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Nation Building The Nations of Ederyon Rebooted - Neutral Characters


U-Incorporated 2nd Class Type Unit

Nations of Ederyon


The beings listed here will act as NPCs for the duration of this RP, they are unaligned with Player governments and will either be made up of hostile wildlife or enemy Races with which players may interact with.

The Lokian Order


Large, physically imposing and telekinetic by nature, the Lokians are an order of religious Zealots which often times interfere with the workings of various nations in the name of their gods. They have often used dark magic, rituals and brews to control the minds of vicious wildlife and even kidnap members of opposing races and bend their minds against those they previously called brethren. Though their hierarchy and end goal has always been shrouded in mystery due to their complete lack of communication with other races and immediate hostility, The Lokian Order's Convents have the tendency to pop up randomly within various nations, cause vast amounts of harm to nearby areas over time before finally being put down and replaced some time later elsewhere.


The Lokians themselves are very large, raising several feet above most races, with this comes their obvious strength, allowing them to wield massive weapons that would crush the bones of average beings. However, only the more forward of their attackers tend to use their brute strength, while the actual priests and scholars of the Lokian Order tend to use a weapon exclusive mainly to the Telekinetic inclined: Edged shields. Unlike bladed shields which tend to be used for stabbing as well as defending, the Edged shields of the Lokian Scions are meant to be hovered around the user and then swung forward in slicing motions with a large area of effect around the wielder. Though the Scions prefer their edged shiedls, there have been instances of High Lokian Priests using staffs and even wands to channel powerful magic.


Despite these traits, the Lokian Order has never actually joined its forces together, preferring instead to conduct their dark arts in secret for as long as possible mainly by using resources and the inhabitants of the Nations before setting up perimeters and using their enslaved forces as shields for as long possible before finally being overtaken over time. It is said that every nation has large numbers of Lokians wandering about, but that they only assemble into Convents after some time has passed since their last actions. And no matter how many times the Nation's forces come together to beat them back into the shadows, the strange workings of the Lokians continues to this day.

The Scholars of Ishfun


A race of heavyset magical statues which range in material from common stone to rare metals, the Scholars of Ishfun are the most notorious thieves of Knowledge in all of Ederyon. Assuming the title of the most intelligent race in the known world, the Scholars have made a name for themselves by doing everything in their power to gain knowledge no matter what. They've robbed the tombs of Sorcerers and other scholars for their works, pillaged libraries and go out of their way to pillage as much from merchant ships, both land and sky, to steal works of literature. Stating that all others are unworthy of knowledge, The Scholars hold themselves with high abundances of pride. The same pride which leads to their complete mercilessness towards all others, they have been known to leave no survivors for every battle they win.


The Scholars of Ishfun are magical constructs, statues given life through ancient means known only by their highest of members. Due to this, every single one of them are magically inclined, using their vast knowledge to cast wide varieties of spells, summons and other such things. Despite this, the Scholars will not hesitate to use their construction in order to wield large weaponry, being able to endure many forms of damage due to their nature. As such, they are particularly deadly to most soldiers in general.


However, unlike the Lokian Order, the Scholars are even more spread out. Their members hardly work together and instead use the vast riches they find on their hunt for knowledge to pay off large bands of mercenaries and raiders to serve under them during their crimes. Seeing as the mercenaries get all the actual money and loot from their crimes and the Scholars simply take all the forms of knowledge, many criminals and Mercenaries tend to flock to the Scholars for leadership.​

See Main Thread: The Nations of Ederyon Rebooted
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