The New World Asylum [Inactive]

Noah leaned over and looked straight into the face of the pinned down guard. He noticed that the guard had closed his eyes. "Pah! You clever person.!" Noah said frustrated. This guard was certainly smarter and probably better trained than the rest. Noah decided while his eyes were closed, it would be best to make a run for it. He got off the guard and quickly grabbed his gun before running off. He could have knocked him unconscious but that wouldn't be good should he get captured and be at the guards mercy.
Sivas nodded grabbing his body he was starting to like this Redefined a bit but he didn't let his guard down. Then he moved and helped Cat up and began walking down halls towards the place most likely to have Meds but heard something, and changed course to head towards it.

Jackson felt the weight lift off of him and heard retreating footsteps. Only when he was sure the Uncharted was gone did he get up. He looked around and as expected the drama gun was gone. Jackson smiled just a touch at the whole exchange and mentally wished the boy good luck. He stood just as Cat and one of her usual people came around the corner. The man, Johnson if he'd heard correctly earlier was carrying someone. Jackson shook his head as he walked over. "And what did I say about your wound earlier?" He asked though his voice was light.
Selke jumped a bit as the other girl woke up. She had been sure she was going to be out for quite a while longer. "You trick Selke! Trick!" She accused the two girls in front of her. She started to lash out with the spear she held but something stopped her. That girl . . . Her face was leaking! Selke stood, watching on with a look of rampant horror across her face as a tear slid down Settoku's cheek.

She threw her spear into the air and prostrated herself before them and catching her spear with her tail to hold it behind her harmlessly. "No make Selke face leak! Leaking bad!" She exclaimed sincerely. Crying wasn't something Selke did often, but she had connected it with feelings of pain and suffering and therefore any face leaking that might happen upon her was to be avoided at all costs.

Selke paused and poked at her cheeks, checking for tears. When she was content she hadn't sprung a leak she looked up at the girls. Be useful. She reminded herself and hurriedly started speaking "Come from metal box? Need . . . Need more metal box? Food stuffs? Shinies?" Please not shinies. She hoped silently. "Selke give, Selk help. Selke not leak?" It appeared she was trying to strike up a deal with the two girls. Her assistance if they wouldn't make her face leak. One had to admit, it was a pretty fair deal.
Cat leaned heavily on Johnson, putting as little weight on her injured leg as possible. She concentrated on walking. Johnson stopped suddenly and she looked up. Seeing the Med who had treated her injured leg before."Doc." She said, mildly surprised to see him lying on the floor. "Just a scratch." She said lightly when he mentioned her wound "a pinprick really."
Jackson scoffed and pulled out his small emergency treatment kit and began to tend to her wound. "So to questions. One what's with carrying around the Uncharted and what's the next move from here?"
"We're taking him to Medical." She narrowed her eyes, her look daring him to argue with her.

((I'm gonna be gone. My sib's making me play cards with'm. Maybe not be back till tomorrow.))
Jackson didn't argue simply continued with his work. "And you trust them to look after him?" He asked.

Sivas listened closely to the conversation unsure if he should let them look at his body, and if so should he continue to inhabit Johnson? If he returned to his body it was likely Johnson would rat him out. But Sivas couldn't stay in him forever, or his body and soul would fade from being apart. He still felt okay for now but soon he would likely need to return. Maybe he should return when he was by himself and kill Johnson. Right now though he would wait and watch and listen.
Alvia cocked her head to the side trying to understand what the strange girl, Selke, was trying to say. It seemed she was trying to help them so she nodded, the tiniest small on her face.

"Yes, deal. We just need a place to stay and food. You can keep your... umm... shinies? Yeah, we don't need shinies," Alvia was grateful for the help from Selke.

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"If they take exception to treating someone who seems to be deathly ill, merely because he's different from them, then you can treat him Doc." She answered through gritted teeth as he did his work.
Once Settoku knew there wasn't any reason to be afraid she straightened herself out a bit, her other side screaming at her.

Don't be such a weak fool! Stand on your own damit! What have I taught you! She mentally scolded herself. She then dried her face a bit and shut her eyes a moment, opening them she was composed, but of course her eyes were still lively looking.

"Yes. A place to stay would be indeed perfect for right now." She said in a normal manner.
Alvia wasn't sure if they could trust the rogue Uncharted, but at least they got food and shelter.

Alvia smiled at Selke and gave her a nod before saying, "Lead the way."

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Selke lightened noticeably, hopping up and twirling her spear around. "Selke show way!" She said happily, believing she clearly had the better end of the deal. With a bound she latched onto a tree branch, and swung around it, landing on top of it with agility rarely shown by anyone. Selke gave them a judging stare. She had always thought they looked weird, but she was even more inclined to that thought upon seeing them close up. Where were their claws? Fangs? She hadn't seen any when they spoke, but she wasn't sure. No ears, tails, not even fur. What were they supposed to snuggle on cold nights? Selke shrugged and turned, bounding away. "This way, ones!" She hollered behind her as she leapt from branch to branch with ease. She kept her pace slower than normal, given their piddly human legs, but still kept a quick pace.

She led them through the forest, across the bend in the stream, down into a small canyon and into a cave in the cliff face. She stayed here most of the time if she could. It was difficult to find, hard to reach, and sheltered her from pretty much anything she could imagine. In one area she had her shiny stash of everything from simple dinner forks to highly valuable looking gems and jewelry. She had no need for it, nor did she know it's value, but she knew it was shiny, and she liked shinies. "Sit. Sit! Food?" She gestured to where some flat stones with moss and fur sat next to an eleveated sheet of wood and wandered off into a subarea of the caves, returning shortly with various dried fruits, meats, and grasses. Some of the food looked questionable in safety, but she pushed it at them with the rest of the food.
"Thank you, Selke," Alvia said after following her through the trees and into a cave. They lost Selke once or twice because she was so agile, but she found them after a while.

Alvia eyed the food, unsure as to what was safe to eat and what wasn't. She glanced over at Settoku and shrugged, seating herself and picking up some sort of fruit. "Are there others living out here?" she asked Selke, mildly curious as to how many Uncharted weren't caught but still so close to the asylum.
Jackson was a little taken aback. But then his regular expression was there once again. "You sure know what your getting into don't you? Then it's a good thing you've got back up. Stitches or shots I got your back. I think Johnson can handle the actual watching your back."

Sivas spoke up needing to know the answer. "And what will happen to him after? He was involved in the attack on the guards."
Selke plopped down onto one of the nearby stones and nodded to Alvia's question. "Many live. Fruits, fishies, piggies. Lots good to eat." She says, munching into one of the more questionable objects on the primitive table. After chewing for a bit she continues. "Lots metal box people go. Not sure where are . . ." She made a mental note to chase any strangers out of her territory next time she got the chance. "Why leave box?" She asked curiously, looking from Aliva to Settoku and then back again. She seemed to be the more talkative one. She wanted to poke the other, but she resisted. For now.
Alvia laughed at Selke's response and shook her head before saying, "I meant are there any more people? Like us?" She gestured too themselves and smiled.

Metal box? Probably means the asylum,
she thought. "Ah, the 'metal box', we call that an asylum. And we all got out because we escaped," she explained, not really wanting to go too far on the subject, but she didn't mind as long as she got answers in return.
Selke chewed thoughtfully on some dried meat. She had seen some people in her forest the other day, but she wasn't sure what happened. She remembered bear traps, but she had blacked out after that. She had woke up with the scent of blood in her nose and her hands were stained red. It had taken a lot of scrubbing to get the red off so she remembered that pretty well. She decided not to relay all of that to Alvia, but gave a nod. "Other in forest time ago. Look for them?"
Alvia shook her head while saying, "No, we aren't looking for anyone." A small smile bloomed across her face as she bit into the fruit. It actually tasted nice, not like jellybeans, but sweet and nice. She took one more and chewed it slowly as she thought. Maybe she knows where all the others have gone? Alvia shrugged, mostly to answer her own question before asking Selke, "Did you see where other ones went after they got out from the asy- metal box?"
She gave a nod. "Selke watched them leave. Don't know exact, but direction." She offered to Alvia's question, unsure if it was actually what she wanted to know or not, but she hadn't actually followed any of them. She had her reasons for Engaging these two specifically so she hadn't payed as much attention to the others as she might have otherwise. "Selke track." She added as almost an after thought. She could track anything within this forest and all of it was better at hiding its presence than sloppy Uncharted and Redefined running and searching.
"Okay thank you, Selke, and we don't need to track them, it's okay," she smiled, the last part of the fruit she held disappearing into her mouth. I wonder where they actually went and how many are still trapped inside, she thought to herself, a million more questions and thoughts floating around inside her head.

"So, what can you do? I mean, with your powers? Can you change shape or something?" Alvia asked her, curious as to what she could do and what the extent of her power was.
Selke swallowed her meat in a big gulp and nodded. She liked showing others her tricks. She shifted some cat ears and asked. "Nyah?" before hoding up her hand and coating it with scales, adding claws onto the end of it as well. She changed her eyes to that of a wolf and gave a big grin, showing off a mouth full of saw like shark teeth. She thought about trying a bit more, but she left it at that, changing back to her natural state. This was her last set of coverings and if she got carried away they'd inevitably end up shredded on the floor when she changed her size to something larger.

"Stormy?" She asked Alvia. She had seen bits and pieces of what had gone on during the last few days and was pretty sure Alvia's power had something to do with the bright flashes that came during the frequent storms. She had no idea of the other girls power and looked sideways at her slightly warily before returning her gaze to Alvia.
Alvia was surprised when she watched Selke sprout cat ears and grow claws. She nodded and smiled at Selke then cocked her head to the side as she said 'stormy'.

"Oh yeah. I can zap people with lightning from my hands," she said, putting up her own hands and forcing some energy out and watched as it danced across her skin.
Selke watched on, enraptured as the elctricity danced along Alvia's skin. She had one thought. Sparkly . . . She lunged for Alvia, latching onto her but quickly letting go and jumping backwards with a hiss. Her hands were clenched tightly around each other. The sparkle had hurt her, but now that she had it, that was fine. She opened her hands to gaze at her treasure and found it . . . Gone. She blinked several times and then started wiggling her fingers as she tried to understand. She had had it! And yet it was gone . . . She looked to Alvia, demanding an explanation for her lost sparkly, yet saying nothing.

There was no time for an answer though. A loud rumble rolled through the area, drowning out any words that would have been said. It made something click within Selke. She had a message to deliver. She tilted her head, listening carefully before slowly turning back to Alvia and Settoku. "Big brother said to take you to the temple." She announced flatly.
Alvia tried to warn Selke before she lunged for the sparks near her hand, but as she was about to, Selke was already clenching her hand and looked at her with a fierce look.

And then she said something about a big brother after the earth had shook. Alvia looked at Selke, confused as to what this 'temple' was. "What temple?" she asked simply, glancing over at Settoku before turning back to Selke.
(Any guard going to approach? Sorry I'm just trying to join in on the fun)

Rose blinked to see it was an illusion. Her mind tricked her, but she did watch an uncharted jump a redefined, grab the gun and run. It impressed her. "At least your a quick thinker..." She mumbled. "I have to stop talking to myself." She sighed and burnt words into the wall. 'Asylum will fall. Uncharted will rise above them all.' Rose never left a message without a purpose or meaning, or wrote a message for some to see anyways. She put so much heat into her hand that the message was definitely there to stay. It added a bit more hope to the little she has.
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