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The Orphanage

"Like they care. Or even notice. I do this a lot. During the week though it's school and chores. Sunday is our day off so it doesn't matter." She slowly spoke.
She thought about that for a while. "I guess they would notice that the garbage hasn't been taken out after about a week." She found her spot. It was very small. "Here."
She flashes a small smile and starts to set up her hammock. "This backpack is a secretly the way. I keep nicer things kept away." She sits up in her hammock and puts a finger to her mouth as in hushing. She winks at him. "Tell me about you. Favorite color, book, movie, all that good stuff."
Jacob sighed and sat by the lake. He kept his eyes on the water. "I don't have favorites. I mean... I just don't have the time. I can't read, so I don't have a favorite book. I've only seen a few movies. And colors never seemed that important to me."
Ash frowns. "Come on up here." Ash pats next to her. "I can teach you. To read, I mean. It wouldn't be a bother at all.." She clears her throat.
"Can't. People have tried. Something called dyslexia." Jacob sighed. He stood up and sat next to her. "Can't read a word."
"I'm sorry." Ash awkwardly stared at the ground. She smirks and starts to rock the hammock, getting faster over time.
[QUOTE="Cat Fitzpatrixk]"I'm sorry." Ash awkwardly stared at the ground. She smirks and starts to rock the hammock, getting faster over time.

"Ain't you fault. It's my damn parents' fault." Jacob sighed. The hammock started to rock and Jacob leaned back, letting himself calm down.
"You have too much anger, Jacob. Learn to let go and let loose. Look the the view, take a dip in the lake, enjoy just the tiny pleasures of this moment!" Indie gets up and grabs her bag. "I'll be back." She goes behind a few big trees. She starts to change into her black bikini. She wonders back.
Jacob shook his head. He had his anger for a reason. The scars on his back felt stiff suddenly. When Ask left, Jacob took over the hammock and looked up at the trees. He couldn't help but feel resentment towards the trees. How dare they be so undamaged?
Ash pulls on his hand. "If you are angry, throw some punches at the water. That way no one gets hurt. C'mon. Please?" Ash pouts.
"Suit yourself. Want me to stay with you here at the hammock? Or do you want to be alone here..? I can go swim if you want to left." She shows a weak smile. She felt slightly hurt that he doesn't open up easy and he seems hurt himself.
"Jacob, I may not know you well. But I'll be here for you. You can trust me. Okay?" She sits down on the grass next to the hammock. She grabs his hand and holds it in comfort.
Indie grows angry. "Well if you want to be a douchebag then yes." She shots back. She quickly takes her hand and stands up. She puts her outfit on over her bikini. "Leave the hammock here." She quickly walks into the woods, not following the trail.
Jacob flinches. They belt kids. That was the worse possible news he could have recieved. He stood up and followed her. "Wait, wait. I'm sorry I pissed you off." Jacob apologizes. "I just... I needed to know."
[QUOTE="Cat Fitzpatrixk]She sighs. "It's fine. Just.. Why are you so.. Cold?" She bluntly stated.

Jacob took a deep breath. "I shut out everyone so it hurts less." He lifted his shirt off of his chest to reveal the deep scars he'd gotten from being belted. "I think that if I shut out the world... This won't happen again."
Indie stared at the scars. "That's all I needed to know." She quietly mutters. She finally grabs his shirt and pulls it down. "If I could I would take all the bad out your life." Indie manages to spit out. After a few moments pass, Indie looks him in the eye. "I'm sorry."
"But you can't. You can't fix what's happened to me. No one can. That's why I'm distant. That's why I'm angry. I'm damaged beyond repair." Jacob whispered. He looked her in the eyes as she apologized. "It's not your fault. Don't be sorry."
"Let's go somewhere." Indie suggests. "You can't heal being in the same hellhole that did this (points to his scars) to you." She looks at him hopeful.

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