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Realistic or Modern The Mansion [Accepting]

*Frankie sits, her head resting her hand as she cradles the bowl in her lap* I'm trying to find something good for Mars, my new pet. But can't quite figure it out...this seems much too cakey for him. what about you? *looking to Sheng as she breaks from her cooking thoughts for a moment* 
"Nothing really much. After I eat, I'm going outside to play my oboe." Suzume gestured towards her black instrument case. "I never really caught your name. What's your name?" Suzume asked. She got up to get a fork, then sat back down to eat the salad. 
"My name is Sheng Peterson. " The monk in training said as he slowly ate his one bowl of rice. As part of his training Sheng was trying to get used to only eating one meal a day and that meal was rice. It wasn't very nutritious, but it was something he would get used to.
"Weird to see a Asian-esque first name paired up with such an American name. Kind of kills it." Suzume shrugged. She picked at the cherry tomato and bit into it, the insides exploding. 
"Well, my mother was Japanese and my father American. She thought it would limit my opportunities if I was burdened with her family name so she changed it to my father's last name." Sheng explained as he finished up eating. Looks like he would have plenty of dishes to do later.
Seconds later, Suzume finished her salad. She got up and placed the dishes in the sink. "Thank you for the salad, Sheng. I'm going to practice my oboe now, you'll probably hear me in the distance." She smiled, holding her hands in front of her then politely bowed. She galloped over to her black cloth instrument case then picked it up. Suzume exited out the back door, quickly shutting it behind her. From the window of the kitchen, you could see her making her way to the end of the backyard. There was a door there as well. The door led to the raw nation beyond the mansion and human settlement. Suzume went her way through the forest. Leaves scattered the ground as more tumbled down or swept swept away by the autumn breeze, discarded like last seasons fashion. Branches above interlocked and grew thickly, only small ray of sunshine break through. 

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Sheng returned the gesture with a small bow of his own and started washing the dishes. As he washed the dishes Sheng watched as Suzume made her way into the forest. He decided that after he was done with chores he would join her in the area and meditate among nature. Perhaps it would grant him some insights, or at the very least it would be very relaxing.
*Frankie opens the cupboard under the sink to reveal a weird looking bin, she threw the bowl and it's contents into the bin which proceeded to grind and chop before standing up and walking into the garden to add to the compost heap. It then returns to it's spot under the kitchen sink* 

*Frankie returns to her room to come up with a new recipe* 
Cheyenne walked in the house holding her heels in her hands and her purse in the other.  She always stayed out late. And despite always staying out late she always kept her appearance up.

"Famillllyyyyy im hooommmee" she yelled out in a melodious tune smiling walking through the front door
As Sheng finished the dishes Sheng called out, " Welcome home, you've just missed breakfast. Are you hungry?" He asked as he shut the water off.


As Drake and Dawn got home, she ran to see whether lunch was ready, so she was allowed to eat sweets again. As she watched some TV as she waited, she realized it was pretty late, so make her own lunch - cereal and orange juice. 
"Hiya Dawn," Lucas said as she flew through the house, "hey, I found these in my room, wanna try one?" He asked tossing her a chocolate.

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Suzume finally found her spot. It was on top of a small mountain, she was traveling on a small dirt path that spiraled up to the top. At the top there was a cherry blossom that was slowly losing its flowers. Suzume set up her music stand and her music. She opened up her case and wet her reeds with water. She sat under the cherry blossom and breathed in the scenery.
Sheng took a deep breath as everyone started getting back from their trip, " Lunch will be in a few hours dawn. Please be patient. I'm going to go outside to meditate so come find me if something happens." Sheng said to anyone within earshot before heading out the door and using the same path his Oboe playing fellow resident has used. Breathing a sigh of relief once he was outside with nature Sheng continued down the path until he heard the sound of an instrument and followed it.
Sashii squealled happily as she ran out of her room dragging her Stuffie behind her as she ran to the stairs and bent down turning around and slowly putting a foot on a stair case then the next and the next till she got to the bottom of the stairs then giggled as she ran through the house the little pitterpatter of her feet going through the house as she ran for the back door. "Papa! Papa! Papa!"she yelled as she struggled to push the door open and get through eventually getting stuck in the door groaning as she called for him

Sheng stopped halfway through his walk when he heard Sashii calling for him. He was sure she would stay asleep till lunch. Oh well he could take her with him. Doubling back it took Sheng a couple of minutes to get back to Shashii and help her out of the door. Picking the little one up and cradling her Sheng made his way back to his usual meditation spit in the forest, " Good morning Sashii did you sleep well?" Sheng asked as he walked.

@Daniel reaving
Sashii smiled happily when sheng lifted her up and cradled her making her smile happily as she cuddled her stuffie. "Yup papa!"  She said happily as she giggled up at him happily as she kicked her legs happily while staring up at him

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Sheng chuckled, " Good I'm glad. We'll get some good in you here soon. First let's go have fun in nature." Sheng said as he put Sashii onto his shoulders. This way she could see everything better and it was easier for him to move through the forest to his usual spot. Once again Sheng began following the distant sound of the Oboe.
AJ was sitting in her room playing Xbox and getting hungry. She started running downstairs, yelling "When are we gonna eat?" as she ran. She slid down the last flight of stairs on the railing, landing gracefully, and asked "Did anyone hear me?"

@SleepyBuddha @Daniel reaving @Aveilthe
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Suzume's sounded as if a woodland fairy had played the instrument. Suzume closed her eyes and listened close to her playing. She made every note beautiful. Even the pure silence was breath taking. Suzume finally breathed in and finalized her playing, only a whole note ringing out throughout the forest. The whole note ended quietly, letting the rustling of leaves and croaking of frogs and the singing of insects filling in the empty silence of her oboe.
Sheng managed to find Suzume and her beautiful Oboe playing right as her song ended. Setting Sashii down from his shoulders Sheng gave a light applause to the performance, " As beautiful as always Suzume. I hope you don't mind if the little one and I join you for a bit. " Sheng said rolling out a mat against the grass which he then proceeded to sit on. 

@Daniel reaving @Aveilthe

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