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Fantasy The Pantheon CS

View attachment 510871

Name: Vedava
Age: ~3.8 billion
Gender: Female
Dominion: Sea
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Personality: Calm at times, fierce at others, Vedeva is truly the personification of the sea. She is often times calm and kind, wanting to help others and care for them. She makes a wonderful mother and lover. When angry, she can be a raging monsoon, taking down anyone in her path.
History: One of the oldest deities, Vedava merely sprung into existence after the planet cooled off. With such a large realm to rule over its no wonder, she became very powerful. She mainly keeps to herself, the only lover she's taken that matters is Kale, the father of her nine daughters.
Powers: Hydrokenesis, can survive underwater, siren song


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 168 lbs
Tattoos/Scars: Scale patterns down her legs


Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Children: Nine daughters, Blóðughadda, Bylgja, Dröfn, Dúfa, Dúfa, Himinglæva, Hrönn, Kólga, Uðr
Spouse(s): N/A

Let me know if I need to change anything! I drew inspiration from Norse and Finnish mythology btw

I like what you went with here! Very nice!

I would like a little more definition on who exactly the daughters are. Just add in a little bit more detail. Like, are they all goddesses? and if so, what of?
I like what you went with here! Very nice!

I would like a little more definition on who exactly the daughters are. Just add in a little bit more detail. Like, are they all goddesses? and if so, what of?
How's that? The lore surrounding them isn't that extensive, I'm mainly using them as a plot device between Vedava and the moon twins haha

Name: Ra
Age: As old as the first star
Gender: Male
*Dominion: The God of the Sun
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, although he leans towards females
Personality: Very prideful, cocky and full of himself, while also being kind and open hearted.
History: Ra has little knowledge of his early life. He simply remembers just... Being. No father, no mother, he was just there. He looked upon the world and every creation that came about, and everywhere he went he brought light with him. Everywhere he walked instantly grew lighter and the plants flourished as he walked by. Humans praised him, and his pride only grew, creating the man that we see today. Or should I say the god that we see today.
Solar Manipulation: Ra has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate the aspects of his Domain, that being the sun. Such as it's immense heat, luminosity and light, mass/gravitational field, magnetic field, raw nuclear energy and reaction, etc. etc.
Pure Solar Manipulation: A version of the prior ability, this allows him to create, shape, and manipulate solar energy in nature, that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything/everything it comes across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of earth.
Sunshine: Ras body is a source of energy, of which when not regulated constantly emits light and heat. His axe, Sunshine, which was made by the God of forge, can absorb and release the heat that emits from his body.


Body Type/Appearance: Very large and Muscular, a light orange glow surrounds him when he gets excited.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: very heavy, such as the weight of the sun itself.
Tattoos/Scars: A tattoo of a lion on his back.


Parents: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Children: None (yet)

this really sucks but my head hurts so I just want to put this down for now, ill expand it and add more code later​
This is a wip

Name: Helya
Age: likely as old as the cosmos
Gender: female
*Dominion: death
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
History: helya might be the oldest of the gods, but it is hard to tell as she came to the world only after life started to take root. She does however claim to have been there at the very beginning and to be the one to see the end. This could very well be a lie but only helya knows if it is. What others do know know of her past was that after life had bloomed from Ra walking the world she came. Helya came down from the heavens in the forms of a black star that blanketed the plains she landed on in a miasma. That field and all things within were instantly struck down.
*Powers: death control death touch shape shifting necromancy




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