The New World - Notes


Seven Thousand Club


You guys can also post profiles for your villains here. Most of the same character creation rules apply for villains. Characters in this section may join the protagonists. It depends on the character, and whether they were captured or not.

Villains do have a different set of creation rules.

  • They get a special, player created skill.
  • They're allowed to start off as a Second Class.
  • They have access to whatever Equipment and Weapon Rank they want.
  • Their relationships can be pre-discussed.
  • PM me your idea for your villain beforehand.
  • Don't make a villain until after you've made your Primary Branch character
  • Much like non-primary classes, these Bosses are allowed to have one raised relative system beyond what is normal for their class and +10% for any roller of your choice.

We won't post for these guys nearly as much as we will for the other characters. Think of them as Bosses.

You are very welcome to create a one-off boss of the chapter. Such characters wouldn't have sheets, just let me know beforehand if you're interested. If you're controlling the enemy, chances are you will create a boss. The Notes tab is for consistent Bosses that will make multiple appearances.



Blood Priest


Dark Knight

Gryphon Accuser



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B L A Z E ' S


  • • Octavia Okami •

    "Commander XII"

    • Race •


    • Appearance •



    The top image is a picture of her armor and the bottom image in the spoiler is her without her mask. Think of it as an alternate outfit. She is usually seen in her top picture's armor and helmet. That's right, fully decked out like Darth Vader most of the time. She's 5'10" with long brown hair and grey eyes.

    • Age •


    • Sex •


    • Country of Origin •


    • Class •


    Sword Rank: A

    Axe Rank: B

    • Stats •

    Current Roller Values

    ACC: 110%

    CRIT: 5%

    EVA: 30%

    LUCK: 25%

    BLOK: 50%

    Current System Values

    • Health: 100/100

    • Attack: High

    • Defense: High -> Very High

    • Magic: Low

    • Resistance: Low

    • Movement: 6 cells


    • Bash: A Die Skill with a 40% chance to land a powerful attack to the head of an opponent with the hilt of a blade, stunning them and preventing counter attack. ARMOR units and Mounted units are immune to this attack.

    • Shield Throw: An active skill where you Captain America someone's bitch ass and throw your shield at them. This is a ranged attack (1 cell), and the shield must be retrieved before using it again. Defense is lowered to Average until shield is retrieved. Shield retrieval works by stepping on the cell where the shield was thrown.


    • +20% LUCK: Hero Bonus

    • +50% BLOK: Special Skill

    • +10% ACC: Using Sword

    • +10% ACC: Unique Bonus

    • Raised Defense: Unique Bonus

    • Inventory •

    1. Runesword

    2. Volant Axe

    3. Elixer (3)

    4. Face Mask

    5. Iron Rune

    • Role/Faction •

    Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance: Octavia is one of the Tarosian Military's 13 Apostles. Her number and codename is XII (12). She's known as the Most Loyal Apostle, it's said there's no order she'll ever refuse. Octavia diligently leads the offesnive forces of the Military all over Satrella.

    • Special Skill •

    The Emperor's Shield: grants +50% BLOK when fighting alongside any ally.

    • Personality •

    If her title as The Most Loyal isn't a dead giveaway, Octavia's got your back bro. She takes her knight's oath very seriously. Though she isn't particularly fond of this war, she's fighting it like she's fucking in love with it. Octavia is merciless in combat and will chop down anyone she has too. She cares about her comrades so much it hurts, literally, she'd take a blade for any of her soldiers, but she's so damn swole with her shield she doesn't have to. However, she has no patience for traitors or those that would refuse orders. She can be awfully violent with disobedient soldiers.

    Deep down, she has a strong sense of integrity that is being suppressed by her sense of duty. Her life revolves around war, and she can be estranged to matters outside of it. Octavia comes off as reserved and even shy in normal social settings. If the conversation isn't about politics or battle strategies she won't be actively participating much. She'd rather be killing dudes I guess. She's very easy to embarrass, especially in romantic matters. Without her armor, Octavia feels like a turtle without its shell. She hates dressing up for fancy events and avoids them, or tries to find an excuse to show up in her armor.

    • Backstory •

    Octavia's parents were family friends of Emperor Steele's father. They were quite wealthy and lived on their own estate near the capital. One night, their estate was raided by hired thugs and their home was set on fire. Octavia made it out thanks to a few faithful servants. She was only an infant at the time. Her parents weren't so lucky, they burned to a crisp.

    At the time, Emperor Steele was only 22, and he wasn't yet the Emperor. He was young and nervous, for his father was on his deathbed and would be joining Ord's army of angels any day. The news of the Okami estate burning to the ground roused his father so much, that when Steele found out the infant Octavia had survived, he adopted her to honor his fathers' friendship. The former Emperor died mere weeks after, but he died proud of the man his son had become. Then the crown was passed to Steele.

    Steele adopted her, and raised her to be a warrior. Since she was old enough to hold one, Steele made sure she had a blade in her hand. Octavia expressed an early interest in swordplay, and took up the blade willingly. Despite basically being Steele's child however, she wasn't treated like one. She had no right to the throne should Steele fall, and she wasn't kept under constant watch as Taran would come to be. No she was treated like an everyday soldier by Steele once she became self sufficient.

    However, she worked hard everyday to make not only Steele proud, but to honor the memory of her parents and the previous Emperor that people just couldn't seem to stop talking about. In her teenage years she found herself becoming engulfed in angst and though she had never desired to before, she wanted to meet her parents' killers. The selfish and cruel people who were still out there ruining families. Families that didn't have connection to the Emperor. A sense of guilt embedded itself deep inside and she asked Ord every time she prayed to him why she was spared.

    She joined the military at the age of 20 in hopes being able to bring the thugs that killed her parents to justice, and all men like them. She'd found her purpose, the reason why Ord had spared her life. It was to become an unbreakable and immovable force of justice. She found them within her first year in the military. At the time she was merely another cog in the machine of the Tarosian army. Though the finding the bandits' base had merely been a scouting job, Octavia came back alone in the night and killed all those motherfuckers on her own. And that was just the beginning.

    And within 7 years, she would rise through the ranks of the military thanks to brilliant tactical exploits, extraordinary leadership, her own prowess on the battlefield, and of course, her connection to Steele. She would meet many people along her path, including a young mage named Marysa who is "just a friend."

    She earned her position as the Commander XII before the deadly march on Imperos, which she was at the forefront of. Currently, she fights in the hot zone of Wynda, rooting out rebels in Shila, Tonrari, and Desna.

    • Other •


    • Relationships •

    Spades: Octavia likes to remain professional around her soldiers, the other Apostles, and nobles. Spades is the polar opposite of professional. She tries to ignore him, hoping that'll keep his tomfoolery away from her, but it seems to have the opposite effect, and it only makes him try harder to make her laugh. Sometimes she finds herself doing everything in her power to stifle her laughter. Other times she wants to chop his head off. She respects his improvisational skill in battle, and his ability to sew chaos on the field.

    Marysa: "M-Move along, soldier! There's nothing to see here!" *tries to block giant "L-Rank" sign* Octavia and Marysa are very close but she's a very private person so she downplays the nature of their relationship. She believes Marysa is the strongest mage she's ever met.

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"Commander IX"






A tall gaunt man covered head to toe in enough colors to blind a man at thirty paces, and enough bells to be heard from sixty. The man can be seen in equal measures of jovial, jolly, and utterly mad, mostly the last part as he hardly ever walks, but more traverses the world in a exaggerated skipping motion, letting each and every bell sing it's song within each and every single movement. His face is always hidden beneath a mask, pure white with blue outlining the holes for his mouth and glowing yellow eyes.

He also seems to carry around a accordion, a strange thing to bring into battle for certain, but regardless he is rarely ever seen without it... to the chagrin of many a people when he actually starts playing. Not that he plays badly, just has yet to find the right audience for it.

the strangest feature of the man is one simple accouterment,on his back side rests a fake fox tail, right where it should be upon a fox laguz, this is a fake tail, and none of his men are allowed to mention his tail or talk about it in the slightest, like it doesn't exist at all.

His age is a hard one to place, some days he speaks like an old man, somedays he sounds like a young boy, and other times he sounds like a woman.

The same with above, the only reason people use he is because he calls himself a boy, and aren't willing to argue that fact with a jester. Nor their superior.

Country of Origin
Taros, the land of meat heads, lack of humor, and a great deal of smutty literature.



Jesters are wacky ass clowns that use their performances to fuck with their enemies. Their skills are offensive in nature and focus on status effects and preventing movement. Speaking of movement, theirs’ is pretty high. Their health and attack are average but everything else is low low low. However, they’re quite speedy, and their use of Gauntlets only increases their speed. Get a critical guy or an accurate guy to come through and wipe the smile off these guys’ faces.


Health: 50/50
ACC: 100 CRIT: 20 EVA: 50 LUCK: 5 ASS: 20 BLOK: 0
Att: 11 Def: 5 Mag: 7 Res: 6 Mov: 6

Skill Loadout

Injury to insult: While an enemy is under the effects Spades' attack is increased two stages and acc increase by 15% and CRIT increases 15%.
Joker: Active skill. A performance that inflicts all opponents within a two cell radius with the Fool status effect for 1 turn.
Scarecrow: Active skill. A performance that inflicts all opponents within a two cell radius with the Fear status effect for 1 turn.
Sandman: An active skill that distracts the viewer and then the Jester throws sand in their eyes to inflict them with the Blind status effect for one turn.
Mr. Mime: An active skill that inflicts the Silence effect on an opponent for one turn.
Watch This!: Active Skill. Prevents the opponent from moving on their turn as they watch the Jester be a jackass. This skill also inflicts the target with -10% LUCK. This skill cannot be used on other members of the Musical Branch.


1. Kitty claws Killer


Name: Death
Rank L

Skill Bank

Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.

Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.

Rescue: A Basic Skill that allows the unit to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.

ACC: 100 EVA: 55 CRIT: 55 LUCK: 15

+10% EVA +40 Crit -5 damage

Luck +10%
Attack up

CRIT +10%
EVA +15%

Special Skill
Injury to insult: While an enemy is under the effects Spades' attack is increased two stages and acc increase by 15% and CRIT increases 15%.

1. Killing claws, affectionately colored and painted to look somewhat like cat's claws.

2. Master key

3. Member's card

4. face mask

5. Pure water, being Spades is such thirsty work.

Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance: Spades is number 9 of the 13 apostles, a man who earned his rank through devious plans and a liberal amount of back stabbing. master of ambushes and utterly shutting down opponents he prides himself on clever tactics to make battles as simple as a can be. Known for liberal usage of bombs and toxins within his ranks.

Unpredictable, the best word for this man is such, one minute he is happily making jokes with his friends, the next he has his claws tearing off a enemy's eyes for even slightly asking about his tail. it is near impossible to tell if he is evil to the core, or simply a strange man, in fact he even has given gifts to his enemies on multiple occasions, some of these gifts might be traps, while some have actually proven quite useful, though ultimately part of their demise, a big fan of irony like that. Save for the time he gave a cure for poison ivy to a man who was covered in it, NO man should have to suffer through that, enemy or ally.

Of course, that rash cream was a poison itself that prevented the said mage from casting spells.. but at least he wasn't feeling the poison ivy!

To ask for the history of this man is like asking the history on a man who is drunk more then he is ever sober and has dementia at the same time. You will get different answers each time you ask.

Even the reason or how he was recruited into the Tarosian army is confusing and lost on any and all records. Almost as if he appeared one day and started taking charge... perhaps he was a different man before? perhaps he simply snapped one day, put on jester's motley and start leading his unit on a series of ambushes on the Wyndian Republician army.

It is said he often leaves a mask in the path of those he was to ambush next, many a squad had surrendered at the meer sight of the mask. Only for the singular man to waltz out and carve their leader leader a red smile across his neck, leaving them to their own devices afterwards.


Whats that? you were expecting waffles? Well your not getting any here, move along.



Spades struts on the battle field like a peacock of bells and tomfoolery.

A generic mercenary appears to fight him because he looks funny, and generic mercenary doesn't like funny.



ACC: 100%

Crit: 45% (+30 killer kitty claws, +10 gauntlet)

EVA: 30%

Luck: 5%


ACC: 110%

CRIT: 5%

EVA: 30%

LUCK: 15%

No weapon triangle buffs or losses.

Rushing forwards in what could be seen like a mixture of a full force charge and a one man tango Spades deals the first strike upon the mercenary.


Gaining a hit and a critical upon the Mercenary, it is unlikely he survives.

ACC: 100-30 =70% chance to hit

Crit: 45 -15 = 30% chance to crit

Why am i helping out Hayden?


ASS: 20%

Block: 15%

Turns out they weren't friends anyways, as Hayden attacks alone, and tanks, but don't worry, Spades brought a bandaid for him.


Commander Octavia.

"Oh we are just the most DARNEST friends we are~!"

The two could be called.... Work friends, in a way. Octavia respects what he does, and he loves to poke and prod Octavia to try and get her to break her stone faced demeanor.

Plaster or steel, a mask is a mask.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b36e46c_large(5).jpg.aef467133a176de58edf86b68c568118.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7b36e46c_large(5).jpg.aef467133a176de58edf86b68c568118.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Damien Blood-Walker

Commander VII







Country of Origin



Blood Priest

Staves: B

Hidden Weapons: D

Gauntlets: D

Health: 60/60

Attack: High

Defense: High

Magic: High

Resistance: Low

Movement: 4 cells

Not This Time!: Will automatically perform a BLOK on a partner if the partner is under 50% of their health.

Blood Magic: A die skills with a 50% chance of activating. When they attack an enemy, they can use the blood to control the enemy for up to five turns. Control is ended when the Blood Priest/Priestess is either killed, or they take control of someone else.

ARMOR attribute

+15% LUCK


1. Iron Claws

2. Recover

3. Berserk

4. Master Key



Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance: Damien is the 7th apostle in the wonderful group of 13. He's the dude you call on when you want to see a really bloody death. One that you'd prefer to be extended, and torturous, though it's not the torture part that Damien enjoys, but the bloody part.

Special Skill

Blood Rage: The more injuries that leave the target bleeding, the more energy he has to fight with (CRIT goes up 5% every turn after first bloody wound inflicted on enemy)


Obsessive. Everything else falls into place after that wonderful little personality trait. But yes, Damien's life revolves around his obsession and little to nothing else matters. That being said, he's actually rather intelligent in a lot of ways and doesn't chase after his passion blindly. He has built up his strength over the years and surrounded himself with people who can and will help, even if not on purpose, him chase after his strongest desire.

When not obsessing over his obsession Damien tends to be a bit lecherous and rather haughty. He has a lot of book smarts, especially on how the human body works, but knows little about society and how to 'properly' interact with other people that doesn't include cutting them open. He's loyal to the alliance if only because it means more war, which means more of his passion...

Damien likes to spend his time researching all that there is to know about blood, and blood magic though he has never been able to perform any magic. And when he's not having his nose in a book, he's following Spades on pranks or he's practicing his techniques or he's out slaughtering families in secret. Old habits die hard, even with war to help sate his needs.


There was no great event, traumatic or otherwise, that turned Damien into what he was today. Sometimes that's just not needed... he was just born with a corrupted soul. Deemed to be odd as a child, Damien spent more time catching and dissecting animals and insects then he did playing with the other children. He's always had a sensitive nose, and because of his issue with pain, he'd always been good about protecting himself. And lets be honest, the smell of animal blood and that of human blood are two completely different ball parks... It was the first time Damien was in the presence of spilled blood that his obsession clicked within him and it was all downhill from there.

Damien's own parents went first, but being the brilliant child he was he was able to frame the deaths on some other poor soul. After that, children in the neighborhood would begin to disappear... and people were afraid of some monstrosity having entered the town. They weren't far from the truth. By the time Damien had finished with the town, he was the soul survivor... and still being a rather young adult was able to move on to the next town without too much trouble. His first town was burnt to cinders; no one would ever know what he had done.

War had always intrigued Damien, though pain never had so he attempted to set foot into war without taking the chance of getting injured. It didn't go very well because that's just not how the army works... you get down and dirty and injured. That's just how it worked. Still, Damien rose in ranks quickly so it wasn't long before he wasn't dealing with being injured himself. His skill with Staves (ironic enough) and blood magic was almost legend, the way he could drive a person to slaughter someone that they had once called friend... Damien had always been one to slice at his victims with daggers and claws, but it wasn't until later he learned to properly use them on the battle field. Damien isn't entirely fond of healing and much prefers using staves that cause havoc, but he always keeps a healer on hand just in case a teammate would die without it. Not that Damien cares for them but if he doesn't keep his teammates alive then he won't get to see as much blood spilled. That's all that matters. Blood. It's all that ever matters.




Open to discussion



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  • Prince Ivan Lucian Aldaini

    Commander III





    Ivan is a handsome guy, what can I say? His blonde hair falls at just the right place and kind blue eyes are always willing to kill charm you. He's about 6'0 tall and for some odd reason loves to wear his best suit to battle literally every single day. In his pockets are roses that are ready to be given away for a random pretty Tarosian damsel. With his tailored white ballroom suit, he wears white gloves as well as a white cape. Like his comrades, he wears a mask, though the only difference is that his is made of silk and embroidered with ornate details from black lace. Hell, it doesn't even cover his whole face, leaving Ivan's right eye completely exposed. The belt and his sheath are also in a white gold. Clearly, you see a colour scheme going on.





    Country of Origin



    Gryphon Accuser

    Current Rolling Values

    ACC: 120%

    CRIT: 20% (+30% if killing edge +25% if judgement applies)

    EVA: 30% (+10% if light magic)

    LUCK: 5%

    Current System Values

    Health: 70/70

    Attack: High

    Defense: Average -> High (natural bonus)

    Magic: High

    Resistance: Average

    Movement: 10 cells


    Rescue: An active skill that allows them to carry another unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.

    Judgment: A passive skill that grants +25% CRIT when facing a monster, a Delinquent Branch class, or a Dark magic wielder. Note that Dark Magic must be equipped.

    Screech: An active skill that lowers the Resistance of a foe by one level. Not stackable.

    Princely Charm - A 50% chance of dealing a petrify status effect to anyone within two cells from him. Doesn't effect multiple people at once.


    +10% ACC (swords)

    +10% ACC (natural bonus)

    +30% CRIT (killing edge)

    +25% CRIT (judgment)

    +15% CRIT (class bonus)

    +10% EVA (light magic)

    BEAST attribute

    AIR attribute


    1. Killing Edge

    2. Runesword

    3. Purge

    4. Delphi Shield

    5. White gem (just because)


    Tarosian-Ifrinic Alliance: Prince Ivan is Commander III, otherwise known as the Flirtiest Apostle. Seriously, I'm not even kidding, this man will flirt with anything that breathes. He's also known to hang the formerly pristine suits that have been bloodied in his personal chambers somewhere deep in his beautiful walk-in closet. The type of person you'd want to call on if you would like someone that's literally the hot male equivalent of Medusa, able to petrify as well as well as deal some critical hits. Also, if you need to smite some monsters or other cretins.


    Prince Ivan is truly something else. On the outside, he's cool, regal and composed to foreign noblemen. He has his table manners, knows when to bite his tongue and knows when to smile and nod. It almost seems like Ivan doesn't really seem to care about anything at all. Truthfully, he's just bored of just about anything, as most spoiled rich kids are. The prince loves to use his status and wealth to charm women and spout sweet nothings in their ear, to the point where he's become devilishly good at it. There's a good reason, too, he has quite a passion for theatre and loves to act and pretend his life is some sort of play. Charismatic, he can make it seem like he really cares when he doesn't. Ivan can feign sincerity if it gets him what he wants. The truth is, Ivan doesn't really give a single flying fuck about the war between Taros and the other countries in Satrella. He's like the guy that's just laying back and enjoying the fight like it's a game. As long as it benefits him, he doesn't say too much about it.

    The Prince has always been interested in business. Knowing what people want and how they act is what makes him so popular. However, he can be entertaining when he wants to be. With his fellow apostles, he's rather reserved and nonchalant around people that he doesn't care about impressing. Ivan knows the importance of never letting your feelings get to you and has sacrificed many a relationship because of this. The Prince has a certain contempt for monsters, delighting in the killing of them. Specifically in public. He's known for collecting many on hunting trips to publicly kill necromancers.

    Ivan loves to passionately tango and do just about anything romantic you could think of. He's also seems a bit arrogant, though not without reason. He tends to carry gems with him normally knowing that his opponents would never steal them away from him. Ivan is smart and sharp-tongued, not one to stutter or be afraid of a witty comeback. Whenever he wants something, expect him to get it, or kill to get it. There is a dark side to him, however. Ivan is a bit sociopathic. He's not arrogant because that's who he is, he's arrogant because there's always something he knows that you don't, or just to fuck with people. Ivan isn't afraid to bend the rules just a little bit, and is a bit delusional and corrupt when it comes to morals. Oh, and, he likes to humiliate the hell out of the Duke of Imperos.


    Prince Ivan Lucian is a spoiled ass Tarosian noble. Ivan's mother was directly related to the Emperor (being Steele's lil sis) and the boy ended up being raised with only the richest of nobles. As a child, Ivan was well educated and was trained to be a fierce fighter. He grew up with stories of mighty soldiers and prosperous kings. Let's just say that as a kid, he loved to relish in subtly insulting the servants or flustering other young noblewomen. Ivan also loved reading books and basically being a bored little shit, but if there was one thing he loved, it was a flair for style and expensive items. He attended battles and training sessions frequently to see what sort of thing he would be into. Due to his apparent talent in swordsmanship, he ended up recruiting and becoming a flier. Some say that Ivan "charmed" his gryphon into obeying his command.

    There was an increasing pressure for the man to get married as Prince Ivan grew older. As much as he enjoyed flirting and impressing people, the prince knew that a life of marriage just wasn't for him. Eventually, he learned to manipulate people, which would prove to be beneficial in the battlefield. Ivan relished in the thrill of the victory and so did his family. When the pressure to promote came to him, he fell in love with the idea of doing and smiting more damage to people that weren't like him... people much darker, people like monsters and delinquents. With his dance-like style of sword-fighting and light magic? Sign me up! Besides, killing those types of people always made his image better, right? Almost immediately after he got promoted, he was a part of the Apostles as the third commander.

    One thing about this particular Commander is that a group of female rebels had tried to charm him one day and either assassinate Ivan or just straight up take that gem he was known for carrying during battles worth 10,000 gold. In a full blown white suit, the Prince took out the sword from his golden sheath and started slicing 'em up with his fellow gryphon friend supporting him. To one particular lady that Ivan was rather fond of, he had tied the large gem onto a string and strung it around her neck.... before stabbing her and hiding the gem away in his estate and getting a new gem. This apparently led the prince to becoming much more ruthless as a commander as well as turning him into the sociopath that he is today.

    Nowadays, because he is not the crown prince, Ivan lives his life more liberally. He drinks with the other knights, and his batch of troops are dangerously loyal to his every move. Fearsome gryphon warriors and a sociopathic prince to lead them? That's a recipe for chaos, and not for his troops. Ivan is tasked with finding his cousin Taran and bringing him back. While he doesn't agree with what Taran is doing, he does relate to some extent of being tied to obligations. They were once close, but soon became distant because of Ivan's lifestyle of being a commander and Taran, being Taran.



    PM me bro​

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ー P r e t z ' s P r o f l i g a t e s ー

In (Likely) Order of Appearance

  • ۞ Marion Rosanette ۞


    A perfect world...I can show it to you. Just promise me everlasting devotion. Obey me, even past death.


    Due to her reputation, Marion has gained quite a number of titles. Especially since, as the years pass, the truth of her life increasingly intermingles with myth, sometimes stories about her become mixed up with long-held tribal oral traditions, legends of dark witches and their even darker practices. Marion herself cannot keep track of all the appendages she's picked up, though the one she remains most fond of is from her days as cult leader: Priestess of the Blind.




    5'4" It may be strange to imagine that such a slight frame holds such immeasurable power. But that is the magic of...well, magic. To be a successful wielder, one only requires a capable mind, though many would argue that Marion lacks this quality, allowing herself to be overtaken by her arts. However, to look at the real Marion, one would never imagine the famed Priestess of Madness to be such a neat, well-kept woman. Sleek black hair is carefully monitored into a sharp bob. Clothes (often taken from her victims) are repurposed with deft hands and adorned with ruffles, laces, and jewels that lend themselves to a refined sense of practical flamboyance. Though her sight has been damaged since childhood, her eyes remain an even dark purple-blue that seem oddly focused despite their disability. Though not entirely blind, without her glasses Marion is practically so, though this suits her just fine. She'll often even remove her glasses when practicing magic, as she claims it helps her better focus on becoming one with her Queen. Overall, the effect of the woman is one of controlled confidence; a coolness of air quite different from the tales of wild insanity that surround her.





    Country of Origin

    Aquano (Worshipper of Ysma, the Dark Queen)



    Dark: A

    Staves: A

    "This about as close as you can come to being a somewhat socially accepted necromancer. While they can't give life to a corpse, they can summon the spirit of a fallen warrior to fight for them briefly."

    Special Skill

    Master Puppeteer: Active Skill allowing Marion to "Partner Up" with a unit up to 3 cells away.

    Priestess of the Blind: Passive Skill with a 35% chance to inflict Fear upon a surviving target after successfully launching an attack.


    Current Rolling Values
    ACC: 100% ( -> 90% with Eclipse equipped)

    CRIT: 20% ( -> 40% with Blood Charm equipped)

    EVA: 65% (Update Bonus)

    LUCK: 25%

    Current System Values
    Health: Average (60/60)

    Attack: Very Low

    Defense: Very Low

    Magic: Super High (Update Bonus)

    Resistance: Very High

    Movement: 7 cells

    Summon Phantom: An Active skill that summons a Phantom to fight. Phantom acts as another unit controlled by the player. To attack with the Phantom, it must be rolled for with Base Values plus the inherent bonuses of whatever weapon they're using. They each have a High Ranking in Attack until the Summoner's Staff Rank is A, then it will be Very High. Once the Phantom is hit, it will cease to fight and flee the battle. The Phantom can wield any variety of A Rank physical weapon. The summoner need only specify which Phantom they're summoning. Yes, these phantoms look like the ghostly versions of the canon Fire Emblem characters they're named after.

    • Sword Phantom: Marth
    • Lance Phantom: Ephraim
    • Axe Phantom: Hector
    • Hidden Weapon Phantom: Sothe
    • Bow Phantom: Lyn
    • Gauntlets Phantom: Alm

    Master Puppeteer: Active Skill allowing Marion to "Partner Up" with a unit up to 3 cells away.

    Priestess of the Blind: Passive Skill with a 35% chance to inflict Fear upon a surviving target after successfully launching an attack.

    SUPER LONG RANGE Attribute. (When attacking with Eclipse)


    ۞ Eclipse: B-Ranked Dark tome with Super Long Range attribute (10 cells)

    ۞ Warp (15 cells; Teleports an ally or enemy anywhere)

    ۞ Berserk (15 cells; Makes the target attack whoever is closest to them)

    ۞ Blood Charm (Raises CRIT by 20%)

    ۞ -


    Priestess of Ysma. Though once head of The Order of the All-Seeing Blind, since her fall, Marion has mostly kept to herself. Her grotto is extremely difficult to find, and yet it is still occasionally visited by faithful followers, or those who wish to be imbued with the Summoner's extensive understanding of magical arts. Not all of these visitors are able to leave as simply as they arrive. Marion of course continues to worship the Dark Queen, often spending hours upon hours performing rituals that she claims helps her commune with the Goddess, sometimes receiving Her Word in the shape of bizarre and seemingly nonsensical prophecies. Nevertheless, Marion attests that, sooner or later, the Word always leads to the Truth.


    = = = = =Marion was shown a vision as a young and perceptive girl. A vision of eternal beauty, something inherently impossible in a world dominated by the ravages of time.

    = = = = =Ever since, her greatest desire has been to recapture that elusory dream. To seize the beauty of the ephemeral and wed it with the immaculacy of eternity. A contradiction that has led the Summoner on an endless, untiring search. She once thought that in her Phantoms lay the answer, their ghostly forms remaining for centuries after their time. But after so many years the images, as pretty as they are, ceased to appease the relentless appetite buried deep within her, being nothing more than illusions, pale imitations of the image she seeks to create. And so Marion has fallen in all manner of practices and experimentations. As the one "chosen" by Ysma to become Her Priestess, Marion is a genius that simply exists on a plain that mere mortals may never understand.

    = = = = =A megalomaniac, an egoist, a daring intellect, it is little wonder that she has come to simply view others as convenient shells into which she may insert her strings. A world of puppets commanded by Marion's own hands can only be the closest to perfection. A beautiful world.

    = = = = =As one might guess, Marion highly values beauty. She becomes easily entranced by attractive youths, though once their vulnerable exterior and interior show signs of wear, she feels compelled to save them from their inescapable degradation. Unfortunately, eternal preservation has its...side effects.

    = = = = =While many call her a Necromancer, this is simply untrue. Marion has not yet mastered the art of reanimating the dead outside of her Phantoms, though she seems deeply fascinated by the practice and has performed tests as if to try and replicate it. Similarly with blood magic, which has also taken up much of her study. Though she might find someone to teach her, Marion's pride is far above someone else's mockery of what only she can turn into a true art.

    = = = = =The ultimate Dominatrix, Marion desires a type of slavery that is simply impossible. Like a parasite she wishes to inhabit another soul and make them her puppet complete. Thus the world that Marion strives for, that she so desperately desires, is a contradiction.

    = = = = =And after so many years of failure, it isn't so much of a stretch to imagine that the stress has slowly eaten away at even her lofty mind, at what little she could ever have possessed of a soul.


    = = = = =No one is quite sure how Marion first ended up on Aquano's shores, but it is certain that she is not native born. Though she claims the islands as her home and birthplace- and is angered by any assumption different -she possesses a certain foreign quality betrayed, at times, in the slightest of moments. But as certain as Marion was not born in Aquano, she has become a part of the land, engulfed by its caverns, grown over with jungle and the islands' mystic aura more than some who have claimed them their entire lives.

    = = = = =The most popular theory is that Marion came from a gang of pirates that were notoriously attacking the Northern island some 30 years ago. Her manners of speech and clothing preferences allude to a history with the hated pillagers, though even accepting that pirate blood does run in her veins, it is still unclear how deep. Whether Marion was born abroad or on the seas, or from a union between a pirate who became a bit too close to one of the natives, or simply from a forced union with a slave...the answer may remain locked forever.

    = = = = =What is better known in Marion's narrative is the tragedy that befell her as a young girl, setting into motion the path that would shape her life. Though circumstances do differ depending on the teller, all versions lead to the conclusive fact that, at just 9 years old, Marion was involved in an accident that caused her to begin to lose her sight.

    = = = = =Coming from a Siet background, Marion realized that, once blind, she would never behold the sacred tablets of her religion. Guarding a religious calling so strong for one so young, she demanded (or, in some versions, piously prayed) to see at least those temples in Aquano before her eyes became useless.

    = = = = =Though certainly she would have been warned against such efforts, knowing that at most she would only be able to glimpse insight into the fires of Ifrin and the darkness of Ysma, and her training would therefore remain forever incomplete, the girl was unconsolable. It is often told that in sheer defiance she snuck away to The Dark Queen's Depths, unaware of the dangers in accessing the ensconced temple, especially so late at night.

    = = = = =But Marion was able to somehow survive the experience, emerging at the break of dawn. But who came forth from that eternal black was not a petulant child, but one whose dying eyes had been blinded by a final blaze of the brightest light. "Even if my vision was perfectly healthy, I have no need to ever see again," she is often attributed to saying, "I was shown the Way in the Dark Tablet. I know the Answers and my Path."

    = = = = =Miraculously, if not ironically, whatever affliction had been ransacking her stopped soon after. Though still left with terrible eyesight, Marion continues, to this day, to live in a world of colors and shapes, though she so often closes her eyes to them in order to embrace the clarity of that faraway night.

    = = = = =After this incident Marion's life becomes much better documented. We know, for instance, that she traveled to Aquano's capital in Moi'Wahine and became apprenticed under a successful Summoner from Ifrin. This man had ended up in Aquano at the end of his own Siet pilgrimage and, fascinated by the culture and magical practices he found on the islands, never left. Marion somehow so impressed this respected mage that he took her under his wing, teaching her literacy and granting her access to an impressive collection of magic-related texts. Marion became quite the scholar. as well as an incredibly practiced in the ways of magic. Tales of her many benevolent exploits during this period are often cited by her proponents, though one must realize that she couldn't have been more than a young teen when such "miracles" came about, and. as much of Marion's life, the truth remains ill documented.

    = = = = =Once able to read, Marion consumed texts at such a voracious rate that her master was worried she'd kill the little sight she had left. Thus she was fitted with specially manufactured glasses to help her in everyday life, and it is very likely that she never gave in to the self-blinding of so many of her followers precisely because of her enjoyment of study.

    = = = = =In this heavy period of reading, Marion is typically attributed with seeming to be in constant search of something, though what that something was none can say. Whatever it was, she never found it. While eventually she graduated and became an acclaimed Summoner in her own right, one could tell that her heart had separated from her craft. The relationship between the young woman and her master also deteriorated, with many arguments often held like staged plays in highly public locations. Her mentor seemed distraught, accusing his pupil of strange practices and having an unhealthy relationship to the Phantoms a Summoner commands. For Marion's part, it was obvious that there was something missing. Though she could perform her art perfectly well, there was always a certain gleam in her eye. The shine of a huntress who is not satisfied until she has bagged the most glorious prey.

    = = = = =Marion's obsession with Ysma was also a point of contention.

    = = = = =As a devout Siet, her master practically begged his student to visit the other temples, but Marion refused. And as her affinity to Dark magic was so undeniably great, it seems that, in the end, her master surrendered to his student's genius, and could no longer deny her. On good days, the two just avoided the topic of religion altogether.

    = = = = =After Marion's "graduation," or, as some would say, master and pupil's "breakup," that was all to change.

    = = = = =Starting in the larger settlements on Moi'Wahine, Marion began to pull in followers. She used her power as a platform, revealing the trial of her childhood, and how Ysma had taken pity on a blinded girl to show her the truth of all things hidden in the dark. In many of these settlements, Marion's heretical preaching was unwelcome, and she was constantly chased from village to village, settlements that grew smaller and smaller in size. None could touch the woman, however. Her command of her magic and Phantoms made her an undefeatable foe.

    = = = = =Still, the mere 18 year old's hypnotic charisma was undeniable. Though ostracized and ignored, in just under a single year the new graduate was still able to build herself a small empire of followers, and for ten years after they relished in a reign of terror. Eventually Marion and her devotees fled to the jungle, creating a paradise-like theocracy by the name The Order of the All-Seeing Blind. Marion, as their High Priestess, became something of a Queen. Other Ysma-worshippers eventually caught wind of the cult and through a series of encounters Marion's followers grew in strength and size and power.

    = = = = =People who wandered too far into the jungle would go missing, and then there were those who were taken right from their very homes. But Marion was a careful tactician, extremely particular about the nature of her sacrifices. Those chosen had to posses a certain quality of beauty, but also a level of unimportance to the world that they would not be so missed as to garner too much negative attention from the other tribes. Those few that did try and overtake The Order were decimated, only a handful left alive to tell tales of a dark heart in the jungle from which all evil emanated. These stories, whether true or exaggerated, were enough to leave the cult in relative peace. Besides, hidden as they were, The Order was never easy to locate, and as much of a hindrance they posed, it was much easier to let them do as they pleased than wage a war. Especially with the ever-looming threat of foreign invasion from bothersome pirates and militant Tarosians foremost in many Aquani leaders' thoughts.

    = = = = =However, even at the zenith of all this power, Marion remained strangely astute. Reportedly she would keep to herself, in constant commune with the Dark Queen. She grew weary of outsiders, sometimes even described as "paranoid" by her detractors. Though we must also recognize Marion's youth at this time, and the success at which she turned an offshoot, heretical belief into an effective army of worshippers. From what we know, life in The Order wasn't bad, either, as they were well-managed and given plenty of amenities. Marion, for her possible faults, is certainly brilliant, after all, so it is not a stretch to imagine her being well-versed in the workings of civilization through her extensive readings.

    = = = = =Marion's most trusted followers in The Order were given the names Unseeing Eyes, and of these there were 3, though only one, of course, is famous enough to be known by name. This is Amafeo, Marion's favored follower who was, for much of her reign, under her complete control. As for the practices of the Eyes, we know that Marion often referred to them as her "puppets," and they were all especially devoted to her. While a graduation ritual requiring self-blinding was practiced by The Order, only the Unseeing Eyes completely removed their useless oculus, replacing them with ones of glass which Marion called the most beautiful thing of all. She obsessed over the Eyes, and was as fond of them as a child playing dress-up with her dolls.

    = = = = =And yet, Amafeo betrayed Marion.

    = = = = =What caused the sudden change of heart, like so many things about the elusive Priestess, we outsiders may never know. But he was able to successfully turn The Order against her. Marion has been accused of many things: Cannibalistic practices, grotesque paraphilia, and using her followers for the sake of magical experimentation. While it is true that The Order was certainly indulging in sacrificial practices- of humans, Laguz, Branded, and, considered to be the highest of all offerings, Manaketes -the exact nature of these rituals and the ultimate fate of the bodies remains in speculation.

    = = = = =With her followers turned on her, however, Marion was chased far into the jungle deep. No one, of course, could kill her, and many suspect that she still remains in practice to this day. Since Amafeo and the other Eyes were presumably killed in the battle, The Order once more split up, dissolving into the many sects it once was. Their reign of terror had finally come to an end.

    = = = = =Marion and her "evil" practices became something of a modern-day myth that is so twisted by oral legends that it is nearly impossible to distinguish fiction from truth.

    = = = = =And yet, in a grotto not so far from Hale Ali, a dark young woman continues even darker practices. She has made the ancient cave a proper home, outfitted with stacks of manuscripts keeping her up-to-date on new discoveries in magical practices. These days she is hardly ever looked at twice when going into the city to procure her texts. There is even an altar, complete with an entire skeleton, presumably human or Branded, the skull of which seems to be a highly prized item lovingly painted and etched with mystic symbols.

    = = = = = Here the Summoner continues her work, continuously searching for that unattainable world and those perfect visions that have haunted her since childhood.

    = = = = = And it is here that Summoner received a prophecy from her Queen. A prophecy telling her of the Four Veils of Light, messengers come from another world across the sea to the shores of Satrella. A prophecy promising Marion that if she finds these Veils of Light and sacrifices them to the Queen of Eternal Dark, then she will finally have her answer, and the perfect, beautiful slaves she has been always waiting for.


    The best at sewing.

    Everybody should love me.



    Marion Attacks!

    ACC: 90%

    CRIT: 40%

    EVA: 55%

    LUCK: 25%

    ASS: 20%

    BLOK: 15%


    ACC: 100% ( -> 110% with Iron Sword equipped)

    CRIT: 5%

    EVA: 30%

    LUCK: 5% ( -> 15% from Class Bonus)

    Bash: 30% (A Die Skill with a 30% chance to land a powerful attack to the head of an opponent with the hilt of a blade, stunning them and preventing counter attack. ARMOR units and Mounted units are immune to this attack.)


    1. Marion'sNewACC: 60% (Marion'sACC - Merc'sEVA = 90% - 30%)

    2. Marions'sNewCRIT: 25% (Marion'sCRIT- Merc'sLUCK = 40% - 15%)

    3. ASS: 20%

    4. BLOCK: 15%

    5. Skill: 35%




    Attack: Success

    Crit: Success

    Assistance: Fail

    Block: Fail

    Skill: Fail

    The Merc is dead.

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