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Realistic or Modern The Nonconformists


ur not a ghost, i'm not afraid of u
Okay, so here's some stuff that you need on your sheet! It doesn't have to be in this order, you can edit them to your desire of course. Just remember that there's never too much information about your character! This is detailed, after all! Add anything you'd like. I would advise looking at the overview section before creating your characters.


Picture (required, realistic style):

Age (18-21):



Birth date:

Physical Features (I know you put a picture, but I want you to describe them anyways to the best of your ability):



Personality (1 paragraph, please! I wanna get a feel of your writing style):

General Traits (at least 5):

Strengths (at least 5)

Weaknesses (at least 5):




Childhood Summary (1 paragraph):

Young Adulthood Summary(I.e. How did you end up traveling around in a van?):


Additional Info:
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Kimmy Johnson


"Yeah, so what if I stole some stuff? They ain't gonna wear it."

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General Information

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Birth date: 01-05

Horoscope: Capricorn


Physical Features: Kimmy is thin and pretty pale, but red in the summer. She doesn't really tan too well. Not that she minds- tan is what everyone wants to be. If it's a trend among
them, then she's simply not into it. She has long blonde hair that only gets lighter under the sun. It's pretty crimpy right after she washes it, but mellows down after a couple days without. She's usually seen sporting a pair of round shades with a braided hemp rope around her head.

Height: 5'8

Weight: About 145


Personality: To say the least, Kimmy is rather
loud. She's adventurous and fun loving, always living on the dangerous side. Trying new things is something that she considers a hobby. She's extremely excitable, and is only calm when she's baked. Even then, she leans on the sanguine side of things. The blonde is chasing a lifestyle of freedom and happiness, choosing to be optimistic through every situation. It does get hard to maintain her smile, but in the end it always reappears. Despite the trouble that comes with the life she's chosen, she's yet to regret a single thing. Let's hope it stays that way.

General Traits (at least 5):

Optimistic- The ability to always agree that 'the glass is half full'.

Adventurous- The constant want to skinny dip and do dumb shit.

Stubborn- The mindset that allows you to stand on a chair saying, "No, I don't need help." When you clearly need help.

Empathetic- The feeling of sadness that you experience when you look at all the smashed bugs on the van's windshield and wonder if they had families.

Outgoing- The bravery that it takes to tell a random man that the pants he's wearing flatter his dick, before asking him to have sex with one of your friends.

Strengths: Saying what needs to be said, Good at running from cops, Driving while everyone else sleeps, Finding weed dealers, Making friends with odd people

Weaknesses: Crying over dumb things, Acting before thinking, Stealing, Saying what DOESN'T need to be said, Making friends with SUPER odd people that try to steal your van

Quirks: Loud, Clumsy, Sensitive

Desires: To do everything that there is to do.

Goals: Hahahahahahahahaha.


Childhood Summary: Just as she is now, Kimberly was a very happy and blunt child. She was raised in a middle class family, classic suburban life. Dad went to work, mom made dinner, Kimmy beat up boys at school. Well, maybe it wasn't so perfect. Though her parents expected her to be a perfect little doll, the girl was simply incapable. It was always clear that she didn't fit into the life that her parents wanted for her. Their whole life revolved around kissing up to others, and avoiding what needed to be done. If Kimmy thought Mrs. Partridge was being a bitch, she was gonna tell her so. (Honestly she had no clue why her mother spoke to that woman.)

Young Adulthood Summary: Like many others did, Kimmy dropped out her freshman year of college to travel with her friends. As soon as they got their hands on a volkswagen bus, they were gone. The only thing Kimmy regrets is not even saying goodbye to her parents. They were stuffy, but she did love them.

Family: Grace and James Johnson, stay at home wife and renowned lawyer.

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"Everything is a racket."

General Information


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Birth date: 3/29

Horoscope: Aries



Physical Features: Rick is tall, tan, and slim. He has dark hair that he's let grow out nearly down to his shoulders, and a thick beard, a sharp departure from the clean shaven faces and crew cuts that dominate the media. He also has a distinctive mole on his right cheek that tends to make him stand out. Richard tends to smoke so much that a cigarette or joint is almost a part of his outfit, which usually consists of a worn pair of jeans and a loose shirt or jacket.

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 181 lbs



Personality: Rick is, above all, a laid back type of guy, totally content when just going with the flow. He has no interest in being involved in other people's conflicts, though he's willing to help out close friends. The idea of competing with others when there is more than enough for everyone seems insane to him. His lack of care about what others' think has led him to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, but he has no problem with apologizing if it will put things to bed. Rick's not totally lifeless though, and in fact he's actually very creative especially when it comes to music. The life of cruising around the country without any responsibilities or cares is perfect for him, that is, as long as he doesn't find something that he cares about.

General Traits (at least 5):

Easygoing- Calm and unworried, relaxed and casual, whatever you want to call it, doesn't matter to Rick.

Creative- The ability to come up with something original all from your own imagination.

Clear-headed- The skill to keep on thinking logically even in an emotionally charged moment, or after a few joints.

Loyal- A willingness to help friends in need.

Unambitious- Because what's the point of working hard when you can get by cruising around in the band.

Strengths: Mediating disputes when needed, Making some cash with his guitar, Doing what he's told, Find creative solutions to problems, Entertaining

Weaknesses: TOO laid back, Terrible driver, Unsympathetic to people who aren't friends, Forgetting to lock the van...a lot, Attractive women

Quirks: Ambidextrous, Always carries loose change

Desires: To just relax

Goals: Haven't found any worthwhile yet.



Childhood Summary: Rick grew up in downtown Manhattan, surrounded by the glitz and glamour of the greatest city on earth, courtesy of Madison Avenue. His father worked as an executive at J.P. Morgan, while his mother managed Rick and his sisters with the help of a maid and nanny. During this time of his life, Rick actually did big hopes and dreams, particularly to work in advertising like some of his father's friends. His parents encouraged him to do well in school, which he actually did, especially in his English classes. For most of his childhood Rick was nothing but your typical, well behaved son.

Young Adulthood Summary: Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view, things started to fall apart in college. The War in Vietnam started to pick up, Kennedy was shot, and Rick started to realize what bullshit it all was. He no longer wanted to end up in
advertising, stopped going to his classes, and started taking part in the growing counterculture. Like so many, he eventually dropped out of college to travel, joining his friends in a VW bus and setting off across the country with no idea of what he was hoping to get out of the experience.

Family: Thomas and Rosemary King, a banking executive and socialite respectively. Trudy and Elizabeth King, Rick's sisters, a freshman and junior in
high school respectively.


Robin Anna Benard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96179b6b_kristen1.jpg.bd35ff470c2e3575da9cbe5c9512d605.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96179b6b_kristen1.jpg.bd35ff470c2e3575da9cbe5c9512d605.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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General Information

Name: Robin Anna Bernard

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96180b5c_kristen2.jpg.7c79efa9408d3036a5bb42c72df775ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96180b5c_kristen2.jpg.7c79efa9408d3036a5bb42c72df775ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age (18-21): 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birth date: October 5th


Physical Features: Robin is a small and petite girl. She has long brunette wavy hair and icy blue eyes. She tends to have her hair down, which tends to get her hair knotty. But she doesn't really mind.

Height: 5'3

Weight:102 pounds



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Ian McKellen


"I'm telling you! There's definitely a tiger in there, man."

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Physical Features: Ian has long, dirty blond hair and green eyes. His most distinctive feature is probably his nose. He's tall and lanky, with narrow shoulders and what he refers to as "orangutan arms".

Height: 6'2

Weight: 165lbs
Ian is a really nice guy, but he's kind of an idiot. Worse than that, a reckless idiot. He often finds himself in tough spots because of a not-so-great decision he's made, like impulsively stealing a motorcycle when he was 15. He loves animals, and often takes time to feed and care for strays he finds on his travels. He's very loyal, and will protect people he cares about to the death. Despite that, when he's been drinking he turns into a bit of a prick, and has had his nose broken more times than he can count.

General Traits: Gentle, laid-back, generous, a little on the slow side, loves animals.

Strengths: Talking himself out of bad situations, out-eating everyone he knows, and also he can spit really far.

Weaknesses: Bit behind most of the time, not great at saying "no", massive exaggerator, hungry a lot.

Quirks: He can't often remember if the story he's telling is something that actually happened, or if it was just a really vivid trip memory.

Desires: Sleep with loads of strangers, make friends.

Goals: To own about a million dogs one day.

Childhood Summary: He grew up in the suburbs of Connecticut, but he never felt like he belonged there. He was a troubled young man, rebelling against his parents for most of his early adolescence, before an incident when he was 16 that resulted in him getting kicked out by his parents.

Young Adulthood: Ian almost made it to college, but not quite. He, like many others, chose to wander the world and live like he was meant to. He's now a travelling advocate for peace, and finds it difficult to stay in one place.

Family: His parents were dicks, but his younger brother, Charlie, was alright. Ian heard he's playing for his high school football team now.

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