• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern The New Lives of New York


Senior Member
Still accepting characters! There are 3 spots left. We need males so I'm only accepting males. I apologize.

1 WereFolf

2 Aio

3 Mendaian

4 TheGrimPicklr

5 LittleWolfie

6 Sofe

7 (male character only)

8 (male character only)

9 (male character only)

Character Sheet


Birthday and Age (mid-twenties 23-27):

Current Job:

Section of the city they live in:

Highest Education They Have:


(Write a physical description as well as using a realistic picture for look)





Skin tone:

Misc. (birthmark, scars, tattoos, ect.):


Positive traits:

Negative traits:





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Elizabeth Grant


August 22



Current Job:


Section of the city they live in:

Lower: China Town

Highest Education They Have:

Completed High school (Did attend College but ended up dropping out when she couldn't afford it)



Brunette straight long hair


Brown eyes


5'2" or 157cm


53kg or 116 pounds

Skin tone:

Slight tanned skin


Has a cherry blossom tattoo on her back left shoulder blade



Friendly and outgoing type of person,

Positive traits:

Friendly, outgoing, tidy, helpful, speaks Japanese and English fluently 

Negative traits:

Lightweight when comes to drinking, Doesn't know how to drive, her tidy side sometimes get the best of her.


(WIP as I don't know what you mean by behavior)


Art (Can't draw herself), reading manga or watching anime, eating out.


Violence, fighting, rude people, rainy days


She is a half Japanese, half American woman, her father being american of her family. She grew up her Junior years in Japan then moved to New York for her high school years where she focused hard on her studies as best she can but only came out as an average student over all, her only plus side is that she could speak 2 languages. After Graduating from high school her parents wanted her to come back to Japan with her but she wanted to stay in New York as she did, so she moved out and stayed at an apartment in China town, hoping to get far in the future by working part time job as a receptionist, while studying at college for a higher education, she soon realized she couldn't sustain college and work at the same time so unfortunately dropped out half way through her course and started working full time as a receptionist. She's now been working her same position full time for about 3 years but even so she would remain in China town as she found it cheaper to live in compared to other areas.


(PM me or something if you want one either wise I'll won't have any)

I hope this is enough, if not just let me know what areas you want me to work on


Murphy Vala Vasco

Birthday and Age (mid-twenties 23-27):

Dec 26 & 24

Current Job:

Employee at Local deli

Section of the city they live in:

Lower: Little Italy

Highest Education They Have:

As of now she has a high school diploma but is saving to go back to college.


Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Greenish Blue

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 116 lbs

Skin tone: slightly tanned

Misc. (birthmark, scars, tattoos, ect.): A scar down her spine from a childhood surgery.


Positive traits:

Doesn't Know A Stranger



Negative traits:

Hard Headed

Second Guesses Herself

Distracted Easily


-Sometimes she rambles.

-Cuts off Mid-Sentence

-Tips of ears go red when lying.

-If she gets angry she starts speaking in Italian 


Cursive Writing, Takeout Chinese, Water, Succulants, Kickboxing, Coffee


Capital Letters, Lightening, Lizards, Chick Flicks, Running


From what Murphy could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Murphy to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Murphy got the leftovers at only ten years old.With her parents, split Murphy fell into the wrong crowd and at 16 Murphy had gotten pregnant by her late boyfriend. When her father found out he was furious, demanding to know how she let this happen. He refused to let her child into their home, therefore, forcing Murphy to put her child up for adoption.

Murphy's mother offered to pay for her to go to college but Murphy refused, she wasn't going to take money from someone she barely knew. Instead she decided to got to work at her uncles deli, attempting to earn enough so that she could put herself through school.


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My Name? 

Ewan Jackson (Jack) Gillicutti

My Birthday and Age? 

(mid-twenties 23-27):

  • October 21st 
  • With the current age of 25 ("because who wants to be old eh?")

My Current Job? What does it matter?

  • Mechanic, and Auto-body repair at a local sleezy "Car Dealership" named "Pick-Me-Up Auto"

    May or may not be a car runner for said company, depends on who is asking at the time. 

[*]Part-time Bar tender for a local pub " The Sunken Norwegian."

Where I live? Who wants to know?

  • Little Italy, ("it's where people who don't want to be found stay Duh!")

Highest Education? Who actually cares?

  • Completion of High School

    Only because his hands were tied metaphorically and physically.

[*]3 Years of Mechanical & Automotive Trade School,

  • As his parents demanded that he "complete a secondary school" to fill a requirement for his inheritance.

[*]1 Year spent at New York University, with the major of Mechanical Engineering ("Which totally sucked mind you") before dropping out.

  • This was due to a caveat within the inheritance requirement that the secondary schooling be a minimum length of four years.



 My Hair? Like the Color? 

  • Dark brunette hair, to the point where it's closer to a black hue, than a chestnut brown. 
  • Kept short on the sides, but longer on the top, as having long hair in the mechanical business is a killer.... Literally.

My Eyes? Better get used to them looking into yours! 

  • A Mid-Green Hazel.

My Height? Above the belt or Below the belt?

  • 6'0, though he'll argue that he's closer to 6'1. 

My Weight? Big enough to hurt a fellow!

  • Soaking wet in a heavy jacket he may come close to 195, but normally he's ranging around 185-190 pounds. 

My Skin tone? Why Does it matter, it ain't like I'm running for President!

  • A fair western European skin tone.
  • Blush is a really bright red across the cheeks and face
  • If hit or grabbed the skin will quickly turn red. 

My birthmark(s), scars, tattoos, ect. Well lets find out.

  • His body is free from birthmarks, however his right hand has two burn marks where he was "accidentally" burned for not doing as told. 
  • He currently has one tattoo on his right forearm, however is looking to get more ink soon enough.


My Personality. Oh boy here we go now...

My Positive traits. The good things right?

     + Friendly-enough when not focused on a project or job

     + Willing to take anyone up on an offer on a night out

    + Claims he can teach Anyone mechanics for an automotive

    + Can keep a secret better than a deadman.

    + Makes a mean New Orleans Hurricane

My Negative traits. The Reason why we can't have nice things.

     - Careless/Reckless, when having fun

     - Workaholic

     - Loves to pick fights both physically and verbally, when someone who be quiet. 

     - Not afraid to prove someone wrong.

My Behaviors? This won't end well. 

     • Working from sun-up to sun-down, and sometimes even to when the sun comes back up if need be.

     •  Can be found frequently enjoying the bodily endorphin of adrenaline, in the forms of high speed driving, sneaking into high altitude construction                     sites,etc

     • Enjoys staring off either the sky or peoples eyes when thinking/planning or speaking. 

     • While not speaking, he maybe humming a tone, and whispering the vocals to himself.

My Likes/Hobbies. You know the stuff that Make ya all fuzzy inside.

  • Repairing/Working on any form of automotive
  • Listening to music particularly the genres of

    Metal of any kind
  • Old 90's Rap
  • Various types of "Dubstep"/Electronica/Club Music
  • Classical

[*]Being a confirmed addict to all coffees and espressos, especially the ones which rip your face off.

[*]Late night Rides or Drives, especially when it is storming

[*]Secretly has a love for Singing, and playing his Guitar, however if asked he'll staunchly deny it. 

[*]Rain/Heavy storms

My Dislikes. Ya know the stuff that makes you all angry, Duh.

  • Mornings, with the upmost burning passion, as typically they are accompanied with a hangover, and a blazing headache
  • Being shot or shot at in general, Probably a really common dislike, but he is not a fan by any stretch of the imagination.
  • Extremely tight rooms, with no visible exits.
  • Silence, as he believes to be the reason people lose their minds.
  • Country music, Just people saying the same (Insert expletive here)/thing(s) over and over.
  • Getting into fights with those he cares deeply about, he'll swallow my pride, before he ever fights with someone who he care deeply about.

Background (Written in the form from the eyes of Ewan, because creativity that's why!)( Can change if need be, Just wanted to have some fun.)


     The best question of all where do I begin this Sh*t stain of a life, and keep it short, sweet and too the point...Also who actually reads these things anyway? Probably can say I'm from some ritzy high end family who never gave a flying fu... you know where that was going anyways, where is the fun in that? Hmmm, I suppose from the start, Mom, bless her heart, was a good woman. Kind hearted, hard worker, loyal beyond one wildest dreams, and oddly staunch. She worked as a university secretary, under the "Classics, and Linguistics" Department of a local university.  Pop's was a drunkard, abusive, second rate lawyer, he was a... good man i'd say if my tongue wouldn't set fire if I used the words good, father, and Pop's in the same sentence. He was good to his wife, Me however, like a true Irish man beat me senseless. I suppose that molded me to who I am today, that or all the underage drinking I did, one or the other I can't tell anymore. While my father didn't exactly love him, I was his name sake, a boy to carry on the family title, blah blah blah, no body cares anymore.  With that he left me an inheritance, as for some ungodly reason, maybe not so farfetched he believed and lived like he was going to die tomorrow. Every month he and me Mom would deposit half their paychecks into this account, for later in my life when I turned out to be a "Good standing member" of society, want had a "Nice piece of Irish Arm Candy" I wanted to settle down with. However in order to be an utter pain in me rear, he placed these.... Caveats or requirements that had to meet before I could ever think of doing anything with said money. With some of these stupid things being the most absolutely ridiculous things ever placed on an account! Let me give you a run down on some of these.

  • Stay in a healthy, maintained relationship for longer than one year before marriage, must be certified as healthy by a marriage psychologist, and councilor.
  • Complete four years minimum of secondary schooling.
  • Have a steady paying job for more than five years, before access of the account. (Gross Yearly Salary must be greater than $155,000 Per fiscal Year)
  • Must have traveled to five different countries, one being Ireland in order to pay respects, and get marriage blessings from the Family.

     Now maybe I'm the one who is making a big deal out of this, as maybe these seems very standard for the circumstance, but bottom line is my father is a prick, along with other very choice and colorful words. But Let us fast forward to modern day, as I promise you no one cares about the beginning portion of my life, and the modernish time. I suppose this is the part where I talk about myself, I believe it is safe to say this is the portion everyone wants to read then. 

     Anyways as you know I'm Ewan or Jack which ever you wanna call me, and no I don't like being called "Jackie". I currently reside in a little duplex on the southside of little Italy, as honestly It's the side of town no one with a badge and blue uniform wants to be catch dead in especially if they don't speak 20 different languages, good for me honestly. Both my parents are dead, Mom died in a hit and run, Pop's drank his liver into cirrhosis, and no one would give a Drunken lawyer who double cross you over a penny a fresh liver, so he died not too long after. When he was alive, and firmly abusing me, with his drunken breath screaming in my face, I took solace in machines,and engines, particularly motorcycle engines, this took place around the age when I was... 13ish, maybe 14, I can't remember I just know that it was year when I stole my first car... Hey! I know what you're thinking over there... it was totally awesome. Anyways since then I've been working with cars, and anything with an engine since then. However it wasn't until my 16th birthday when I started working as a mechanic, and body repair at Pick Me Up, or as we say... Stick up Auto. You probably don't get the joke, but that's all good! It was also around this time frame when my dad kicked me out of the house, something about not wanting to represent me in court anymore, I was a hassle, Blah blah blah. Not like I ever got caught.. Jumping a little further ahead in life to modern times, I currently live alone, I thought about getting a cat, since they at least don't talk back when you don't bring them home flowers and a ring, and also I hear are pretty smart. As the time stands however All I got is me, myself, and Tera my Motorcycle. What could be better?

My Relationship Status? Someone actually Likes me?


Can PM if Interested.
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Sorry it took so long to get back. Things got weird. Here's the OOC that we can chat about in to discuss possible time skips and possible character interactions. You guys are all accepted. I'm going to post my character soon. We just need a few more people.
Name: Laurel Rossi

Birthday and Age (mid-twenties 23-27): 25 years old, born on October 31st.

Current Job: Waitress at a local Italian restaurant – Little Italy – named after the section of the city it is located in

Section of the city they live in: Little Italy in a studio apartment in the 55th Street Apartment complex.

Highest Education They Have: She has her high school diploma.



(Write a physical description as well as using a realistic picture for look)

Hair: Dark brown almost black

Eyes: hazel (light brownish green combo)

Height: 5’2’’

Weight: 120lbs

Skin tone: pale

Misc. (birthmark, scars, tattoos, ect.):


Positive traits: charismatic, good negotiator, caring,

Negative traits: low self-esteem, short tempered, stubborn

Behaviours: When she’s nervous she becomes really stiff, or she starts to twirl her hair. She has the tendency to snort when she laughs, so she tries not to laugh. While it’s slow in the restaurant, she sings as she’s cleaning.

Skills/Talents: Singing, dancing (jazz, tap, ballet), acting, cleaning, baking, cooking, painting

Likes/Hobbies: Performing, helping others, writing, pepperoni pizza, spicy foods, most music

Dislikes: Rude customers, early mornings (earlier than 8 am), talentless performers who get the part over her, rap country and house music (the junk they play at clubs), people who go clubbing everyday,


Laurel grew up and moved around a lot due to her father’s business. Her mother grew tired of moving and filed for a divorce when Laurel was only ten years old. Her mother won custody of her and they moved to New York. Her father would visit her once a month until she graduated high school. Her father then dropped contact with her. Her mother was a dance teacher until she broke her leg when Laurel was 15. Laurel and her mother struggled during her last years of school. She has been working as a server at Little Italy since we was sixteen years old to help out with the rent. Laurel decided that after high school she would do theatre. She has done multiple off-broadway shows in the company – never scoring a lead yet. She did understudy in a musical called Big Fish, but the show only lasted three months. She made okay money off these shows, but she still struggles to make rent. She hasn’t been in a show in almost two months and is starting to lose some hope in her career.


She has no relationships at the moment. Please message me if you want to be friends or a possible significant other.
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Zack Lakely

Birthday and Age (mid-twenties 23-27):

24 (September 30th)

Current Job:

Delivery Boy

Section of the city they live in:


Highest Education They Have:

Dropped out in 9th grade




Short, scruffy, and brown. Pretty much identical to the picture, it's just easier to manage that way.


Bright green.




210lbs (A bit chunky, but some muscle)

Skin tone:

Tan from running around the city so much, born white

Misc. (birthmark, scars, tattoos, ect.):


Positive traits:

Over all else, he's reliable. He may not be very smart, but if he can get a job done he will get a job done. He's also fiercely loyal to those he's romantically involved with. He's also a smooth talker, has a lot of street smarts, and is a generally nice person.

Negative traits:

Dropping out mid-way through your first year of highschool has its downsides, namely not being very smart. He doesn't read much. He also gets cocky, gambles, and is absent-minded a lot.


He fidgets constantly. He also daydreams a lot. Sometimes at the same time.


He likes: Money, his friends, his mom, and indie music.

He enjoys: Video games, hockey, and making people laugh.


Rich people, judging people, and cockroaches


              Zack was a pretty average kid all around. His growing up was rough. He lives in New York with his mother. Neither of them know where his father is, all they know is that one day he wasn't. It was tragic, but his mother being a working woman still supported the both of them. However, over the years his mother's smoking caught up to her, contracting COPD. By the time he made it to 9th grade she couldn't breath without a very loud and very expensive machine. He dropped out of highschool to work full time at a local Chinese place to pay for his mother's medical bills. She's been stable ever since then, but if his income ever drops it could result in her death. He takes his work extremely seriously because of this.


Message me if you wanna talk, he is not currently in one.

Cameron Montgomery

Cameron Montgomery - New Lives of New York.jpg






13th October



Current Job




Section of the city they live in

Upper West Side


Highest Education They Have

Degree in Photography from NYU







Long and Blonde












Skin Tone

Relatively Pale









Positive Traits


Can handle her liquor

Caring (Under the surface)



Negative Traits


Lacks Self Respect




Bites her lip when she’s nervous









Ballet (Although she won’t admit it)



Her Parents


Feeling Caged

Her Parents




Cameron was meant to be boy. All through her mother’s pregnancy with her the doctors were convinced that she was a he and so her parents signed her birth certificate away within moments of her birth. Unfortunately for her they never bothered to check until hours later whether she was actually a he, which she of course was not. But by then it was too late. She had her name and was the biggest disappointment ever thanks to one tiny chromosome in her DNA. Just great.

She was well raised that’s for sure, by an efficient team of nannies that is, and never wanted for anything. Except of course her parents to be around for more than a few days a year but that was not something that would ever happen especially after they found out that they couldn’t have any more children. They were always away on some business trip or other to do with her father’s many companies and sometimes they were just plain avoiding her and everyone knew it. Cameron was sent to all the right schools and had all the right friends. Money wasn’t an issue so she always had the latest gear, the best clothes and threw amazing parties. She was the perfect high society daughter but she would never be enough because she wasn’t a son.

They only time she did anything else wrong was when she went to college but her parents still didn’t even bother to come home, they just had an angry skype call with her but it was too late to do anything anyway. Cameron had decided to go to NYU to study photography, much to their dismay but oh well, she had nothing to lose.

Now out of college she’s trying to work out what to do next.





(Feel free to PM me)
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Ellis Maverick






February 2nd, 1992

Current Job:

Photographer and part time model

Section of the city they live in:

Upper West Side

Highest Education They Have:

Bachelors Degree in the Arts from Julliard.



Originally had brown hair but has dyed it black for the time being







Skin tone:



Has a splash of freckles across her nose but wears foundation when modeling to make skin appear smooth.

Small tattoo of a camera on the inside of her left wrist.



Positive traits:




Negative traits:



Control freak

Might seem emotionless at times


Runs hand through hair when stressed out, constantly worried things are out of order although she has mastered the art of hiding her anxiety.



Art museums


Beautiful people


Soft sheets





Bad smells



Dresses (for herself)


Growing up in a Christian household had its upsides.  The Sunday church service Ellis would attend with her family always had the best snacks and drinks, and the girls were always so pretty in their dresses and fancy hairstyles.  But growing up in a religious household also had its downsides.  The constant fights over her sexuality would leave her throat raw and her pillow wet.  Her refusal to wear dresses to social events and church service would leave her with an empty stomach and a bruise on her cheek more than once a week.  It was hard to live under a roof where she was not accepted until one day decided she did the unthinkable.

She cut all her hair off.

It took her 18 years to finally accept who she was and act on it.  She was forced to leave her home town, her parents disowning her soon after.  Although she had so much chaos in her life she managed to find her calling in art and continued to go to school for it, never letting her family take that away from her.  She moved to New York to escape the judgement of the people around her and found a place to call her own. 



(Message if interested)

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