The Madness Gets To You



"Its merely child's play my good friend..."

Amanda Kay


Age: 13

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

Height: 4'9

Weight: 89lbs

Personality: Amanda is usually very quiet when she wanders about, not wanting to be seen. When around other people she tries her best not to freak them out which usually doesn't go well due to what she wears on a daily basis. The amount of isolation has weakened her social skills, causing her to not be able to communicate well and not know right from wrong. She tries to stay neutral though is easily manipulated to do either good or evil.



Amanda is able to alter her enemys perception to view their darkest fear, or bring up something heartbreaking from their past...

Ex. She could cause a villian to see a deceased close relative to try to weaken them so that she could attack.


Pretty much self explanatory, she can move stuff with her mind!

_Enhanced Vision_

Allows her to see father than normal people... Kinda useless since she wears the mask all the time!!!

Skills: Her skill set is quite small besides the fact that she has pretty good control of her powers for her age. Being as anti social as she is, she has alot of free time.

Weakness: She is easily manipulable, bribing her could have her stop attacking or even pull her to the opposite side (Good to Evil or Evil to Good)

Surprising her, you could shoot her when she isn't expecting it and wouldn't have time to react to stop the bullet.

Any element that couldn't be easily manipulated by her powers such as gasses and liquids.


*Her Gas Mask of course

*A straight jacket 

*A small pistol as a last resort 

*An mp3 player w/ headphones

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