pierce into each of yours as he looks expectantly at you. "What's the matter? Didn't expect to see a living soul here?" He muttered in mono-tone and eerie sarcasm.
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"Nah, I jus didnt spect 't see such an ugly fellow." Simon drew his sword casually, as to not draw alarm. But he had it at te ready now. He began to clean his hooves with the tip. "'T names Simon Cobb. Pleasure 't meet ya lad."
Following the pirate's lead, Johnny drew his sword and held laxly in his right hand. "Not really. I didn't expect anyone to be alive, not less an Arie such as yourself." he replied coldly. "Care to explain exactly what it is you are holding, my friend?" he asked suspiciously. Who knows what something from Sol could do, but he wasn't going to take any chances.
"Well it's a good thing you all have your manners!" He said with a chuckle. Most Arie never laughed much, most likely because they are constantly shunned in society for being odd, and mysterious. "I'm just playing with a little spell I concocted is all." he pointed it at the group and made Roland burst into a laughter that sounded very similar to the Arie's chuckle. It was clearly a novelty spell, causing no specific harm to the man aside from the fit he seemed to be having. "It's just a silly spell I used to use on the kids where I lived." He motioned his hand as if to wave them off the subject as he slid the small vial into his coat. "I should let you know those swords wouldn't do you much good if you intended to use them on me... What? You didn't think I caught on?" He giggled as he pulled his hair back. "I've been here quite some time, and I know this city far better than anyone. It's probably because I've never found anyone else sane enough to form words." The Arie said with sarcasm.

"I'm not a threat if that's what you think, but I'm also wise to this city and it's tricks. So I'm quite hidden even though I stand here before you." The grabbed a lone rusty butter knife laying outside the bakery and sliced it swiftly through his neck. It went through, yet there was no blood and his neck simply re-materialized. "Yes I'm quite aware..."

The Arie looked at Mathilda and Roland and said "Ah, some good people. I can see it in your eyes and it makes me happy." It was almost as if he was asking for help in the fashion that he stated it. His expression had gone from gleeful, to depressed. "I think I must take my leave, it's been quite nice meeting you. You should decide how exactly you plan to survive here though, food is quite scarce, and all the men here are mad, and the creatures blood thirsty." The Arie vanished as if he had never been there at all.

(So now it's your move guys! Make some choices and I'll respond in tow, and remember have fun!)
(I'm on my phone, which is a bit glitchy. So sorry for any mistakes and stuff.)

Simon glanced at the others in his group. "Well, you 'erd im. This seems safe enough as any. Lets take into account wat items we 'ave. Figure out wat we need 't search for? What do you land lubbers say?" The tubby pirate enjoyed the surprised looks of his party. "HAR HAR HAR! Didnt think I new fancy words, did ya?"

(Landlubber doest fit there, I know. . But I've been waiting to use that word!)
The spell left Roland with curiosity and a mild paranoia. Roland's mind began to fill with questions. How did the Aerie live there? Did the Aerie know that he was an Esper? He seemed to not mean harm and he would definitely make an invaluable ally. Still unnerved, began giving account of his belongings to the others. While doing this he scolded himself for not bringing more food. He didn't even have supplies to make a fire. Shrugging these thoughts aside Roland joked "Probably should have asked him where the nice cozy beds are." He surveyed their surroundings looking for some place that might be safer. The Aerie mentioned that he was quite hidden, but Roland doubted that applied to any of them.
As Roland looked around he noticed an old Inn between the bakery, and what looked like a clothing shop. It was dilapidated, and rotting but it likely had beds. He couldn't see to far in as it was quite dark, but he could tell it was wet from the rain meaning that it had holes in the roof.
Johnny told them what he had on his person, excluding two of his hidden pistols. He quietly chastised himself for not bringing any medicinal supplies. Well, at least the old Grandma looked like she had some on her. Looking at his surroundings, he realized that they were in danger as long as they were out in the open, or at least right here. He felt a light chill go up his spine when he looked at where Roland was looking."Guys, i just had chill run up my spine. I know i know, but i only get chills when i feel like something is watching me. And i think something or someone is in that building over there" he concluded as he pointed to the Inn.
Johnny was right about one thing. They were being watched, but by what was a mystery. Either Johnny was panicked or didn't quite know where to look as the entity that had been watching was standing on a roof in the distance, but as Johnny shouted to alert the others the observer fled. The motion of the entity was swift, but caught Johnny's eye. The blur was to far off in the distance for him to make out a definitive figure however.
"I say we ought 't loot the bakery. Get some grub. An maybe the clothing shop, since I only 'ave me vest. I wouldn't mind a shirt." Conrads vest was sopping wet, along with his fur just beneath it. He shivered, but he would never admit that it was more from the fact they were being stalked than the cold. With a frustrated tone, he started towards the bakery. "Come on ye scallywags. I want me some pastries."
Was he serious? Did he truly believe anything could have survived all these years? "All right then. We have to start somewhere right? Might as well check for food first and then get some extra clothing". Johnny hated this part of himself. He was never to dash anyone's hopes and dream, and he wasn't going to start now.
"Perhaps we should proceed with caution." Roland advised. "I've heard there are traps all around this city. Not to mention blood-thirtsy creatures an mad men." He nodded towards the inn, "We might try checking out that later to see if any of the beds are still intact. There's a clothing shop, but it might actually have some things we can use for bandaging and stitching."
(My bad. I'm using the same character sheet for a different RP. His name is Conrad. I'll be more careful)

"Aye, I'm with yee on that one." A more serious tone had entered his voice. "I can garuntee ya there's gon be traps in the bakery down yonder. Try 't open cubbies 'n doors slowly. If somthin feels wrong, find another way in. Same with 't clothes. I be goin to the cloth shop. Since I need different cloths. I be good at sizing yee up. I'll grab ervyone sum cloth. Yee grab 't chow. We meet out 't inn aft we gets our booty. Granny, yerr wit me."

Cobb made his way to the clothing shop, eying the surrounding rooftops for danger. He reached the door and helped granny inside.
"Looks we're stuck together eh? Let's do this safely and slowly shall we?". But he was still nervous from before so he was almost sure he would make a mistake. So having a partner with him made him feel safer, if only by a little.

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