The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(we didn't. we forgot about ruineth because she stopped posting. we sorta discarded her, same with nova.)
(Hmm... well I still wanna say we pretended as if she settled in Archertown xD Plus if we do that, and she wanted to get back into the rp, she could always just say that she changed her mind... and somehow found a way across that damn broken bridge that almost killed us >_<)
(( Hahahah, the bridge, that part was awesome x'D

But yeah, I'm sure she could easily find a way back into the rp :3 Plus, I think it'd be kind of cool to have one of the missing elves meet up with the group again, since they've lost so many and there's only like four left to the group :o ))
(I wanna ask something Iv'e been wondering. I know that Vex dropped out and such, and we only kept his character around to carry the supplies, but did we abandon him in the forest or something? xD I don't know but it's just that since we don't have anymore supplies for him to carry I thought we just sort of left his character.)
(( What happened to all the supplies anyway? x'D hahaha, but yeah, I guess he's just kinda gone. I guess he just vanished hahaha xD ))
(We couldn't take most of them over the bridge because there was too much and they were too heavy which is why we needed Vex in the first place. The bridge did cause quite some conflict in their lives xD )
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(I didn't realize so many people were gone O-0. Okay, I have a story typed out to explain Ruineth's absence. But I warn you: It's moderately lengthy. Would you like to see? I may have to revise it. Didn't realize a broken bridge was in play, lol.)
(Well the bridge wasn't broken before we went on it but yeah... anyways! Quite a bit of people have disappeared so now we only have Faye, Varexes, Jess, and Juniper left and yes, I'd love to see what you've typed up.)
((Yeah, the last thing I remember was the burning tree house in Archertown. I have the perfect thing. *devilish grin* Here goes:))

Ruineth bounded out of the forest, into a clearing. It had been an interesting journey getting here, but here she found herself at last. It took everything in her not to shout right away. But this had to be perfect. She'd been planning this reunion for far too long.

"Faye!" She exclaimed as she ran towards to group, trying not to stumble. "Faye! I have it! It's done! I've finished your jacket, Faye!" Her voice was full of pride as she handed over a beautifully wrapped parcel. "Please...let me tell all of you what has happened."

So she told them exactly what happened. Last they'd seen her, Ruineth had escaped with them from a burning tree house in a small village. In that village, there was a tailor's shop run by a horrid old woman with a young apprentice. Ruineth had planned on leaving them be, despite her instinct to help the little girl. However, as her friends began heading down the path once more, Ruineth stayed behind. She'd thought that she'd be able to catch up eventually. ( -_- ) She visited the girl, only to find that her guardian had died. There was no one to run the shop, therefore the girl had no place to stay. Ruineth stayed with her, until she'd made enough money to buy the shop (which wasn't horribly expensive). She served as the girl's new teacher. The young elf had an extreme talent in tailorship, as she learned everything with ease. She even surpassed Ruineth's skill when she'd been that age.

With the two combined, they were able to create beautiful things. These things were mostly dresses and other fine clothes. It was the girl who'd received most of the credit. Eventually, the two were able to buy Ruineth's old shop in Fayland, which became popular almost instantly. Their name would soon be a famous fine clothing brand, and in this long period of wealth Ruineth had quite forgotten her adventures. When they did find their way back to her thoughts, she was too busy with her new business to do much about it. She'd even forgiven her aunt in this length of time, allowing her partial ownership.

It was then that she'd come upon Faye's jacket, still unfinished. Her heart ached for the forest once more, and she was overcome with guilt over not doing what she'd promised. So she finished the jacket, wrapped it in the new brand's finest wrapping, and set off to find her friends. Her apprentice would be watched over by her aunt and uncle in her absence. This time she went prepared. She'd traded two dresses for a set of "adventuring apparel" and supplies from the town trader. She went down the path once more, asking questions about a band of elves traveling through various places. And now, after a long period of tracking, she's found them.

"Sorry I took so long to mend it! However, if you'll just look at the seams, you may notice the stitches are in perfect alignment! Everything is just as it should be with this jacket!" Ruineth continued.

((Sorry it's so long :P . So basically, she has found a protege and started a clothing line. But she isn't a total traitor, so she's decided to come back and finish what she's started. She also finished Faye's jacket! Sorry if anything doesn't fit. If so, please tell me and I'll happily revise it.))
(Well hasn't she been on a journey xD And another thing that you may want to know is that a few days ago another character, Lanli, had died so that's still a pretty sensitive topic. While Ruineth was out making a clothing line Varexes and Faye almost died while Lanli actually did... fantastic xD Oh! And the area they are in now is where this giant battle between Light Elves and Dark Elves fought to the death with tons of bloodshed and the area is filled with tons of bronze tombstones... So yeah...) 
(Just ask Nami for more details >_<)
(*folds hands silently* Hmm....I also just realized that Ruineth is 15. 0-0 How she managed to create a popular tailor shop with a little girl is... Hmmmmm. Let's say it's moderately popular, and they mostly do mending and craft average clothes. Let's then say that her aunt owns the business until she's old enough to run it.

Also, let's say Ruineth was a little more reverent around the graves.

And...let's say she wasn't so excited when she was speaking, in respect for the events that happened while she was gone.) 
(Whoa. Anybody else just experience a coding bug? The site was all...weird.)

At the sudden sound of a oddly familiar voice, Faye's cheerful expression quickly fell into a questioning look.

"Faye! I have it! It's done! I've finished your jacket, Faye!"

As she turned her head to see the source of this voice, her eyes widened with bewilderment and her mouth fell agape. The girl continued to stumble forward towards her, clutching onto something in the grasp of her outstretched hands. However, everything seemed to be a blur as her gaze attempted to refocus, unable to believe the actual visual before her.

Finally, the girl reached Faye, silence arising in the air as a few moments of hesitation passed. In the meantime, Faye's eyes wandered down towards the article of clothing in the girl's hands. Clenching her jaw to avoid any sobs, she reached out to retrieve her old, yet new looking jacket that she'd asked her to repair earlier. She allowed her cut fingers to graze over the soft fabric, all the rips and damages completely fixed and good as new.

"Ruineth..." she said softly, her gaze looking back up at the pretty elf standing cheerfully beside her. Without another word, she pulled the girl into a tight embrace, a single tear streaming down her cheek.

After clinging onto the girl for a few more seconds, she finally released her and took a step back. Faye quickly wiped the tear from her dirt covered face, a warm grin forming across her pale lips. She looked back up at her dear friend, delighted to see a familiar face.

"Ruineth...I...I'm sorry, I mean, I knew you were more than likely safe back in's just, we've...we've lost so many members of the group.." She came to a halt in her words, allowing herself to swallow the lump in her throat before continuing. "How--you're--you managed to find us...that's incredible..." Despite the joy she held inside of her to see Ruineth, she couldn't help but feel slightly reluctant that she'd appeared. A part of her feared that she wouldn't make it to the end with them, just like Lanli. As much as Faye did her best to have faith in everyone and believe no one else would end up dead, she still feared it. As much as she witnessed her friends dying, it never got easier to for her. It would never be easy to witness.

"I'm so glad you're here," she said suddenly, a welcoming grin settled among her face. Her thoughts may have said one thing, but her lips would speak another.
Ruineth was surprised at Faye's embrace. Though it was to be expected, considering her absence. She swallowed at the mention of the others who were gone. She looked at the ones who remained. It was true. Too many of them were gone. She cursed herself for being so selfish.

" glad to be here, Faye." She said. "I've missed everyone so much. As for how I found you wasn't easy. But you see-" she pulled a dagger from her belt. "This time, I brought a much better dagger. And I bet it intimidated people much more, making it easier to coax answers regarding your whereabouts from them. However, I did come across an instance in which a rather...interesting bridge interrupted my journey." She paused. Now wasn't the time to talk about herself.

"Faye, what has happened while I was gone? Where are we?" She asked.
Jess's head shot forward, her brown knotted locks swinging gently with the movement. 'Was that...'


The shape-shifter's chocolate orbs widened as she took in the scene before her. It was Ruineth, one of the elves they had left back in Archertown for hope of a safer life, barreling down the clearing towards Faye. Once she arrived in front of the more than stunned elf she launched into a whole story about what she had been up to since they had left her. Jess would admit that she did feel a little guilty about leaving the elf in the town after being through quite a bit but she was, now more so than before, worried about more people joining. How many more deaths could she take before she cracked?

Blinking a few times to clear her blurry vision she shook her head and listened to the exchange between Faye and Ruineth, taking the time to enjoy the slight catching up that was going on. After Ruineth showed everyone her dagger and they both stopped talking, the silence in the air was almost deafening, eerie even. And the question that Rune asked afterwards fit the lack of sound perfectly.

Sucking in a quick breath of air and holding it there, Jess looked on with worried eyes that stopped on Faye. She had to admit that it was still a rather touchy subject and it took almost all of her willpower to keep the tears that burned her eyes at bay, not wanting to break down once more. It could of only been worse for Faye because she had been on this journey longer, getting closer to most of the elves than she had, and had seen more deaths than Jess could imagine. 'She's such a kind elf and only looks out for the well-being of others. She doesn't deserve all of this heartache.'
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(holy shit, and here i was thinking our adventure was still a day or two after leaving auchertown... damn.)

I heard the shout from amongst the trees and turned to face it, a smile breaking out on my face as Ruineth broke through them. I allowed Jess and Faye to have their moments, noticing the tear that streaked down Faye's face and the rest that she held back through sheer will.

I couldn't bring myself to interrupt their touching reunion as I sat down on the ground, cradling my boiling torso gently with my arm.

Perhaps it was my recent injury, but I'd thought that our quest had only taken a few days... Ruineth's story seemed to make sense though, so I dismissed my theory. However something niggled in the back of my mind that something wasn't quite right. (he's becoming self-aware...)

Nevertheless, I shoved it down and forgot about it almost instantly as the reunion between everyone else finished up. Standing upon my feet, I strode to Ruineth and smiled. "Welcome back. We've missed you. It's been difficult, losing everyone. It's good to have you back on board," I told her with a warm smile on my face.
Juniper crouched on the ground shoving a stick into the dirt uninterested in the speeches or the reunion. She lifted her head and tilted it looking at the nearest graves wondering how they got everyone so emotional. It's not like anyone knew these people. It was history, it couldn't be changed anyways. Maybe they were history snobs or something. Standing up slowly, she folded her arms across her chest wondering how long this detour was going to take. They had seem to be taking a lot of detours lately.
Faye opened her mouth to respond, but before speaking she had a moment of hesitation and her lips formed into a half grin instead. The lump in her throat was stuck, holding back sobs she had held deep within her. Looking away momentarily, she closed her eyes and was finally able to release a small sigh along with a soft chuckle.

"Well, a lot happened," she answered, still looking away, "as you can tell by all of our wounds."

She then opened her eyes completely again, turning back to Ruineth. Her eyes now revealed the tears welling up along her waterline, but she managed to blink them back with a hearty grin glued to her face. There was no time to dwell on the tragedies, no need. That's not what her fallen elves would want. They would want the remaining members of the group to stand up tall and fight for what needed to be accomplished.

"Yes, we lost a number of elves, but we need to move forward for now." Faye turned to eye the rest of the group members and continued, "I have faith in all of you and I believe we can all make it to Reddell together, and survive. I know we can, we all just have to believe in ourselves...and each other." After giving each member a serious, yet lighthearted look in the eyes, she returned her gaze to Ruineth's. "We're currently standing on the ground where the Blackwald War took place. This is where thousands of Light Elves and Dark Elves fought one another and all these elves died," she pointed to the ongoing rows of bronze plates lining the ground, "and after this violent battle took place, that's when the treaty was created to keep Light Elves on one side of the land and Dark Elves on the other. No communication between the two races would be acceptable. However, we're going to rip that treaty to shreds and unite all elves together as one. After all, this war never truly ended. Therefore, we're going to be the ones to end it once and for all."

Faye looked at Ruineth with determination glowing in her eyes, hoping it would pour into her own being as well. All of them needed the ambition to achieve this goal. After all, Faye was well aware that this was not going to be easy. Either way, that wasn't going to stop her.
Ruineth greeted everyone in turn.

"Varexes! Jess! Juniper! All of you! So nice to see you!"

But the time for merriment was soon over. Death had been too instilled within the group's mind.

Ruineth's stomach tightened at the sight of Faye's tears. Stupid, ignorant fool she was! Everyone was obviously hurt, and she'd expected to come dancing back into their lives, with everything being okay. How could she have left these elves behind? She should have been there alongside them. Even if she couldn't be much help, she could have done that much. No, instead she was sitting back at home, sewing! Needle and thread, needle and thread! What was the point if she couldn't be with her friends?

Faye mentioned the lost souls. The ones she'd been traveling alongside not too long ago. Gone. How were they all gone? She wouldn't ask, as it was much too early. She cursed her inability to offer sympathy. She cursed her inability to mourn. How could she be so unfeeling?

And this place. A battlefield? A long since stagnant pool filled with the misery of their world. Here, where the lines were drawn and a hallow peace was formed. But peace does not come with division.

And here was Faye, her hope and determination still unscathed. After all that'd happened, Faye was still strong. And the rest, it seemed, were similar in stance. Ruineth's heart sank with a strange joy, tainted by the poison of the promises she'd failed to keep. From now on, there would be no desertion. She would see this through, no matter what.

"Faye, your bravery and the bravery of this group has been my inspiration for returning. And now it serves as the one thing that insures my staying. Everyone. I will stand with you, from now on and forever. I'm sorry that I wasn't here when I should have been. I hope to redeem myself, and do penance by being your weakest link. A group is only as strong as its weakest member, they say. I will be this member. And I promise you that I will not fail you again." She said.

I turned to Juniper and saw her scowl of disapproval. A quizzical look crossed my face as I raised one eyebrow in a silent question towards her, asking what was wrong.

I heard Faye in the background, making yet another speech that I only half paid attention to as I walked softly towards Juniper. When Faye was finished, I turned to her and flashed a smile of encouragement before turning back to Juniper.

"Hey, are you all right?" I asked worriedly. I didn't know what was bothering her, and seeing as she was always so closed it would always be difficult for me to read her and learn exactly what she would be thinking at any point in time.

It may seem like I don't care for Faye's speeches, but that's not the case. Rather, I agreed with them, I was just less outspoken about it. If she confronted me later about it, I would tell her honestly that I agree but the speech was over the top with me. I had her back no matter what, nobody would stop me from supporting Faye in her quest, but my personality (and wounds) still prevented me from being as energetic as her.
Juniper turned her head toward Varexes as he approached. "I'm fine" she replied plainly answering his question. "It's Faye that had a problem. It's like she wants to build a home here. All we do is stand around." she unfolded her hands and dropped them at her sides. "And you, whats gotten into your head thinking I'm not all right. I don't spent my time thinking about how worthless I am or anything. No wait, that's you."

She turned away from him walking away front he gravestones before turning back to him. "Since we aren't going anywhere soon. I'll be collecting herbs. I'm a little low at the moment." she finished and turned back around continuing to walk away.
Faye smiled lightheartedly at Ruineth as she extended her right arm towards the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Ruineth, you never failed us. You were always a valuable member of this group, and we're really glad to have you back."

After a moment, she pulled back her arm and lifted up the jacket Ruineth had fixed up for her. She threw it over her back, slipping her lanky arms through the sleeves. Once it was on her, she gripped onto the front sides of the material and pulled it down a bit, the article of clothing fitting her nicely.

"Wow, this actually fits even better than it did before," she admitted, beaming merrily as she glanced up thankfully at the tailor. "Thank you for repairing my jacket, Ruineth."

Faye turned, seeing Juniper walking off somewhere after telling Varexes something she hadn't quite caught. All she was able to recognize was the cold eyes of the healer along with the stern expression that was forever glued to her face. It actually sent chills up her spine--ah, or maybe it was just the cool, autumn breeze sweeping across her back. Either way, she noticed that Juniper didn't look the least bit excited at the return of a wonderful friend. Then again, it wasn't quite expected of Juniper to show any sort of cheeriness. Faye's pupils then wandered over to Varexes's, giving him a questioning look.
"You're very welcome, Faye." Ruineth responded. But soon the group had shifted, the air around them tense. Rune could feel it, and knew that it was another one of those times in which she could offer no help. She didn't understand what was going on, so she searched for something to do until she was needed.

"I'm going to visit the graves." She said quietly, her eyes tracing the rows of the fallen. "Unless you need me to stay closer, that is."

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