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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

Rose jumped when she heard Alister's voice. She giggled lightly, her singing voice went into a hush and she smiled up at him. "Nothing really... What about you?" She asked with a sweet, bright smile. Rose was happyish. She was glad someone she knew was there.

Ren rubbed his temples as he thought

"I like tea... And cookies... Oh oh oh macaroons are one of my favorites!" he said counting off all the sweet foods he had loved

Ash laughed, "Besides sweet foods what do you love?" She had grabbed a cart, and walked with him while he talked, throwing ingredients in the cart for macaroons. Since he already had tea,

Ren smiled holding on carefully to Ash.

"Uhhh... Bread? Bread isnt sweet... Oh I like bread with honey!" he said again going on about sweet foods again.

Ash laughed, she was glad he was fond of something... almost everything sweet. "What do you NOT like?" She asks putting some bread in the cart, walking down each and every isle for a lot of the stuff he liked.

Ren thought about what Ash said for a minute.

"Uhhhh. whats the opposite of sweet?" he asked. He was thinking so hard that he stumbled for a little bit, he grabbed onto Ash's arm and stabled himself, "Sorry... I guess I don't like spicy things?"

He took a quick sniff of the things Ash had gotten, "what did you get? It smells nice" he commented


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