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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

Vali Ulfr

The Battle Slain Wolf
A new neighborhood was built with new houses and a school.Many people have already started moving in. the city has discussed to make this a great and amazing neighborhood.
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After Alister had finished moving the boxes from the truck he had to put all his stuff away "this place seems nice" Alister thought. When Alister finished his family had to go do something while he would be left at the house. while they were gone Alister took his brother's guitar and looked around for anyone. "no one, good" he started singing


his singing echo's across and next to his houses

when he finishes Alister says "hope no one heard" walks back inside
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Aster had moved into the neighborhood a few days ago. Her mother immediately got a job at the local hospital, leaving her all alone. She sat inside with her ukulele in hand, just about to start playing when she heard someone playing the guitar and singing. He came from the house next door, and she only heard him because her window was open. With curiosity, Aster exitted her house and went to the house where the voice came from, since there wasn't anyone outside anymore, she decided to knock on the door. She held her ukulele in her hand, and wore a smile, waiting for someone to answer. @FrostRaven
Alister walk to the door and opened it "hi can i help you?" Alister said as he controlled one of his robots

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"Hey, I heard music coming from around here? Was that you?" She asked, while looking at the robot that he controlled, curiously. "It sounded really good," Aster added.
embarrassed Alister stopped controlling the robot and said" y-you heard? t-thanks i-i guess. w-whats your name? mines Alister"

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Aster nodded. "No problem. I'm Aster. Y'know if you're into music, I bet we could collaborate some time." She stated, smiling at his shyness. "You're new around here, too?" Aster said.
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"ok I will come over sometime" Alister set down his remote then adjusted his glasses "but uhh yea got here yesterday but our boxes were late"

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Aubrey was just walking around her house and she thought for a second she saw a guy she knew before and they had lost contact quite a while back. She honestly saw him the other day but she has been trying to build up the guts to actually go talk to him again and then she heard him singing a little while back and that's when she knew it was actually him and not a figment of her imagination. Aubrey ended up walking out of the door with her typical headphones around her neck. She walked across the street and saw his door to his house was open. "Alister, long time,no see" she says smiling. He used to be her best friend before she moved away and lost all contact with him.

@FrostRaven @RedLikeRoses
turns to Aubrey "well i can't believe my eyes, i think I'm seeing ghosts" laughs "it has been a long time hasn't it"
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"It definitely has been a very long time. And you have definitely sprouted up from how many years ago?" She says and laughs slightly. She walks a little closer to him. "Am I aloud to hug you or is that still against the rules?" She asks before waving to the other girl that was there.

@FrostRaven @RedLikeRoses
Angelo laid in his bed trying to sleep the day away as always, and he was well on his way into dreamland until his accursed neighbors began playing that god damn ukulele of hers, which wasn't too bad, he could easily ignore it, but then she began singing and enough was enough he stood up from his bed and walked over to the window opened it "STOP WITH THE F***ING RACKET!!! SOME PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!" he shouted out the window

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"yes you can hug me Aubrey we were kids then so all that nonsense is gone" walks up to her and hugs her. When he was done he turned to Aster "oh I'm sorry Aster this is Aubrey an old friend of mine"

@ScarlettRose16 @RedLikeRoses
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She heard the guy tell. "Sir it is the freaking middle of the day!" She yells back. She turned to Alister and hugs him back probably a little too long before letting go and turning to the girl. "Hey, sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner." She says with a smile. "Wow you are not the needy kid I remember" she says joking around with him just a bit.

@FrostRaven @RedLikeRoses @billthesomething
ScarlettRose16 said:
She heard the guy tell. "Sir it is the freaking middle of the day!" She yells back. She turned to Alister and hugs him back probably a little too long before letting go and turning to the girl. "Hey, sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner." She says with a smile. "Wow you are not the needy kid I remember" she says joking around with him just a bit.
@FrostRaven @RedLikeRoses @billthesomething
"I don't f**king care!, I was soundly sleeping until you lot, started making noise! Also Don't call me sir! am only Twenty!" He said before slamming the window down hard enough to break the glass "MOTHERF**KER, GOD DAMN IT!" Angelo shouted witnessing the state of his window
billthesomething said:
"I don't f**king care!, I was soundly sleeping until you lot, started making noise! Also Don't call me sir! am only Twenty!" He said before slamming the window down hard enough to break the glass "MOTHERF**KER, GOD DAMN IT!" Angelo shouted witnessing the state of his window
I'd jump out of daze, pausing my minecraft. Walking outside, I'd notice the broken glass. "Hey, you Okay dude?" @billthesomething
Otakubeats said:
I'd jump out of daze, pausing my minecraft. Walking outside, I'd notice the broken glass. "Hey, you Okay dude?" @billthesomething
"Okay do i look okay to you, i just Broke my god damn f**king window" he shouted at the boy, "and now i need to replace it!" Angelo threw on a shirt and then put on his coat. and stepped outside "I Just wanted to sleep today, is that too much to f**king ask for?"
I'd flinch, a bit surprised since I had only meant to ask if h'd gotten hurt. Deciding it best to stay quiet, I went back into the house where my parents had left me alone. After closing the door and forgetting to lock it I'd go back into my bedroom pulling back up minecraft.
"Uh.. Actually, you know what, it's okay. You guys obviously have stuff to catch up on." Aster replied to the two, shrugging. "I'll see you guys around, I guess." With that, Aster turned around and walked back to her house, thinking about what else she could do for the rest of the day.
Aubrey sighs before turning to Alister. "Am I a scary person or something?" She says slightly confused at why the girl walked away but she was fine with being able to catch up with her best friend.

I'd leave the house, my headphones on as I went to walk down the block. I had only gone a few steps when an older kid came, shoving me into the road onto my back.
After Aster left Alister told Aubrey about the things that have happened since she left "After my brother left for the army i started advancing in tech so I'm like the family genius." Just after he said that a beeping went off " huh." Alister turned and ran for the device " it works" Alister turned and started tapping back and it made more beeping noises.
She laughed slightly. "Not much has been going on with me, I've just been moving from house to house, parents are still not all that pleasant to be around but I don't know if you remember that" she says dryly laughing. "I've picked up the guitar, and your singing is amazing" she says leaving out the part about her singing.

Alister turns away from the device "hey you know our family is always here for you, if you need to sleep in our house you can I can sleep In my brothers room and you could sleep in mine, or my sister could move to my brothers and you can sleep in hers if that makes you comfortable, that way your in a girls room"

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