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Fantasy The Mystery of Shadows {Open - Just jump in!}

Zero had watched Annabelle, somewhat distracted from his find by her, at least until she walked away and Henry practically praised him for discovering how banana's worked. Honestly the vampire hadn't expected praise, but he took it all the same, it was a nice change from what he was used to. He also found that he rather liked seeing Henry get so excited about things, he couldn't see the man's face because of that mask, but it seemed like he could still see him light up with excitement. Zero smiled at Henry. At least until Henry asked if he wanted to try some of that fruit. Zero's expression fell and he took a step back as if the fruit might bite him.

"I can't." The results wouldn't be good. He wanted to, he desperately wanted to, but he knew he shouldn't. Henry was off again anyway, distracted by the werewolf eating an apple. Zero snarled at the werewolf when Henry grabbed the man by the face and inspected him, the vampire even glared. Watching the wolf carefully while Henry manhandled him, and then that masked man was distracted by yet another thing. Zero watched him closely, amused, but Zero was excited too. He knew what these kinds of things could mean to the wastelanders, what kind of good this stuff could do in their hands. A shudder raced down his spine.

He also knew that whoever controlled the things inside the dome, would have all the power. His sire was probably scheming to take over, to take control of everything. Zero rubbed the side of his neck again, it was becoming a nervous habit, he found himself doing it whenever he thought of his sire. Always rubbing the place where that man had ripped him open, in an attempt to bleed him dry. "All these things, and this is just one tiny section of one large building. But all these things, they can make or break the world." He had stepped closer to Henry, looking at the computer he had pulled apart.

The vampire had no idea what he was looking at, but it fascinated him all the same. "The dome is broken, the monsters are going to fight for supremacy, and whoever can control the things inside the dome, they'll control everything. Won't they? At best the humans that dwell here will be enslaved. At worst, all slaughtered. I'm not wrong, am I?" Zero didn't particularly need confirmation, but he did actually want Henry to tell him that he was completely wrong. He looked off in the direction Annabelle had gone, her blood still called to him, he still wanted it, but strangely it felt somewhat different. "We shouldn't let her go off alone, and I can't go alone with her, because I'll eat her." Zero grimaced.

Looking away, his gaze settled on the werewolf, and oddly enough, he didn't have a desire to kill the creature. Of course he still didn't like it, or trust it, but there was no murderous intent.
((Internet is really horrible here tonight, sorry!))

She didn't know how long she'd been resting there, but it didn't take long for her to start feeling better. It never did. When she became sick, she was better in no time. When she sustained an injury, she even healed quickly. She didn't know why, but she did know it wasn't normal, for a human.

Annabelle picked her head up, deep blue eyes gazing up at the large windows that lined the warehouse, midway up the walls. It was almost impossible to see anything. The only light provided lingered from lights, backed up by generators and the occasional flickering of the dome. She decided she at least needed to find a flashlight. Pushing herself up onto her feet, Annabelle froze as the last of the light flickered and went out completely.

"Damn," she whispered to herself. Well, she couldn't stand here for all eternity. Stretching her arms out in front of her, Ann began taking slow deliberate steps, feeling in front of her to make sure she didn't run into something. If she could just find the stairs, she could make her way easily down the corridor back to Henry, who she could hopefully borrow a light from to locate another.
Henry Francis Foster
The masked man glanced back at Zero, letting out a long sigh, he discarded the motherboard and turned to face the vampire. Sitting back on the desk. "I know you want me to tell you this is all going to vanish with a click of my fingers and a tap of my shoes, but you already know what my response is going to be. You're right. Someone will climb to the top of the food chain, and humans will suffer. They'll be bred like rabbits and left to rot - if they're unlucky, they'll be used to the point of extinction. Specialists who run the factories and the systems, the builders and labourers - they'll survive till the more intelligent beasts learn how to do their jobs. A year at most. Maybe more if it's something that needs heavy training. With the dome open, it'll rule the wastes.
Fresh water, electricity, the ability to produce necessities, an abundance of food; it'll become a capitalist nightmare. The rich will rule, the poor will die, and the pure humans will be eaten. Unlike our friend, Annabelle, there'll be men and women who are being kept safe from the radioactive breach. The military here is trained, but ... well, try going up against a horde of vampires, wolves, a few sorcerers and the unspeakable mutants." Henry gave something of a smile. "But no authority of the wastes has ever gotten me. Self-sufficiency is the answer if one has the ability to do so. Just remember, humanity survives. It finds a way."

The lights went out. Breaking Foster from the conversation. "You're right about Anna though." He swept up his lantern from its place on the desk. "The electrical grid must be worse for wear. As to be expected." Moving out into the hallway he saw Annabelle vanish down, Henry glanced around doing a spin on his heel. "Miss Annabelle?" His voice carried down, lifting the flame of his miners lantern higher whilst trying to spy the girl. "These places creep me out. Even if they're advanced." He commented, although soon enough he had to pause, letting the torch in his hand lower whilst grasping the back of his head. Holding his breath with a sharp inhale, before shuffling. "Lets find her, get some supplies, and get out of here. I don't like the thought of staying too long." He muttered, jaw obviously taut from the way he spoke.​
Kry Kry poppet poppet DevonWrites DevonWrites
Zero was frowning deeply, this was not what he had wanted at all. He wasn't even sure what he had expected when his sire had brought him to the dome, promising to show him something wonderful. Something wonderful indeed. The things inside the dome were surely that, but the human blood inside the dome was so much more than that. He licked his lips slightly, remembering all to well the taste of Annabelle's blood, as he lifted a hand to once again rub at the side of his neck that had been torn open earlier. Who would win the power struggle? Would it be a vampire, Zero knew his master was strong, conniving and even cunning, but could he really climb to the seat of ultimate power?

The lights went out and Zero jumped, startled. Henry had only confirmed the things the vampire spoke about, he knew the man would. Still he wished he hadn't. The vampire blinked a few times, his sight adjusting to the darkness, and he glanced at the werewolf for a moment before following Henry. Zero was still frowning deeply, at first he honestly hadn't had any intention of protecting anyone, and it had only been a short time but he did want to protect them. Perhaps for selfish reasons, Henry was knowledgeable and despite everything Zero actually enjoyed his company, enjoyed being near him. The girl was delicious, but not just that, she was mostly innocent in all this. Her home invaded, her world turned upside down. Despite his anger directed at her, just for being human, Zero did understand that none of this was her fault.

He moved to walk beside Henry, feeling rather comfortable in the dark, but willing to stay in the lantern light. Zero was sure Henry and Annabelle would appreciate him not lurking in the shadows like some kind of...vampire. He grimaced slightly. "Zero. I am called Zero." His jaw clenched tightly, as if he might've said more but he stopped himself before he could. It wasn't a name, not for him, not really. His sire had bestowed it upon him to remind him everyday that was nothing, he would always be nothing. His hands clenched in anger for a moment and he almost growled at the memory. His master. But Zero was far from that creature's clutches at the moment, he couldn't help but wonder how long this modicum of freedom he had would last.
It was the sound of something scuttling around in the darkness that caused Anna to freeze. She was still as stone, listening and hoping not to be heard. After a moment, a voice not so far away resounded in the large warehouse. She hurried forward with her arms still outstretched, feeling the walls and stair railings. At last she saw the bobbing glow of Henry's lantern, and she felt relieved. "Over here," she called, moving towards him. She could see that the vampire was there, too.

As they all came together Anna sighed, relieved. "It's impossible to see in here without any light. I couldn't get into any of the crates anyway," she added as an afterthought. "Is it really a good idea to move further into the city now that the lights have all gone?" She'd learned in school that there was almost never any sunlight outside the dome. While there was a somewhat brighter 'day', when the sun sat above the disgusting crud that could only be described as what was left of the atmosphere surrounding Earth... it was unlikely to give them anything of useful lighting. But what did she know?

It was likely though that whoever wanted inside the dome, would also want it to remain dome-like. They would likely patch the few holes, and if the right people were still alive, they could even get the filtration system and lights up and running again. It really just depended on who rose to power, and what they wanted. What game they were trying to win.
Henry Francis Foster

"Pleasures mine, Zero. Shame we didn't meet before everything went tits up." Henry joked, slowly making his way forward in the darkness of the warehouse. Eyes flickering in a sweep from side to side. Evidently more comfortable around the vampire although retaining a lingering cautiousness due to the loose-cannon attitude encountered over his occasional primitive behaviour. Nevertheless, he heard her. Annabelle. Moving in her direction till the three of them united again in the soft light thrown by the wasterlander's lantern.

"Not impossible. To you, maybe. You just need to let your eyes adjust - of course, that might take ten minutes to an hour. I've had a lifetime to get used to it." Henry let out a sigh which rasped through the air ventilation of his mask. "We should stay or leave, because I estimate within the next few hours we'll be trapped in this dome with all those pretty boys and girls. And not the fluffier kind like Zero, but the ones who prefer to chop pieces off and cook them in front of you." Henry's breath oddly became laboured in that moment, half covering his mask as he suddenly remarked "-I'm going to be sick-" Which in all situations, was probably the worst to bring his stomach contents up.

Shoving up his mask, Foster gagged and retched. Yet instead of half-digested food and liquids, there was blood. Followed by a coughing fit. A very normal occurrence to Henry, which was proceeded by retrieving two needles packaged and prepared. The liquid of one a beautiful Prussian blue in colour. Stripping the packages off, he jammed both into his neck. One after the other. And for the first time, in the half-lit darkness, he faced the both of them with no mask.

Foster's lips were stained red, even after he'd rubbed at them, contrasted by pale pallor - blemished with uneven redness over his temple and forehead. What appeared to be sleepless circles beneath his eyes and overwhelming likeness to a sick man. Henry would've been handsome if he'd not suffered exposure over his twenty-six years of living. But humans had adapted over the centuries, he'd never die from it. Like some chronic illness one just carried on as far as they could. He might even die at sixty if he was lucky. Dark hair and unshaven face framed the firm jaw and gentle cheekbones, eyes seeming black - although the splinter of blue seemed like some sort of jewel embedded into the iris.

Gulping down half his waterbottle, rinsing out his mouth and spitting it, Foster continued to sit his mask on the top of his head. "Sorry about that, I should've forewarned better. Not the most polite thing to do when you've just met someone." He laughed breathlessly, wiping at his forehead with a rag. "Now, I advise you make a decision before I decide to do something other with my horrendous bodily functions."

poppet poppet Kry Kry
(D r a m a t i c face reveal *gasp*

I spent 3 years looking for that one gif where the character actually has radiation sickness, ik ik i'm gr8)
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Zero couldn't tell if Henry was serious or not, he was almost certain that man hated him. Though everyone hated vampires, didn't they? He was quiet, and then the girl game trotting towards them. He had seen her before she had entered the lantern light, but what did it matter. Zero licked his lips. "I can see in the dark just fine." The words spoken casually when she mentioned it was impossible to see in the dark. He stared at her, licking his lips, her blood still called to him, and he wanted to give in. She would die anyway, she was just a human after all, they would all die if Zero's sire caught them with the vampire. They should definitely leave, it was too dangerous to spend too much time in one place. His lips parted to say as much when Henry got sick.

The vampire frowned deeply, and took a concerned step towards the other male, but he made no comment. Merely watched as Henry vomited blood, and he wrinkled his nose at the scent of it. That tainted, unclean blood. All the same though, Zero licked his lips almost hungrily, he was after all still a vampire. He watched Henry jab himself with two needles and wipe at the blood on his lips. Zero was eyeing that blood, and before he knew it, he had stepped a little closer to Henry. Then his eyes took in that face, he looked sick, but that was normal for humans outside the dome. But Henry wasn't just sick, he was also very handsome. Zero grabbed Henry by the jaw, not hard, but firmly and pulled his face closer, the vampire was looking at the man's eyes. It was only to get a better look at the color that hid in them. Then a finger was running firmly against Henry's lips, catching a last bit of lingering blood, Zero released the man and licked his finger. Tasting Henry's blood.

Angrily Zero whirled to face Annabelle, his eyes narrowed in a glare and he was growling at her. The vampire wasn't even sure why he was so angry about this, but he was. Zero was furious and he wanted more of her blood, mostly he just wanted it so it could no longer flow through her veins. He grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against the wall hard. "Do you see?" He glanced at Henry and the blood on the floor. "This is your fault, you stupid dome dwellers. What gave you the right to live comfortably in here while other humans suffered out there? What makes you better than everyone else?" Zero didn't really understand it, why he suddenly felt so protective over Henry. The vampire was furious. His lips drew back, fangs revealed, anger and that need to taste her blood again had him leaning in for the bite.
It was unlikely that Annabelle would ever see quite as good in the dark as Henry, and especially Zero. Had she ever really seen true darkness? She glanced for a moment at the vampire when Henry called him fluffy and took on an appalled expression when he spoke of being chopped up. The ideas made her stomach turn. But no more so than Henry's apparently, because he immediately became sick.

As he gagged Anna reached out for his shoulder, effectively taking the lantern with her other hand. "Henry!?" She called him in worry and questioning. She took her hand off of his shoulder as he moved to retrieve needles. Anna's eyes were wide as she watched him jam them into his neck. When he turned to face them, Annabelle's eyebrows were furrowed in worry and somewhat of shock. He'd seemed so strong and confident, somewhat crazy, but was he injured so much as to be vomiting blood?

But it seemed that this was something not out of the ordinary for Henry. He was ill. If she had to guess, she'd guess it was because of his life outside the dome. It was an angering, and deeply saddening realization. If she survived, would this be her? Was there medicine inside the dome that could help Henry? Anna had not at the moment taken notice of how attractive Henry might be amidst her concern of his illness. Though she wouldn't have had much time to think over it anyway before Zero was upon the man, and then upon her.

He was always so quick to act. She hardly had time to realize that Zero had tasted the blood Henry had thrown up, or that she was pinned against the wall, somehow to blame for it all. The lantern spun to a stop on the floor where she dropped it. She couldn't even argue with Zero's words. Annabelle was suddenly overcome with too many emotions. Her heart hurt for people like Henry. She was also angry for many reasons. People like her mother and stepdad and all those who really did think they were better than those outside. She was trembling. Maybe somewhat because of Zero, but mostly because of the mix of heavy emotions she was feeling.

If she tried to focus on the immediate situation at hand, she'd recognize that she couldn't be bitten again and that her life was in danger. But Zero was right. It wasn't fair at all. She couldn't do something to help, or to change the situation if she let Zero have his way though. Something stirred inside her again and she closed her eyes, dizzy. The feeling intensified and suddenly the lantern at Zero's feet combusted. "Stop, biting me all the damned time," she mumbled before losing total consciousness.
Henry Francis Foster
Watching Zero in confusion as the vampire moved in, the survivor held up his hand. "That's a little-" Henry took a small step back before Zero had his jaw firmly. Breathing becoming somewhere near panicked. Foster didn't like being touched especially not his face of all places. Partially to do with his germophobia, not as bad as some, but radiation had wrecked what was left of his immune system and forced him to be warier of contact. Nevertheless, it was more surprising that the vampire would swipe what remained of the blood from his lip, and taste it. Henry could've laughed, knowing his was hardly a good vintage. A vintage that had spent a decade in a radioactive swamp.

"ZERO!" Henry yelled, scowling at the vampire as he tried to get between both human and beast intent on drawing her blood. "Stop this," Foster growled. Teeth stained red, it made for an impactful declaration. "I don't need you crusading for me. This is a fight for our ancestors, not us. THEY were the ones who denied entry. Annabelle can't change that, not if she prayed hard enough, not if she worked hard enough. If I was born in the dome, I'd be the same as her. Would you kill me for something I had no hand in? Only because I shared some distant relative? This is revenge that cannot continue - BEHAVIOUR, which cannot continue. Anna has been nothing but helpful, and you? You keep trying to KILL her. What does that make you?" The once masked man's features softened. "I'm a link in the chain of evolution, Zero. Far from now humans will adapt to radiation fully. I can handle it. I have people to look after, things to do - I'm not weak. I'm just ... radioactive scientifically speaking."

The lantern combusted beside his feet, causing Henry to jump and then lock his eyes upon the unconscious dome-dweller. "She - that - did you - ..." He froze up. Examining Anna with scrutiny to every detail. "That was magic. Which should be impossible ... unless the gene was dormant in her family line." Foster turned her cheek from left to right and waved at the vampire. "Put her down, slowly. Don't hurt her."

Henry held his breath, letting himself sink onto his haunches to draw his gloved hands over his features. "You know vamp, I was as angry as you were at these domers. But, you end up thinking it over and nobody deserves blame like that. I was angry because my siblings were all stillborns, or so fucked up my dad drowned 'em like kittens. In the end my mother couldn't cry anymore. I was furious, I thought that if we were in the dome it'd all be different. We'd be happy. But nobody tells children wishes don't come true. If the men still alive were around, I'd be on a murder spree. But they've spent a long time dead. Hopefully in whatever hell exists. You see? This dome, even if we had been in it, can't cure how the radioactivity has degraded reproductive DNA. It can't cure my childhood exposure. And I've accepted I'll only live until my fifties, maybe sixty if I get lucky."

poppet poppet Kry Kry
He had her and he would make her pay, Zero knew it truly wasn't her fault but she was the only one there he could blame. Henry was yelling at him, and scolding him. The lantern had fallen to the floor and the girl was trembling in his grasp. Zero didn't bite, it took a lot of effort, and he was clearly straining to keep himself from giving in to that baser need as he tried to focus on Henry and what he was saying. "But.." For a few moments Zero looked lost, maybe a little ashamed, but he still seemed determined and angry. Then the lantern combusted, causing Zero to jump slightly, but he continued to hold the girl as she went limp in his hands.

Henry looked the girl over for a moment and then instructed him to lay her down, and not hurt her. Zero didn't look to pleased with that, but he stamped the small fire out with his feet, before gently laying her down. Zero squatted next to Henry, frowning a bit. He reached out towards the other male, to touch his arm, but Zero drew back just before contact could be made. "I could've remained human, if the dome hadn't shut my family out. I had to let myself be turned into a monster to survive." The anger had drained out of Zero and his voice was quiet. Almost sad. "I'm not so sure it was worth the price though." He seemed almost forlorn. "I could save you from your sickness, if I turned you into a monster like me. I know how to pass it on." Zero seemed uncertain, as if afraid that offering would offend Henry or maybe make him angry.

He glanced at the girl. "I could taste magic in her blood the first time I bit her, but it wasn't strong. I didn't think she could actually do anything."
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Henry Francis Foster
Soon enough, Henry slumped against the wall and settled there beside the unconscious body of Annabelle. However, Henry looked towards Zero with a smile. "I could never let myself be turned into a vampire. Killing people for survival? I only do that in desperation." He fell silent again. "You have to wonder what makes us human." Henry leant forward, muffled a coughing fit in the crook of his elbow before supping water to soothe his throat, breathing freely as he slouched. "It's a tough question, but I think the sickness helps. Reminds me I should try and do some good. I don't want to live an eternity, there's nothing in this world that could fill it." Foster closed his eyes momentarily. "No offence to your predicament of course." Yet as he paused in conversation, it struck him that Zero was a relic of the war. Adjusting himself to sit with his back to the brick, he rested his head against the wall, "Tell me, what did the rain taste like? What did the ocean look like?"

Letting his gaze drift to Annabelle, Henry comfortingly propped her head up on a bag and tried to make the girl comfortable in her current state. "You look after this one, Zero. No matter what happens. She'll surprise you yet, I'm sure. One of a few whos ancestors managed to slip into the dome with magic and here we see the dormant ability waking up at long last. Isn't genetics just amazing?" Foster remarked, his voice in a loose, daydreamy lilt. "We just need to rest, and it'll be all right as rain."

Kry Kry poppet poppet
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Zero looked away, almost as if ashamed of being a vampire, ashamed of offering such a horrible fate to Henry. Even though it could keep him alive. "I don't kill, if I can help it. Sometimes I lose control, most times my sire makes me kill." He shuddered slightly, rubbing that side of his neck again. The vampire looked at Henry and gave the slightest of shrugs. "I can't even remember what it was like to be human, other than the pain of dying, but I try." Zero wasn't sure why he was telling this man these things, but it didn't matter. "You could spend eternity with me." The words were spoken very quietly, Zero had no intention of forcing or persuading the other into taking the Dark Gift. He had offered it freely and it had been rejected by a man with a stronger will than Zero could ever hoped to have.

Then Henry was asking him what the rain tasted like, what the ocean looked like. Zero couldn't answer those things though, not truthfully. It had been so long ago. "I don't know..I can't remember much from when I was human. I remember the pain, of being sick, of my family dying outside the dome. I remember being to afraid of death to refuse when he came to me. Offering a cure." Zero shuddered again, sneering slightly. Though it also made him a bit sad that he couldn't tell Henry about the ocean or the rain. "I should've just died." His gaze drifted from Henry to Annabelle, and he licked his lips. Her blood was too good, it was too good for him and his kind. So pure and delicious. There was no doubt in his mind that she hated him, he did seem to bite her a lot.

Henry was probably right about her though. That man did seem to know an awful lot about things.

Alexa Day

[Meet Alexa Day, you so called "average" teenager with black, ebony hair and silver metallic eyes, and ADHD. With a long history that is soon to be disclosed, she's a criminal-that-has-not-been-caught yet. She's a thief with photographic memory. She memorized and understood the law, which is why she always escapes from the wrath of the police. She's also a
Faire Rimer
Witch, an extinct type of Witch that needs to rhyme in order to cast spells. However... she's terrible at rhyming.]

Alexa waiting in line with a suitcase in her hand. All she needed to do was enter THAT illegal club, and deliver these "weapons". She cannot go in without an ID, and she's only seventeen. Sighing, she tapped her foot against the ground. Damn ADHD. In line, she noticed a boy making a scene. "Do you not know who I am?" he kept yelling. Gosh, teenagers wanting to get in an illegal clubs these days. "One cellphone call to my father and you're dead!" They eventually let him in.

It was finally her turn, and she grinned as she took her phone out. She prepared this in her head. She had the phone right next to her ear. "Yeah! Mhm, no, Alexander, of course they're going to let me in once they find out who I am!" The two guards looked at each other, skeptically. "Noooo! You don't need to come here, my boo! You're going to scare them! I mean, your father does own this club!" The two guards straightened up. Heh. Suckers. "Yeah, my boo boo! Okay, yeah, hi! I'm supposed to go in there for a meeting with my boyfriend." One of the guards pursed his lips. "ID?" Alexa sighed, pretending to hold her hand against the microphone of her phone. "Really? An ID? You know, the boy that came in earlier? The one who threatened you? Yeah, I'm his girlfriend."

The guards perked up, sweating. "You don't want his father getting angry do you? His name is... Alexander." The guards cringed. Yes, Alexa did my research. "Alexander" is the name of the owner's son. "N-no, of course not, ma'am! Go in!" The two said in unison. She smiled, and went straight in.

And that, Alexa's dear friends, is what you call "acting".

As Alexa went in, she immediately spotted a man in the corner, smiling at her. Ah, here's her costumer. She walked towards him.
"The bird has reached the nest," Alexa talked in code, and handed him the suitcase. She held my hand out. "Pay up." The guy rolled his eyes and handed her the five thousand dollar cash. Ka-ching!

Wow. He's a sucker as well if he believed Alexa actually delivered guns.

Alexa walked away with a cocky smile, because the guy opened the suitcase and screamed with rage.

She delivered him gun-shaped stones.

Suddenly, the aroma of fire spread through the air. People screamed and there was a loud explosion. "What the hell!?"

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Henry Francis Foster
Henry kept that curve of his lips, the kind of expression that made everything seem calm and content. Reaching out, he grabbed Zero's shoulder firmly. "I could spend eternity with you, you're right." Yet Foster tilted his head. "But I want to die, Zero. I want to experience everything life has to offer - even the end. I'm not scared. I would proclaim myself a man of science, and to die is my greatest voyage not undertaken. I'll be ready for it, no matter when it decides to show its face." He let out a sigh. "Humanity is a complicated thing as I said. What makes us ... us? Empathy? Aggression? DNA? But even machines can think themselves mankind." He let a small laugh escape. "You're still human, Zero. Just one suffering a terminal condition. Have some faith."

Foster examined the vampires face for an answer, shrugging in response. "It doesn't matter. I shouldn't dream of things so illogical." He wetted his chapped lips, taking another swig of water before placing the cap back and twisting it in place, and putting the bottle back into his bag. "You shouldn't be ashamed, survival is our instinct. You were young, and youth clings to life like a babe to its mother. Be thankful you survived. Although, if you had died, I suppose this adventure wouldn't have begun. Your appetite has gotten you in enough trouble." Foster noting Zero's gaze, continued to put an arm in front of the sleeping girl making a protective barrier. Nonetheless, Henry felt better for sitting down and hydrating after his unfortunate bout of sickness. Thus he pulled his mask down, adjusting the seal and scrubbing the glass eye sockets. With his mask on, he pulled the hood up and rebuttoned his coat.

Rising from his seated position, Henry removed his gloves and shoved them in a pocket. Calloused and scarred, using one to check Annabelle's forehead temperature, he raised her legs with the other. "I've read some medical books that suggest legs above the head help when people fall unconscious. I hope that's all this is at least. I was only left with one or two tomes about magic from pre-war. The healing arts are definitely not my place for meddling." Nevertheless, he leant in - "Annabelle? Annabelle, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" The repetition was left hanging as he attempted to rouse her. Quietly, to himself or perhaps Zero in an unclear direction he sucked in a breath "I haven't met a magic-user for a few years now. They tend to prefer covens. Not me though, far more of an independent sort. The reason I chose the city library instead, far more my type of place to be."

Kry Kry poppet poppet
Alexa Day
"What the hell!?" Alexa said, confused. Everyone was screaming, trying to escape, but the door was locked. Alexa looked at the corner and noticed flames licking the cloth on the bar's table. The barkeep left the scene already. Great. Another crime scene.

Someone had fun without her.

Sighing, Alexa casually walked up to the window that's high up, and tried to yank it open. She couldn't. Alexa pondered over what to do to bust the window open. Grinning, Alexa slid down her sock, revealing a knife. She grinned. Alexa NEVER went anywhere without a knife. "Perfect." She started scraping the rust off of the window so she can yank it open. She scraped a spot near the keyhole, and she heard a sharp Click! Alexa simpered, and yanked the window open. Everyone screamed in protest, because oxygen could get in and increase the fire. She rolled her eyes.

"Come on! Every man--or woman--for him or herself!" She said in a sing-song voice. Alexa calmly placed the knife back in her sock. She was about to leap out, when everyone in the club started shrieking.

"Please help us!"
"Save us!"
"Dear girl! Please!"

Alexa rolled her eyes, and continued to brace herself, but something stopped her.


"Mom! Dad! Help me!" Alexa as a three year old shouted as her parents left her in the house that's up in flames. Crying, she gasped because the flames quickly licked the door of her bedroom. Alexa choked on the smoke's fragrance. In tears, Alexa screeched, "GOD! SIRE! HELP ME FROM THIS FIRE!" There was a blinding flash of grey light that emerged from her fingers. Alexa gasped, and backed away. The light crawled up to the fire and the fire was extinguished. Alexa gasped, and everything in her point of view went black.

--Flashback End--

Alexa quickly turned around and held out her palm. Damn, these guys are noisy as hell. "What rhymes with 'fire'?" She contemplated. Alexa then got the word. It won't be strong since I didn't rhyme much and that it isn't a good rhyme, but it'll do the trick. "I don't want to listen to the choir, so please, stop this fire!" Grey light filled the room, and the fire turned grey. The fire minimized into nothingness. Alexa grinned. "Everyone out the window--" a wave of male bodies collided against the windows and many humans got out, crying.

Females, including Alexa, came out last.

"Damn, ever heard of ladies first?" She murmured, heading off.


Someone was calling to her from far away. Who was it? She couldn't see anything. Who was speaking? Her eyebrows drew together lightly and she moved her head ever so slightly. Had she been sleeping? She cracked her eyes open slowly, blinking away the darkness, yet it remained dark. "Henry?", she questioned almost inaudibly. Yes, that was Henry's voice. She remembered now; Zero had attacked her again. Had she been bitten a third time?

The brunette sat up slowly, rubbing her neck with a hand while supporting herself with the other. She didn't feel any new wounds and her old ones didn't even hurt now. "What happened?" she mumbled, feeling dizzy. Her body felt heavy and she was drained. Her head ached slightly. Lights flickered on and off in the building, and then the emergency lights flicked on, casting a strange and eerie dim light that caused long shadows from the ceiling over any lower object.

She felt her own forehead, and turned enough to see that someone had made a pillow for her head. Anna could be almost positive it wasn't Zero. "I'm sorry," she said, recalling both of their earlier words about her likelihood of surviving. She was already becoming a burden, and proving them right. "Thanks for not leaving me," she said genuinely to Henry, giving Zero the cold shoulder. If it hadn't been ridiculous, she may have crossed her arms and turned her back to him completely to pretend he didn't exist.

"Are you okay?" she followed up, recalling Henry's sickness. Of course he wasn't okay, she thought, casting her eyes towards the floor. And it really wasn't fair. But it also wasn't her fault, she thought, giving Zero a stoney but brief glare.
Zero didn't really get it, but he admired Henry for being unafraid of death. Still the vampire didn't know what he should think when the other said he was still human. Zero wasn't so sure about that, but he took it as a nice gesture. Though as Henry continued speaking, Zero did duck his head slightly as he was told his appetite had gotten him into enough trouble already. Zero was ready to make some excuse for that, to defend himself instead of apologize about it, but the vampire remained silent just watching Henry and Annabelle.

His head tilted to the side a bit as he watched the other male lift the girl's legs and speak about some books and magic. His gaze drifted though, staring at the girl's neck. He was trying really hard to control himself, did either of the humans understand that? This was really hard for him too. "Covens are scary." That was Zero's response as Henry mumbled something about them and a library. Then it seemed like the girl was stirring. Zero watched her intently.

Zero stood when the girl began moving and speaking, she seemed to be ignoring him, but he was fine with that. His jaw was set tight, clenched almost as he reached down towards Annabelle. He didn't grab her, no, Zero merely offered her his hand. His intention was to help her to her feet, but he highly doubted she would accept his help. Why should she? He did still want to eat her after all. "We've been here too long, we need to move. The longer we linger, the more danger we have of being found by something worse than me." He glanced at Henry for a moment. It was hard to look at the girl without thinking of food, but Zero was making an effort.
Henry Francis Foster
Cupping the back of Annabelle's head momentarily it was as if he was trying to keep together pieces of cracked china; checking her over for any other injuries other than those which had mostly healed on her neck. Something that made the masked man smile. "I can't believe I didn't see it before-" He uttered, in the tone one might associate with the discovery of the century. "Well," Henry pulled away after reassuring himself that she suffered no side effects, "You fainted. After using magic. If you can comprehend that in the little mind of yours." Foster laughed in a genuine, light-hearted fashion. "I'm having a hard time myself, but the other factors such as accelerated recovery make it clear. Someone in your family tree was of the arcane no doubt."

He shrugged. "There's no need to apologise nor thank me. I know when to leave people to die, and I know when to put them down. But you and the vampire over here are growing on me. For better or worse." Looking down at his hands whilst covering them up again, Foster let out an amused sigh. "I'm completely fine. If we're to better know each other, then I should forewarn that my sickness as you call it, strikes more often than not. Nosebleeds, vomiting, migraines, bleeding gums, inexplicable pain - you see, I'm in a constant state of biological meltdown and renewal. It doesn't help that magic is doing it's best to bind everything together. Nevertheless, I'm strong as a mule. Don't waste your time worrying about me." Henry clapped her on the shoulder, getting to his feet with a small grunt of effort as he retrieved his bag from its use as a pillow. Strapping it across his chest.

With the broad-bladed whaler's knife in his belt over the blue leather coat, he dusted himself down and held the blunt weapon tight in his fist. "Zero is right, we haven't secured the building nor could we with the current turmoil. I want to keep this expedition down to a week. That's when our odds of surviving start to go downhill." He turned the baton around and offered it to Annabelle. "It's something at least. And not too heavy. I suggest going for the nose, the eyes, and the crotch. Don't forget the solar plexus and neck are also brilliant. Got it?"

poppet poppet Kry Kry
Alexa Day

Alexa was wobbly on her feet. She was sweating and shaking. Why? It was the first time she used her magic in a year, that's why! She never really practiced her magic, actually. She prefers "physical combat" and "doing things her own way". Alexa never went to her orphanage, because that orphanage beats kids. You know? Physical abuse. Please. She spent years in her foster home suffering from sexual and physical abuse, she doesn't need another problem.

Alexa gasped at the sight she saw. There were bodies and blood. It covered the whole street. What happened while I was gone, she thought, her knees buckling.

There was a hand on her shoulder. A cold one. She turned around and took in the horrible aroma radiating in waves from him.

A vampire.

Panicking, Alexa immediately kneed his balls, and reached for the knife in her sock. Won't be effective, but it'll hold him long enough to cast a spell. She stabbed him, and the vampire gasped. and she took out her palm.

"I hate painting, so make this vampire faint!"

That was weak as hell.

But, it did the trick. The vampire immediately fell and fainted.

Alexa then started to run for her life, still weak.

What did she miss? And what's going on?

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Deep blue eyes glanced down as Henry did while covering his hands. Those scars, still visible in such terrible lighting, didn't go unnoticed. "Magic," she repeated robotically. It was impossible. Of course, she'd seen it. Henry had used magic. And by this point in the day, she'd be willing to believe just about anything. She shuddered lightly at Henry's words about knowing when and how to put people down. He must have lived some life outside the dome. But then, Zero did, too... Still, Henry hadn't tried to eat her. And Zero did. How many times now?

Anna sighed internally. As if she wouldn't worry about Henry. And though she wouldn't admit it at this moment, because she was still pretty butt-hurt, she cared about Zero, too. That was why she'd tried to help him and why she didn't really feel as afraid of him as she probably should have. Just hurt, and a little angry. It was just in her nature to care about others, and to be a little too trusting. Gullible even.

Henry stood and then there was a hand. Annabelle blinked owlishly at the outstretched arm, following it up to look at Zero's face. She was somewhat shocked, that he was offering to help her. Didn't he hate her? She reached up slowly to take the offer, but quickly frowned, swatting the hand away. "I can manage on my own," she said. "I know you don't want to help me anyway," she mumbled, pushing herself to her feet and turning her back to him once more. Who was he trying to impress now? It certainly wasn't her.

Anna accepted the baton, feeling its weight in her hands as she nodded to Henry. She frowned in determination. She'd do her best to carry her own weight and not be a burden. She held the baton with both hands for a moment to eye Zero. It was a warning look. She'd stabbed him once. She certainly wasn't above whacking him with the baton. Then, she turned her nose up and walked away from the vampire. She'd probably get over it sooner than later, probably.

As she moved she wondered what exactly a solar plexus was. Henry really did know a lot about a lot of things. And magic. After thinking for a moment, Annabelle asked, "Henry, can you tell me about magic? If I really have it, how do I use it?" She wanted to know. She'd be better able to protect herself and actually be useful if it was true, and she had some kind of spectacular gift.
Zero had smiled slightly when Henry said he was growing on him. It made him feel a little giddy, if he had a heart beat, it probably would have sped up for a moment. Though he frowned deeply as the other spoke more about his condition, Zero was mostly frowning that Henry had refused his offer of immortality. Still he respected that. Henry was a much stronger person than Zero could ever dream of being, and he admired that.

When Annabelle reached for his hand, he was a little surprised, not expecting her take the help. His surprise didn't last long as she smacked his hand away, and he just shrugged at her. Did he really want to help her or not, he wasn't sure. He definitely wanted to protect her so that no one else could eat that delicious blood of hers, but was that all that was? Did he really care so little for her because she was a human that he wouldn't help her at all? Zero really wasn't sure. He didn't think he would have fully abandoned her even without the blood addiction. "...Maybe..Maybe not." He just shrugged, and watched her take the weapon from Henry.

That baton was dangerous, when Annabelle gave him that warning look, he backed up a bit. That thing had hurt, he knew, because Henry had already used it on him. So Zero gave the girl her space, and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking to Henry almost for direction.

Jason Salvator

[Meet Jason Salvator, a pureblood vampire. He's over a thousand years old, but has the appearance of an eighteen year old. He has three siblings: Matt Salvator, the eldest, Geonia Salvator, the second eldest, and Tyler Salvator, the fourth eldest. All three brothers (and one sister) participated to kill their own parents. His powers consists of Compelling (making the human or creature do whatever he wants), speed, strength, his ability to heal, and his attractiveness. His weaknesses consists of Vervain, a plant that can harm vampires, sunlight, but he can walk in the sunlight because of his ring, and the sweet fragrance of blood. Jason hates the fact that he's a vampire, and instead tries not to drink human blood of the spot, but instead blood from blood banks.]

Jason fucking hates Matt for making him come to this useless town and "hunt".

"Now now, Jason, make sure to fucking drink someone's blood, understand?" His sister, Geonia, said to him in a British accent. He roll his eyes. "Yes, I understand, mom." Geonia huffed and used her super-speed to run away. Tyler left with Matt earlier and left Jason all alone.

Goddammit, He hates using his fangs on an innocent human. Sighing, he decided to use his super-speed and go to the outskirts, since basically everyone in the outskirts are screwed up. They won't think that he's against them. Jason's plan is to save all the humans that are alive.

Jason's been alive for over a thousand years. He knows how to handle things.

Yes, he's been alive since the 10th century.

Jason accidently bumped on a warehouse's door. Since he was fast, he got hurt REAL bad and the door has a dent the size of his head. "Damn, what the hell? I didn't know there was a warehouse here," he muttered, knocking on the door softly. He heard faint whispers in the warehouse. Using his super hearing, he eavesdropped.

"...Maybe..Maybe not."

He could've sworn he heard a the sound of metal hitting something.

Taking a deep breath, he kicked the door open with full strength, revealing a brunette with a baton in her hand, a blonde dude who he immediately knew is a vampire, and another guy.

Jason broke an entering.

Swallowing, Jason rested his hand on the brick wall, and grinned.

"The tone in the dome is horrible, don't you think?"
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Henry Francis Foster
As everyone reached their feet, with an evident conflict between Zero and Annabelle, Henry let out a sigh. His attention returning to Anna, only after her pointed question. "How to use magic? Well, personally as a sorcerer we use ... spirits, to complete spells. I'm elementally based, which is your generic platform most casters start on. Air, fire, earth, water. You get it." Foster cleared his throat. "There is more than one base however, you get those who deal with reading minds and telekinesis or those who can conjure demons and illusions, people who can heal by mere touch. It's something one should meditate on. Naturally, a certain type comes easier than others. I can cast minor hexes, not too bad with a little telekinesis or laced potions, yet I'm certainly never going to attempt making lepers better. Far out of my depth." The masked man held out his hand and without a word, it burst into flames. Engulfing and flickering around his palm and fingertips - but not making it burn in any way; dying out as he then reached into the brick wall and literally scooped a handful of it without any sort of effort. Dropping the perfectly cupped debris to the floor with a clatter of rubble. "I'll show you how, soon enough. The main factor is focus. Getting a handle on flicking the ability on and off, or switching between them. Yet this isn't quite the place for lessons, you'll have to excuse me, little lady."

Meeting Zero's gaze, Foster nodded jovially. "Well, into the fray, isn't it? We need to find Annabelle's home and whatever secrets are kept. I dare say we'll find some good things amongst the bad. Then it'll be homeward bound for me, I'm not sure what you two'll do. Yet there's always a place with me if you need to get back on your feet after this mess." Although the door clanged. Something or someone - Henry shifted alertedly and immediately began to reach for Annabelle's arm as the creature then kicked the door panel in. "Not as terrible as your one-liner. I'd have thought a vampire like yourself to be better educated. Bram Stoker is spinning in his grave." Foster, wrenched the whalers blade from his belt. "The weather outside is worse, counting the nuclear wasteland. Effectively your statement is utter bullshit, but that's coming from a meagre intellectual. There's a city out there to feast upon, and our party has more than enough vampires. I only have a tolerance for one. So here's my thoughts on the matter - leave, or I'll see what happens when my fist finds your face. A face that has the same appeal as a rotting carcass, you prepubescent teenage boy." His cheerful, kind tone had been utterly dropped. Returning to it's apathetic, almost inhuman robotic recital.

poppet poppet Kry Kry Emi Nebulas Emi Nebulas
Jason Salvator

Once the boy started his lecture, Jason zoned out. He wasn't a thing for lectures, but when the man said, "prepubescent teenage boy" is when he snapped out of it. "Teenage," Jason snickered, dusting off his pants. "Sorry, didn't listen to your lecture." He noticed how the man was overprotective of the brunette and grinned. Jason whistled. "No need to be overprotective of your girlfriend. I was just confused why there were people in this abandoned warehouse--" he stopped to sneeze. Jason covered his mouth and looked away while he did. Damn his manners. He looked back at the man. "Anyway, I'm not here to suck a human's blood. Like my sister would say, it's 'rubbish'," he mocked his sister's British accent.

Suddenly, a horrible scent filled the air. Jason gaged.

"Gosh, are one of you--no--the scent is strong, are both of you magic users? Damn, it's been like, a hundred years since I've seen one." He scratched his neck. "I'll leave if you want me to leave." He looked at the door which is on the ground. "Um... should I fix that? I did break it after all. But if you don't want me too--" Jason beamed, "fine by me!"

Although vampires are "sophisticated" and "mature", Jason is neither of those things.
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Zero had been listening rather attentively as Henry explained some aspects of magic to Annabelle, it did all seem interesting. Soon the lesson was over, they were about to head out when Zero heard something, it sounded like something had hit the nearby door. Henry had heard it to apparently, then again the sound had been rather obvious. Then that door opened. He didn't even need to look to know it was another vampire, and Zero moved quickly. Henry had reached for Annabelle, and so had Zero, but Zero had reached for her to pull back some as he moved directly between her and the other. A low, menacing growl coming from his throat. He didn't recognize this one, but that didn't mean it wasn't a lackey from his sire sent to retrieve him.

He gave Henry a sidelong glance at the rather long winded insult, but the vampire approved of it. He took a threatening step towards this intruding vampire. "Fuck off. You can tell Julius that I'm not coming back. No matter how many of you he sends after me, and if he even so much as thinks of hurting my new friends, I'll kill him." Zero knew there was a price for disobeying one's sire. A price for going against him, but that creature had tossed him off a building and left him to die just because Zero hadn't wanted to kill everyone in the dome. His eyes were narrowed, the look in them dangerous, his lips were drawn back to reveal his fangs in a threatening snarl. His hands were at his sides, clenched into tight fists. Zero forced his muscles to relax, so he could react all the more quickly if the other vampire attacked.

The other vampire didn't seem intent on attacking though, instead he seemed intent on being..stupid..The way the vampire had responded to Henry, it was a little off putting and not at all what Zero would expect from one of his sire's lackeys. It could be a trick, most of them were pretty tricksy. His brow furrowing slightly at the way the vampire reacted to magic, it was obvious he could smell it. Zero didn't have that ability but he could taste it in the blood of magic users. Still, to say he hadn't seen one in so long, was this really one of his sire's lackeys? They hunted covens of magic users at times. Not regularly, but occasionally. Those in the wasteland with magic had slightly better tasting blood than those in the waste land that didn't have magic. It was probably just another trick of this lackey.

"What's your game, punk?" Zero eyed him with murder in that gaze as he took another threatening step towards the vampire, trying to put himself also in front of Henry.

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