The Person Above Rolled a 1

You somehow make us look so crazy that we are thrown into an asylum.

I try to break out and to get us some help, only to roll a melancholic 1.
I manage to wake you up by bringing a witch into our room, who only makes you crazier.

I try to talk some sense into you so we don't get put into straitjackets, but roll 1.
You control not only your own movements, but mine also, as well as my words.

I try to get control back without looking crazy, and I roll 1.
The asylum has hidden it from you and absolutely will not let you get to it because they think you are insane.

I try to plot an attack on one of the people there so I could create a distraction for you. I roll 1.
I have located them for you, but they had been locked in containment containers, and it’s just about impossible to get to them.

I try to persuade the person that has the keys to open the containers, but roll a 1.

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