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Realistic or Modern The Metsos CS


I'm confused... about everything
Appearance: (Pics or description)
Relationships: (Platonic, romantic, etc)
I'm probably missing something, so add more stuff if you want, this is just a basic template for a character
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[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Garret Walcroft

Occupation: Enforcer
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Garret Walcroft
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: White - British Origins

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]
Height: 6 ft. 2 in. (188 cm)

Weight: 220 lbs. (100 kg)

Build: Well Built, Muscular

Clothing: Black trench coat over a matching black suit with red velvet tie. Black Oakley gloves. Polished black dress shoes.

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Ethics/Morals: Has a strong conscience and own set of ethics and morals. Will stay true to himself and the few trusted in his life. Disregards laws and regulations for the most part and could care less of what others think of him. He believes he is doing good for the sake of the syndicate.

Personality: Loyalty and honesty. Working for the crime syndicate for over a decade is more then just a job to Garret. It is his way of life. Starting out as a mere street look out he has climbed the ranks of the organization to the brutal, but needed role of an enforcer. Some people refer to his role as the "tax collector" per say, however he will do any means to collect those taxes. Loyalty and honesty to the syndicate has granted him much respect over the decade. Being offered many places in other syndicates as well as being honest to his bosses when he reported disloyal members when he was younger. His straight-to-the-point attitude sets the tone upon entering most environments is one of his distinguishable traits as well as his semi-brutal ways of collecting money and doing jobs that are needed by the syndicate.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory[/div]
Born into a family of working class parents in Upper New York he lived a mostly rough childhood. Constant abuse and torment from his father due to substance abuse. He was the eldest of his five siblings, caring for them and taking the blunt of things for them. His mother attempted to make amends with her husband but was heavily abused, later ending her own life. Left with the choice to stay with his abusing father or leave with his siblings to a relative, the choice was obvious. The relative. During the night when their father was out drinking, the children snuck out and quickly traveled their relative's house who was their aunt, mother's sister. They arrived to a warmth and love that they haven't received in a long time, but that happiness wouldn't last long for Garret. He was quickly involved with many fights and crime with other teens. Those fights led to him being constantly hated by his relatives and kept him as a loner for the most part, providing for himself and when his siblings needed him. After graduating high school, he was even more heavily involved with street crime as he began doing jobs for a local bar. Little did he know the bar was the headquarters for a crime syndicate. After a year of being a delivery boy and look out he was inducted into the syndicate where he was mentored by one of the most brutal members of the syndicate. He was mentored heavily in hand-to-hand combat and brutal ways of interrogation. Slowly climbing the hierarchy of the syndicate he is where he is now as an enforcer. A bloody good one.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Sasha Mayakovsky
(A.K.A The Iron Mistress)

Occupation: Executive Director of Bismarck Corp / Syndicate Arms Dealer
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

*If you tilt your head to the left and blur your eyes. The stats combined looks like a Thompson.

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Sasha Mayakovsky
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: White - Russo-German descent

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. (175 cm)

Weight: 145 lbs. (65 kg)

Build: Petite build, mesomorphic

Clothing: Burgundy cocktail dress and stilettos. Stockings and a thigh-strap that conceals a Ruger 380.

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]
Alignment: Lawful Evil

Ethics/Morals: Has a set of her own methods and code of conducts - long as it meets her needs. A walking mannequin of a thousand facades, she will be anything you see her to be - unpredictable. Usually conduct business and evil by the book, any rooms for mercy or compassion are thrown out the window. Prefers to be the dominant ruler, but can settle to serve others (in this case, for the benefits yielded by the Syndicate).

Relationships Type: Mania (obsessive / possessive)

Likes: Dominion over others, thrills of syndicate activities, being indulged/spoiled, firearms, cars, summer dress, and whiskey.

Dislikes: Competitions, sibling hegemonial rivalries, lack of organizations, indecisiveness, bluntness and indebted favors.

Personality: Hotpockets - cold on the outside, hot on the inside. A refined lady of the upper class, whose mastery of multiple facade is unrivaled, accompanied by her unspoken passion to expand her father's company, as well as her continuing dedication to the Syndicate. Sasha is a cheerful girl, that seems sweet on the outside, but can be quite sadistic at times - enjoying the sight of watching her competitions either humiliated or completely stripped of their honor. As a fairly new, but knowledgeable member of the Syndicate, Sasha can be as sweet as a southern sweetheart to many within the organization, while as sharp and ruthless as an iron maiden. Perhaps it was the alcohol speaking most of the time or even her true self, to that end, know one knows. Two things are certain - she takes the syndicate's decrees as her own creed and will always be merry with a double whiskey on the rocks during happy hour.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory[/div]
Daughter and heiress of Bismarck Corp's CEO, Sasha is your average silver-spoon-fed legacy of the Mayakovsky's successful forerunners. A wealthy dweller of the skyscrapers world, the young lady of the Mayakovsky family had always been her father's favorite, at the cost of receiving a more stern childhood. Trained from a young age with all that she needs to know of the wicked world, Sasha was born solely for the purpose of expanding Bismarck Corps - in her father's eyes. Despite going against the wishes of her siblings, Sasha quickly proven herself in the fields as a commissioner, crushing any of those who stood in the path of her wishes. Eventually, vicious schemes and chivalrous acts rewarded only the empty-handed, but not her. All the temptations of the world offered at her plates, yet she only cherishes the yearnings of unrivaled promises. It wasn't long before she found her forbidden fruit of the eternal garden - the Metso. As time passed, Sasha became a frequent customer. It was neither the drinks, nor the alluring luxuries that fascinated the young lady. But the slips of illicit words from undisciplined informants, that would become her work of leisure. After a year of odd jobs and favors for the Syndicate, Sasha was formally recognized as a part of the legion. With her standing status as the executive director of Bismarck and an underground arms dealer, the mistress of black and white will paint the canvas of her new life with the blood of her competitors - literally.

[/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div][/div]
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[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Colonel Beck Waters

Occupation: Advisor/ Right Hand to Boss
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2]Beck Waters
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 41

Gender: Male

Race: Arabian- Morrocain

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]
Height: 6’3

Weight: 218lbs

Build: Lean, muscular

Clothing: Crisp tailored suits, slacks, and Oxfords. If not in suits jeans, combat boots, and a t-shirt usually do.

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Ethics/Morals: His former morals installed by the military quickly left him, seeing as experience proved them wrong. The only thing that matters to him is to save himself. Whatever benifts him, he will do. And all punishment is equal, no matter who you are.

Personality: Beck is a product of his past. Cold and methodical, the man is often quiet when studying others, then speaks with words that always have a hidden meaning. His desires are usually kept under wraps, and is only motivated by them. His chilvarous and slick appearance hide his true colors of underlying sociopathy, having little feelings for others. A man who thrives in chaos, he will do whatever it takes to better himself or his goals.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory: [/div]
Hailing from Rabat, the capital of Morocco, Beck was born into a American military-based family. His father was a sergeant in the Army, while his mother was a native to the country. The liveliness of Morocco was a trait he loved about homeland, the colorful celebrations and the beautiful sunsets. But, at age 12, the family moved back to America, the only lasting remnent of his home country was his accent. Settling in Virginia, upon the outskirts of D.C, the green trees and suburbs were a drastic change for the boy. But, school went exceedingly better, having straight a’s through high school, as well as being forced to join the swim team by his parents. Graduating, Beck decided to attend Navy college, before joining the service like his father once had.After his four years in school, Beck joined the Navy as an officer. Quickly joining the Navy Seals, he endured all of its years of training and grueling torture. But, he made it. His specialty became sniping, and was quickly shipped off to Afghanistan. Once arriving, he met the man who he now works for today, INSERT NAME... The two were in the same Seal team, and quickly hit it off. For years the team succeeded under his command, eliminating dangerous targets, as well as taking back the former land of the government. But, that all changed...
Upon the last few days of the teams second deployment, they were sent on a deadly recon mission in Mosul. And all was well, until the mine... Two of his comrades died instantly, INSERT NAME narrowly escaped the bombardment, and Beck was captured. Thought to be MIA, Beck was captured, and tortured gruesomely by the Taliban. 5 years passed, and he knew he had no one in this world. Nobody would help him, nobody had his back. Only he could save himself. And so he did. Escaping the compound using brutal force and years of pent energy, Beck murdered each individual within the compound before making his getaway in a broken down Toyota.
Beck was found the next day by a marine patrol group, and quickly saw the terrible mutilated shape he was in. Nursed back to health, he slipped away from the American, wishing to return home... So, he payed a cattle caravan to take him, and within a few days, he was in Morocco. Until his late 30’s he stayed there, living life quietly as a hitman for anyone who paid. Until, INSERT NAME, found him once again. His former comrade explained his new business endeavors, claiming he needed the brains behind his ideas, and asked for his assistance. After much convincing, he took the job, and quickly became on of the most feared, and most intelligent men in his organization.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
Quote Reply Report
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[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name:Camilla DiLuca
Occupation: Bookkeeper for Metsos/Money Laundress
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Camilla DiLuca
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Italian-American

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140 lbs

Build: Curvaceous, toned

Clothing: When out in public, Camilla never wears pants or flat shoes. Her outfit of choice is a tight sheath dress with black heels. She only wears black or red. No exceptions.

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]

Alignment: Lawful neutral

Ethics/Morals: Camilla has a strong respect for authority and tradition. She is rather impartial about the nature of her work, with neither a strong need to concern herself with the morals of the business or get further involved with scheming to improve her social standing. She works for the syndicate because her father did before her, and out of respect for the friendship her family has with the boss.

Likes: Being catered to, silk, rich and indulgent foods, loyalty

Dislikes: Social climbing, synthesized music, kissing ass

Personality: At first glance, Camilla can appear haughty and aloof. A woman needs a certain armor when working in what most perceive to be a man's world. She treats outsiders coldly, until they are proven worthy by displaying loyalty to her or the syndicate. However, those on the inside are treated like family. With those she knows well, she can be especially flirtatious and charming. Camilla is not above using her sex appeal to get what she wants though, so her flirtatious words often have a manipulative undercurrent. Certainly not as vicious or hardworking as other members, Camilla is content with her small place in the syndicate. Her enjoyment of socializing and the finer things in life are bankrolled by the family and she only does what she needs to in order to continue living the lifestyle she loves.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory[/div]
Camilla was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Her father made his living working for the syndicate and was pretty good at it. Camilla was his only daughter out of five children and as a result, she was doted on and spoiled rotten. She likely has her father to blame for demanding the lifestyle she likes. Nothing she's wanted has ever been off limits: men, clothing, apartments. Her mother wasn't a fan of her father's occupation and by the time Camilla was sixteen, they had divorced. The fact that her father had cheated with a string of several women probably helped to fuel the fire. Camilla was allowed to choose who had custody over her and she chose her father, knowing he would do anything for her. When she was eighteen, he got her a small gig in the syndicate and she easily worked her way up to bookkeeping. She made it a point to be detail oriented. Her place working in the bar was likely also gifted upon her due to her penchant for being welcoming to guests in a manner that is almost over the top. Unfortunately last year, her father was gunned down doing a job for the boss, leaving Camilla devastated. Behind closed doors, she is still struggling with his death, using alcohol to drown her sorrows.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Thomas Simmons

Occupation: Police Officer - Corrupt
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Gallery[/div]
Simmons' with his family; Elena - daughter, Daniel - son, and Janet - wife.

Simmons interrogating a detective that stepped to close to the syndicate

Simmons' notifying the syndicate about private investigators

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Thomas Simmons
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 45

Gender: Male

Race: White - South British Origins

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]
Height: 5 ft. 11 in. (180 cm)

Weight: 180 lbs. (82 kg)

Build: Overwhelmingly built, his stressed out grey hair and aging face makes Thomas look old however he is merely in his 40s and quite physically capable.

Clothing: Standard New York Police Department patrol uniform and winter jacket; precinct 20 indicators, sergeant chevrons on sleeves, badge with some awards. Well kept NYPD Patrol Officer Cap. Standard issued patrol equipment; extended baton, Glock 17 Gen 4, two extra magazines, two zip ties, standard taser, two extra clips, and other necessities. Standard NYPD trousers. Black combat boots.

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Ethics/Morals: Everything is for his family. Married and two young children. Shit hours, shit pay, and shit treatment has left Thomas with a hatred for the NYPD. He is a family man to the bone as he finds extra means to create revenue for them; becoming corrupt. His views others that don't serve his interests non-existent as he merely wants the money. However, he is completely confident in covering his tracks and involvement with crime. Even though he is corrupt, the Department has no clue as he is a respected patrol sergeant.

Personality: Loyalty to his family. A family man. The extra earnings of the being corrupt outweigh all the consequences that may be put upon him as long as his family is well off and happy. Serving in the NYPD for nearly three decades he's a well respected member of the Department and has no opposition against him. Working as an insider and their go-to-man for the Syndicate, he has provided the Syndicate with information and police reports. Confident with his many years of experience and being a street cop has given him a trained body for anything, besides gun shots.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory[/div]
A family of emergency servicemen has run traditions through his family tree. His great-great-grandfather started it off by being a member of the NYPD and the tradition has followed through to him. However, Thomas is the only one out of his siblings to continue this tradition as they have pursued much higher professions. Being born and raised in Manhattan, New York he knows the city like the back of his hand. Being a defender of justice as a child he always protected the innocent and reported the school bullies to the teachers. His father beat the streets until he laid on his death bed, continuing on the legacy as he enrolled into the police academy after high school, this was before officers were required a higher education. Starting off as a rookie he was all goodie tissues and upheld the law to the most. His superiors viewed him as an outstanding rookie and similar to his old man. His peers thought he was an ass kisser and took his job way to seriously, which Thomas defended himself on multiple occasions. As years went by he was passed up on promotion on multiple occasions as he didn't have the correct "qualifications and experience" but in reality he just didn't have any connections. A decade goes by Thomas is finally promoted to Sergeant and does astounding, helping out rookies and managing his watch. Five years later he is offered a promotion to Lieutenant and takes it but before he is promoted an armed robbery happens the day of, Thomas responding with his officers. The robbers were highly armed and organized. When officers arrived on scene they were gunned down by automatics, many officers becoming wounded and killed. Being the highest ranking at the time he was blamed for the failure and loss of the officers, passing his promotion over. That would stain Thomas' record forever as he remains a Sergeant for the rest of his career. Short on cash Thomas begins to sell information to the organized criminals. Specifically the Metsos Crime Syndicate, which he is later picked up as an insider of many. However, after long loyalty and competent information he is main insider for information and does services for them.
[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
code by @sadvalentine

r o s e .

occupation waitress/bar hand, occasional entertainer & confidant of many at The Metsos
build petite hourglass, toned muscle
height 5'7"
weight 127lbs
faceclaim ella purnell - accent; English
likes thunderstorms, lightning, tequila & rum, serving drinks, balancing tray's, pomegranate's, art, pop culture, science fiction, reading, books, writing, dance, singing, swing, jazz, poetry, skincare, g-shock watches, thoughts and reflections, being able to confide in people and have others confide in her, starting conflict, vogue, fashion, textiles, random pieces of information, plants, following blogs, action films - though all in general, watching bar fights, persuading people, comic books, the smells of burning wood, sandalwood, hibiscus, quite frankly - psychotic people make her feel sane, lemon meringue pie, Jane Austen, gaming, perfume, wearing heel's, drinking games & winning them, performing in The Metsos & having people appreciate it, recieving her paycheck on time, working out, deceiving, sarcasm, psychology - she always says, if she actually went to uni/college she would have become a psychologist, talking cypriot when other people can't understand her
dislikes perverts, hypocrites, drugs, smoking, having her photo taken, mind blocks, hiatus, some criminals, murderers, admitting her own corruption, smelling like smoke/having to stand smokers, jewelry - save for her mothers heirloom, being compared to others, being taken advantage of, snitches, downers, people who ruin the fun for everyone else,
clothing She hardly has her hair up unless it is half up-half down, and she doesn't wear makeup unless its a special ocassion. She doesn't need it. She always wears her mother's gold necklace. It was her last gift to her before she passed away. Rose treasures nothing more. The necklace consists of a thin gold chain, and a simple real emerald cut into a circle. typically she wears yellow, white and blue tops, a lot of black jeans, or gingham skirts, overalls, or anything that is "off the shoulder" and cropped. her shoes are always simple black heels or black boots
theme Comics by Caravan Palace

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name ┋ Rose Parker Crusch// nickname┋ Ro, R.C, C.P.R, Parker, age ┋ 25 gender ┋ female sexuality ┋ heterosexual/// age ┋24 race ┋ cypriot/english alignment chaotic good

ethics/morals As an employee of The Metsos, Rose's morals and ethics are very likely to already be questioned. Over the years, the establishments employees and regular customers have grown a reputation, and although it doesn't precede every one of them, it does precede Rose. Plenty of times in the past she hasn't stopped a fight, hasn't spoken up about an injustice, hasn't shared something she could have. The list goes on. But, Rose has good intentions, only the best. Anything and everything she does, she does with good reason. As far as anyone knows, the city of Manhattan, and its people have never done anything directly against her, so why should she have any need to make a turn in the wrong direction? Rose likes to think that she has a good ethic and possesses good morals, and she honestly really does. Though, like any other human being, she makes mistakes. The oddest mistakes.
CQC - 2/5
Firearms - 3/5
Driving - 3/5
Alcohol - 4/5
Speech - 4/5

Strength - 2/5
Dexterity - 5/5
Constitution - 4/5
Intelligence - 4/5
Wisdom - 3/5
Charisma - 3/5
personality Rose has always been a pretty optimistic human being, always trying to see the good in people and situations. She doesn't like to frown, and she doesn't like to be faced with realities that are too hard for her to handle, so Hope is a good word to summarise her. Despite this fact, it doesn't take much to break her down to her core. Heck, she wouldn't stand very long in an interrogation unless she cared for whatever she was hiding, then, undoubtedly, she would brave anything till her last breath. She is an emotional young woman, capable of plenty of triggers, and not because she has experienced them first hand, but because they make her utterly angry inside. She is more likely to cry angry tears in her lifetime than cry sad tears. Day to day, Rose keeps that smile on her face for the people who mill about her and those special few who she serves in the Metsos. It isn't normal to see her frowning while serving shots or making her daily trek to the small stage for a song. Something pretty bad must have happened for someone to see her this way. That makes her pretty closed off from others. The people that underestimate Rose's calm and collected demeanor are likely to face her wrath, be it through words laced with sarcasm and condescendence accompanied by an eye-roll, or a swift punch to the throat for trying to attack her [of course, physical contact rarely happens, and mainly with drunks]. When it comes to her friends, and the people she works with, Rose takes on a protective side. She is always wary of the people surrounding her, and is not afraid to stand up to someone threatening the safety of herself and others [physically; remember what i said about her not speaking up on what she hears around the club?]. She is a loyal compatriate to whomever, may find themselves in her company and in need of a helping hand. She is usually generous and definitely understanding and accepting of all others. She tries her best to get along with everyone, and if that doesn't work she at least tries for a mutual understanding. This is mostly because she knows that in times of conflict and "war", a room full of friends and mutuals is far, far better than a room full of enemies. Sometimes, Rose can go a little to far with the drinks she shares with customers, and this makes her quite mischevious, flirtatious, and excited for more. Although in the past it has never caused her to lose any real self control, or lose her job for that matter, it has been the antagonist more than fewer of her mistakes. The people enjoy her company when she has a buzz all through her, and a confident walk. On stage, regardless of wether she has had a drink or not [she usually does anyways], her demeanor naturally changes to a much more suave and sure one. It's what she needs when she is up there letting her stress out through song.

history Rose was born in London, England to Maria and Mathew Crusch. She lived there till she was 12 years old, when her mother was suddenly tbd
most of the relationships she has with other people are healthy. There are some people she respects, some she has silent agreements with, and others that she knows she can trust. Rose doesn't out right hate anybody or have any enemies; and she wants it to stay that way.

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[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name: Adonis T. Washington
Occupation: Drug Boy for the Metsos Syndicate
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Adonis Washington
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: African-American

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 178 lbs

Build: Mesomorph, built, toned

Clothing: Adonis is seen in public wearing whatever he feels is comfortable, which is the majority of his wardrobe, though most of it is also designer. He's out with costly accessories and watches. He's never seen without a pair of Jordans on his feet, and in the summer sporting Ray Ban glasses. Adonis despises the idea of suits, and tries his best to keep them out of his closet.

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Ethics/Morals: Adonis has a sizeable respect for the syndicate. His sole reason for even getting twisted in the mobster web was due to the relationship his girlfriend has with the organisation. In hopes of protecting her, he tries to advance his placement in the hierarchy in hopes of a higher ranking. The stability of the syndicate itself is of no real importance to Adonis.

Likes: Loyalty, money, respect, power, women, alcohol, sports

Dislikes: Being disrespected, being looked down on

Personality: Adonis has a very charismatic undertone, a darker and grim sense of humour. He doesn't enjoy the seriousness of the Metsos Syndicate, and in spite of being berated for it on occasion, he continues to joke around "on the job" and even taunts certain people in the business he dislikes. Adonis is quick-witted, sarcastic, and comical but knows when his utmost concentration and seriousness are needed. He's very ambitious and determined to get whatever he wants, whether he's forced to work for it or not, which is the basis of why he's joined the syndicate in the first place. Not to forget though, Adonis is a very flirtatious individual, and his been known to womanise. His charm and looks allow him a very seductive upside that could be used both tactically or just for pleasure. Confident in his own skills, Adonis is definitely a good ally to the Metsos.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory[/div]

Adonis was an only child, born and raised in the mean streets of Southern New York. His father had been arrested when he was only a child, and so he grew up to only a mother, her siblings and her friends. The ghetto he grew up in, or "streets" as the people have dubbed it, were a tight knight community in spite of the violence and turmoil that ravaged around them. They tried to bring up their children in a good, stable way, seeing them as their only hope in future. As a cause of this, Adonis didn't grow up with toys, or Christmas gifts or whatnot, but instead, by the age of fourteen had started working shifts alongside his mother. He was an educated young man as well, and by the time highschool or university had came up, he was the top of the class. Adonis graduated highschool with honours as the valedictorian, and studied and still does study Medicine in the New York University. With a steady and large income having worked at General Hospital for the past three years, Adonis moved upstate New York, and has bought his family homes close to his. Having received an invite to a Wine Tasting, it was that night that Adonis had come to meet Camilla DiLuca, a very professional Italian-American woman. He immediately had a lust for her, and approached her smoothly. The two began only flirting before booking a nearby hotel in which things got... heated. Not wanting just another one night stand, both Adonis and Camilla had given some deal of effort into the relationship, and having discovered the Syndicate in which Camilla works for, in hopes of protecting his lover, Adonis has tried his best to integrate himself into the business, beginning as a low-level drug boy.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
Name:Lucas Gibson
Occupation: Errand Boy/Runner
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Lucas Gibson
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Irish-American

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 150 lbs

Build: Slim, slightly athletic

Clothing: Slacks, brown dress shoes, black suit jacket, lucky tie (Blue with a gold shamrock near the end).

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]

Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Ethics/Morals: Lucas is a firm believer that the law is merely just a suggestion. He likes to think of them as guidelines more than anything, especially when it comes to helping the syndicate. He lives on his own skewed system of morals, trusting those around him and at least trying to get on their good side. Anything goes to help the syndicate, which pairs well considering his less than stable psyche.

Likes: The syndicate, Baseball, Dogs, his little brother

Dislikes: The Lazy, police, anyone against the syndicate, anyone who threatens his little brother

Personality: Lucas is the type of kid that you never really know if he is all there. He seems very erratic in everything he does and most of that could be attributed to his mental problems. Yeah Lucas isn't exactly what you would call sane, but he can hide it well enough most of the time so that people don't even notice. He tries to be polite and formal when dealing with other members, especially with any of the women, however he can come off as overbearing and sometimes gets on peoples nerves. He is loyal to the Syndicate to a fault and will do nearly anything they ask him to, be it the simplest of jobs to larger scale operations. No matter what it is you could be sure that he'd get the job done.

[div class=fyuriheader] Backstory[/div]
Lucas was born to a pair of plumbers in Lower New York, living a pretty normal life all things considered. He went to school, did his chores and kept himself out of trouble. This was until he was around ten years old and his 'condition' began to develop. It was subtle at first, getting into small fights at school, not doing his chores etc.... His parents just thought he hit a rebellious streak and that he'd grow out of it. Unfortunately that wasn't the case as he began to run with some bad crowds. Turns out that their family line had a history of psychological problems on his dads side, and it just so happened to start showing it's ugly head around this time. A few years later he was working under a local gang as their errand boy, being the lookout, delevering packages from one place to another, and occasionally breaking someones fingers when needed. He was ninteen when the gang was caught during an armed robbery. Apparently one of the older members wanted out and was more than willing to turn the cops in the right direction for protection. Lucas managed to slip away right before they got his boss, but now he had a bigger problem on his hands. He needed work and there weren't a lot of jobs that would like to see 'Unstable teen who was in a gang' in their application. Fortunately for him that wasn't a problem for very long as one night he decided to stop into a bar called the Metsos for a drink. Some things were said, some details not suited for public were shared and soon Lucas found a job as a sort of errand boy. Anytime anyone needed something done he'd always at their beck and call no matter the request.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]


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[class=fyuriwrapper] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start; max-width:850px; margin:auto; border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0, 0.1); [/class] [class=fyuribox1] width: 300px; margin: 10px 5px 10px 10px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuribox2] flex: 1; margin: 10px 10px 10px 5px; border:1px solid black; [/class] [class=fyuriimagebox] width:100%; pointer-events:none; padding-bottom:5px; [/class] [class=fyuriheader] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; background:#313131; padding:10px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:25px; color:#fff [/class] [class=fyuriheader2] width:calc(100% - 20px); height:35px; padding:0px 10px 10px 0px; font-family: 'Oswald', Impact, Verdana; font-size:30px; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] max-width:850px; margin:auto; opacity:0.3; font-size:10px; [/class]

[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=fyuribox1][div class=fyuriimagebox]
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] Identification[/div]
name: Maggie Friday Benn
nickname/alias: Benny, Mags, Fri
occupation: Private Investigator - devoted to justice, & works occasionaly alongside police
[div class=fyuriheader] Attributes[/div]

[div class=fyuriheader] Skills[/div]

[/div][div class=fyuribox2]
[div class=fyuriheader2] Maggie Benn
[/div][div class=fyuriheader] General[/div]
age: 32
gender: Female
race: White/American
sexual orientation: Bisexual
alignment: Lawful Good

[div class=fyuriheader] Appearance[/div]
faceclaim: Brie Larson

[div class=fyuriheader] Persona[/div]
Sed aliquet venenatis pharetra. Mauris sodales dignissim purus, et hendrerit odio rutrum eget. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ac justo arcu. Morbi at dapibus metus. Ut at facilisis orci. Pellentesque ut pulvinar dui. Aliquam consequat dapibus laoreet. Integer porta venenatis cursus. Nunc cursus quis ante at sagittis. Quisque non tincidunt elit, non efficitur odio.

[div class=fyuriheader] Biography[/div]
Aliquam velit nisl, iaculis sit amet dolor in, dictum viverra purus. Quisque quis dapibus tortor, et imperdiet tellus. In nec dapibus metus, vel varius erat. Ut in nisi turpis. Sed in porta arcu. Donec venenatis eu lectus non congue. Nunc at cursus dolor. Nulla pretium velit id enim condimentum elementum. Vivamus pulvinar orci at magna posuere faucibus a vel velit.

[div class=fyuriheader] Trivia[/div]
Sed sit amet pharetra eros. Etiam erat turpis, pulvinar et dictum quis, vehicula elementum nibh. Aliquam quis vestibulum sapien. Duis ac eros ipsum. Nullam tristique nisi nec tortor efficitur molestie. Pellentesque odio lectus, facilisis id quam quis, eleifend bibendum erat. Cras pharetra turpis eget odio imperdiet lobortis. Aenean at lorem magna. Integer quis auctor mauris, non elementum lectus. Duis facilisis aliquet turpis, id tincidunt urna rhoncus id. Aliquam quis tellus purus.

[/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]
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