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Fantasy The MPC Rushes Story, Cont.


The Pale Stranger
Writers, Reaper, Time Jumpers, Gypsies and Crow-Speakers!!! They all have a story and here is where you can share your background details with your fellows. Tell as little or as much as you want and feel free to come back and add to your character as our story progresses.

Sincerely yours,

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Also, if anyone has sketches/drawings/pictures of their persona or what your persona is wearing/equipped with, feel free to upload those as well.
Lisbeth Walpurgis is basically a combination of three people: myself, the protagonist of my novel series, Frostine, and a character that I play in a D&D campaign, also named Lisbeth Walpurgis. Normally she looks like me: short brown hair, brown eyes, wears blue glasses. While she was fused with a character that she had Written (Frostine), she was able to sometimes call upon her abilities and look like her: pure white skin, long, ice-blue hair, and aquamarine eyes, as well as a golden circlet upon her head with a small scrap of fabric encased in a cabochon gem. Now that Lisbeth and Frostine have been separated, the Writer can no longer transform.

While fused, Lisbeth wore Frostine's clothing: a Viking-like ensemble of blue wool and hide with white embroidery and fur accents. Her outfit features a high-necked shirt, sturdy traveling pants, a hooded, fur-lined cloak, pointed-toe boots, and several belts for her weapons and pouches.

Since being separated, Lisbeth's wardrobe has reverted back to her usual clothing. She wears a brown top hat with red and orange accents, a red and brown striped blouse, a black underbust corset with brass findings, a red and brown striped bustle skirt, black leggings, a black leather thigh pouch, and black boots.

Lisbeth was able to use Frostine's twin short swords: the Fangs of Arachne. They were fey made, and possessed a core of energized crystal so they could be used for casting spells, usually iced-based.

Now Lisbeth must rely on her Writing abilities for combat.

Lisbeth's most distinguishing feature is her trusty Book: a leather-bound tome that can be used to turn the words she Writes in it into reality. The limitations on this being that anything she creates in a world that is not of her own creation will only last for a short while before disappearing. She can Create worlds with this power, although she is unsure if she is actually creating them, or if she is simply uncovering something that was already there and claiming it as her own.
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Don't have any details yet, but here is a rough sketch of what Arkadious looked like pre-move. I'll flesh the character out more as the story progresses...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f30313_MPCArkadious.png.8ee858342951c3ddf51f2fbbaf6249b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89191" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c60f30313_MPCArkadious.png.8ee858342951c3ddf51f2fbbaf6249b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • MPC Arkadious.png
    MPC Arkadious.png
    378.1 KB · Views: 14
I have a sketch of Blott, but until I can get to a good printer, I think I'll hold off on showing it. Camera phones just don't color-correct very well.
Ok, might as well spit out a bit of a blurb for dear Blott while I hunt down my scanner.

Quinette Blott is small and wiry with a general 'underfed' look to her. She has short white hair, though when she takes off her hat you can can light brown roots coming up. She had dark shadows under her eyes, which are a grey-hazel in color. Her left arm is black from the shoulder down to her elbow, with nordic runes emerging from the mass and drifting out from the cluster down to just above her wrist.

She typically wears a white, ink-stained shirt under a three-button vest, in which she keeps an old fountain pen and an empty glass ink bottle. She normally has black pants, and wears black ankle boots, more fit for an office or daily wear than adventuring. She is also accompanied by a crow of (currently) unknown origins which likes to sit under her short-stack top hat. Much like a cat to a witch, the crow seems to act like a kind of familiar, a notable trait being seeming incendiary feathers.

It's worth noting that Blott doesn't actually talk. Or eat. Or sleep. She speaks through her crow, and seems to not need food at long as the crow is fed in her place. On occasion, though her mouth remains closed, black ink will occasionally ooze out. The cause of such is (currently) unknown.
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A jumper, Genevieve is compelled through time and place against her will, regularly finding herself in the most violent moments of history. This curse, as she calls it, appears to be a family trait, and she is pursued by those who wish to exploit it.

Her hair is a fiery auburn and her eyes a bright blue, framed with long black lashes. Her coy flirtatiousness is largely an act, allowing her to draw people in and take from them what she needs. But it also serves as a protection for her fragile heart. Only those few closest to her are allowed to see that vulnerable side, even then only in glimpses and usually at times of peril. She is a fierce and loyal friend, though past betrayals and mistakes have made her doubt her own judgement.

Though not Rom, Genevieve acquired the moniker of Gypsy as a result of her nomadic lifestyle, her eclectic preferred dress of billowing skirts and draped scarves, and her unique skill set, including the ability to read one's fortune in the grounds left in a coffee cup. In the past, she has used the alias Riviera. Her own time period and origins are unclear, though some clues point to a French heritage.

When the situation calls for weapons--and Genevieve finds this is often the case--she prefers a dagger or a sword. "If I must kill someone," she is fond of saying, "I'm going to take responsibility for it. Plunging a blade into an enemy is a personal act."
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[QUOTE="Genevieve Moulin]Love the sketch, Ark! Sadly, drawing is not among my talents. So, see my profile pic, I suppose. Genevieve is basically me with longer hair. :)

Thank you, dear, I do enjoy doodling. xD Alas, it seems we may never know when our fair Arkadious will return to the present Co. ;P But the show must go on!!!
Good Afternoon travelers. I would like to enter your roleplay if you would be amenable. I have been following along here and there and would like to step in, if that would be acceptable of course.

My character is William Blackiron, Master of Black Iron House. Curse Finder, Monster Hunter, Other Services.

William Blackiron is a tall man, gangling and awkward. He has neat black hair and large spectacle glasses. He seems an odd fit to claim the title of monster hunter, as he has no evident athleticism or martial prowess to speak of. He seems more a clerk than a fighter, and often becomes nervous in confrontation. He does, however, seem to have an uncanny knack for preparation. He has obtained a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of supernatural horrors and their weaknesses. All to the good, and yet...

William always seems out of sorts and out of place. Never comfortable in his own skin or in the times or places he finds himself. Is he more than he seems? Or perhaps, more frighteningly, he is less than he seems... Master in name but servant in truth to something far larger, and older, and stranger than his unassuming manner would suggest.

Many things can be found in Black Iron House, but finding and keeping are two very different things.
Welcome, William, to a strange tale of Writers, Artists, Time Jumpers, demons, werewolves, and malevolent gods. I think that you may find yourself right at home in our little band of misfits.
I don't have any problem accepting William into our midst. What say our other members? I know Ark has started a conversation with William via PM, but preliminary thoughts?
I say he's in, seems to be a well thought out character, and I'm interested in seeing what he can do, which is always a good sign.

I'm new here, and I would like to join, although, i'm not quite sure how this shall work? I'm going to attempt at something.. Umm..

Daisy Zinnia Phuul (Pronounced as 'Pull')

(for now)

18 winters old


Her hair length stops past her shoulders at the middle of her back, her hair used to be about 5 feet in length until she had cut it one fateful night. She has a fringe and moves it out the way when she reads.

Her hair color is a deep brown, nearly black, and it has a rusty red hue to it in the sunlight over the summer.

Her eye color is a soft shade of green, as if it was a newborn leaf in the spring.

Her visage is shaped like a heart.

Her eyes are almond shaped, a beauty mark resting beneath her left eye. Atop her high cheek bones. She wears glasses because she feels as though she's a different person when she does. She also needs them for reading.

Her lashes are dark, not that long, but long enough to give her a natural cat eye.

She weighs 123.7 lbs and is 5'4'' in height.

Her body is curvaceous, torso is small, and her legs are long.

Picture Reference



She had elegant, classy clothing that she earned through her grandmother's will; who know what her grandmother once was, and sold it to support herself out in the world. Thus, she wears a lot of drab, occasionally making herself seem presentable; which she prefers, however, choosing not to most of the time. Many mistake her as a peasant, although that isn't the case, and she makes her travels with her snow white Shire named 'Sapheed'.


She's very nice, loves to laugh, and smile. However, because of what happened to her when she was 16 winters, she hides it often. Her eyes make her the most insecure, although, she doesn't mind a chat. People believe she's shy and timid, when she's just very quiet and limits her talking.

She once loved to talk, and still does, but now she has to be careful regarding what she says due to her own personal fear.

She's never depressed, just very thoughtful, she has certain morals and thoughts that she lives by, so handing her trust to others isn't really as easy as people may think.


To dream and stare off into space.

Flowers of all kinds, animals, and comfort.

Food, she loves to eat and wishes she could cook, even though she doesn't know how.

The stars.

The ocean.



Feels the safest when traveling constantly.

Working, loves to work.



Her family for just no apparent reason.


Not moving.

Nonexistent public bath houses. She doesn't like the stench even if she's comfortable in it.

Rude behavior.

Nonexistent manners.


Background is soon to come, i'm still thinking.

Daisy's Appearance should be here somewhere.

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