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Fantasy The Order

iampyrus iampyrus That's a pretty cool history for Ray, but I noticed that both the second and fifth demons controlled wind. Just wondering, did you mean for it to be something else?

Also wow first post in OOC
Lotusy Lotusy does Gurak tenderise his meat often?

Oh, I mean it really depends on what tenderizing means, you know.

Sometimes he'll just

Other times he'll just

And then sometimes he goes into the meat locker and doesn't leave for a solid hour. Weirdo.

I'd say about 3 times a day though. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hey, Verdas Verdas , is Mary noticeably a demon? I mean, going from the horns, and disregarding her actions, would it be safe to assume she's a demon IC?
Light Light
I can get back to posting again. I'll have a reply for Isabel in probably a few hours. Right now, I rest. I just did a 2.3 mile run up hill.
Could someone catch me up plz?
It's only two pages of content and we've only just started, so I would suggest you read it, but nothing has really happened. There was a minor scuffle and that's just ended, but beyond that nothing has really happened.
Lotusy Lotusy You do t have to worry about a fight from me. It wasn't my attention to fight it was just Zane is Hangry. And a sammich is a sandwich just pronounced differently
Light Light i don't mean to be that kinda guy but do you think you could look at my app? I'm only just saying it now cause it's been a day and a quest is gonna happen soon which I really don't wanna miss :P

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