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Fantasy The MPC Rushes Story, Cont.

Good morning, please let me know if there are any questions or if the links do not work. Thank you.


Qanapei Kenpachi

Meaning, “Acquiring or creating without words to fight“


Kenpachi Qanapei

Meaning, “Warrior of acquiring or creating without words”

The amazing name Cana: meaning and etymology


What does kenpachi mean

Mr. Nope has only one persona, with three alternate forms-

1st form = based on local or natural environment


2nd form = based on foreign environments or visiting realms outside of his own that require preservation of energy and maximum functionality.


3rd form = original form



  • Is a prominent curator (primarily of abstract concepts, knowledge and alleged secrets), occasionally collects artifacts or relics of ancient or mystical origins.
  • The Librarian is one of his former roles, Mr. Nope still maintains the skill sets of the Librarianship.
  • The general public never acknowledges if and when he is around, only those whom he is connected to understand how to contact/locate him, unless he reveals himself to those who cannot see him.
  • Quite snarky, cynical, sarcastic, blunt.
  • Never rude or mean unless it is deserving of those who cross him.
  • Has several unique mannerisms and sayings that only he and those he is connected to knows.
  • Mr. Nope also has a very small circle of unknown associates.
  • Mr. Nope is an ancient Master in Psionic and the meta physical realms.

Personality attributes-

  • Introvert
  • Highly Sensitive
  • Empath
  • Pisces
  • Thinker
  • Invokes otherworldly peace and mystical fog.


Personal Status-

  • Race- Soul
  • Birth- March 17
  • Sex- Male
  • Height- 198.12 cm (6'6")
  • Weight- Unknown

Professional Status-



Arkadious, Kisuke Urahara, Black Iron House?

Previous Affiliation-

Gotei 11 & 12, House of Kenpachi, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, S.R.D.I.

Bleach Wiki





Previous Position-

Librarian and Research Specialist of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute (SRDI), 12th Division.

Shinigami Research and Development Institute

Base of Operations-


Previous Base of Operations-

Soul Society, Black Iron House?
Last edited by a moderator:
Tivurtii Trent is an individual who at this point, is very shrouded. His personality is kinda rash and at times unplanned. However, he is a character that is noble and has strong conviction to where he comes from, his friends, and his own morals. Although he may act rash, he knows Game Theory, logic, and rhetoric. At this time, not much is known about his appearance. What is known is that the man is fairly tall, six foot, one inch. His eyes are light brown, that slightly glow in the dark. His natural hair is dark, while his hair has blue highlights in the front.

Since he has been traveling, he has been wearing a black, leather, trench coat that. On the black trench coat, is a hoodie that drapes over his head. It makes it impossible for others to describe his face. The sleeves of the black trench loosely fit around his arms and is not firmly fitted. This leaves the ends of the sleeves to hang where his wrists are. On his hands, are black, soft leather gloves that fit seamlessly on his big hands.

The reason for him being so mysterious at first is to conceal himself, as he is looking for someone that has caused high crime against the Trent family and brought shame to the Nobles in the United Kingdom.
Look at what I finally got around to doing. Lazy lazy color work, but whatever.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/RP_BLOTT_Full_web.JPG.6431e47b80027d7ec9ffa0e8ac04172b.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/RP_BLOTT_Full_web.JPG.6431e47b80027d7ec9ffa0e8ac04172b.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/RP_BLOTT_Headshot_web.JPG.cebce230637adb333713b6d93ce78cba.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104377" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/RP_BLOTT_Headshot_web.JPG.cebce230637adb333713b6d93ce78cba.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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