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Fantasy The mercs of Kivuli

Aldus waited mostly for the minotaur to address the others before he spoke up again. They really did need to decide on some form of order in which to speak, didn't they? This was getting to be a bit of a mess. Nevermind that for now though, since Asterion asked first instead of the their driver he would get Aldus' answer. "A combination of reasoning and magical power." Aldus answers as if this could be solved in a quick and hopefully simple fashion. "As one that serves the god Kelvar, he saw fit to entrust my brethren and I with some power to peer at people's souls to see just how tainted they really are." he explains, giving an appraising look with his dull green eyes but not yet using his power to do. "My proposition is simple. I look at the taint of your soul myself and decide from there." As much as the minotaur could easily be pulling a ruse the fact that nothing hostile has occurred yet was an undeniable point in his favor. Plus, an extra sword could come in handy. "How about it? If all goes well it should a quick affair."

@Frostbite @JayKuro @StoneWolf18 @String Theory
When Kiyoko stepped out the wagon he didn't expect to be spoken to, or even mentioned in the conversation. It had nothing to do with him, although once the Minotaur started looking him up and down, then calling him a child he wasn't that happy.

"Why do I get called a child, just because I'm shorter than most doesn't mean I'm as young as I look." He said glaring at the Minotaur pouting a bit as he folded his arms over his chest. Just because everyone else were older than him by a lot doesn't mean he has to be called a kid.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @Frostbite @CoreyXIX
Kyev looked out over the same sparsely forested rolling foothills he had seen for the past three days riding. Coming west and then north, he had spent most of his journey to Almsmuth riding through these same grassy hills speckled with woods near waterways or off to the south. Looking up at the sky, he saw that it was a few hours past noon. Deciding it was time for a short break and a remount, he led his three horses off to a small copse near the wide dusty horse trail that passed for a road. Dismounting, he unstoppered a waterskin and gave Hurya, his Speckled Aravak mare and mount for the past 6 and a half hours or so, several long draughts from the skin. Altai horses are trained to hold their heads in a particular way so that their riders can pour water into their mouths with spilling. After watering Hurya he moved on to Vazsilvyar, his dark roan Kvayr Warmblood stallion and let him drink. He'd be carrying Kyev for the next leg of the journey. After the two warhorses were watered, he moved on to the big quarter-percheron packhorse he'd picked up in Zemasbar, who had been called Stul. After the horses were watered and Kyev had given Hurya a quick wipe-down and saddle adjustment, he drank the few mouthfuls left in the waterskin and had a quick snack of Hyaluk (tough dried meat kept under the saddle to tenderize during a day's riding) and a biscuit he'd saved from breakfast the previous day. He allowed himself a brief moment to take in the land. The dappled shadows under the sparse birch trees, the rolling hills close enough to the ones of his homeland that they filled him with dull throbs of nostalgia, and the occassional flock of birds flying north towards the mountains where his eventual destination rested. Inwardly sighing, Kyev readied the horses and mounted Vazsilvyar, who gave a snort of anxiousness. The big warhorse was rather energetic and could be described as a hot-blooded, mad-for-it, bastard of an animal. One of the reasons he had bought him off that shifty-eyes Xiak herdsman in the first place. Checking the sky again, Kyev said a quick prayer to the spirits of this land and to the skyfather before riding on. He was still a day and a half from Almsmuth and if he wanted any sleep tonight, he needed to reach the Oburke River where it bent north up towards its source in the mountains before sunset. Double checking his leather and bark bowcase, his two 48 arrow quivers, the two pole take-down lance resting in special holding hooks on the right side of his war-saddle, his lassos and bolos, and of course his single-edged, basket-hilted backsword sheathed on his left hip, he set Vazsilvyar to an easy loping canter.
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"More than a simple knight, I see. That's reasonable enough. Go searching and you might find some things, but I have no reason to deceive you." He kept his attention on Aldus while he spoke, and just caught the end of what Kyoto had said. "That may be true, but you sure look and act like a calf. " He chuckled softly and looked back toward Altus, stepping forward slowly and pulling his hands out of his sleeves, exposing his almost human hands. "How do you do your magic, Human?"
"My magic power is granted by my god and as long as I hold up my end of the oath they can be used however I wish to further my own ends. What my spells require differ between them, but I don't require much for this particular trick. Just a few moments, concentration, and nothing to obstruct it." Aldus explains. This was indeed one of the simpler bits of magic when it came to required components. Any others required some combination of verbal, somatic, and material components along with the holy symbol that hanging around his neck underneath his plate mail. It was probably obvious that he needed to stay within Aldus' line of sight so the human didn't even bother bringing it up. "I generally reserve most of my magic for use only when needed, but I'll make an exception." He rarely bothered ever using his detection anything that wasn't one of the more common humanoids, since the taint on most of the monstrous types was loud and clear even without magic aid. Hiwever, so far this minotaur seemed different.
A guarded camp off the beaten path...

The Elf had been forced into a large cage on wheels that was also home to dozens of battered and antsy Goblins, she had shifted time and ant time again inside this cramped cage until resorting to stay in the very center. The reason for her constant movement was the painted Orc, Pugrish. She'd nearly been able to pass out against one of the cage walls over the sounds of the Orc Mercenaries singing tales of violence and fun, but had awoken to the sickening sounds of wet teeth. She'd scrambled to the opposite and turned to see the ends of some of her end slip out from the giggling Orc's mouth, he'd been chewing on it.

Despite her retreat, he just gave her this crazed grin and shifted along the carriage towards the cage wall she was now against. Seeing his intent, she shifted once more faster. Pugrish just sped up to reach her, and they continued this for a bit before she decided to reside in the center near the majority of the weakened Goblins. Pugrish's mad giggles and constant staring ruined any chances of sleep.

The cage carriage was lined up with several other carriages each had several Orcs enjoying ale and tales, with even more surrounding a fire pit constructed several yards away from the carriages. At the head of the feast was Ashgarn, finishing the severed toe of the troll they'd killed several days ago. Raising a hand to quiet the talking of his underlings, Ashgarn stood and smirked with congealed blood still tinting his lips.

"My boys!" Ashgarn called out to the Orcs as he lifted a tankard with his free hand "It pleases me in all the right ways to see you deliciously ferocious bunch enjoying yourselves so much! So please, fill up one anything and everything you wish, for we soon will be off to Almsmuth to drop off our pretty little prisoner."

Cheers arose, which Ashgarn encouraged before calling for silence once more "I just wanna say how... satisfying you all have been acting for papa Ashy."

The sounds of Skun's angered sighs could be heard, but many ignored them.

"So to the Calmari Cleavers!" Ashgarn rose the tankard "Let us come across even more mettle in the near future!"

Orcish cheers followed Ashgarn's toast as the Calmari Cleavers continued their little party, soon to be followed by their continuation of the journey to Almsmuth.
Eldruir had remained silent after his initial introduction but his patience was beginning to wear thin. "ENOUGH." He bellowed, out of nowhere. The dwarf, still standing with his back to Eldruir, jumped and dropped his axe. "We have to be on our way dwarf, and you're wasting my time." The elf turned and stomped his way back to the wagon.

"Wha' didja say boy?" The dwarf called after Eldruir indignantly. "And who exactly do ya think ya are?!" The elf turned back to see a very pink faced dwarf staring him down. Apparently this affront to the dwarf's honor was a more immediate threat than the minotaur standing directly behind him because the dwarf was no longer paying Asterion any attention. "I'm the one that hired ya, I'm the one that brought you this far, and I'll be DAMNED if some pansy elf is gonna tell me how to run my own operation!"

That was it. That was enough.

Eldruir picked up his spear with lightning speed and sent the back end of the shaft crashing into the dwarf's thick skull. He hit the ground with a dull thud. The elf looked down at the pathetic figure in the mud without sympathy for a moment, trying to decide if they REALLY needed him to find what they were looking for in Almsmuth. After a second, he sighed and lifted the dwarf's unconscious body into the back of the wagon. He dusted off his hands and turned to the rest of the group. "Please, join us if you'd like Asterion. I would never turn down help from one with strength like yours. As for the rest of us, we must be on our way... now." He didn't raise his voice but his tone was enough to show the group that he was prepared to give no quarter on this issue.

@JayKuro @Frostbite @CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18
The minotaur listened intently to Aldus as he spoke, waiting patiently to see exactly what ye was going to do. Despite his interest in the paladins holy magic, Asterion couldn't help but turn his attention toward the quick altercation between the elf and the dwarf. He did not expect such an a direct action from the young elf, and couldn't help himself as a deep laugh resonated from his core. "I've been itching for action, and I like the way you work. What's the job, and how much does it pay?"

Asterion waited for his answer, and then started to slowly walk in the direction that the carriage had been traveling. Eldruir made it clear that they were not to waste time, and that suited the minotaur nicely. He was not one to sit around, when the time could be used instead to make money. He glanced from his left to his right gradually, taking in the natural scenery that surrounded him. The thought of entering a city, especially a large Dwarven city, was not exactly one that he was fond of. That considered, there was an emptiness in his stomach that seriously needed to be filled.

@CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @String Theory @JayKuro
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"Anyone that wishes to continue on this quest should return to the wagon." Eldruir directed to the group as he adjusted the horses' tack. "I know the path to Almsmuth. I will lead the way." He once again placed his palm on the two horses' necks and touched their minds with his own.

The minds of animals were deceptively similar to the minds of the sentient races. They felt emotions, cherished memories, and loved one another. The first major difference between a prey animal's mind and his own that Eldruir had noticed was that prey animals very rarely relied on their sight. A sudden movement might cause a horse or rabbit to run but not because they know what the threat is but, rather, that there might be any threat at all. Instead of thinking in pictures, most prey animals thought with their olfactory senses. It only took a small amount of deception to convince the two horses that they smelled the freshest grain in the land just down the trail to Almsmuth. "Now you won't have to suffer any more beatings from that liquor soaked beast." Eldruir whispered to the horses in elvish.

He motioned for Asterion to join him at the head of the convoy. "The promised reward is great." He told the minotaur, trying to keep his voice too low for any of the rest to hear. "And if we find success," He continued, "You will receive my cut as well. You know the loss of a companion." Eldruir kept his gaze low. "I suspect that someone I care for is in danger and every second wasted is another second closer to her death." He looked up into Asterion's eyes suddenly, his own eyes Burning with conviction. "I will NOT allow that to happen. Do you understand?"

@Frostbite @JayKuro @CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @GrieveWriter
"Very certainly," Asterion briefly stated as he nodded his head at Eldruir. What the elf said to him truly hit home, knowing just how he felt. He wasn't sure about the details, but he could tell from his look that he was determined to reach his goal. "You have my aid, for now. Prove your worth and you may have it for longer." He finally broke the stare and looked forward, adjusting his armor slightly as he walked, keeping pace with the horses. "What is it that we are after, exactly? Aside from your companion, that is." He kept his eyes forward, his heavy steps sinking his hooves slightly into the mud each time. "I've done business at Almsmuth before, but rarely have I walked its streets. As you just saw, those that live within the mountain are not fond of my kind."

Come to think of it, there aren't many places left around this region where I haven't done business. A brief flood of memories and excursions from his past surged through his mind, and he lost himself in the reverie for a moment. He was pulled back to the present at the sound of Eldruir's voice, surveying the forest around their party as he spoke.

@CoreyXIX @String Theory @JayKuro @StoneWolf18
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Kiyoko laughed a bit at what remained of the dwarf. The elf was the last one he expected to do that and it honestly surprised him. He hoped back in the wagon glad to get out of the mud and left the door open for the others to follow if they were going to.

He didn't have any loved ones at stake but he had already accepted the mission and it would feel really weird if he quit now. They hadn't even done anything, besides he wanted a new experience besides stealing and selling himself.

He looked out the window once more as he waited to get back on track. 'I'm glad the dwarf is out the way, we wouldn't have gotten anywhere if he stayed with us.' He thought wondering if that was really true. "So what type of gem are we looking for anyways?" He asked loud enough for the others to here. He wasn't sure if the dwarf had already said but if he did Kiyoko certainly wasn't paying any attention.

@String Theory @Frostbite @CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18
Aldus got back in the wagon, appreciating the end result of them moving but yet quite the methods used to do so. Since the dwarf wasn't exactly in any real danger he wasn't going to try to use any of his magic on him at the moment. Nor did he think too well of the elf pulling the minotaur to the front to try and discuss things in secret. Last time he dealt with people who did things like this in quick succession it did not end well. Was the elf really just like the other "meatheads" after all? Time would tell. If so, this job probably take too long to finish anyway.

His thoughts were interrupted by the lad's questions. "Beats me, ask the dwarf." Aldus remarks wryly while he looks at the knocked out former driver of the wagon. With a hit like he took, it wasn't like he was going to be up soon. Probably long enough to make headway towards their destination.

@String Theory @JayKuro @StoneWolf18 @Frostbite
For the next few hours the group was silent and the sounds of the forest could be heard all around them. The elf and minotaur walked in front of the covered wagon with the horses, and Vera followed behind. The path weaved through the trees and, after a while began to climb. Patches of ice and snow gradually began to replace the grass and the trees had fewer and fewer leaves on them. Before long the silhouette of an enormous mountain began to fill the sky.

Far to the north, a shadowy creature cowered in the corner of a stone cell, shadowed by three silhouettes. "B-but it was not our fault my liege! You see, she re-" The creature was cut off by the cracking of a whip and its own wretched cries of agony. "Please my lord!" It screamed, "We are not the only ones searching for it! Word has gotten out thanks to-" Again the whip tore into the beast's flesh and again it screamed. For a while it was silent. A faint, yet steady dripping of water could be heard echoing off of the walls of the dungeon. Finally the creature spoke again, pausing periodically to gasp for air. "Your son... he just had... to have the whore... didn't he?" The beast raised its broken and bleeding face and grinned a toothless grin. "Well now... he doesn't have the necklace... or the bitch... does he?" The creature managed to get one cackle out before a spear pinned his throat to the wall.

@CoreyXIX @Frostbite @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro
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It didn't take a genius to know that they were getting oh so close to their destination with the slowly changing scenery. As Aldus idly watched out one of the windows he could feel a little of the chill creeping in, although whether it was legitimately that cold or just his body protesting in thought of the cold was unclear. He couldn't blame his body if it were the latter, given that he wasn't getting any younger. All the snow and ice reminded him of some of the old hunting trophies that had been in his late order's building. It was a fond memory, hearing some of the stories in his youth regarding some of those hunted animals. The memories of stories of witches and other spiritual creatures with a taste for sentient flesh that lurked the snowfields, not so pleasant. He had the fortune of never encountering either if they had existed, and hoped for it to stay that way.

By this point, most of the alcoholic drink in his waterskin was long gone. If it weren't for how watered down the stuff was he would probably would have been feeling something other than the slight buzz and some of his unease disappearing. He didn't need anything strong during their travels anyway because it could compromise his effectiveness if anything happened. He ties off the waterskin and drops it back into his pack before leaning back on the wagon's wall. A mountain had finally come into view and was enough to divert his attention from thoughts of what could be to what currently was. "So, is our destination up there in the mountain?" he called up to the front of the wagon where some of the others were.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
Kiyoko had fallen alsleep a few minutes after they had started traveling again. He had brought his knees to his chest burying his head on them and wrapping his arms around his knees as well locking them into place. Not only was the position comfortable to him but he also didn't need them to see his sleeping face just yet, some of the other thieves told him he looked really cute while sleeping and he hated the fact that they had been watching him.

He had felt the degrees drop little by little as they got closer to their destination although he didn't particularly mind. If anything he actually preferred the cold to warm weather as he found it to be much more soothing to be cold than burning up.

He stayed in and out of consciousness staying alert in case anything happened. He has heard the question Aldus had asked although he had no clue as to what the answer was so he stayed asleep falling back into a semi conscious state.

@String Theory @CoreyXIX @Frostbite @StoneWolf18
"Yes." Eldruir called back. "It shouldn't be much longer now. We should set up a camp outside the city walls soon. It won't be safe for many of us inside." Aldus would be fine in this town of dwarves but Eldruir knew that Asterion would be less than welcome among the miners and the elf worried for Vera and Kiyoko. They seemed soft to him. He would not stop them from doing what they pleased but he had resolved to keep them safe if he could while they stayed together. Wittingly or not, they were helping him and he owed them his protection.

The group crested a ridge and suddenly the trees disappeared completely. The party was faced with an open field leading to nothing but grey. Massive was no word to describe the size of this wall. It stretched out farther than the eye could see and, upon close inspection, it was covered with dwarven runes. Strange lanterns that glowed unnatural colors dotted the base and crest of the barricade and a wide path led to a wooden gate and portcullis. To the left, Eldruir eyed a small copse of thick bushes that looked like it could potentially conceal a group of their size. They were still about a mile from reaching the gate itself so Eldruir reasoned that it should be safe enough. He directed the horses behind the vegetation and set to work gathering materials for a fire. The sun was setting rapidly and they had much to discuss before the morning came.

@StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite @CoreyXIX
As they walked in silence and the weather began to grow colder, Vera wished the temperature wouldn't drop all much considering she wasn't built for either extremes. Yeah she had felt with snowfall before, but that was usually huddled around a rather large fire and foraging when necessary. This combined with a long walk and still being a bit damp...there might be a problem. Though once Eldruir led them behind a thick patch of bushes and began to start on a fire, she picked a spot and let herself fall onto her right flank with a subtle groan. The frozen ground was cold but the centaur relished being off of her hooves. She had made quite the trip to the last cursed city yesterday and now another of equal or greater length today. "I'm assuming we still have a bit left to go?" She asked the elf wearily.

@String Theory @JayKuro @Frostbite @CoreyXIX
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While the elf was preparing and gathering things for a fire Aldus set to work on setting up a simple alarm trap. Taking a few small bells, some string, and a few stakes from his pack he set to work. Unfortunately he would have enough for only three sides instead of the four he wanted. Guess he would have to improvise later. On each side the routine was simple. Put one or stakes in in the ground at a decent distance from each other, tie string around them, then attach the bell to the tightly tied string. Anything that made contact with the string would sound the bells and surely wake one of them in time. After a couple minutes, he had them set up on tge side of the brush where they entered and the two sides. Now, to deal with the open remaining side...

Right, sticks! Not the best, but it would work in a pinch and he wouldn't have to pack them up later. Aldus starts grabbing some small sticks that weren't fire worthy and scattering them about the remaining side of their camp by opposite side where they came in. When he was done he took a look around at his handiwork. Against anything unwary this would be fine, and he hadn't seen anyone follow them, so only they would know about these.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
With a thick cow hide, his armor, and the cloak, Asterion was barely effected by the subtle changes in temperature. He was happy for the cold, if anything, because the ground was hardening up as they rose in elevation and the air grew crisper. He walked in silence, his mind reeling with thoughts of all that he had done and all that he would achieve before his eventual goals could be realized. Soon, I will return. He clenched his sword fist tightly, almost as if to grip the blade that was still in its sheathe as this brief thought came to mind. "You're right about that, you know. The dwarves were not fond of my presence last time I had to enter. I barely made it back out." His dark eyes scanned the length of the wall, his gaze fixating on the main gate. "That was many years ago, but it looks as though nothing has changed."

He followed behind as they made their way into the patch of brush. He leaned against a tree for a few moments, watching to see what the others would do. When Eldruir left, and Aldus began to set the alarm traps, he quietly took his leave and stepped away into the trees. He walked slowly, without any sort of conviction, eyeing up potential firewood along the way. He also kept his eyes and nose open, occasionally stopping to listen to the sounds that filled the woods and gently taking in their smells. He saw more than a few tracks along his way, but nothing promising. Suddenly, he heard a rustling from behind him and saw a fat rabbit dashing through the underbrush past his legs. The minotaur moved quickly, almost pouncing on the small animal as he scooped it up in his hands. He looked at it for a second, the visible fear in the animals eyes being one that he was all too familiar with. He took no pleasure in killing that which could not defend itself, but he quickly snapped its neck and ended the terror. He took some string from his pack and tied it around the animals legs, slinging it around his neck in order to free up his hands.

On the walk back toward their makeshift camp, Asterion picked up plenty of sticks and small logs that would keep the fire burning for at least a couple hours. He approached the group slowly, watching for the bell traps that the paladin had set. He stepped over them carefully, and dropped the firewood toward the center of the small clearing. He turned around and walked back toward the edge, sitting down with his back against a tree and glancing between each party member. He retrieved a small knife from his pack, and began to skin the rabbit in plain sight.
Kiyoko stepped out the wagon having to use the bathroom really badly after having fallen asleep. "I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom." He said to the others watching over the bell alarms and went to find a suitable place to pee. If Vera were t there he probably would have peed right there on the other side of the bushes but she figured she probably wouldn't want that.

He felt the degrees drop even more while he was sleeping but he was fine with it. He had been outside almost butt naked in worse. He found a suitable place that was far enough so they wouldn't see but close enough that he could run back quickly if their were any problems.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @CoreyXIX @Frostbite
Getting the fire started in this weather was difficult to say the least. Most of the dead timber that Eldruir had come across seemed dry to the touch but contained small pockets of ice within them that kept it from burning for long. The elf was forced to burn more tinder than he would have liked to burn off the excess water and the result was a thick black smoke that rose from their camp like a beacon, alerting anyone nearby to their presence. Finally the fire came to life and the smoke died down. The elf pulled a small portion of hard bread from his pack and sat down on a suitable rock near the fire to eat.

"We are looking for a pendant with a ruby embedded in its center." Eldruir said, after he had finished his meal. He didn't look at anyone in particular, instead choosing to gaze into the fire. "At first glance it will look like nothing special but look closely at the jewel and you will be able to see elvish runes drifting within it." The elf stood and walked to a nearby tree where he sat and closed his eyes to meditate for the night. "Whoever comes across the thief first would do well to be wary." He said before drifting off. "That gem contains knowledge that no man should ever carry."

@CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @Frostbite @JayKuro
While their elven companion had been preparing Aldus had been slowly taking off his full plate, part by part. Anyone who wore full plate for any real period of time would attest how troublesome it could be to don or remove it solo but the human had to do it many times since he left his homeland. When each part was finally removed he placed it on his bed roll to reduce the amount of potential dirt and rust that would accumulate. The cold air rushing to meet the unarmed parts of his body hit him with full force as each part was taken off. Finally, he was down to his tunic, breeches, boots, and the thin chain shirt that hung slightly loose on his torso. A few faded were visible along his arms and one by the bottom of his neck, remainders of old encounters.

While he listened to the elf he had been working on maintaining his sword, using his whetstone to ensure it stayed sharp. How exactly did this elf know what they were looking for, since the dwarf hadn't bothered to give that much detail? Alas, asking his question would go to waste since his potential interviewee was decided to sleep immediately after. Grumbling a bit to himself he sheathes his blade after he finishes sharpening it. "I'll take first watch for the night. The rest of you can go ahead and get some sleep." Aldus says, saying in a tone that wasn't a demand yet heavily implied he was going to do it whether anybody wanted him to or not.

@String Theory @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro @Frostbite
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Skinning and gutting a rabbit is a simple, straightforward task, but it sure leaves a mess on your hands when you're finished. Asterion cleaned and hung the rabbit pelt over a nearby tree branch to dry, separating the meat and disposing of the rest. He used his small knife to sharpen a branch and skewer the pieces of rabbit meat, roasting them slowly on the edge of the fire when it finally began to burn without smoke. He glanced at the paladin a few times while he undressed himself, having a better chance to actually look at his armor.

Asterion ate in silence, shifting his gaze from the edge of the bushes to Eldruir when he suddenly began to speak. He listened intently, glad to finally get a straight answer on what he had become a part of. The description definitely made this more interesting, as he knew that a jewel like that must contain some inner power. "Wake me when you wish to rest, human." Asterion said toward Aldus briefly.

He stood and walked back to the tree that he had sat against earlier, taking his cloak off and hanging it on a high branch. He finally exposed his body; the light brown leather armor that covered his appendages with tough steel plates wherever they were applicable. Light fur showed through the separations between each appendage.

Perhaps the most interesting was the dark breastplate he wore, faded from sunlight and fire, a myriad of scratches and dents littering the surface of the once proud piece of armor. He slowly took it off, leaning it up against a nearby stump along with his pack. His weapons he kept nearby; both the large swords he carried at his right side, and his buckler on his left side. He leaned back against the base of the tree, sitting with his head up and one eye open slightly. If something happened, he would be ready. For a while, at least, until he fell asleep.

@String Theory @CoreyXIX @StoneWolf18 @JayKuro
Kiyoko soon returned and sat down near the rest of the group. He soon repositioned himself and lay on his stomach finding it much more comfortable even if the ground was cold.

He had heard what Eldruir said about the gemstone and was glad he had been listening at that time. He wondered how exactly Eldruir knew that much, unless he had been informed more about this quest then they had. He wasn't tired considering he had just woken up from a sleep, but he wasn't going to argue, he would simply stay awake until he was once again tired.

He gazed into the fire watching the flames as they danced around each other entertaining him. He swung his legs unconsciously as he watched the flames barely remembering to blink, almost like being enchanted. This always happened if he gazed at fire, it was nothing to worry about unless he was too close to it, luckily this time he was not and he continued to gaze into it before he stopped and sat up as though he had suddenly lost all interest in it.

@String Theory @CoreyXIX @Frostbite @StoneWolf18
A soft creaking sound broke the silence that surrounded the group. At first it was impossible to hear over the crackling of the fire but it slowly grew louder. Subtle groans joined the clamor as well as a sort of banging sound. Eldruir snapped out of his trance and looked around for the source but he didn't have to look for long. The slurred profanities that erupted from the carriage a second later told him everything he needed to know. Silently, the elf stood and began to make his way to the now semi-conscious dwarf. When he passed by Asterion and Aldus he stopped. "I have told you what it is that we seek." He directed at them. A dark look had come over Eldruir's face. "Now I intend to find out why a dwarf seeks it." The elf looked them both over, trying to judge their constitution. "This will likely be... unpleasant for the dwarf... If needs be, will you help me?"

Eldruir knew that he was in no place to ask for their help but torture was not something that he ever thought he would have to stoop to. He entertained the idea that the dwarf might willingly give up the information that he sought but quickly threw those thoughts aside. Dwarves, he knew, were not renowned for their willingness to negotiate. He tried not to think of what would happen if and when he did learn what the dwarf's intentions were. They had to be sure that he would not contact his employers and there was really only one way to do that...

@JayKuro @StoneWolf18 @CoreyXIX @Frostbite

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