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Fantasy ۞The Ninth Seal۞ [OOC]


The Heart yearns for what it cannot have.
Hello all, you can post your questions and thoughts here for NS. Thank you.
Ramjammer Ramjammer , IsCarbonBased IsCarbonBased , FearItself FearItself , Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae .

Welcome again to Ninth Seal. I appreciate you partaking in this roleplay and hope you enjoy it. I am pleased to inform the membership that we have reached a quorum to initiate a Group RP (3 is the minimum requirement). As such, we can actually start.

If you have not done so already, familiarize yourself with the rules for Ninth Seal here:

Also, I made a few updates to some of the character types:

[Signet User]
- When entering the 'Awakened' phase for the first time, Signet User also enters a berserk state of 'Quickening.'

- Able to harness the ability known as 'Blood Magic'.

- Able to partially transform body parts as needed into beast form.

These changes are also reflected in the main character design.

For the upcoming Group RP session, below are some of the scene specs:

[Coffee Shop - Red Stag]
Time: Evening
Moon Phase: Half
[Crowd Setting]: Somewhat populated
[Potential Fighting]: Plausible
[Participant Maximum]: None.
[Participant Minimum]: 3.

Those who would like to partake in this particular session, please inform me. If you wish to start your own Group RP setting (or do it 1v1), you may do so as well.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Ramjammer Ramjammer , IsCarbonBased IsCarbonBased , FearItself FearItself , Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae .

Welcome again to Ninth Seal. I appreciate you partaking in this roleplay and hope you enjoy it. I am pleased to inform the membership that we have reached a quorum to initiate a Group RP (3 is the minimum requirement). As such, we can actually start.

If you have not done so already, familiarize yourself with the rules for Ninth Seal here:

Also, I made a few updates to some of the character types:

[Signet User]
- When entering the 'Awakened' phase for the first time, Signet User also enters a berserk state of 'Quickening.'

- Able to harness the ability known as 'Blood Magic'.

- Able to partially transform body parts as needed into beast form.

These changes are also reflected in the main character design.

For the upcoming Group RP session, below are some of the scene specs:

[Coffee Shop - Red Stag]
Time: Evening
Moon Phase: Half
[Crowd Setting]: Somewhat populated
[Potential Fighting]: Plausible
[Participant Maximum]: None.
[Participant Minimum]: 3.

Those who would like to partake in this particular session, please inform me. If you wish to start your own Group RP setting (or do it 1v1), you may do so as well.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I may semd natalie to the red stag
Oh! I meant to mention this a lot sooner, but starting tomorrow i'll be in class during the day so any responses won't be until later in the evening (CST) and may take me a day or two depending the amount of homework I have. But I am really going to try to remain active and timely with my posts.
Oh! I meant to mention this a lot sooner, but starting tomorrow i'll be in class during the day so any responses won't be until later in the evening (CST) and may take me a day or two depending the amount of homework I have. But I am really going to try to remain active and timely with my posts.
Thank you for letting us know. We will try to make the posts open ended enough to where it does not require a specific response from person.
SachiGrl SachiGrl
Good job fleshing out details initially. Here are some things to consider as you're developing this character's layout:

-Rank: When you say "62" can you be more specific (assuming this number does not mean something by itself)? Bear in mind Therians belong to tribal structures and not aristocracies (though they can be daughters/sons of chiefs). They can also hail from the warrior class, which are generally also high ranking in tribes but do not have authority like chiefs do.

Also, is there a certain type of bat species or sub-category she belongs to? Vampire bat? Fruit bat? Insectivore? Etc.

If you need additional assistance, do let me know via PM/DM.
She's a vampire bat; I just used the scientific name because it sounds cooler >.>
She's 62 of the top 200 warriors. 1 being the strongest and 200 being the weakest. 0 means they are unranked, possibly weaker than the 200th warrior.
I'll flesh it out more once I come back from work.
She's a vampire bat; I just used the scientific name because it sounds cooler >.>
She's 62 of the top 200 warriors. 1 being the strongest and 200 being the weakest. 0 means they are unranked, possibly weaker than the 200th warrior.
I'll flesh it out more once I come back from work.
Whoops. My bad.

And that's fine, take your time. Just was reaching out in case you needed assistance.
SachiGrl SachiGrl , I cannot DM/PM you to share the thread link, which is fine.

Below this the thread.


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