• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Nexusians [CS]



The Origin of The End.


Appearance: (Real pic/face claim only )

Program ID: (5 digits)
Physical Extras::

Personality Goods:
Personality Bads:


Hobbies and Skills:

True Power: (your preferred power here + MY random generated power here) = To be determined.

Background: (Character bio & History)

1. The main one. Respect RPN and its rules.

2. Any questions or intrigue about the plot or story come to me! I love hearing ideas even if we don't incorporate them.

3. OOC will be friendly and respectful. IC be extra and add flair all you'd like BUT...

4. BE REASONABLE. Realistically adapt and grow into abilities and make logical choices. You can control weather? Know that you will not begin with master powers or creating storms at will. Go into a very secure Army base tossing fireballs alone? Your IC has ended lol.

5. I do not mind if you guys subplot romance. Just keep it PG-13.

6. Try to have UNIQUE characters. For some reason people love military trained or martial arts based characters. As much interest as this RP go to I can tell you now EVERYONE WILL NOT MAKE IT. If you want to make a combat character go ahead just flesh them out. I will not begin approval process until I see and feel good about your CS sheet. Only those that are approved will get an ability. If you do not make the cut, or if you don't even want to have a powered character speak to me about a support role and I'll see what I can do.

7. If you didn't know from the InCheck, the process for selecting abilities will be the combination of your preferred power added with a random power from me. Ex. (Mind control + Enhanced Hearing = Widespread Telepathy which is hearing minds over vast distances)
If you don't like you power you'll just have to find a way to cope. Side note: I will NOT change true power no matter how weak or overpowered it is. Once it's yours, it's yours.

8. If you cannot post due to IRL or other reasons please post in consideration of everyone else. I'm interpreting this RP to go relatively fast pace wise not too speedy, so if you need assistance ask and you shall receive! And...

9. If you do fall too far behind or get in a hole you cant climb out of that doesn't mean you're done for. Unless you're intentionally a jerk or going against the tide of the plot, you can get back up to pace.

10. If you band together, or fight amongst each other IC, coordinate with each other as I will be overseeing those situations with a final outcome, but stay true to character and abilities. Don't force it just because you wanna "be great"


12. Now, if you read, accept, and understand all rules: At the end of your CS, write a sentence mentioning a favorite comic book character in a fashion that would be true to your character.

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Birth Name:
Mara Angela Provost


Program ID


Physical Extras: 5'10" ~ Toned and Fit (link)

June 15th, 1997


Angie is a mysterious one, filled with contradictions. She wants security and comfort yet seeks new adventure. She is very helpful to others yet sometimes can be goofy and indifferent. She has a driving, light personality that can be easily hidden beneath a calm, and cool exterior. She's very intellectual. There is always something more that meets the eye, for she always partially hidden behind the shell. She has a deep psyche and intuitive mind that is hidden from the world. She's also deeply analytical and easily aloof, this might be why she has her defense shell in place, to avoid being hurt by others. She is a nurturer so she surrounds herself with people to fill them with joy and hope, but always stays at distance from trusting fully. Therefore Mara's aloof shell keeps her safe from hurt. She is complex, zany, unpredictable and temperamental and needs constant exploration. Should anything cross her morals and her security in a very offensive or violating way, she won't hesitate to take it as far as need be to supplant herself among the high side of opinion and righteousness. That includes mental, emotional, and physical.

Mara secretly needs to be fulfilled. She also loves and respects discipline and willpower. When she gets the support she need, she has a tremendous amount to offer in return. When she gets offended, she tends to shrug it off instead of confronting the persons face to face. This needlessly prolongs to repression. If you befriend her, you will stay friends for a long time unless she's betrayed. She has unconditional love and caring more so then any other peer. Most of the psychics of the world are con artists, but her intuition is something special. She has an excellent memory and is very observant and can read people very well. She can usually tell of other people's intentions are good or not. Never try to dupe her, she can see your motives. Mara has a lot of emotional strife inside, but once she overcomes this large hump of repression and flux, there is practically nothing she can't do. With her strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, she will have great success in anything she undertakes. That means for her allies too.


  • Not making a difference
  • Being alone forever


  • Abuse
  • Bullying
  • Inequality / Unfair treatment
  • Repeating herself
  • Arrogance

Jamestown, Virginia

When they entered Nexus:
14 years old.

Mara was born and raised in Virginia to a loving father and mother. She was raised with tea parties with mommy and sports/video game days with her father. She maintained AB honor roll through school. She played soccer competitively, as her involvement in academic and extracurriculars granted her popularity where she studied to be a great student and athlete for colleges. On the outside she looks fierce, but her aloof yet quietly wise aura does not match her looks. She fell in love with pop culture growing up playing games with her father. She started to read comics and anime and get into the fictional movies and shows as well. She had the life in Jamestown, which was the first settled location in America. Her family were also US Contractors hailing from Puerto Rico which was US Territioty in the Caribbean. She's Caribbean American, more specifically, Puerto-Rican, and traces of Italian. The friends, the status, the life. She was happy. That was until 14, when she decided to practice her soccer in the safe streets of her neighborhood one weekend. It was the last day she'd be seen in the town before being reported missing. The police never found her nor her body, and after a year and half, the search was called off and her case was officially closed. People had assumed the worst. But the truth was, it was even worse than death.

Mara was alive, but she was subject to something much worse. Enterprise Nexus, or EnNex for short. The pain and horrors she went through were unspeakable, but somehow, someway... not only was she a survivor, she managed to even keep her optimism in such a malevolent cause. This only made them place her under more scrutiny, but she never lost her wits. She never lost her identity. She knew the day would come when she would break out, and EnNex had no idea what was coming.

Nexus: Molecular Manipulation + Dimensional Awareness = Intangibility

  • Mara is able to move through objects and ignore most physical effects in her way, exact means how this is done vary between slipping partially into other states of quantum entanglement, being able to make her own particles move between other particles in and out of phase, being non-physical states of energy, vibrating her molecules into a new quantum frequency, etc. Regardless, she is able to ignore most interactions of matter, physical dangers and gravity.

    * At this point in time, Mara can only phase herself intangible and move through the three phases of matter. *

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Name: Evan Georgia
Program ID: 22781
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 5’6 ft
Weight: 134 lb
Physical Extras: Legs has ceased function [View Report 22781-5]

Evan is quick to solve problems, which is how he believes he found himself in the Nexus in the first place. Ever since █/█/20██ he has believed in fate and anything that happens to him he considers fate. [View Report 22781-4]. Evan is hard to become friends with and he understands that and keeps it like that, he is unable to condition and adapt himself to other people stating that: “It is not beneficial for both party’s to do so.” His problem solving skills are of that of a con-man, he finds his problems best solved illegally or otherwise immorally. He speaks rather rudely and cannot for the life of him figure out how to be “nice”, this is also a problem for him not being able to make friends, thus he has none who he will wish to talk politely with, if he is even capable of such a feat.

Evan’s memory is flawed and forgets important details at a faster rate than that of a normal person [View Report 22781-3]. He is easy to give up on things that seem too difficult for him and often slacks around when nothing requires his full attention. He enjoys doing mental tasks as that keeps him brain busy and finds joy in guessing the personality traits of a person long before they notice him.

Activities that require lots of physical work
Determined people
Fruits and vegetables
Those that save people from 'fate'


Saint Paul, Minnesota

When they entered Nexus:
At the age of 17

Hobbies and Skills:
Evan enjoyed the daily fruits given to him in his cell, and found entertainment in guessing how many screams he could hear from outside before his routine testing. Evan also scratched poems into the walls of his cell, he found great pleasure in reciting them during his testing.
[View Report 22781-5]

Born with two parents, raised by one
His father worked all night, never seeing the sun
Evan grew with books from the library and house
Somehow there was involvement with a mouse
Days in his room became weeks
Doors slamming like rhythmic beats
The teachings of school never made it to him
But he found great pride in never becoming one of “them”
One day the door opened unexpectedly
Evan expected someone to save him, someone like Bruce Lee
A man caped in black was the outcome
The man grabbed Evan forcefully like he was someone from a slum
But something came from behind the man before he could have his fun
The shot of a gun roared through the house
The man crouched dead, holding his wound like a snake would with a mouse
A woman this time, clad in blue attire
She walked toward Evan, she seemed like a great qualifier
She proposed better living conditions, actual food, and much more
But what about the father? The house’s core?
Found dead in living room, not much to describe for
Evan’s life was bliss after that
Food, a nice room and even a cat!
Mother was always off but left another woman who would teach her ways
The woman shined with beautiful rays
And the teachings were rather simple
His knowledge grew as he was but a disciple
The story is nearing it’s end
But before that, here’s a commercial to give you your mend
McDonalds is a real healthy place to eat at
We only lie because we hope you get fat
You fuckin—
[View Report 22781-1]
Doctor ████: After successfully putting 22781 in his cell after his beginning physical, he etched with a small needle he stole a poem that describes is life up until a “commercial” is played. The poem is overall correct. His mother filed for a divorce after 3 years of blissful marriage after she learned of him cheating on another woman, the father won the dispute over who kept the child, the father would repeatedly abuse 22781 by locking him up n the basement with all the old crap stored in there, and when the police were dispatched because of a robbery, they learned of the terrible conditions 22781 was living in and arrested the father for “Repeated Child Neglect and Abuse”. The police officer who found 22781 took him under her care and hired a tutor as to keep educated, 22781 was around 16 at this time and on his 17th birthday we got hold of him and he now resides here. It seems as though he believes this to be a dream.
[ERROR: File Access Denied]
[ERROR: Please Contact System Administrator for more details]
[ERROR: Shutting down...]
Doctor ████: The psychological testing and perception manipulation of 22781 is going as planned however, but it seems as though he is more forgetful than usual, he can barely remember any previous testing and has a hard time recalling something he last ate. Further testing is required to confirm if he is lying or if he really can only keep around a few hours worth of memories before his brain slows down.
Note: It’s been found his neurons are much slower at processing information and thus fail to meet the standard of normal brains, meaning if he tries to remember something, it takes him much more longer to get the full details out than that of a normal person.
Doctor ████: Ever since that last test, 22781 has been more apathetic than normal, and some of the scenarios planned out for him have been escalated as to give experiences of death. In the previous test, 22781 refused to fight back against his opponent and instead accepted defeat stating that; "This must be fate thus I must accept it wholeheartedly."
Doctor ████: During Scenario-D5, 22781 perceived a man with a scythe cutting off his legs, nerves in his legs bounced and then ceased. It’s apparent that 22781 has lost all function of his legs due to the perceived scenario, all scenarios planned for 22781 is to be re-evaluated to adapt to this new finding. It’s also worth mentioned he has not started his daily activities and has outright refused to eat the daily fruits and vegetables given to him.
Scenarios are planned out tests that involve the NEXUS-P5 Perception Manipulator. Tests vary from subject to subject but for the outcome that we are looking for, these sets of scenarios are the most important.

Scenario D: Standing for Scenario Death, this scenario involves feeling an of great grief and regret, often involving a loved one dying or making the subject feel as though they are dying.
Scenario I: Standing for Scenario Injury, this scenario can often lead to subjects losing function of the body parts that are injured in the scenario. Effects of great dread and pain are produced as to be as realistic as possible.
Scenario C: Standing for Scenario Captive, this scenario puts the subject in terrible conditions of life and keeps them in a small metal box. Time is perceived to move much faster in this scenario and subjects have reported feeling their body’s age at an alarming rate.
Scenario M: Standing for Scenario Memory, this scenario replays memories from the subject’s mind but in a worse severity, memories of bliss and happiness turn into sorrow and guilt, and time an of love and life turn into hatred and death.

True Power: Panmesia + Composite Entity Manipulation = Imagination Constructs

Doctor ████: Who is your favorite comic book character?
22781: Well that's real simple, his first name is Nunya, and his last name is Business.
[Interview audio seemingly cuts out]
22781: Fine! The Medic from the Team Fortress 2 comics, I'm still waiting for issue #7 by the way.
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Alphonse Ghareheart

(Due to the scaring)

Program Id:

April 18th, 1995





Physical Extras:
Heavily scarred from beatings.

Personality Goods:

Personality Bads:

Book Reading
Listening to Music

Extreme heat
Loud noises
Crying babies
Eating with your mouth open
Leaving the door unlocked

Being lit on fire
Losing everything
Going back

Has a twitchy right eye when irritated.
Tends to tap constantly when stressed

Suffers from Lack of sleep
Celiacs disease- cant eat anything with gluten in it.
Covered in Scars.

Chicoteague, VA

Age when entering: 15

True Power: (Haemokinetic Constructs + Magic Detection) = Psychometry


Born and raised mostly in Schneifel his parents only moved to the united states on his eleventh birthday. Having learned English in what would be considered America's elementary school he luckily didn't have the language barrier. Moving and buying a home in Chicoteague, VA he quickly began to make a name for himself. While unable to play the sport in Germany easily, in American he found paintball and Airsoft to be very easy to play. Keeping slightly above average grades in school it was outside of school that he seemed to be focused on. Swimming, fishing and surfing quickly became pivotal parts of who he was. However, it was in paintball that he found his favorite hobby. It was in a massive 1000 on 1000 scenario game that he disappeared. Originally thought to have fallen into a mineshaft or drowned in the nearby river Al was never found.

Having fallen down a mineshaft was something Al would rather have done. He wasn't dead, but at this point he felt like it would have been better that way. Confinement, especially for someone as large as himself is difficult. Claustrophobia combined with a decent temper meant that he was often punished and even experimented on simply due to him attracting attention. With his rage building he kept himself under control, waiting for the opportunity when everything descended into chaos.

"Doctor Johann Kraus is one hell of a character. Maybe I should play him in the next movie."

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[class=Notes] //So this is an older code that i tried to fix up to look nicer// //Forward slashes are comments // //and do no show up in the final design,// //these are to help you find everything easily// //and explain some code as well // //These comments must be with in a class or script tags// // in order to be hidden, from what I know. // //Long URls are images// //# followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes// //or color codes// //the only color named by its name is White// //DO NOT EDIT THE CODE IN RICH TEXT MODE// //This causes the Accordion title's to be moved down and you will have to move them back up yourself// [/class]

[class=notes] //so above is the background image// [/class]
[class=notes] //above is the white transparent background the "0.8" controls the opacity// [/class]
[class=notes] //The character image as well as the border for it// [/class]

Ephraim Anderson

[class=notes] //The Name and the background for it// [/class]
Nickname: Eph or Eddy

Program ID: 40289

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

True Power (Kinetic Energy Manipulation + My random generated power here) = To be determined.

[class=notes] //the transparent t box on the left and its border// [/class] Hair color: Black

Eye color: Blue

Height: 6'2

Weight: 160 pounds

Build: Tall and lanky

Ethnicity: American

Distinguishing Features: He has long vertical scar running right above and ending below his left eye.

[class=notes] //the transparent box on the right and its border// [/class] Hobbies: Sleeping, cloud watching, and playing chess.

Fears: Abuse, hurting someone, and swimming

Skills: Good poker face, decent cook, and a good memory when he actually bothers to pay attention.

Weaknesses: Not really on the ball (most of the time), has a tendency to overthink, not the best liar in the world

Quirks/Habits: He smokes when he's upset.

Relationships: ???

[class=notes] //the box around the accordions// //and in the slide title's I put a div around them to add the purple background// [/class]


At first glance, Ephraim is a lazy, unmotivated individual whose number one activity is doing...well, nothing. He prefers to do as little work as possible, considering existence to be an accomplishment on its own, and will try to get out of anything that he considers requiring too much effort. He'd much rather sleep, smoke a cigarette, or go cloud-watching, rather than put effort into something productive. He's also pretty absentminded. Tests reveal that Ephraim's IQ is practically off the charts, but getting him to apply himself is another story. Often speaking in monotone and having his hands in his pockets, he seems like a bored, unremarkable young man who will most likely not accomplish much in life except go through it with only the bare necessities. Those that actually take the time to know Ephraim know that isn't quite the case however. Perceptive and sensitive to others feelings, he's actually quite caring even though he doesn't show much emotion and possesses a strong moral compass, making him a loyal friend to have. He rarely loses his cool regardless of the situation. Ephraim prefers to solve problems logically and isn't one to rush head first into anything without a game plan. Overall, he's quite equanimous, although like with anyone he can snap depending on how stressed out he is.

Having been heavily traumatized after being kidnapped by Enterprise Nexus however, Ephraim trusts hardly anyone except those like him and is reclusive. He has nightmares from the experimentation and beatings, making any time he wakes about from a bad dream dangerous for those around him. He also suffers from bad flashbacks. That, combined with a occasionally bad temper that seems to transform him into another person entirely, leaves him often disoriented and unable to tell friend from foe at times. These episodes are frequent, although he tries to keep them as under wraps as much as possible because he doesn't want to worry anyone.


The consequence of a one night stand between two drunk individuals who lived to party, Ephraim's early childhood wasn't a happy one. His parents separated shortly after he was born. His mother wasn't quite suited to have and raise children, preferring to party when she wasn't fighting with her ex-boyfriend, while Ephraim's father never wanted a child in the first place. It got to the point that Ephraim's mother earned full custody of her son when the boy was 6 before shortly being giving him up to a foster home. That night forever lives in Ephraim's memories. Years passed as he jumped from foster to foster home, the viscous cycle of forming bonds only to be torn away from people he had grown to care about slowly making him angry and bitter. As a result, sometime after he turned 12, he got into a little fight with another foster kid who had been trying to bully him, breaking the kid's arm.

That was only the start of Ephraim's downward adventure. Even after intensive behavioral therapy, his luck got worse. Now 15 and having settled down in Tennessee in a surprisingly decent foster home without issue, one day while he was taking the long way to school he found himself being followed. He tried ignoring the man at first, but as time passed he realized that he might be in trouble...especially when another man suddenly stepped in front of him and stuck a syringe in his arm. He blacked out. When Ephraim didn't return home from class later that day, his foster parents filed a missing persons report, but he was never found.

Waking up in a lab can really rain on a guy's parade, as he soon discovered. Being poked and prodded with needles as well as enduring experimentation and beatings for not cooperating with EnEx officials, really put into perspective just how much his luck sucked. If it weren't for the occasional interaction Ephraim had with other victims he would've long gone insane a long time ago, that's for certain.

"I imagine if Doctor Strange were real, he would have some smartass remark about this situation. Me? I got nothing. That requires way too much effort."

code by AgWordSmith AgWordSmith

Dhara Livingston

Program ID:





Physical Extras::
Hazel eyes - Pear Shaped Body

Personality Goods:

Personality Bads:

Being forced to do anything

Large dogs
coded by y o u n g j a e

Hobbies and Skills:
Dancing || Crochet || Lying || Yoga

True Power: Decomposition Manipulation + ??? = ???

Background: (Character bio & History)
padding: 7px;
Height: 100px;
Width: 100px;
transition-duration: 0.9s;
color:transparent;[/class][class name=x state=hover]
background-color: #004d26;
[/class][div class=x]

― EYE COLOR ― Dark Brown― HAIR COLOR ―Light Brown ―HEIGHT―5'3― WEIGHT ― 125 ― GENDER―Female― TATTOO(S) ―-― PERCING(S)―


Kristina. B

padding: 7px;
Height: 180px;
Width: 180px;
transition-duration: 0.9s;
color:transparent;[/class][class name=y state=hover]
background-color: #004d26;
[/class][div class=y]
Kristina Jean Blackburn
padding: 7px;
Height: 180px;
Width: 180px;
transition-duration: 0.9s;
color:transparent;[/class][class name=y state=hover]
background-color: #004d26;
[/class][div class=y]

padding: 7px;
Height: 180px;
Width: 180px;
transition-duration: 0.9s;
color:transparent;[/class][class name=y state=hover]
background-color: #004d26;
[/class][div class=y]
padding: 7px;
Height: 180px;
Width: 180px;
transition-duration: 0.9s;
color:transparent;[/class][class name=y state=hover]
background-color: #004d26;
[/class][div class=y]

― personality/bio

Power: Telumkinesis + Resistance Removal = Binding
Fears: her father|killing someone|losing family|
Dislikes: losing control|annoying noises|boredum
Skills: Good Lair-Good Communication-Hand to Hand Combat-Arguing
Hobbies: working out-sleeping-reading-eating
Weaknesses: does things without thinking twice-her mother-
Personality Traits:
-Risk Taker

Bio: Kristina was born and raised in Chicago, Indiana by the parents Jason Blackburn and Jessica Blackburn. She had a good childhood from what her neighbors would say due to both of her parents looking happy and the beautiful house they lived in it was all a lie, they never really see what goes on inside the home. Her mother was a kindergarten teacher at a local school and her father was a doctor, they are both good people but, her father did things to Kristina that she can never forget.

It was one night her father came home and he was drunk and it was her parents anniversary as well, her mother was out working late on a Tuesday as always and her father doesn't work as late. When her father is drunk he is a whole different person, his abusive and becomes sexual to his old child and that child was indeed Kristina. She tried to fight him off but he overpowered her and plus Kristina was only 11 years old age. Thankfully her mother interrupted and called 911 and that saved her life.

Since then it just her and her mother moving from place to place and it was best for her. When she turned 13 they settle down in Miami, Florida and they moved on from their past. Her mother thought it was a good idea to go to self-defense classes just in case she gets taken or anything happens and that's exactly what she did and she felt more self than ever going to the classes and learning new things. Later in her year, her mother found someone new and she had another baby which was her younger brother Matthew and all she wanted to do was protect him at all cause and her and her small family were living happily ever after until she turned 17.

After her normal soccer practices at school, she was walking home late like any normal day she would and something just felt wrong to her, it was way too quiet and the way she gets home is by taking only one back alley and she was home right there. Walking through the alley she heard someone and she looked back no one was there. She walks at a quicker pace and then she heard the steps behind her and then that cause Krista to run fast and she wasn't fast enough that they were able to catch her and take her away from her family and loved ones.

Waking up in a random lab was not what she expected. She could be home with her family and have a nice cup of water but no, she is here with these monsters who stick needles in her god damn arm as she is strapped down and getting beaten if refused to listen to them. She been in this hell hole for 5 years and soon she will break out and she will do anything to get out of here.

― extras

Realtionships: ??

"Black Widow, she's such a badass I swear if I could fight like she does I'll call myself a god"

coded by: SociallyAwkward
p.s hovers in every picture and hidden scroll
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(The numbers are tabs. Click on each one for the basics, personality, and bio!)

[div class=outside][div class=b]1
- [div class=b]2
- [div class=b]3
[div class="tabsContent tabsContent1"]
[div class=hold style="left:-2px;"]NAME Natalia Rita Silva
[div class=hold]NICKNAMES Nat, Rita
[div class=hold style="top:10px;left:-2px;"]PROGRAM ID 59173
[div class=hold style="top:10px;"]AGE 21
[div class=hold style="top:20px;left:-2px;"]GENDER Cis Female[/div]
[div class=hold style="top:20px;"]HEIGHT 5'7[/div]
[div class=hold style="top:30px;left:-2px;"]WEIGHT 135 pounds[/div]
[div class=hold style="top:30px;"]SEXUALITY Demisexual[/div]

[/div][/div][/div] [div class=quote][div class=background][/div] [div class=quote2]Remember - you can't beam through a force-field. So don't try it.
— WILLAIM SHATNER[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent2"][div class=title]PERSONALITY [div class=info]
— PERSONALITY GOODS: Strong-willed, clever, bold, energetic, charismatic

— PERSONALITY BADS: Insensitive, sarcastic, cynical, vain, stubborn

— PERSONA: Nat is not one to go down without a fight. Full of passion and zeal, she is extremely resilient, yet not inhumanly so. Her strong-willed nature prevents her from caving in, despite the fact that being experimented on has inevitably changed her in ways both good and bad. The Brazilian girl is very clever, not so much with riddles or brain teasers, but rather in more practical means. One may even say she's intelligent when it comes to finding ways to keep herself entertained when someone else was the guinea pig instead of her.

She finds it extremely hard to open up, thanks to the 6 years of ongoing torture and confinement. No one would really blame her, anyway. Nat has lost a general hope for humanity and good thoughts have been mostly diminished. Optimism is foreign to her and anyone who maintains it is sadly naive. Sarcasm and insults have become her main strategies for keeping people away. She's a bit self-centered and will occasionally play along with it to refrain from socializing.

It's buried deep down, but Nat can be quite a leader. While she is rude and impolite at times, she is also strong and really doesn't mean to be seen as nasty. With her, it's a love-hate relationship with few in-betweens. Either she's brave and outspoken or she's hostile and on-edge. There are very, very few people that she completely opens up to and those people were only those in her family. When Nat trusts you with her life, then she will become protective and watchful over you. She won't be as insensitive and she will be more "soft" towards you.

— DISLIKES: Physical contact, "hope", turmoil and chaos, sleep paralysis episodes

— FEARS: Permanent confinement and suffocation

— HOBBIES AND TALENTS: Reading, cooking, origami/paper folding, and woodworking. Nat is also quite strong for her size and has a great memory, being able to recall personal events and people from years before.
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent3"][div class=title]BIOGRAPHY [div class=info]
— TRUE POWER: Force-Field Manipulation + Greed Constructs = Empathic Inundation

— BACKGROUND: Natalia was born on a stormy night in November to a young Brazilian woman, Juliana Silva. The dark-haired baby was the product of a one-night stand between Juliana and her ex-boyfriend, who left her when they found out that she was pregnant. She had been living with her sister in New Jersey and Nat was delivered last minute in a nearby hospital.

She didn't have the best beginnings in life, but she did have a loving mother and aunt who cared for her the best they could. Nat's childhood was an average one - she went to an elementary school in Elizabeth, New Jersey and did fairly well in school. She was not good but not at all bad - simply average. Behind the scenes, her mother was an extremely hard worker, working two jobs to care for her daughter. Nat didn't realize this until she grew a little older, and when she understood, she knew she would be eternally grateful for her wonderful mother and her willing aunt.

Nat was 13 when her mother moved out of her sister's house and got into a relationship with an emotionally abusive man. He was older and provided them a place to sleep, but he was the most disgusting creature she had ever encountered. He would go after both her and her mother when he didn't get his way. He rarely got physical, for fear that scars would prove his abusive behavior if Juliana ever went to the police. Instead, he attacked every insecure part of her. Her daughter was a victim of his abuse as well, but with her, there was a slap or two and he tried to instill fear into the little girl.

A year in and Nat simply couldn't take it anymore. She loved her mother very much, but she couldn't deal with it anymore. One day after school, she didn't take the bus and instead, she ran away. It didn't take very long until the sun set and she was kidnapped by two dark figures and rendered unconscious. The next thing she knew was that she was in a lab, dark and cold, with figures all around her. Poking, prodding and injecting whenever they wanted and slapping, kicking and beating when she wasn't being "good".

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years until Nat finally stopped counting. She had lost hope, but not her will to live. Arguably, she was in a worse state than before. She began to suffer from nightmares and sleep paralysis, along with the unavoidable PTSD that came with it. She wished she never tried to run away, that she was never found, that she had gone to a safe place.

She would eventually get out. She had to.

"Do I have to choose? Fine . . . Catwoman. She holds her own and actually has personality, unlike some female characters who are sadly undeveloped."
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Name: Ridor Velin
Program ID: 85053
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2
Weight: 113
Personality Goods: Shy, Loves a good joke, Very Patient with people, Trusting, Honest, Blunt, Smart, Tech Geek, observant in peoples behaviors, Aloof, Laid Back.
Personality Bads: Hates others, Very Picky, Sociopath, Dark Humor, Loves Violence.

Dislikes: Disguising things, losing, Him being criticized, lairs, Bugs and hugs.
Fears: Falling to their death, poison, dogs and their best friend or someone they love dying.

Hobbies and Skills: Hacking, Acrobatic, Running, Swimming, Chess, Soccer, Video Games and Gun Games.

True Power: Metal Manipulation + Yin Generation = Metal Mimicry

Background: He was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida, USA where he lived with both his parents until they got divorced due to their constant arguing back and forth. He attended a private school and has been doing somewhat well off financially after his mom created her own security company when he was 12, he usually helped out and was able to receive a decently sized budget for each month. He usually spent most of his life in his room but sometimes walked outside usually to go shopping for things he wants. He spent most of his time in his room either hacking on his computer, video games or just playing on his computer. He took a lot of criticism from his mother so he started to feel less emotions till he started to rarely even care for other people anymore. When he went to school he only had a small circle of friends he picked out usually after observing their behavior for a while he will then decide weather or not they are worth befriending. Although most of his friends don't last long since his mother makes him move a lot which helped cause him to be more distant with people to the point where he doesn't even care anymore.
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Name: Marlowe Avelone Walker

Program ID: 53251

Age: 20

Age When Entering the Nexus: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 1,65 m/ 5'5"

Weight: 54 kg/ 120 lbs

Physical Extras: She has a series of scars on her lower back


Personality: W.I.P

  • Physical contact
  • Loud noises
  • Public places
  • Oranges

  • Not meeting expectations
  • Dr. Hoschwitz

  • Reading books
  • Daydreaming
  • Observing others around her

Power: Glass Manipulation + Random Power = Your True Power (TBA)

Biography: Marlowe was raised as the adoptive daughter of a homosexual couple, and for as long as she could remember, she was always judged for it. Judged for not having a normal, conventional family; judged for having two fathers; judged for not being their real daughter. This kind of behavior drove Marlowe to shut herself away socially. The girl kept to herself, rarely speaking to anyone who weren't her parents and the few select "friends" that were only her friends because they bullied her less about her upbringing than others. And even then, you'd be lucky to hear a sentence come out of her mouth.
It was clear from a very young age that she was embarassed of her family and of herself. Everyone else had a mom and dad, everyone else were happy, everyone else could walk with their parents on the streets without getting dirty looks or mean glances so why couldn't she? And this was a question that kept nagging her all her life. She just couldn't understand. Why did her real parents abandon her? Why couldn't it have been a normal family that had adopted her instead? Why couldn't people just accept others as who they were?
Eventually, deciding that the toxic environment that Marlowe's parents were raising her in was doing much more harm than good, they moved out to the big city. At that point, Marlowe had already started distancing herself from her fathers. While she did love them and was grateful for them, she was also burned out on people judging her for her upbringing. She didn't want to be tied to them, she wanted to be her own person. She just never got to develop the self-esteem and courage to do it, and so, she resorted to distancing herself from her fathers and from everyone else.

It wasn't until the end of middle school that she had a genuine friend. A girl, a little bit older than her, called Abigail Quick. This helped break some of the stigma surrounding Marlowe and the girl, having never really had a relationship like this before, clung onto the girl like her life depended on it. Of course, this kind of clingyness led to a few rumors that the two girls were romantically involved. Marlowe was at her limit: she feared that this too would be taken away from her. But before she could go into her usual routine of "ignore them until they forget about you", Abigail convinced the girl to not let the prejudice and the criticism get to her.

Abigail was a big part of Marlowe's life. She taught her to not doubt her own capacity because of her upbringing, she taught her to stand up for herself, to not let the prejudice control her life.
Abigail reminded Marlowe that she was her own person, independent of what others said or thought.
From there, things seemed to get better for Marlowe. She had become more open, she had stopped hiding behind the books, the phones and the sweaters, and she had rekindled her relationship with her fathers, much to their joy. But most importantly, Marlowe wasn't afraid to be out in public anymore. The girl felt this immense weight being lifted off of her, all because of this hyper-active, self-confident blonde girl that gave her the light of day.

Abby was an exercise junky. She was obsessed with keeping herself in shape and good looking. Sometimes, when she'd go jogging, she'd convince Marlowe to come with her. It was during one of these jogs that Marlowe had been kidnapped. Marlowe had stayed behind, tying her shoelaces and putting her favorite playlist on, and Abigail had only noticed her absence when it was too late. The girl immediately called Marlowe's parents and the cops, and within a day, the entire town was searching for Marlowe, but to no avail.

Marlowe was gone, never to be heard from again. She spent the next six years of her life surrounded by four walls and being experimented on and mistreated. It didn't take long for the scientists to break her. Soon, she was an obedient puppy, terrified to her very soul of doing anything wrong or that upset them. Because of this, in comparison, she got off pretty easy than the others there. But just like the others, she still suffered horrors, and she still yearned to escape. She just never thought the day would come.
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