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Fantasy The Mystic Child - A Tale of Emethia [REBOOT]

Artorias looked at the which, surprised. Did the others not see their quest as essential? Perhaps they only saw this as a way to earn large rewards. It both confused and amazed him that this could be possible, considering that if they didn't undertake this quest the world would be forfeit. He pulled of his helmet, letting it hang behind him. Artorias ran his hand through his now matted hair, letting the light red strands fall where they pleased. It would just get messed up after he pulled his helmet back on, after all. Why waste his time styling it?

"Why not? If the world is going to end without us, than it is an honor to fight along side you to save it, young witch," Artorias answered. "I have been on the battlefield more times than i care to remember. The last time i fought alongside others... no, it matters not. I hope that our journey shall be a bit more successful than those i have undertaken in the past."
Heldien listened absent-mindedly as the young human girl and the knight began discussing honor or something. She let her eyes drift over them, and slowly she grew more and more self conscious about herself. Not only was she the only dwarf there, (or the youngest,) she also was the only one who didn't look like she had sliced someone's head off at least once.

She was just a baker's daughter, for goodness' sake. It wasn't as if anyone in her family had been some sort of hardened hero; they had been bakers as far back as they could remember.

Not that Heldien didn't want to be a great hero. She had always dreamed of wielding a large weapon and shield into battle, and saving the day, just like the stories her brother had told her when she was little. She hadn't dreamed of being thrown into a very serious quest without any training beforehand. The dwarf swallowed and snapped back to reality.

The girl with the funny hat ('Priel', was it?) seemed to be contemplating life for a moment, while the knight, Artorias, removed his helmet, showcasing his filthy looking auburn hair. Heldien wondered when was the last time he had gone for a wash.

"Excuse me," said a voice, and the dwarf whirled to see an elf servant looking down at her with an almost worried expression on his face. She glanced around before she was sure he was speaking to her.

"Um.. yes?" she asked, after waiting a few moments for him to continue. He looked perhaps a few years older than her, or however old that was for elves. She never was good at math.

"If you are all ready, I have been asigned to lead you to the port." The servant glanced at the others, before back at Heldien, who shrugged, turning to the fellow quest...ers. ...She wasn't too good at grammar, either.

"Hey, um.. I think it's time to go..." she called, though a bit on the quieter side. "...Guys?"

(( @NetherLightGod @Rook ))
Priel narrowed her eyes at Artorias and was about to say something when she heard a meek little voice. She whirled around and saw it was the dwarven girl who was requesting her attention as well as Artorias. She kept her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest. "What is it?" She almost demanded, her voice cold and uncaring. The girl clearly saw she was already engaged in a conversation, what could she possibly need from her? What was so important that she felt the need to intrude? She took a step towards the dwarven girl, towering over her and staring daggers at her, waiting ever so patiently for the answer she had requested.
Priel turned, shooting the dwarf a glare and crossing her arms. Heldien wore her best game face, prepared for their responses, though she wasn't sure how it really looked. "What is it?" the human girl spat, then took a step forward, towering over her. As if she wasn't self conscious enough about the height thing. Humans enjoyed asserting their dominance, she guessed...?

Heldien jabbed a thumb towards the elf servant, who looked almost downright terrified. "He says it's time to go," she said, as casually as she could, resting her weight onto her right leg in an attempt to look at ease. Goodness knows she didn't feel it.

The elf merely nodded, though the shaking didn't seem to be part of it.

(( @Rook ))
Artorias turned to the young dwarf, his expression stoic and grim. The witch's attitude was troublesome... he wasn't sure that he could deal with it for very long. Prideful people were his weakness, and it took all his patience and self control to deal with them. "Lay off..." he muttered to Priel quietly, before turning back to the dwarf. "Thank you for alerting us," he said to the dwarf, before turning to the elf. "Lead the way."
Priel sighed. Just who did this knight think he was. Why, if they weren't on an important mission she'd have ended his miserable life right then and there but she stood down this time. She too, turned to the elf. "Yes, let us get going. The sooner th- Why do you look for nervous?" Priel question as she raised a brow, gazing at the shaking elf. Was their presence intimidating or something? She didn't quite understand. She suddenly remembered something. "Ah! Hold on a moment, I have to go get Zeus!" With that, she took off towards the entrance of the castle and out the door. There was about 2 to 3 minutes of silence before Priel walked in with her travelling companion and mount, Zeus. "Alright! Let's get going." She said, a grin on her face as she pet the beast
The knight made a move and turned to Heldien as well, though after muttering something to the witch. Heldien wasn't too sure what he said, but it looked like a warning, judging by his expression, or at least something of the like. "Thank you for alerting us," he said, and the dwarf nodded as he turned to look at the servant. "Lead the way."

Priel sighed, though turned towards the elf as well, sour expression on her face. "Yes," she said, "let us get going. The sooner th--" She paused. "Why do you look so nervous?"she asked the servant, who seemed to pale even more under the question.

Before anyone had the chance to say anything, the girl perked up in realization. "Ah!" she cried. "Hold on a moment; I have to go get Zeus!" Heldien was about to ask what that even meant, but it was too late.

Priel scampered from the room, then returned minutes later atop what looked like a giant lightning... thing. Heldien's eyes widened, and the servant looked to be on the edge of fainting.

"What..." Heldein breathed, but then shook her head. "I won't even ask."

"Th-this way..." the elf stammered, moving along the wall towards the exit, trying to stay as far away from 'Zeus' as was physically possible. "I-is he really necessary to bring on board a ship..?"

"He's got a point," Heldien pointed out, though she was a little interested in the beast. "I think the point of this was to be inconspicuous... as in not standing out." The elf nodded only slightly, seemingly knowing better than to go against the witch's bidding.

(( @Rook @NetherLightGod ))
Priel looked extremely offended when they began to question the company of Zeus. She placed a hand over her hand to prevent herself from shouting but she most certainly went on to express herself. "Are you suggesting that I leave Zeus behind? Here? ALONE? You must all be delusional if you think I'm leaving him behind. On top of that, if I did leave him behind, who would watch him? I most certainly do not anyone else to watch him, no one knows how to love and take care of Zeus like I do." She scowled at the dwarf and knight. "If going to find the mystic child means I can't bring Zeus, then I'm not going anywhere." While in her mind, she knew her actions would be seen as childish but Zeus was her longtime companion after all.
"Are you suggesting that I leave Zeus behind?" Priel asked rhetorically, almost challengingly. "Here? Alone?" Heldien almost felt the elf take a step back. "You must all be delusional if you think I'm leaving him behind."

'Should have expected as much,' Heldien thought.

"On top of that," the young witch continued, "if I did leave him behind, who would watch him? I most certainly do not anyone else to watch him; no one knows how to love and take care of Zeus like I do."

'Yeah, you seem just like the loving and caring type,' Heldien thought, then quickly hoped no one here could read minds.

Priel was glaring at her and Artorias, and the younger girl assumed she'd heard. "If going to find the Mystic Child means I can't bring Zeus," Priel declared, "then I'm not going anywhere."

"No, no!" cried the elf servant suddenly, surprising Heldien, who jumped away from her position as his physical barrier. "You can most certainly take your..." He waved his hand vaguely at the beast Priel referred to as 'Zeus'. "...mount, with you. It's just..." He paused. "Is there any way to make it-- er, him... smaller, by chance? Any magic spells you know to make him less... obvious?"

((@NetherLightGod It seems the company has dwindled to just us two... =/ If you want, you can make another character (just for number's sake) ^^; I was going to have Mr. Elf Servant Guy come in, if that's okay with you))
Priel smiled and then let loose a sigh of relief. "Oh, That's good. I thought you were trying to make me leave Zeus behind, we would have had some serious issues, ahaha!" Priel pet Zeus who nuzzled her slightly. She laughed a bit before a magic circle appeared below him and in a bright flash of light, Zeus was nothing more than a necklace. Priel picked the Zeus shaped necklace off of the ground and put it around her neck. She looked at the dwarf and elf, flashing them a brief smile. "Alright, we're all set. Let's get going. The sooner, the better as everyone in the world says. Which is funny because it's not always true. You can't just jump into a hot bath with waiting for it to cool down just a bit." She spoke as she approached the pair. She adjusted her hat slightly and then looked at the Elf. "So, what's up with you? Why is an elf working for the king anyway?"
Artorias sighed quietly, watching the witch argue with the servant. Was this really necessary? If the elf had actually denied her the right to bring this... Zeus along, and she had stayed, then there wouldn't be a world left for her and her pet to enjoy. But let bygones be bygones... "Must we really discuss an elf's motives for working for royalty? The world isn't going to save itself," Artorias stated, his face grim. He wasn't trying to be challenging, he just hated wasting time. If they failed, then knowing a servant's salary would be meaningless. With a sigh of displeasure, the knight walked past his companions, hopefully towards the secret dock. He whistled, and Sif barked, quickly catching up to him. If the three behind him wanted to chit chat, he would find this child himself.
"Oh," Priel replied, visibly relieved. "That's good. I thought you were trying to make me leave Zeus behind... we would have had some serious issues!" She laughed then, and Heldien wondered why she didn't laugh more often. It wasn't too bad of a laugh.

Heldien and the elf servant (as well as Artorias) watched, wide-eyed, as Priel cast a spell on the electricity beast, shrinking it down into what seemed to be a necklace. "Alright," the witch breathed simply, "we're all set. Let's get going. The sooner, the better, as everyone in the world says." She paused. "Which is funny, because it's not always true. You can't just jump into a hot bath with waiting for it to cool down just a bit."

Heldien raised an eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Priel whipped her gaze to the elf servant, who still seemed to be awkwardly hiding behind the dwarf girl. "So," the witch began, eyeing him up and down, "what's up with you? Why is an elf working for the king anyway?"

Before he could say a word, however, Artorias piped up, sounding a bit annoyed. "Must we really discuss an elf's motives for working for royalty?" the knight asked. "The world isn't going to save itself."

"He's right," Heldien nodded, though the human was already heading out the door. "We should get moving. Who knows how much time we have." She glanced at where Artorias had gone, then back at where Priel still stoof, then finally, up at the elf, who nodded also.

"Y-yes," he said, straightening. "Follow me to the wagon." He moved ahead of Artorias, beckoning with his gloved hand before climbing into the wagon's driver seat, behind a chestnut-colored horse. "Sorry for the... accommodations, but... you know."

Heldien climbed into the hay-laden trailer behind, grinning to herself. "This is just like fall horse rides," she said, only mildly realizing how comfortable she was sharing her personal life with these people. But hey, it was a favorite memory from her childhood, and the feeling of wood under straw wasn't in the least foreign.

(( @NetherLightGod @Rook ))
Priel wasn't exactly happy that the knight just felt like he had to so rudely intrude on the conversation she was having, even if they were currently in the middle of something far more important than to why the elven man was taking orders from a human king, she just felt that his status as a knight was stolen. Whatever happened to things like chivalry? Must not exist anymore with people like Artorias around. She sighed lowly and began become lost in her thoughts, ignoring what everyone else was saying or even going to say. Despite this, she did get into the wagon as requested and closed her eyes as she sat there.
Artorias climbed up into the wagon with his new companions, and Sif followed, rolling around in the hay happily. Their lives consisted of fighting and sleeping, so any down time that presented itself to them was most welcome. Smiling a bit, Artorias scratched his friend's ears, making sure to scratch in just the right direction, so that Sif could enjoy it as much as possible.

He looked back, realizing that they had left the monster hunter behind. Guess it doesn't pay to demand payment... oh, whatever. The witch clearly didn't like his interrupting her conversation, but at this point he didn't care. He was going home- well, whatever home the badlands could offer. Artorias nervously messed with his wedding band, which he has yet to remove- its his last memory of Cirian, so why would he? It brought him comfort during tough situations. Her own ring was on a necklace under his armor, safe from any chance of falling off. Sif stopped rolling for a moment, sensing his protector's discomfort. he nuzzled the knight's leg softly until Artorias continued scratching behind Sif's ears, acknowledging his attempt to help.
Heldien watched as the witch and the knight clambered into the back of the wagon as well. When Artorias' dog (wolf?) followed, her face lit up. "S'a cute dog," she said quietly, though smiling. "It's been a while since I've seen one looking this happy. You must take good care of him." She figured if she was going to work with these people, she might as well get to know them. Screw self consciousness.

"It's a lot less terrifying than that lightning thing, that's for sure," she thought she heard the elf servant mumble from the front of the wagon, and she smirked. He had some humor on him; at least he wasn't all nerves.

"How long have you had him?" Heldien asked, trying to continue the conversation. "You seem really close."

(( @NetherLightGod @Rook ))
Priel's eye twitched and she turned her head to face the elf and narrowed her eyes a bit. "I'm sorry? You want to run that by me one more time?" She urged, not taking too kindly to his comment. While she appreciated his honesty, she didn't appreciate his cowardice by not saying it out loud. She took a quick glance over at Artorias and Heldien who were loving on the knights dog. She had considered jumping off the wagon and just riding Zeus to their destination anyway but she decided against it as it would only push her companions further away via isolation. She sighed lowly and closed her eyes, quickly becoming lost through her own thoughts.
"Hmm? Oh, its been about 3 years since i found him in the badlands. Found him injured, so I stayed with him until he was well again. Sif hasn't left my side since," Artorias said, his constant grim expression breaking for a moment. The badlands... even though it held so many nasty memories, it's still his home. Sif padded his way over to the dwarf girl, sniffing her cautiously. "He isn't normally this friendly, mind you. His normal day consists of fighting, with small breaks to eat and sleep. You caught him in a good mood." Artorias had no idea why, but Sif seemed to hate the Evil just as much as his owner did. "And what about you, Priel? How did you and... Zeus meet?"

"I'm sorry...?" Priel said suddenly, and Heldien saw the elf visibly freeze. "You want to run that by me one more time?" 'Uh oh,' the dwarf thought, pausing her conversation with Artorias to glance at the terrified-looking servant.

"U-uh..." he stuttered, and Heldien wasn't sure if he didn't turn out of fear, or just because he didn't want to look away from the road. Maybe both. "I'm sorry, miss... Valentine. I just... your mount is a little, well... ominous..." He cringed a little, probably waiting for the witch to strike him down with lightning or turn him into a frog.

Heldien stared for a few more moments, then turned back to the knight as he spoke again. "Hmm?" he asked, looking up. "Oh, its been about 3 years since I found him in the Badlands." The dwarf's eyes widened.

"The Badlands?" she repeated. "You were in the Badlands?"

Apparently not hearing her, the human continued. "Found him injured, so I stayed with him until he was well again. Sif hasn't left my side since." The dog (wolf?), apparently named 'Sif', slowly clambered over to the dwarf girl, giving her a cautious-looking sniff. "He isn't normally this friendly, mind you," Artorias added, as Heldien began to reach out and scratch behind his ears. "His normal day consists of fighting, with small breaks to eat and sleep. You caught him in a good mood."

"I don't have a problem with that," Heldien laughed a little, rubbing the dog(wolf??)'s head more comfortably now.

Meanwhile, the knight had turned to the witch. "And what about you, Priel?" he asked. "How did you and... 'Zeus' meet?"

"Yeah," Heldien nodded. "It must be quite a story to tell."

(( @NetherLightGod @Rook ))
No, no. I got it. Sorry for the delay.

Priel smiled slightly when they expressed their curiosity about how she and Zeus had met. She clasped her hands together and sigh lowly before she began to speak. "Well...Zeus is a descendent of one of my ancestor's pets. It may mean nothing to you two but I am from the Valentine magic family, a family that just so happens to get caught up in off of the world's problems before we have to go into hiding again after the problem has been solved. Anyway, Zeus was destined my companion since the day he was born to make sure he would live long enough to be mine, he was actually put into crystal stasis by my ancestor, Metallica Valentine who awaited my birth 742 years earlier earlier. A few years after I was born, my mother presented me with Zeus and well, he was freed from his crystal and the rest is history. It's not an epic story but yeah..." Priel spoke, though soon after her story ended, she felt like she had disappointed her listeners with such a short story.

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