The New World Asylum [Inactive]

BloodiedMagpies submitted a new role play:

The New World Asylum - A new breed of humans has inhabited the Earth, what happens in the Asylum?

In this new world, society has evolved and no one is normal anymore, only close to it. In the Asylum for the Special you are a number, nothing else, just a number, and a very dangerous number.
An accident in a testing lab caused the earth to be shrouded in nuclear gases, killing most of the human race off, and now from the ashes, a new species arises, a more refined version of humans. The Redefined (Not very original, I know) and the Uncharted.

The Redefined are humans but...
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It's another boring day at the Asylum for Alvia. She wasn't usually allowed out of her cell unless it was courtyard time, because everyone needs their exercise.

She stared up from her comfy bed, the metal frame swapped with a heavy wood one due to her ability and the way she 'entertained' herself by using the metal as a conductor. "I spy with my little eye some gray over here and some gray over there. Gray, gray, gray. It's another gray day," she groaned and rolled her eyes before standing up to stretch.

Alvia didn't hate the asylum, the other Uncharted were fun to mess around with, but the walls...

So freaking depressing.
Settoku sat in her cell with a stoic face. Expressionless as always. She was sitting on her knees, dead center in the room with her dress draped around her. Nobody dared to look into those cold eyes...

"London bridge is falling down... Falling down.... Falling down..... London bridge is falling down, my fair lady." She sung in a beautiful voice, that carried through the large holding room of all the cells.

"Build it up with wood and clay.... Wood and clay.... Wood and clay.... Build it up with wood and clay, my fair lady..." She kept singing her song. Throughout her days in the cell, this was all she could really do to keep from silence. Silence being something she doesn't enjoy.

"Wood and clay will wash away... Wash away........" She kept on going, getting looks from some of the guards as well as other uncharted...
Alvia heard the girl's voice, the one who went by Settoku or something. She was so young and so unloved.

Once again, these walls of depression cause aggression, she thought. Alvia seated herself as close to the cell door as possible to listen and watch the girl with the beautiful voice. She was singing something, something about a bridge and it falling but Alvia didn't really care for the lyrics.

Blue sparks danced across Alvia's fingers as she played around with her power. The guards decided not to leave things in her cell so she could entertain herself, which she thought was kinda cruel. At least give me some paint or something to brighten up the walls, my god people.
Viktor laid awake, staring at the cold stone of the wall. He'd been up for several hours, but stuck in this cell there was little point in getting up. With that thought, he instinctively rose. This was always how he started his days, bleakly wondering why to bother, yet doing so anyways. It had become habit at this point.

Viktor shuffled lazily over to one of the walls and stared blankly at it before taking last nights dinner spoon and, with a spark of power added, carving a small notch into the wall. He took a step back and looked again. One wall filled and another half there. A mark for every day that had passed. He had to admit, it wasn't entirely accurate given some days he forgot and other days he added two by mistake. He tossed the spoon to the corner and it landed with a clatter, bursting into a pile of spoon shards a few moments later. He briefly smirked, looking at the pile of shards laying in the corner. They'd likely clean it up before long, but at least he could make them do a bit more work.

He briefly wondered about breakfast and then simply frowned, gripping the bars of his cell and thoughts of leaving playing through his mind.

'No, not today.' He thought, as had always been the case. Viktor sighed heavily, resigned to another dull day in this dull Asylum with little to do but dull your mind. Maybe something noteworthy would happen today, he thought, though it was anything but a hopeful thought.
Some guard down the hallway called out breakfast as a bunch of other guards slid trays of food into the cells.

"Alvia, bread with chocolate and juice. I'm sure you can toast up your own bread," the guard said as he walked away. Alvia stuck her tongue out before sipping the juice. Mango and Orange, they finally got it right, she thought happily as she walked around the cell drinking her juice.
The guard scoffed while sliding the tray under Settoku's cell. He kept his head turned to the right and eyes out of range to hers. She momentarily stopped singing as she looked at the food. A simple plum is all Settoku ever ate for breakfast.

She stood up abruptly and skipped over to the plum, the guard acting a bit surprised and walking away swiftly. She picks up the plum and tosses it in her hand a few moments before taking a bite.

Simply... Juicy. It reminds me of flesh. She thought as she began eating her plum.
Viktor saw the guard delivering breakfast approach his cell and he couldn't help but grin. Honestly, he enjoyed the grumpier guards more as he thoroughly enjoyed verbally sparring with the buffoons and making them either unable to come back or getting them to the point where they were shouting. It broke up the monotony at least a little bit.

The guard slid Viktor's food inside the cell and Viktor awaited the pathetic insults that the guards who didn't like Uncharteds usually slung around at him. He waited, but nothing. He frowned and the guard smiled, simply walking away. Viktor watched him walk off down the way and glared at the meal set out on the tray as if it had violently offended him.

"Fantastic . . ." He grumbled. "I'll have to start throwing things at them next time." He took the grapefruit off the tray, leaving the orange juice in its place, and began tearing off the skin. He poured several packages of sugar over the meat of the fruit and began eating, taking swallows of his drink every so often. He had learned not to be picky about food, but he had always had a bit of a sweet tooth so enjoyed the sugary fruit whenever he was given the chance.
Xavier sat in his room and pulled a few of his bangs in front of his eyes, looking at the freshly bleached hair and sighing before letting go of the strands and looking down the hall as a few guards made their way around with food. Sitting on the floor in the middle of his room, he took a mental note that he knew the guard, running through a list of names and waiting for the food to slide under the door. It didn't though, and Xavier frowned, looking up to see that the guard was glaring around his room and passing his gaze right over Xavier. Glancing down, he realized he had vanished and frowned, closing his eyes as he focused to make himself reappear. When he did a few seconds later, the guard jumped and yelled at Xavier, scolding him. But Xavier wasn't paying attention. Instead, he got his tray and started eating, biting into a sweet apple and getting on his bed, laying down and planning to waist his day away sleeping.
Alvia huffed as she sat on the ground and burned spiraling patterns into the floor, getting scolded once or twice. After a few minutes of that, she huddled up into the side of her cell and sighed. Everyone was so afraid to touch her, but it's not like she would hurt them with no motive.

A guard had called out that the Uncharted were allowed to go to the courtyard. Finally, Alvia thought, skipping out of the ugly burned cell as soon as the door was unlocked.
(Yay, I have something to do now)

As the cells were opened, Settoku walked casually out, her dress somewhat swooshing out behind her. The way she looked was almost other worldly...... She hummed as she kept her blank eyes emotionless and in front of her, while walking to the courtyard. This was usually where the guards kept a close eye on her in case she tried pulling some of her golden-tongued magic. Settoku knew that she could escape and leave this place, but alas... Where is the fun in that? Here at the asylum she could witness other uncharted, trying to find viable ways of escape... It was too amusing for her to not be there.

I wonder if anything interesting shall occur today... We shall see..
Alvia nodded at the Uncharted who passed her, including that girl who was singing in the morning. Is she new? She looks like a new Uncharted...

Alvia walked up beside the little girl, never doubting what her powers could be for a second. "Hello," Alvia says cautiously.
(Creepy stare engage)

Settoku slowly turns her head towards you in an ominous type of way... Her cold eyes meet with yours, and even though she isn't using her power, you feel the urge to want to either look away from those eyes, or search deeper into them.

"Hi." She says, her voice sounding close to what it did when she sang. It sounded ghostly almost, with little presence.

Well, wont this be fun....
"Are you a new Uncharted?" Alvia asked, straight to the point. Her head was cocked to the side and she was squinting slightly at the young girl in her dress which was flowing out behind her.

I need to be more nice, she thought.
"Relatively." She says, again with just a one liner. She turns her head back in front of her and moves some hair out of her face.

I wonder what would happen if I made... Friends, per-say.... The idea of Settoku ever making "Friends" wasn't highly plausible in the slightest. Though one day there might come along a person who can change the way she is... But certainly not, right?
Viktor stayed where he was for several minutes, waiting for the rush of eager Uncharted to file out a bit before he rose back up and headed out towards the court yard. He stayed out of the way of few other Uncharted that lagged behind the others, weaving his way through them, but making sure to give them each a wide berth. He wasn't scared of them, but several of them were more volatile then he cared to deal with.

He exited into the open area of the courtyard, quick to find a spot where he could watch most of the area while not being bothered. He found a dark corner, overshadow by one of the watch towers and took his 'post' observing the field around.
((I have returned))

Alvia nods at the single word, not questioning any further. She scopes out the courtyard, looking for new Uncharted or higher ranked ones to talk to.

Hmm, we got the buff one, the mind one and the one in the dark corner. Don't like show offy people, don't like mind moving. Creepy dark corner guy it is, she decides, walking up to the Uncharted hidden in the shadows in the corner of the fields. She walks close against the walls, not touching anyone and nobody touching her.
"You're no fun..." She says to the girl as she walks away, a small unnerving smile on her face...

I suppose I'm no first choice. She thinks to herself as she puts a finger to her chin in contemplation. She then looks around the courtyard herself, before moving slightly over into the shade of a building and sitting down on her knees. The only thing she could possibly do now is one of the things she does best; sing a song.

"Anything's the right thing, the right thing is anything..... If I fail I wont succeed, I'll pull the strength from under me.... Maybe you'll love me if I can do anything, however tis not meant to be.... For a life with no meaning is blasphemy..." An original tune that she had created... Carried out through the area as other uncharted, as well as guards, avoid looking in her direction...

As Viktor lazily watched the courtyard before him he couldn't help but sigh. Seemed nothing interesting would happen after all. He started to lay back in the shade, but that was when something caught his eye: A small girl moving towards his corner. Now this was rare. He mused to himself. It was rare for other Uncharted to speak with him, let alone actually approach him of their own volition.

He didn't stop his action, laying back in the grass of the courtyard and briefly considering her intents. Given her overall stature, and that he had yet to see her in his section of the Asylum, she might simply be seeking solace from bullies. Or she could actually have some reason for coming? Now that would be something. Either way, she would make her intentions known shortly. If she just wanted solace, he would at least let her share the shade of the tower.
She watched as the Uncharted laid back onto the grass. Alvia slowed her pace as she came closer to him and seated herself to his right side.

"Hey," she said, watching him with a keen interest.
Viktor looked over to the girl as she sat down and couldn't help but blink a bit when she spoke. "Hey." He answered back, looking up at the sky. "Rare for someone to come speak with me." He looked back at her, judging her with level eyes. "Some might say it was suicide to talk to a red, you know."
Sivas was standing out in the yard, as he and the other uncharted had been allowed to do after breakfast. Looking around he chuckled quietly to himself when a tune caught his attention. Turning he found the owner of the lovely voice sitting in a shaded corner. He was content to simply listen from where he was, but he wondered. What was it like in her head? What secrets did she hold behind those vacant eyes and smile so much like one of his own.

Not wishing for the singing to stop he shifted his unnerving gaze around to the others in the courtyard. His bony shoulders bobbing as he laughed at nothing in particular.
(Since you love it so much, here are more lyrics I have made...)

She continued with the same tune until she began adding more lyrics to her marvelous creation. Some of which was likely to be from her past as a redefined human... She still remembers her old life, sometimes bits and pieces try to take back her cold soul....

"Anything’s the right thing, The right thing… Is anything.

If. I. Fail…. I won’t succeed… I’ll pull the strength, from under me.

Then maybe you’ll love me, If I can do anything

However tis not meant to be

For a life with no meaning is blasphemy

Turning it off now, playing it back

Starting from scratch now and making it crack

Bring all the pieces of the puzzle

Stick them together and mend this broken…. Castle

I’m starting again, going with the flow

No I wont give in, I wont let it go

These shattered pieces are falling about

Falling from my heart now, breaking my doubts"

For as long as she could remember, Settoku had been singing... It was the only thing that she could actually feel a l the moment, so naturally she sang when there was nothing else for her to do.
Alvia listened to the song the little girl was singing, her voice was soft and beautiful and held so much more emotion than her eyes did.

She then laughed at the Uncharted she was seated next to and replied with, "Some might say it was suicide to come into contact with me."
Viktor cocked an eyebrow. "Oh?" Something about the way she had said that piqued his interest. He gave a dry chuckle. "Though plenty of people say that about all of us here. Even the most benign ones." He paused, not sure where to continue, so he asked the question immediately on his mind. "So, what makes you so dangerous to life?"

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