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Fandom The New Kings: A K Project/K RP




1. Don't be in trouble every turn

2. If you are not in your region then you are bound to get trouble

3. No one liners

4. No OP characters (except for kings because lets face it, kings are very overpowered, in a battle with kings it should be = this way.

5. Have fun​
Kai was sitting in the Black Clan ' s base, looking around at his Clansman, getting worried a little for the ones that have not showed up yet. He hummed a funeral march, awaiting their arrival. He used his aura as a cane tapping the ground, if they don't come today at the base. He would considered them in trouble or dead, Kai then finalizing his plan, put it in place as they already came and he just did not see them. Why was it so hard to figure out who is here and who is in trouble. He said thinking about the war between the clans and kings, rivalries always happen. He just hoped his clan was not going to be part of that, although a recruit may say differently, thinking back to one of his clansmen who had ties with the Green clan.

(I know its short, but I am not really good with starters)
Evan was reluctantly looking at his watch, while standing on the side of a building, his green aura was showing all around. As he looked up and back at his watch, he hopped off the building, using his black aura like a board, except that he was riding it in mid air. As he got closer to the black clans base, he lowered for his air board and descended down to the door, dissipating his black aura and entering. "Wazzup!!! Just doing my usual meditating." He spoke to Kai, the Black King. "Oh hey!! Everyone is here! What are we going to do today?" Evan was sure something was going on, just s few minutes ago, Kai was humming a funeral song while holding a Black Aura Cane. Evan's black aura showed up, it formed into a chair and he sat down, waiting for a potential speech or really anything.

(Same as @Unknown Sanity I suck at starters. Coming from my sucky iPhone 5c.)
"Oi, oi! Don't start without us!" Kogane bustled into the dim room. The blond's eyes darted around the room after he entered. After he deemed everything suitable, a familiar grin settled onto his face, and he leaned back on his heels. His hands were in his pockets, as he looked to the other clansmen. He glanced along those who were in the room, and his eyebrows raised curiously. "That guy isn't here, though. Kuromori." He grumbled the name out in a ridiculing manner, as though saying caused him to taste a bitterness in his mouth. His ego tended to clash with Kuromori's snider and sardonic nature. "Guess he couldn't be bothered to show up." The blond stated, a smirk coming onto his features.

Kin strode in behind him, a couple of moments later. The red-eyed blond also looked around the room, but in a more relaxed way. He lacked the urgency that Kogane had felt at first. Upon hearing Kogane's scathing remark about Kuromari, he turned to his brother with a crueler smile.

"You shouldn't talk bad behind his back." Kin stated in a factual manner, moving past Kogane in order to sit on a nearby chair. The room had multiple chairs. Some were recliners, others rocking chairs, some even folding chairs. At times, the Black Clan took whatever they could get. Despite Kai's presence, not many clan members were actually in the room. Most of them were probably patrolling, or out doing something. Kin grinned wryly, knowing that Kuromori was probably causing some trouble in the city. The blonde's expression changed as he sighed and stretched. "Sitting here and doing nothing is kind of boring." He admitted in an amused tone. His sharp, red eyes flickered over to Kai's sitting form. "What's happening, leader?"

Kogane frowned as his brother scolded him, but remained silent for the time being and leaned against the back wall, close to his brother's chair.


The season was slowly turning warmer, which Ringo fully acknowledged as he made his way around the vast city. Shizume City was indeed a diverse and hustling area. Every face was unique. The clans that inhabited it were no exception. As the leader of the Blue Clan, he was one who often needed to at least try to keep the others in line. Yet, managing the entire city was rather difficult for only one clan to manage. Battles always had the potential to become deadly, which they often did. As of late, the clans were becoming more and more restless. And even though he had his own clan keep their distance, he was almost sure that a war was to break out soon. Being the king was certainly a difficult job. His free time had become more and more limited as more fights broke out between rivaling clans. Someone was always up to something illegal... Therefore, it was mostly up to him to put the criminals down, and teach them their place. Not every law breaker could be apprehended. There were so many clan members that it took an extended amount of time to compile data on them all. The Blue Clan had an extensive reach over all data, including birch certificates, drivers licenses and anything akin to it.

Ringo moved down the busy street, his sunglasses blocking out the harsh sunlight. It was a pity that it had not rained today. He momentarily moved his gaze skyward. There was not a single cloud in the sky, and there were none on the horizon either. The Blue King shoved his hands into his pockets, continuing down the avenue as cars halted at a red light, and people continued to come and go... No one paused to notice one another. Everyone was always wrapped up in their own world and communications. At times, Ringo enjoyed stepping back fully in order to observe others, even including his own clansmen at times. He tried to get to know each and every one of them. But his amount of work could at times get in the way of that. Most of the time, he attempted to greet his clansmen whenever they began to work for the day. From what he knew, most of them were loyal and diligent people. Although new recruits were always clumsier and overwhelmed than members who had been in the clan's ranks for awhile. The light on the street turned green, and once again the cars started moving...
Reminda was walking home after buying a few things she needed for dinner that night. She would go to the office after that to see if there was anything the Blue King needed her to do at the moment. She could tell that the recent fights were getting to him as well as the other classmen, and she wanted to help, but she wouldn't do anything without being ordered to. She shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts...it wasn't like her...
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Kai looked at the black and green joker, Speak of the Devil, He thought as he felt like the worst is happening right now, well it wasn't all his fault although it is primary is. He tapped the cane looking at Evan. "Stop with the jokes Evan." He said sighing, he did betray his last clan he was a little worried that he would himself leave his. When inside he was followed by some more clansmen, "Good, a few minutes later I would presume you dead." He said slightly coldly at the two siblings, Kogane and Kin, agreeing with Kin greatly, Kuromori was a loyal clansman, even if he was a little bit of a smart-aleck he was a good person to have on your side. "Preparing for war, tensions have increased with now a new set of kings, inculding the wild card Colorless King, I don't want us to be part of this fight, but if reason permits we will join this war and most likely will." Again with his downer non-optimistic tone towards the group, however that was not new to most of them.

(The colorless King will post tomorrow, I am going to sleep :P thought to at least post one king)
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(I'm gonna have to go to sleep. Bye Bye Laugo, Laugo say Bye Bye. I have no Idea what this just meant.)
Kogane listened to Kai's orders with a small frown. If they weren't going to be apart of the conflict, were they just going to sit around and watch? Kogane had a feeling that they would be drawn into combat anyways. Regardless of how they tried to avoid it, once two clans were fighting, the others tended to get involved. The Colorless Clan had a legacy of having insane, deranged and otherwise fucked up leaders. So it was no surprise to him that Kai was warning them to stay away from the current Colorless Clan leader. While the blonde wasn't enthusiastic about staying out of the upcoming war, maybe he could watch what was happening. They would most likely end up getting dragged into the conflict no matter what they tried. So Kogane knew that they had to be ready to fight. The young, heterochromic blonde looked over at his leader with definite interest. Any upcoming war would be utterly intense. Battles had started to become more and more intense lately, as well.

"It'll be good for us to just watch them rip each other apart at first." Kin stated, fiddling with the buttons on one of his shirt's sleeves. He continued speaking in a relaxed tone. "Since the Colorless Clan will most likely be the one to start the war, so once they're weakened, then we can come in and deliver the final blow. If the war lasts for a long time, then the other clans will be worn out... But we won't be if we stay out of it as long as we can." The red-eyed blonde turned his gaze back to his leader, an eager smirk coming onto his face. "They'll probably see it coming. But that won't matter, because it'll be too late." He hummed, leaning back in his seat.
Reminda was almost home when she saw Ringo, her Clan's King, and felt herself smile a bit. He was one of the few people she could trust. Maybe she could ask him before she headed home. She crossed the street and walked up to him. "Hello King Ringo." She said with a small bow of her head. "How are you doing today?" She asked, her face showing no emotion as she did so.

|| Kai Shinna - The Black King||

"Yes Kin, however what if when they come back, I hate to admit it but all clans have some rebound including our own. Even then the Gold King and the Colorless King would prove a challenge due to his ability and the Gold King is quite powerful by himself, " He said looking back up to Kin, his plan was good but ultimately had flaws like many other plans, "We would have to close our eyes or try not to get bothered by the Colorless King so he can't take over." He said towards the group, "With the Blue, Red, and Green clan that would work. And goes without saying that the Sliver Clan and King will never be part of this." Kai looks at the group, as he sits back down making the cane disappear, making it back into his aura. "So Kin is having the right idea, we just need to make sure we don't let them rise up again when we take charge. In the case that happened we would be the most hated clan, minus the Colorless Clan" He said, glancing at the group. "Who wants to go forward with this plan, write your name and put it in the box." He said simply towards them. He was not going to put his own card in if he was going with the plan until everyone else has put it in. Now where is Kuromori....He thought with slight worry.​

||Kaze Kyoto - The Colorless King||

Kaze rather enjoyed his few moments of sanity he had in a day, "Hello there Tukiko." He said waving at the clanswoman, even he noticed the tension between the clans, and he was insane. So people who don't know are blind or stupid. "Should we attack and break the ice?" He said to nobody in particular. "Yes, let's go with the strongest first." He said when he switched to someone else. "No let's go with one of the Clansmen." Finally regaining his sanity once more, he blinked twice. "Can I say one thing, this sucks." He said looking at Tukiko talking about him switching. He then started to list out where should he attack first.


|| Evan Zhujiao - Bishop ||

"Well, since I never listened, I'm just going to participate." Evan said, grabbing a card and a pencil, starting to write down his name. Finishing it, he folds it and places it in the box. "That's done. And why are we only thinking about the Colorless King beginning war? It could be any King or Clansmen that starts it." Evan was more than satisfied by his very lame and tired speech, of course he never listens but he tries to keep himself close to the speaker. His Black Aura appeared again, forming a chair, he sat down and waited for a speech or announcement. In the meantime he had time to do something, so he just thought, War, that's going to be a story to tell. He thought, crossing his legs, yet again waiting for an announcement or speech.

Kin & Kagome

Twin Devils

"If you think that the other clans will start a war before the Colorless Clan does, then I believe that you're very out of the loop." Kin laced his fingers together on his lap, and stated in an airy and pleasant tone at first, but placed emphasis on the second half of the sentence. There wasn't really too much hostility in his voice. The red-eyed brother didn't even glance back to see Evan's reaction. What he had said was true. The Colorless Clan had a reputation for starting fights and wars. Their new king was just another addition to their blood-stained legacy. The Colorless Clan had turned rotten as of late, and Kin doubted that they would be changing their ways anytime soon.

"It's usually kings that decree war anyways." Kogane added, staring up at the ceiling in a bored manner. "Clansmen of the Red Clan tend to be rowdier. But the Golds and Blues have sticks up their asses and are the least likely to start any fights. The blonde gave a sneering grin. "Those Blues probably think themselves as too good to even bother with us." He said in an airy and lackadaisical way. He opened his mouth to speak again, getting a little ahead of himself, but was silenced by a weary look from his brother. Kogane closed his mouth and contemplated on what to say next. "Anyways--the Greens are sly and are really sneaky. So they could start something up. But the Colorless Clan is crazy, from their leader right down to the lowest subordinate."

"In addition to that, the Black is the clan that they all know the least about." Kin picked up from Kogane's statements. "They're all familiar with each other. Blue, Red, Gold and Green usually know each others' fighters and leaders better. But we're the odd ones out. They probably have dug up more about the Colorless Clan than they have about us." Kin's voice was nonchalant, a stark comparison to his severe point. "They're most likely wary of us. We don't have any bones to pick with them yet."



The Blue King

Ringo was caught by surprise as Reminda walked up to him. Perhaps he hadn't of expected to run into a clansman today. But that didn't mean that he was disappointed or displeased about that. Often, he met clansmen when they were off-duty on the streets. He was extensively close to only a few of the other clansmen. He did know that he should at least try to bond more with those who were of lower ranking. Yet, there were so many clansmen that he hardly had the time these days. His work was piling up. He did also patrol at times, but during working hours, it had become somewhat rare for him to leave his office. He wasn't someone who liked the paperwork that piled on his desk, but he knew that it was a necessary evil.

"Hello, Reminda." A charming smile graced his features as he looked down at her. He was glad that his clansmen did care about him outside of work duties. "I'm doing fine. Although I probably should be heading back to the base soon." He noted with a small nod. "How does the day find you?" He questioned, wanting to see how she was and maybe what she was up to. She had off about now.



The Gulliotine Woman

Her eyes looked to him with a sharp intensity as he entered the dimly-lit room. Kaze greeted her pleasantly, but she remained silent. They desperately needed to plan their attacks on the other clans. The time for war was approaching. It was so close that she could taste the blood in her mouth and feel the slick, sticky scarlet on her hands. Inside of her pockets and jacket was an assortment of needles. Back in her room, various jars and vials containing chemicals, some toxic and some not, were lined on the shelves. Tukiko looked to him as he began to switch personalities repetitively. She simply waited for him to be silent, as she wouldn't really want to interrupt him while he was speaking. He spoke quickly and erratically one moment, while soothing and quiet the next.

"Alliance." She whispered quietly, eyes wide. "King, would the Green Clan ally with us? We are but a small clan in comparison to the rest..." Her voice was quiet and tender, but she looked over him with interest. It was for the most part true. The Colorless Clan really didn't have enough members to fight off every other clan. Spies were certainly another suggestion she could have made, but who would be willing to spy for the Colorless Clan, anyways?
Reminda nodded again, her face still stoic. "I was heading home to put the things I bought away and then I planned on going to the office to see if you needed anything." She said, adjusting the bags she was holding. It was getting kind of heavy but she didn't show it. She was just hoping she would be of some help to her king.

|| Evan Zhujiao - Bishop ||

Evan was trying to understand what they just said, he did understand a few things but they were quite vague. "So what you're saying is that we should wait for all the clans to be tired out and than we fight, but I think you're whole time of talking was about the Colorless King. I just don't see him as a insane killer, more like a 'I'll kill a clansman for no reason.' I think insane killer is pretty much the same." Evan got up from his chair, starting to stretch his arms and legs, trying to get a better attention span. "Anyways, what is this job or thing that I just participated for? I have no idea what it is so I kind what to know quickly before anything goes wrong and in the job I might attack a clansman or a innocent person for
reasons." Evan sat back down on his chair, waiting for something from Kai, like always, Evan was waiting for a response. "And if we were going into war, what's the strategy or plan? Rush in or sneak quietly, I think sneak quietly is the best option for us, but still, I have no idea what our next plan is." Evan finished.

||Kai Shinna - The Black King ||

Kai gave a nod towards the the two twins, although he did raise a brow when they reached the part of the Blue and Gold have Quote "Sticks up their asses" Unquote. He then looked at Evan now confused himself, "You said you dont see him as a insane killer, and called him close to one. Anything close to an insane killer is bad isn't it." he said sighing looking up to him again, "Well you kind of just signed up for attacking every clan when they are recovering from the war, " Looking at Evan as he thought killing a clansman or a innocent was probably going to happen nevertheless. "If we need to go into war, if laying low wouldn't work, then we will silently kill off clans one by one." He said towards Evan wishing he would pay attention more often and have a longer attention span.

||Kaze Kyoto - The Colorless King||

Kaze gave a nod towards the clanswoman, "That could work, they always love their deals don't they." he said to Tukiko with agreement in his voice, "No we can go it ourselves." He said against himself, "Yeah right," He scoffed against the other personality. "Well then lets join with the Green Queen for now, then I'll try to take her over." He said to Tukiko, that was not under him to betray a ally, heck nothing was below him. "Fine with you," He said to both of them, "Hmp fine." when his switch agreed he looked at the diminished clan composed of exactly one member other than himself, probably the lowest population of people in a clan.

|| Evan Zhujiao - Bishop ||

"Please stop explaining things, my brain is hurting!" Evan was exaggerating, it does hurt to think hard enough on what a person said before for himself. "So basically I'm going to attack every clan after the war while they're still recovering? Sounds fun. And if our sneaky tactics don't work, we kill off each clan one by one. Wow, that's a pretty good established plan, anyways, has war started already. I mean we're talking about plans after the war, that's pretty extreme. But whatever." Evan again got up from his chair, stretched and than sat down again for the amount of reasons he doesn't need to state. He grabs his PDA, and starts looking through the recent newspapers, he needed at least one source of information he can rely on.


Kin & Kagone

Twin Devils

Kin and Kogane seemed to have the same reaction to Ethan's complaining.

What a moron.

Regardless, the two didn't directly verbally attack him. Rather, Kogane settled for crossing his arms and looking all around the room in an utterly bored manner. Kin gave a small sigh.

"Anything near an insane killer probably isn't safe, in case you don't have common sense." Kin stated. Kogane was always the one whose insults were more direct and worded in a more hostile manner, while Kin remained stable and at times, people he was insulting didn't even know that they were being insulted. "If you're asking me, we should definitely be lying low. Nothing good is going to come out of rushing into conflict." He heard Kai's idea and raised his eyebrows.

Easier said than done. Kogane thought in a scornful way about the king's words, but otherwise said nothing of the sort. Kin was the one who spoke up about the Black King's idea.

"It's easier said than done."
Kin's voice was solemn, not scornful like Kogane's would have been. "When one clan is wiped out, the others are bound to notice."

"Especially if we take out the Reds first." Kogane sneered. "They're so loudmouthed that everyone would definitely notice. But the Greens have a new King. She's the youngest out of all the kings, so maybe they would make for an easy target." Kogane pitched his idea. "She probably doesn't have much experience with being a King yet."



Blue King

"That's incredibly thoughtful of you." Ringo remarked to Reminda, not in a scornful or surprised way. Rather, he seemed very pleasant about the way he spoke, smiling down at her. He did notice how her shoulders slumped, and how heavy the bags she was holding seemed to be. She was a person who didn't really think about her own well-being, but perhaps thought about the well-being of her allies instead. Ringo didn't want her to carry the bags alone. "The bags you're carrying seem to be giving you trouble. Why don't you let me carry them for you?" He inquired, hoping that she wouldn't refuse and shoulder the heavy burden alone. He didn't think that it would be wise of her to refuse his offer, but it wasn't like it would damage his opinion of her or anything.



The Guillotine Woman

"We are both incredibly strong, but won't be able to smother out the other clans without any help." Tukiko seemed displeased at the idea of it, but it was true. At her King's refusal, she nodded. She felt inwardly giddy that he had accepted her idea. She hopped eagerly out of her seat, the beginning of an appreciative smile forming on her face. She was delighted that he had taken her advice. She made her way over to the nearby door of their base and twisted the doorknob, opening it slightly. Yet, she looked back to Kaze, hoping that he would be following her. Or had she been too eager?

"The Green Queen is incredibly young to be a queen." She informed the Colorless King in a factual manner. "However, from what I know, she's one of the more powerful ones." Tukiko seemed to ponder on something for a second, her hand still on the doorknob. "She probably won't be very hard to persuade. Since so many have looked down on her, maybe she'll be desperate to prove herself?"

Reminda looked at him, her shock showing. She wanted to say no, that she had it, but she didn't want to seem rude. After thinking about it, she gave a small nod and handed him a bag. "Thank you." She said, her face going back to her stoic appearance. She didn't want to seem too off, even if it was a rare thing in her life for someone to offer to help her.
~Semito Yuhira~

Semito looked down from the high building and grinned. She deserved a break like this. No yelling, no commands, just the wind and the sky. Semi closed her eyes as the rough wind blew through her blonde hair and her jacket. She leaned forward and stopped herself by grabbing the rail, at the last second. She laughed and jumped back onto the roof. Suddenly he phone rung and she pulled it out. Semi then said into the phone, "This is Semito." After a minute, Semi frowned and groaned. "We have a meeting now?", she asked with an annoyed tone. She then hung up and put the phone back in her pocket. She walked to the stair doors but then stopped. She turned and blew a kiss to the edge. "I'll be back soon." She then opened the door and ran down the stairs.

When Semi finally reached the bottom, she ran out of the doors and hopped onto her red motorcycle. She started it up and drove down the street. She wondered why they were having a meeting so soon.

|| Kai Shinna - The Black King||

He sighed at Evan, he knew that he was joking around, but still did not seen to make anyone laugh. Kai knew his plan was a long shot, but that was only if they were involved in war, and then he frowned a little, looking over at Evan not sure if he wanted to put him in that position, when they were talking about attacking the Green Clan. He knew he had to most likely if staying low for now did not work, they would probably try to attack the Green Clan and Green Queen.

|| Kaze Kyoto - The Colorless King | |

Kaze gave a raised eyebrow at that, but his other side gave a accepting nod, when she was talking about both of them being incredibly strong. He noticed her eagerness, "Calm down a little, or you may leave your own guard down." He said towards the Clanswoman. Kaze walked towards the door with Tukiko, listening to the information about the newest Green King, or Queen rather. "Prehaps, but always expect the unexpected." He said to her, just in case the Green Queen was not as desperate they thought she was

|| Evan Zhujiao - Bishop ||

"Well... I barely listened to whatever you three were talking about, I did hear something about a crazy person or anything else. I'm glad taking up that position, I would love~ to harm a few reds or blues, maybe both, at the same time.. Yay." Evan was quite confused on everyone's responses, it made Evan feel like an idiot and an outcast, simply because he is half Green and half Black, but it was just a calm enough strategy. "So, when lying low fails, we attack the Green Queen and silence her so that she doesn't tell any other clan that she was attacked or we simply attack her and silence her because she might tell other Kings and Clansman? Wow, that's a lot. But seriously! I'm confused." As Evan was being his boring self, he again, started looking down at his PDA, looking through the news and other articles. "Do you guys have a PDA? I still have to go to school, so I just kinda collected one of these and now I can see the new news, okay."



The Guillotine Woman

@Unknown Sanity

Tukiko eyed Kaze with interest as he approached. Her spirits were not dulled by his commentary, and she was still utterly sure that the Green King would indeed accept their offer. The Green Clan did have more members, but the King was new and inexperienced, leaving an easy opening for alliances. If they were lucky, they could maybe influence and persuade the Green King into agreeing with their beliefs as well. However, Tukiko had only caught a glimpse of the Green King once, and had never truthfully interacted with her. This endeavor would be rather dangerous if the Green King saw through them. But what was there to see through? They needed help and they would be completely honest with her, right? Well, maybe not completely.

Tukiko opened the door and stepped outside. She waited for Kaze to approach, before shutting the door behind him. After that, she flounced down the street, ready to go to the Green Clan's base. She was excited to get an ally, but made sure to keep her emotions low-key in order to avoid suspicion. The Green King was no fool, contrary to what others might actually believe...



The Blue King


She seemed slightly displeased, for whatever reason. But Ringo really didn't have the intent to let her shoulder the weight alone when he could be helping out. There was absolutely no reason for her to be carrying all of the bags. Maybe she just didn't like depending on others. Ringo wasn't completely sure, but he would be helping her. There was no need for her to fuss.

"Just lead the way." Ringo stated calmly. The bags would most likely be going to her flat or apartment, right? He actually wasn't too concerned, and had no issue with assisting her.


Kin & Kagone

Twin Devils


Kagone was about to verbally insult and demean Evan again, but was stopped as Kin spared him a sideways glance. The heterochromic brother shut his mouth, but did give a stubborn sigh. Kin smiled slightly, turning to the Black King again.

"So... Is this meeting over?" Kagone snorted in an un-amused fashion. He really didn't want to be stuck here for the time being, and was growing perhaps just a tiny bit impatient. For once, Kin didn't tell him to quiet down. Kin didn't really have anything else to do but plan for the war, while Kagone was probably going to go off scouring for girls to pick up, or something along those lines.



Black Serpent

@Andrea Logan

Sneering eyes eagerly watched Semito as she moved to depart from her current location. Kuromori, being the ever-bored young man he was, had chosen to start a fight of all things, in the middle of the street. Many called him a troublesome child. But he digressed. He was on one of the lower rooftops, striding along as she started to drive on her motorcycle. With a simple flicker of his hand, several, black crates appeared in her pathway, when she was just in front of them, giving her almost no time to react. He was intent on stopping her. He was also intent on being amused as well.

Reminda nodded and started walking again. She didn't know how she felt knowing her Clan King was coming over, even if it wasn't for very long. She hadn't let anyone over since the accident since it hurt too much to explain, but she could trust him, couldn't she? She slightly shook her head to clear it of such thoughts and crossed the street. She could see the average sized house she lived in and stiffened a bit. This could go either really good or really bad, and she wasn't sure of which to expect. "We're almost there, so I can take it back now. I wouldn't want to trouble you anymore than I already have." She said as her last, and really only, attempt to stop him from coming over.

@Pastel Yosuke

||Kai Shiina- The Black King||

"Attack her." Kai gave the once Green Clansman a answer, sighing as he brought up the PDA, old habits never fade, refering to the Green Clansmen powers and how the correlate to the technology that was coming out, "Yeah sure collected," He said rolling his eyes, "And sure." He did not mind what his clansmen do as long it did not involved them being in trouble or moderately in danger. "This meeting is over, all we can do now is wait," He then calculated what they were going to do if one-half of the clansmen quit or die, he frowned at the idea, shaking his head, but it was not below the colorless or any other clans to do.

||Kaze Kyoto- The Colorless King||

This was one of the moments he wished he could have took a Black Clansman power to cloak himself, as he walked around nonchalantly down the road, sighing again at the clanswoman eagerness, forcing the other side of him down until this trip was over, so he would not break his own cover. He would have to walk a little faster when Tukiko started to move faster along the road. He look around the area, so peaceful he thought. Not knowing the delightful chaos that was being created Kuromori. He looked up at the Green Clans base, giving a simple knock.
~Semito Yuhira~

Semito quickly tried to stop the motorcycle when she saw the crates appear in front of her. The motorcycle rammed into the crates and flipped it over. Semi quickly tried to jump off but didn't make it in time. She shook her head and realized she was on the road pinned under the bike, with bruises and scratches all over her body.

"What the...?"

She slowly slid the bike off of her and winced at the pain in her ankle. She must have broken or sprained it. She used the bike as support to pull up and stand on her good leg. She looked around and reached for her belt. She knew that was no accident.

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